Wednesday, March 15, 2017


 Dear Precious Child
     My Holy Spirit desires to grow beneficial plants in My gardens of love in the world.  My gardens of love in the world are My children and the attributes of My personality and character of love are the plants sown in them which I meant to become My image to other people in the world.  Sometimes My children are slow in allowing My Spirit to implant My mercy into them because of their former programming by the devil who is the father of judgment and condemnation.  There have been weeds of judgment and condemnation sown in My gardens of love which are hard to eradicate from the minds of My children.  The demonic spirit of religion has sown erroneous images of My character into My children for generations.  My Holy Spirit sows true images of My character into the minds of My children and the revelation of My mercy replaces the weeds of judgment and condemnation to those children of mine who seek truth from My Holy Spirit's wisdom.     
    The most beneficial plant that grows in My gardens of love in the world is mercy, yet mercy is misunderstood by many of My children.  Mercy is not sympathy because sympathy produces no beneficial results.  Sympathy is merely an earthly emotion which makes a person feels sorry for others because of their pitiful living conditions in the earth.  Mercy is much higher in power than sympathy. 
    Mercy forgives every person of all of their sins, transgressions, iniquities and mistakes and sees the person committing them as clean and pure.  It is only because of the truth of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that My children can have My mercy operating in their attitudes and minds.  Having the revelation knowledge that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world is paramount in order for My children to have My mercy operating in their lives. 
     In My mind, the sins of people are not only forgiven but they are obliterated, erased and the people are so pure that it is as if they never yielded to the temptations of the devil. (Isaiah 43:25) They are completely restored to My favor and are just as pure as Adam was before he yielded to the devil.  They are as pure as Jesus was when He rose from the dead.  There is no judgment in love because love does not consider any lawbreaking. There is none because of Jesus Christ and His suffering on the cross for the sins of the whole world.  (John 3:16-17)
    When My Holy Spirit duplicates My mercy in the minds of My children and they see themselves and others through My merciful eyes, then there can be no temptation to judge anyone because of the knowledge that everyone has been forgiven.  When a thought of judgment for anyone enters into the minds of My enlightened children, the power of My Holy Spirit refuses that demonic thought and, instead, He floods the minds of My children with My thoughts, My attitudes and My actions of forgiveness and mercy for anyone who does not measure up to religious laws, the laws of society or civil laws.  All have been forgiven and are clean and pure in My eyes.  (Isaiah 1:18)
     Even though lawbreakers are pure in My eyes, they are not pure in the eyes of civil courts.  They will suffer the consequences of breaking laws.  But, in My eyes and in the eyes of My children the lawbreakers are forgiven and white as snow, forgiven as far as the east is from the west.  My mercy in My gardens of love never takes into account a wrong that is committed. (I Corinthians 13:5)  My children who are transformed into My image never capitalize on the works of the flesh in others but they capitalized their thoughts on the payment that Jesus Christ paid for the sins of the whole world, meaning every person.  (I John 2:2) Instead of seeing the sins of others, My children of love see My Son Jesus and His having paid the price for all sins.  Mercy and forgiveness are automatic in that mindset.
     The prophet Isaiah saw the coming ministry of Jesus Christ and saw that the sins of people would be forgiven because of My mercy.  He said that My children would eat the good things of the land when My mercy is fully developed in them. (Isaiah 1:19)
     If you want to enjoy good things in the earth, let My Holy Spirit fully develop My mercy inside of you.  My character is merciful and your character as My child must be merciful to others.  Jesus said that the merciful inherit mercy.  (Matthew 5:7)
     Let My mercy grow in you until you see yourself and everyone else as forgiven and as pure and white as snow.
     Your Merciful Father                

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