Friday, February 19, 2016


Dear One,
    If you were to be walking on a leisurely stroll and saw a large nugget of gold or a large priceless jewel placed clearly in your path by another person who wanted to share wealth with you, you would be negligent in ignoring it.  You would be wise to consider the thought that I have miraculously suggested to someone to do that very thing so that you would be abundantly fortunate.       
    Some of My children in the earth are so blinded by fear and unbelief that they become immune to receiving the gift of My Holy Spirit which is clearly described in My Instruction Book in the teachings of Jesus and the prophets of old. (Joel 2:28-29) The ministry of My Holy Spirit was clearly taught about, preached about and prophesied about by Jesus and many prophets, it having even been promised that He would do the same and greater works in the lives of My children than even Jesus did.  (John 14:12-14) 
      In the chronicles of the history of the salvation of people, it was spoken of as a glorious and welcomed event which was to come when I would enter the earth to live in the spirits of people in the spiritual being of  My Holy Spirit.  That gift of spiritual gold and priceless jewels is clearly read about but often misunderstood.  Those people who do not believe it are like the ones who passed over the sharing of wealth, the gold nugget or the brilliant jewel that is specifically placed in their paths.
    Sometimes My children who are hungry for spiritual truths will read about the blessing of the Holy Spirit coming to live in their lives, will invite Him into their lives, will be gloriously blessed and then they become negligent in seeking My righteousness which is necessary so that they will become My image in the earth, fully equipped to do more of the things that Jesus said they would do.  They become earthly minded instead of spiritually minded.  They lose their first love for Me. 
     However, there are more of My children who constantly hunger for spiritual food who seek Me, seek to become intimately acquainted with me, and they have found that all of their prayers have been answered and they are delighted to pray for other people who have needs.  Those of My children who constantly seek Me are the ones who fulfill the prophesy of Jesus that they would do what He did and even more works than He did.
    My Holy Spirit is more valuable than the huge nugget of gold or the priceless jewel that I described as being placed in the paths of people.  There is no comparison in value.  My Spirit offers to you all the authority and power of My heaven.  He offers to you the same supernatural power that raised Jesus from the dead.  I encourage you to never lose your desire to seek more and more of Me and My wonders.  (Ephesians 1:16-22) 
   My Holy Spirit has the solution to all of your problems.  He has the cure for all of your diseases.  He has the wisdom necessary for you to find peace and keep it with everyone.  He has the words which bless you in your family, your nation, your city, your bank account, your animals, your storehouse, your garden and your friendships.  He has the words which open the treasury of My heaven so that you will access your full inheritance. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)
    My revelation words come to you via My Spirit.  Listen to His voice inside of you and pray in the words of My Spirit and when you ask for anything it will be done by me.
    Your Father of Great Strategy and Love  

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