Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dear One,
    You know that the more you intimately know a person, the more you know about the personality and character of the person, either good or bad.  That truth applies to knowing Me.  If you only know about Me from what others say about Me, that knowledge might be partial truths or no truths. Only when you know me personally will you know My real character, My love and My power, all of which are necessary for you to have faith in Me. If you believe what some people say and write about Me, if they only know incomplete facts from someone who also did not intimately know Me but who only knows My maligned reputation from someone else, then you cannot have faith and you will not become love vessels in the earth. 
    So it went on and on like that from generation to generation under My covenant of the flesh with a nation through whom the flesh of My Son was to live while in the earth.  Not until My new covenant of My Spirit of Love living inside of  people were My children able to completely and truthfully know Me, know My love, know My power, know My character and My personality.  Even thought it was prophesied for years and years that Jesus Christ would come to earth to live temporarily in the earth to reveal My true character and destroy the works of the devil in the earth, the people of the covenant of the flesh did not recognize Him.  In fact, they crucified Him, even cheering His crucifixion.  They also did not recognize Him when He came and revealed Himself to them until He announced to them the truth of who He was. 
     When He came back to earth, not in the flesh but in Spirit in the person of My Holy Spirit, He was also not recognized as the same Spirit that empowered Him while He was in the earth.  My Holy Spirit, the same Spirit who made My Son Jesus the Christ, was again maligned and unrecognized as being Me, My promised gift to My children.  I caused prophets to prophesy My promise, that I would come and make My home in humans and Jesus Christ would come and make His home in humans in the person of My Holy Spirit.  Jesus gave great honor to My Holy Spirit when He said that it expedient, much to be desired, that He would leave the earth so that We could send My Holy Spirit to live in those people who invite Him so that He will reveal My true character, personality, power and love to them.  He is Lord in the earth now, as was written by Paul who communed only with Me for over two years in order to know Me intimately.  Paul said that his divine purpose was to become intimately acquainted with Me. (II Corinthians 3:17-18)
     My Holy Spirit is Me.  I am My Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ in My Holy Spirit.  My Holy Spirit is the Christ,  We are One.  We are not separate.  You are one person, spirit, soul and body.  I am One, three in One, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and your Father. 
     My Spirit is the revealer of all truth, the revealer of My love, the revealer of My power. (John 16:12-15)  That is what Jesus said.  If you do not submit yourself to Him as your tutor, you will never intimately know Me so that you will become My image and ask what you will, knowing that I will provide everything that you want and desire, according to the power that is in you. 
    Seek the Spirit of wisdom for a revelation of the intimate knowledge of Me, having a revelation of My hope in calling you, which is Christ in you so that you will become molded into My image. Seek Him for a revelation of the glorious riches of My inheritance for you.  Seek Him for a revelation of the power and might that I gave to you when I sent My Spirit into you. (Ephesians 1:16-22)  Seek Him for a revelation of My love for you.  My love is power, power to change you and everyone around you.  (Ephesians 3:14-20)  When My power and love are fully revealed to you and you walk in My love for everyone, My promise to you is that I am able to do super abundantly, far more than you dare ask, think or imagine, even beyond your prayers, dreams or hopes.  It is by faith and love that you inherit My promises.
     The more you intimately know Me, the more faith you have.  The more you intimately know My love, the more love you have for everyone.  In that atmosphere, I am able to bring My entire kingdom into your life.
     Your Father of Promises   

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