Dear One,
I created your world with My words and I created My children in My image to also be creators by their words. Jesus explained that truth when He taught that by your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned. (Matthew 12:35-37) He couldn't be more explicit than that. That means that by your positive, encouraging, loving, faith-filled words you will sow wonderful seeds into My kingdom of love but by your negative, discouraging, angry words you will sow seeds into the kingdom of destruction.
There are negative words that seem innocent to My children but they grow plants of destruction in their lives because they glorify the works of the devil. We have referred to them in the past as "poor me" words and martyr words. A more descriptive term is "woe is me" words. "Woe is me" thoughts, attitudes and words will invite more and more woes to come into your life. They are complaining, griping and groaning words about your situation in life, about the way people treat you, about the way you are so unlucky, about how put-upon you are, speaking griping and groaning words instead of speaking loving, encouraging words which will change the way people treat you. Changing your words to positive ones will change your station in life, which will make you lucky because you are Living Under Christ's Kindness by sowing loving seeds.
Instead of sowing woe words and glorifying the devil's works which will multiply your woes, speak words of faith and belief in Me which are testimonies of My works in your behalf. (Romans 4:20-22; II Timothy 1:12-14)
"Woe is me" words are meant to garner sympathy for you from others, making sure they know that you are unhappy and afflicted in life. Would you rather have sympathy from people because of your woes or would you rather have respect from people that comes from overcoming the woes of life by taking My advice and practicing My effective ways? That is a choice that My children must constantly make, and some of My children choose sympathy from people because it causes them to get the attention that they want. However, that attention is actually lacking in respect and admiration. Also, an additional problem is that speaking of your woes all the time will increase the woes in your life and you will never enter into My rest for your soul. You will never collect any of your inheritance from Me while you live in the earth because you are constantly sowing woe seeds into your garden of life, multiplying the woes in your life.(Galatians 6:7-9)
The children of Israel who wandered forty years in the wilderness griped, groaned and moaned about My provisions for them and it cost them 39 years of misery because of the additional years of the miserable journey that they chose by their "woe is me" attitudes. (Hebrews 3:8-19; Jude 1:15-16)
"Woe is me" seeds will invite into your life more and more woes which will curse your life from hell because "woe is me" words are testimonies to the works of the devil in your life. You are sowing to destruction when you curse your life with "woe is me" words. Those words are faithless, unbelieving, and they will increase your woes. If you continue to bind yourself to woe words, you will increase the woe situations in your life. (Matthew 16:19)
Come to Me, all of you who sow woe words into the garden of destruction and allow me to teach you how to only speak believing words of faith which elevate you in life to being blessed by me in all ways.
Your Loving Father of Truth
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