Monday, March 6, 2017


Dear Precious Child
    There are many keys that open the doors of My kingdom so that you may enter in and enjoy all of the inheritance that I promised to My children while they live in the earth.  You must be identified as My child, first of all.  You must have your ID card which says that you are legally My child.  It is invisible but it is no less of an ID card than the ones you have that say you are a citizen of a particular country.  On your ID card is listed your thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions, whether they are displaying My nature or whether they are displaying the character of the other kingdom from hell, the devil's kingdom.  (Galatians 5:13-26)
    When you are displaying the personality of the devil through your flesh, then your ID rejects you from receiving the inheritance that I have stored only for My children who display My personality in the earth.  When you are displaying My personality of love in the earth, then your ID identifies you as being My child and your inheritance is easily delivered to you by My angels.  If your actions identify you as doing actions from hell, then My blessings and answers to your prayers cannot be delivered to you because I threw the devil out of My heaven and his children do not qualify as inheritors of My kingdom blessings.
    Always remember that I do not keep you from your wonderful inheritance of having perfect peace and joy while you live in the earth.  It is the devil who keeps you from My wonderful inheritance that I have for you.  He incorporates your help in causing you to be rejected from a life of abundant peace, joy and love,  Incorporating you in your own destruction is his most powerful strategy.  His strategies of getting you involved in conflict, judgment, division, strife, prejudice, anger, hatred, scorn, lies and oppression work to identify you as his child instead of My child.  Therefore, you are disqualified from your earthly inheritance from Me.  You might spend eternity with Me, but your life in the earth will be the hell that the devil devises against you when he tempts you to judge and condemn people, which are his works of destruction. (Isaiah 59:1-4)
   I am always willing to restore you to My family and to My abundant kingdom blessings when you return to Me.  I welcome you home with open arms because you are like the prodigal child, enlightened by the fact that living in the devil's pig pen of curses is not what you want to do the rest of your life.   You choose, instead, to return to My family of love where My blessings from heaven are endless.
   When you are established in Me and My love for you, pouring My love love upon all humanity, and when My words of guidance that teach you how to identify the works of the devil are embedded in your mind, and when My Holy Spirit gives you the power to avoid the devil's traps, then you will have all of My blessings restored to you.  Those are workable keys to My kingdom.
    You must keep on the narrow path that leads to life and not deviate from it again by leaving to participate with the devil in his rebellion against Me and My family.  The devil will tempt you mightily to participate in his actions again. (Galatians 2:4-5)  I told My children that they must not let their freedom be a cause to listen to and obey the devil again, departing from My family.  They celebrate My forgiveness and then they often turn and make a mockery of it.  They sin intentionally with the intent to eventually return to My family over and over again.  (Galatians 5:13-18)  They live a life of curses because of trying to live a life of dual citizenship, part time children of mine and part time children of the devil.  They are never able to fully qualify for My inheritance because of their dual citizenship.  They go back and forth between freedom from sins to embracing sins again.  They receive no inheritance from Me.
    In My Instruction Book I named the DNA that identifies your loyalty to either My family or the kingdom from hell..  I said that the demonic spirits who operate in your flesh will keep you from inheriting My kingdom living while on earth.  (Galatians 5:19-21)  I also identified the spiritual DNA that identifies you as being My child, those being the fruit of My Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-26)  When My fruit is evident in your life, then My inheritance for you is easily delivered to you because your spiritual ID card identifies you as My child.
     It would be good for you to regularly identify the fruit of the flesh so as to avoid them and identify the fruit of My Spirit so as to embrace them.   My Holy Spirit wants to establish My characteristics in you so that your earthly DNA identifies you as being legally My child, recreated in My image with My characteristics all over again.
    My angels are instructed to check for your ID card which proves your DNA as being My child.  When your attitudes, words spoken and actions taken are of unconditional love, then My inheritance is poured upon you and in you, more than you dare think or imagine.  Remember that it is according to the power that is in you that you inherit My family fortune.  If the power in you is My Holy Spirit and if you are bearing the fruit of My Spirit, then all of the windows of heaven are open to deliver My blessings to you.  Prayers are answered and My will is done in your life, which is to flood you with blessings.
    Your Father Who Delights in Spoiling You    

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