Sunday, February 1, 2015


Dear One,
   Parents get angry at their children if the rules of the parents are not immediately obeyed.  Often the parents are not patient with their children, knowing that it takes several times for an admonition to be given attention by the children.  Some parents give no leeway for their rules to be followed.  They will administer physical punishment with one infraction.  That is called abuse that comes from domination. (Colossians 3:21)
   Have you considered that in My Instruction Book I have repeated My admonitions, often called My commandments, many, many times by Jesus, Paul, Peter, James and others because I know that it takes many, many times for My children to understand My guidance.  The same parents who exact harsh punishment upon their own children by provoking them to anger which leads to discouragement are the ones who look into My good news and My admonitions leading to liberty, and then they go away and immediately forget My advice.  They expect quick obedience from their own children but they do not follow My advice in any measure. For instance, they discourage their own children by administering angry punishment which will eventually boomerang back upon the parents because the children will rebel. Yet, they refuse to follow My advice to forgive others for your own good.  My discipline is guidance, not harsh physical punishment.  Jesus said that his disciples are taught by His words.  My children are changed into My image by My words spoken to them.
   Many times have I said in My Instruction Book that to avoid any discord you should do good to your enemies and that you should not return evil for evil.  Yet, My children delight in doing the opposite, they oppose people who have differing opinions from them, whether socially, religiously or politically.  They delight in opposition.  Instead of doing good to others, they are proud when they return evil rhetoric for evil rhetoric aimed at them.  They fail to remember that opposing anyone will result in the opposition returning to them.  Rather than opposing someone who robs you, give him more than he asks. Jesus said if someone asks for your coat to give him your cloak also.  In doing that, you escape the wrath of the robber who will probably injure or kill you if you resist his commands.  My guidance is meant to protect My children, yet many do the opposite from what I taught. They demand absolute obedience from their own children while they do not take My advice which brings blessings instead of curses upon them.(Matthew 5:38-48)
  Earthly parents tell their children to do what they say, not what they do.  I do the opposite.  I tell My children to love those who hate them, to return good for evil because that's what I do.  I loved you when you opposed Me and I sent My good upon you when you did evil acts against which I cautioned you.  I tell you to do what I say because those things are what I do. I told My children 42 times in My Book not to return evil for evil done against them, yet My children avenge themselves and hold grudges against others who oppose them.  Then they exact severe punishment upon their own children for not obeying them instantly.  It should not be so. (Matthew 7:17-20; Luke 6:35; Romans 12:21; I Peter 3:10)
  You have the choice between good and evil.  That choice came into the earth when Adam allowed the devil to enter the earth.  Since that time, all humanity has had the choice between taking my advice and doing good versus obeying the temptations of the devil and doing evil to others.  When they follow My guidance and do My good works of love in the earth, they are in direct line to receive all of My inheritance because they are identified as My children. (Matthew 6:33)
  My children who know Me will always sow My works of goodness in the earth.  It is My good pleasure to give you My kingdom.  Make it easy for Me to complete the deliverance of your inheritance by taking My advice and following My admonitions, which are often called commandments. (Luke 12:32)
   Your Good and Loving Father   

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