Sunday, November 29, 2015


Dear One,
    Where there is unconditional love, there is joy.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is peace.
    Where there is unconditional love, there are good works.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is kindness toward others.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is gentleness toward others.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is mercy toward the ungodly.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is patient endurance with others.
    Where there is unconditional love, the faults of others are unseen.
    Where there is unconditional love, bearing burdens of others is constant.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is understanding.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is constant and instant forgiveness.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is complete acceptance of everyone.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is lightheartedness.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is no judgment or condemnation. 
    Where there is unconditional love, I am present because I am Love.
    Where there is unconditional love, My glory is present to do miracles.
    Where there is unconditional love, there is heaven on earth. (I Corinthians 13)
    Jesus told you to love others as I love you. (John 13:34)
    When you have a revelation of My love for you, I can do super, abundantly more than you dare think of imagine, according to the power of My Holy Spirit in you. (Ephesians 3:14-20)
     Love completely covers every sin, iniquity, transgression and mistake and makes them nonexistent.  That is what I do for you.  Endeavor to do the same for others and you will be known as My children, the sowers of peace.  (Matthew 5:9)
    Where there is unconditional love, My heaven is evident in your earth. (Matthew 6:10)
    Your Loving Heavenly Father

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