Sunday, February 8, 2015


Dear One,
   When the enemy of My children, the devil, comes in like a flood, the standard that Jesus lifts up is the standard of love. There is no other standard that He taught.  He always taught My love.  The standard behavior of Jesus was love toward all of humanity.  He exemplified My love and forgiveness when He said on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing."(Isaiah 59:18-19)
   My standard actions are always love toward My children who are created in My image.  My only condemnation and judgment are toward the devil and his demons who torment My children.  So the standard actions of My children toward others who are used by the devil are the standard of love. loving others as I love you.  (Matthew 5:44-48)
   My Spirit taught that truth through Paul, one who had previously been used as an instrument of evil to destroy My children.  After Paul became filled with My Holy Spirit, he realized that My children should never battle against flesh and blood, like he had previously done, but that they should only battle against the demonic principalities and powers of the air who temp My children to do their evil acts.   He said all battles should be done in your prayer closets, praying at all times and in all seasons in the Holy Spirit.  When My children stop fighting each other and start battling against the devil and his demons by praying in the Spirit, then evil will be defeated in all areas of their lives. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
   The minute My children battle against My children who are made in My image, they depart from Me and join in with their demonic spiritual enemies, battling against their earthly sisters and brothers.  They will be consumed by the evil who tempted both sides.  It has been like that from the beginning when the first man allowed the devil into the earth to deceive My children and engage them in wars against each other.  Yet, My children who do not know Me glorify wars as actions of patriotism.  Glorifying wars glorifies the devil and his works. (James 4:1-11)
    Jesus said that not everyone will enter into My kingdom except those who do My will.  My will is that love will always be the standard actions of My children because I am love. (Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:4-5) He said that even if they cast out demons, prophesy and do many works, I will say to them that they departed from Me by doing works of iniquity; therefore, they withdrew themselves from My protection because they changed sides from the side of good to the devil's side of evil thoughts, attitudes and actions.   (Matthew 6:20-24; Isaiah 59:1-4)  They made flesh and blood their enemies instead of identifying the demons of hell as their enemies. 
   My children who place evil blockages between themselves and Me by battling with flesh and blood will not enjoy My kingdom life while in the earth.  They will wallow in destruction until the ends of their lives and wonder what happened to My blessings that they were supposed to inherit. They never actually knew Me intimately, neither knew the Power of the Holy Spirit nor the New Covenant scriptures.  (Mark 12:24)
   A standard is an element by which to measure excellence of character.  Jesus proclaimed His standard when He told you to love others as He and I love you. (John 13:34) Love became the standard of My children at that time. It is the standard of My new covenant with My children.  My children should heed the command of Jesus.  When they do, My kingdom life will flood into their lives while in the earth.  (Luke 11:20)
    Your Loving Father

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