Saturday, February 6, 2016


Dear One,
    You read about the blood of Jesus and you hear about the blood of Jesus never losing its power.  So what is it about Jesus' blood that deserves such attention and reverence?
    As you well know, the blood type of a human child comes from the father of the child.  My Spirit is called the Spirit of Life.  It says in My Instruction Book that My Holy Spirit came upon Mary and impregnated her, which is called the Immaculate Conception.  (Luke 1:30-35)  My blood type is My Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Life.  Since I am the Father of Jesus, My blood type was in Him.  My blood type was in the flesh of Jesus, since it was My Holy Spirit who impregnated Mary.  In order for Him to suffer in the flesh for the sins of everyone, that was the only way that Jesus could legally come into the earth as the Son of a man/Son of God is for a human female, Mary, to be impregnated by My Holy Spirit. 
    So when you read about the power in the blood of Jesus, it is talking about My Precious Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of all life and power.  My Spirit is the One whom Jesus said is mighty and through whom My children would do greater works than Jesus did when He walked in the earth.(John 14:12)  Jesus could not implement the new birth in people because My Spirit had not been released from Him to live in the spirits of other humans.  (John 3:7-8) After Jesus came to live with Me in heaven, We sent the Holy Spirit into the earth to live in people who invite Him to live in their spirits and do mighty works in them. (John 7:37-39)
     It is through My Holy Spirit that all miracles are done in the earth.  It is through My Holy Spirit that all healings are done in the earth.  It is through My Holy Spirit that people are born of My Spirit with the ability to be changed from mere humans to people who do My supernatural works. It is through My power that My kingdom comes to live in people and recreate them into My creations. It is through My Holy Spirit that the earth was created.  (Genesis 1:1-2)
     Jesus taught that it was epedient, necessary and to be desired that He leave the earth because if He did not leave the earth that the Holy Spirit could not come to live inside of people and teach them all things.   He said that while He was in the earth that My Spirit was with his followers but when He left the earth that My Spirit would come to live inside of them.  What a glorious day that was and what a glorious day that that still is when a human being invites Me to live inside of him or her in the person of My Holy Spirit.  That is when My kingdom comes to live inside of the person and when the person becomes the temple of My Spirit with all My power resident within. (I Corinthians 6:19)  When you become a new creation, My Spirit becomes Lord of your life, bringing liberty to every area.(II Corinthians 3:16-17)
     Jesus told you the importance of My Holy Spirit when He said that a blasphemy against Him is easily forgiven, but He said that blasphemy against My Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven because to blaspheme My Spirit is to revile Me.  When a person reviles My power, the person has denied Me. (Luke 12:8-12)
     My Spirit reveals all truth to My children.  Give reverence and honor to Him, just like you give reverence and honor to Me and My Son.  He is the One who lives inside of your spirit by creating new life within you. You have no spiritual power except in My Holy Spirit.  Give to Him the honor due to Him and you will live triumphantly in the earth.
     Your Father of Love and Power       

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