Dear One,
In an atmosphere of love and peace, and when you allow Me to orchestrate events in your life through My Holy Spirit's prayer language, I am able to meet all of your wants, needs and desires because you are My child of love. That was My promise to all of My children when Jesus taught on the ministry of My very own Spirit coming into the earth to live in those of My children who invite Him to be the Lord of their lives through making His home in them. (II Corinthians 3:17;
I Corinthians 6:19-20)
Jesus was thrilled that My same strength, wisdom, insight and power that was in Him would be given to people who have a need for My powers to defeat the evil that came into the world with Adam's permission at the beginning of the world. Even though it was going to cost Jesus suffering in the human part of Him, He was excited at My plan that when He came back to live in heaven with Me again that We would send My same Spirit of power into the earth to continue His ministry of restoring love and peace in the earth and make it possible for My same Kingdom of love, peace, goodness, kindness, patience and faith to come to earth as is in My heaven. When My Spirit enters into the lives of My children, My kingdom is established in them. From that day forth, it is the duty of My Spirit filled children to be led by My Spirit and to allow My creative orchestration to be released through their mouths in a prayer language.
There are times that My enemy and your enemy, the devil, continues to do his work in the lives of My Spirit filled children unless they have yielded to My Spirit's tutoring them in the discerning of spirits and the battle tactics necessary to defeat evil in their lives. They have My private Tutor inside of them, and He is constantly warning them about the work of the devil in their minds. The father of evil puts his thoughts of judgment, condemnation, pride, strife, anger, hatred, envy, jealousy, lust, division, vengeance and other hellish attitudes in their minds and My children think those are their own thoughts and that they are harmless. They are not harmless thoughts. They are sent from hell to program your mind to do the will of the father of evil. Those are what I called the doctrines of demons in My Instruction Book. (I Timothy 4:1)
Jesus warned about having two masters. Those of My children who learn via My Spirit to discern the difference between the spirits of evil who minister his evil thoughts to their minds and My Holy Spirit who ministers to their minds My thoughts of love, mercy, goodness and kindness, patience, faith and joy will reject the programming thoughts of evil and only accept My positive thoughts that bring life.
When you learn to reject evil thoughts from coming into your mind and only think pure thoughts of truth, peace, virtue, a good report, kindness and goodness toward everyone, even your perceived human enemies, then you are on the road to inheriting all of your blessings from My kingdom of love because you have chosen My life instead of the life of the evil one.
Peter learned by experience to reject evil thoughts and to embrace good thoughts. He taught the truth that I have given to My children everything that is necessary for the abundant life and for becoming Godly in a world controlled by evil. (II Peter 1:2-11) He learned from Paul how to be led by My Spirit of love and he learned the value of praying in My Spirit. He knew that I am a Loving Father whose good pleasure is to give good gifts to My children. (James 1:17; Luke 12:32)
Be of the same mindset, that it is My good pleasure to give you My entire kingdom of blessings and that I have given to you the guaranteed way to collect the blessings by being led by My Spirit of love and praying in My Spirit of power.
Your Gracious and Generous Father
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