Dear One,
.One of My prophesies through the prophet Isaiah was that eventually wolves would dwell with lambs, leopards would lie down with kids, lions and calves. I said that they would not hurt nor destroy in all of My holy mountain and the earth shall be full of My knowledge as the waters cover the sea. That prophesy related to My new covenant with My children when My love and My power became available to My children. (Isaiah 11:6-9)
With all of My scriptures and prophesies, you must take them spiritually. The devil is described as a roaring lion and as a wolf in sheep's clothing in My Instruction Book. (I Peter 5:8; Matthew 7:15-16)
The first thing that must happen to cause the roaring lion and wolves to lay down with the gentle sheep is that the teachings of Jesus must be followed by incorporating them into your life. He said that His words hold power with the ability to destroy the works of the devil. The dynamics of destroying the works of the devil are taught implicitely by Jesus in His first teachings and they are the way to find peace for your soul. (Matthew 10:16)
Take, for instance, what My Holy Spirit wrote through Peter. He said that your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour. That identification of how the devil works in the earth was by divine revelation. The devil tempts people and then uses them to do his work, coming against other people to rob, kill and destroy others either physically, mentally or spiritually. My Spirit told you to be sober and vigilant, humbling yourself before Me, casting all of your cares upon Me. He said that you must resist returning evil for any evil done to you and the devil will flee from you. (James 4:7-8)
Bring the teachings of Jesus into that revelation, that caution of the Holy Spirit through Peter. What did Jesus say to do to the people who are being used by the devil to rob, kill and destroy you? What did He say to do to someone who strikes you on one cheek? He did not say for you to return that evil, but to turn the other cheek. What did Jesus say for you to do to someone who robs you of your coat? He did not say for you to fight that person for your coat. He said to give him your cloak, too. What did He say to do to your earthly enemies who are being used by the roaring lion, the devil, to bring evil into your life? He said to love the people, to pray for them and to do good to them. In doing that, you will cause the roaring lion in them to lay down in submission to the good that you do and there will be peace. Your life will be preserved.
Good actions always overcome evil because I am more powerful than the father of evil. Returning good for evil done to you will cause the person who is being used to do evil to you, as tempted by the roaring lion the devil, that good will causes the other person to be overcome with good and to lay down in submission to the goodness of the lamb in you and they will turn from their evil ways. (Romans 12:20-21
You can either multiply evil in the earth or you can multiply good in the earth. Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil, and He does it in you by impressing you to love the person who is doing evil to you and to bless them instead of curse them. In so doing, loving actions by you will overcome the roaring lion who is tempting the person to do evil to you. The person will be overcome by your good acts toward him and the evil promptings from the devil will have to lay down in submission to acts of love from you. The gates of hell cannot prevail when love is given others and peace is sought.
Jesus gave you through My Holy Spirit the ministry of bringing love to others. He gave you His peace. He gave you the principles on how to keep peace with others. He gave you the ways to defeat the roaring lion who wants to devour you and My other children by creating strife. Jesus said to refuse to cooperate with evil, but instead for you to do good to those who oppose you and do evil against you. He said that you will be called My children when you do that, causing the lion in others to lay down peacefully with the lamb in you. Then My prophesy through Isaiah is fulfilled because the knowledge of My ways cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9)
Remember that My ways are not naturally your ways and My thoughts are not naturally your thoughts, but my ways can become your ways and My thoughts can become your thoughts if you will submit yourself to My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. That is what is meant when I admonished you to humble yourself before Me, eager to hear My ways which will bring peace into your life. (I Peter 5:6-7; Matthew 11:29))
Your Loving and Peaceful Father
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