Thursday, February 5, 2015


Dear One,
  Some people find it easy to forgive others but find it difficult to forgive themselves for mistakes, for bad choices, for iniquities, for frivolously disobeying civil laws, for forgetfulness, for yielding to temptations, and for disappointing their parents, their children or their peers.  Forgiveness extends to yourself as well as to others.
  Since I immediately forgive you of any infractions, you must learn to immediately forgive yourself. Otherwise, you "beat yourself up" over something that never existed in My mind but only existed in your own mind and in the minds of others.  "Beating yourself up" emotionally is counterproductive because its effect is the same as being unforgiving toward others, it sets up the flow of hormones which will actually "beat up" your body unmercifully, causing undue chemical stress on your immune system, your peace of mind, your foundation of love and your actions toward others.  It is a result of the spirit of guilt which comes from hell. 
   I don't make you feel guilty of anything.  I am the rescuer from guilt, condemnation and judgment.  Guilt is a tool of your enemy, the devil, who exists to curse My children in an effort to rob them of their inheritance from Me. When you choose not to forgive yourself, you are plagued with guilt from hell instead of blessed with forgiveness from Me.   
   We have talked many times about forgiving others.  You need to relate being unforgiving to deeming the person guilty.  When you refuse to forgive others, you are intent on personally finding them guilty of a wrongdoing either against you or against someone you care deeply about.  You want to make that person feel like he or she deserves your condemnation and judgment.  You want to exert your being right over that person, in essence dominating him or her, and you want to see that the person is punished by you.  What happens is that you also get punished because your thoughts, emotions, attitudes and actions are negatively affected chemically by the hormones of your own body which were given by Me to protect you from apparent danger, called the fight or flight syndrome.  Instead of being righteous in the situation by letting the incident go, you want to be right, declaring the other person wrong. You fight the person instead of fighting the devil who brings the guilt to your mind.
   Refusing to forgiving yourself is even more sinister.  You become your own enemy by refusing to forgive yourself, You deny My forgiveness for you and become judge and jury of yourself.  Hospitals are full of people who refuse to forgive themselves of things they have done.  Their thoughts, attitudes and emotions have "beaten" them up by turning against them by their refusing to love themselves as I love them, thus forgiving themselves. 
   You must put your own mistakes, your bad choices, your bad actions, plus your bitterness toward others and yourself on the cross of Jesus.  He died for the sins, mistakes and bad choices of everyone.  You must forgive yourself and other people for not being perfect.  (Romans 5:8) Nobody is perfect, no, not one.  Jesus, Himself, said that even He was not good, that I am the only good Being.  That remark means that He was tempted to sin while in the earth just like other humans, but I am resident in heaven where there is no temptation by evil to sin.(Matthew 19:16-17)
   When My children seek My kingdom they seek liberty, freedom from all manner of evil.  One benefit of your finding the right key to freedom is the key of forgiveness of yourself.  When you do, you become white as snow, free of self condemnation, free of guilt and free of judgment.  I don't judge you.  You judge yourself when you refuse to forgive yourself just like you judge others when you refuse to forgive them.(Isaiah 1:18-19)
   Release yourself from the bondage to guilt and unreasonable expectations.  Forgive yourself for not being perfect.  Bring freedom into your life by releasing yourself from guilt and self incrimination.  Jesus bought that freedom for you.  Enjoy the benefits of forgiving yourself because your relationship with Me is restored immediately when you get your mind off of yourself and onto Me again.  There is perfect peace when your mind is set on Me. (Isaiah 26:3-4)
   Your Forgiving Father         
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