Dear One,
Don't capitalize your thoughts on your own imperfections or the imperfections of other people. Instead, capitalize your thoughts on My love for you and for everyone. My love is so intense and pure that it totally encompasses you and your whole life. (I Corinthians 13:13)
I do not seek to find imperfections, sins, iniquities or trespasses of My children. That is what your spiritual enemy does. Instead, I seek to implant My love into you so deeply that you will be baptized and immersed in My love and then become flooded with the knowledge of My ways, thoughts, attitudes and actions toward you and all of My creation.
My intense love for you swallows up all of your situations and your circumstances because I desire to work constantly in your behalf to bring My kingdom into your life when you seek Me with your whole heart. To seek Me is to seek My love for you.(Ephesians 3:14-17)
Instead of thinking about any negative attributes of people, including yourself, only consider what I have done for you, am currently doing for you and will do for you according to My promises. The time will come when you have seen My works in your life to such a degree that you will be so firmly established in My love that no event, no circumstance, no situation and no person can rob you of that knowledge. (Romans 8:38-39) Then you can pass My love on to others because everything in your life has been restored to perfection and redeemed from the former family curses which produced unfortunate circumstances in your life. It all starts with the knowledge of My love for you. (John 13:35)
Once you are firmly planted in love, you will not have to strive to pass it on. It will flow from your inner being where I live in you. It will flow without any effort on your part because the light of My love cannot be confined. Love will flow from you like the River of Living Waters that it is. It must, I say it must break out of the earthly containers and flow outward to others.(John 7:38-39)
My love cannot be selfishly contained and become stagnant because it is the leaven that is spoken of in the parable, it will leaven all of your entire being, your situations, your circumstances, your life, your family and your world as a result of leavening your spirit, soul and body. (Matthew 13:33)
Knowledge without love merely puffs up a person. Becoming intimately acquainted with My love will set you high on the hill of My kingdom and bring all of My blessings into your life because you have become flooded with Me and My life changing love. (Ephesians 3:18-20)
Your Loving Father
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