Monday, July 31, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    Jesus said that His hope was that you and the rest of My children will become the light of the world, letting the light of My righteousness so shine before people what they will glorify Me.  The thought will be that people will discern that I am like My children. (Matthew 5:14-16)  The light to which He referred is the light of My reflection in you, your becoming so intimately acquainted with Me that you do what I have asked you to do, which is to love your enemies, to do good to them, to pray for them, to be peacemakers, to be merciful and forgiving, to be meek and humble, to be pure in heart and to love your enemies when you are persecuted for being My righteousness, that being to love others as I love you.  (Matthew 5:1-10;John 13:34-35)
    Jesus said that the phenomenon of My coming to earth to live in people was prophesied by the prophets and were spoken by Him.  He said that until heaven and earth pass away that none of the prophesies will pass away relating to Me and My living inside of My children, thus conforming them into My image, but that the prophesies will all be accomplished, every one of them.  (Matthew 5:18) In fact, Jesus said that He was fulfilling all of the prophesies relating to His life. 
   Then He began His powerful teachings about the behaviors of My children which glorify Me and My kingdom.   He told My children about loving your enemies, refusing to become angry, making peace with anyone who accuses you, turning the other cheek if you are struck, loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you so that you will be known as My children.  He told them that My desire is that they be perfect, just as I am perfect.(Matthew 5:48)  He said that anyone who relaxes one of the least commands relating to My new covenant of Love and teaches other people to relax even the least of His commands will be least in My kingdom family.  He challenged My children to not only do what He commanded but to also teach other people to follow them, saying those people who do them and teach others to do them will be great in My kingdom family.  He even said that their righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees or they will never enter into My kingdom.  You will note that He was talking about earthly works, doing what I command you to do to others, that if you do what He taught you to do about becoming the reflection of My light and love in the world, that you will enter into My kingdom benefits while still in the world. (Luke 11:20)
   When you become My image in the world, the witness to the world of My righteousness, only My kingdom of love will surround you and pour My blessings upon you. You are immune to the presence of evil because you listen to My words and do what I have advised you to do.  You sidestep every trap set by the devil to harness you and lead you into his kingdom of destruction and death.  Doing evil does not appeal to you because you love good instead of evil. 
    The words of Jesus will not pass away.  They are My words of guidance to lead you onto the right paths so that you will inherit all the blessings that I promised to My children.  I caused many new covenant prophets to teach the same truths that Jesus taught, amplifying them by the power of My Holy Spirit, speaking the same truths and doing My righteous actions themselves. They experienced My kingdom coming into their lives when they followed all the teachings that I spoke through My Son Jesus.  They are great in My kingdom because they have kept all the words of loving others that I commanded them to keep, and in doing it they inherited all of My promises.
   The standard of which Jesus spoke is My standard of righteousness, loving others as I love you, forgiving others as I forgive you, being merciful, kind, good, patient, faithful, joyful, loving and forever being peacemakers in the world.  All of those attitudes are the attributes of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you, conforming you into My image in the world.  When you refuse the temptations from hell but instead display My own loving character to the world, My kingdom comes into your life on earth.
   The words of Jesus are the commandments of My new covenant of Love.  They are more exacting and more glorious than the commandments under the old covenant because of the presence of My Holy Spirit inside of you, giving you the power to become My child, conforming you into My image in the world and giving you the power to refuse evil and embrace My goodness.
   Become My standard in the world, letting the light of My character shine through you so that people will see My standard of unconditional love in you and glorify Me.
   This truth was prophesied.  You must seek Me and allow My Spirit to fulfill it in you.
   Your world is looking for My standard of love.  You have the power of My Spirit to show them My standard, the standard of unconditional love. 
   Your Loving, Glorious Father

Sunday, July 30, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    So many of My promises have to do with your receiving answers to your prayers.  That is what most requests to Me involve which are made by My children.  Jesus Christ, My first son, was experienced in asking Me for things and receiving them.  That is why He so willingly told you the prerequisites for speedily getting your prayers answered.  The prerequisites are not related to My being reluctant to answer your prayers but they are related to keeping the avenues open from My heaven to your earth upon which My fulfillment of your requests depend. 
   For instance, Jesus said that if you ask it will be given to you, that if you seek you will find, and that if you knock it will be opened to you.  He even explained it by saying that no man, if his son asks for bread will give him a stone or if his son asks for a fish will be given a serpent by his father.  He said that people, being evil, give good gifts to their children, so how much more will I give good things to those who ask Me.  
   Asking is a normal thing for children to do, even My own children. (Matthew 7:7-11)  In his teaching about asking Jesus added the standard that must be accompanied by your asking.  He said "So" --- meaning that there is a prerequisite to receiving what you ask.  He said, "So what you wish that men would do to you, you must also do to them." (verse 12)   He was talking about keeping the narrow gate open that leads to the stream of blessings of life flowing to you.  That narrow gate is your behavior in the way you treat other people. 
   He had just finished teaching about judging and that if you judge someone that you will be judged by the devil using the people you judged. (Matthew 7:1-2)  In the same vein of thought Jesus added the truth about asking and receiving.  He identified the behavior that is necessary for you to treat other people when He said, "So what you wish that men would do to you, you must also do to them."  (Matthew 7:12) He proceeded to talk about the wide gate that leads to destruction and the narrow gate that leads to the abundant life that I promised My children. (Matthew 7:13-14)  In order for your prayers to be answered, Jesus said that you must treat other people the way you want to be treated for the answers to your prayers to flow down the narrow path that leads from My heaven to the abundant life for you. 
   The prerequisite to receiving the answers to your prayers hinges on sowing and reaping, sowing good seeds in the lives of other people so that you are declaring that you are on the side of good instead of evil.  The people who are on the side of good will reap the answers to their prayers.  I have to use people in My scenarios where I answer prayers so My children must always treat other people with love and respect for those people to want to cooperate with Me in blessing them. 
    If you are forgiving of others, then those people will want to work with Me if I choose them as the avenue through whom I answer your prayers.
    If you are unforgiving, unmerciful and vengeful toward others, it is impossible for Me to find someone through whom I can bless you with the answer to your prayers which lead to abundant living.
    The strategy is in keeping the narrow gate open through which I answer your prayers.   Doing to others as you want them to do to you involves love and respect.  When you are obedient in loving others and respecting others, then there are no blockages or barriers on the avenue leading to your life on which My blessings flow. (Isaiah 59:1-2)  I said to My children through the prophet Isaiah that I am neither deaf so that I can't hear your prayers nor are My hands so short that I cannot save you, but your iniquities have set up a separation between us and your sins have made it impossible for Me to hear you because you have chosen to retreat into another father's kingdom, the kingdom of destruction. 
   My good works in the earth cannot be done by Me in the presence of evil.  I said you love one and hate the other.  You either hate the evil from the devil and love the good that comes from Me or you love the evil and hate the good. (Matthew 6:24)
   Learn from the teaching of Jesus about the standard that must be in operation before I can answer your prayers that you ask, that being that you must do to others as you want them to do to you.  Good begets good and evil begets evil.  Do good to everyone and I will be able to influence them to return the good that you sowed in their lives by returning good multiplied to you in My answers to your prayers.
    Your Father of Answered Prayers.

Saturday, July 29, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   When I created your world for you and all of My children, I gave it to all of you and told you that it is yours upon which you have full dominion. (Genesis 1: 27-31) It became yours and it was no longer My property to dominate.  So in giving it to My children, I no longer had dominion over it unless My children invite Me into it with their faith and trust in Me to give them help and assistance.  But, they still have dominion.  I gave My sovereignty in the earth to My children.  However, I retained My sovereignty in the heavens from which the earth was created.  The only times when I become sovereign in the earth again is when My children ask for My help and allow Me to be sovereign in troublesome matters.  When they are wise enough to ask for My help, then I become sovereign in that matter because they have relinquished their dominion to Me in that particular situation.
    Because I am the creator of the earth, can I just vicariously swoop in and rescue My children?   No, because of My giving the earth to My children, making them the bosses of it.  I do not take away any gift that I give.  If I did, I would not be Love.  The only way that I can enter into the earth with My Saving grace is when invited into it by My children.  That is called prayers.  Prayers are when My children are unable to handle a situation in the earth and they call upon Me, as their Father, to enter the situation and work with them to correct it.  That is why I said anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. (II Samuel 22:4; Psalm 18:3; I Timothy 2:4)  
   When the first man did not take My advice and allowed evil to enter into his beautiful world, which was the gift that I gave to him,  he gave dominion of the earth to an evil alien called the devil.  From that day forth the earth was cursed with his demons, men were cursed, women were cursed, animals were cursed and the ground was cursed by the presence of demons who became residents of the earth in addition to My children.  The demons are spiritual beings and are sent from hell to tempt My children to do their evil deeds in the earth, thus bringing more and more curses into their lives.  After the first man opened the door to evil and became cursed with shame, I told him about the curses that had invaded his world because of his choice.  (Genesis 3:9-21)     
     Multitudes of times every second of every day the same scenario happens, My children obey the temptations of the devil in their thoughts and their lives become more and more cursed because of the presence of evil in their lives.  I cannot swoop in to help until they ask Me for My assistance, which is called prayers.  I am eagerly awaiting their pleas for help so that I can meet My Fatherly obligations of love and rescue My children from the clutches of the devil who entered the earth in the beginning at the invitation of the first man, Adam.
   There are several things that restrict My entry into the world to help My children.  One is idolatry, placing your dependence upon other gods before Me.  Those gods can be your dependence upon another person, your dependence upon your  country, your dependence upon sports figures, your dependence upon entertainment figures, your dependence upon religious leaders or your dependence upon political leaders.  When My children hold any earthly being in esteem and at the forefront of their minds as far as saving them from calamity and destruction, then those leaders have become the idols of My children.  If belonging to an organization or certain church gives prestige to My children, then the church has become an idol.  If you allow a religious teacher to become the answer to all of your needs, then that person is an idol.  If a political person or organization is your identify and your role model, then they are your idols.  They are all made of earthly clay and dirt and they have no power to save you from the works of the devil, who is a spiritual entity.   Only I can defeat the works of the devil and his demons in your life. 
   Very often, My children try to blend national patriotism with their relationship with Me and My kingdom, calling it true religion.  They remain powerless because they have tried to hold onto an idol while calling on Me for help to relieve them of a burden which was probably caused by their idolatry of their nation and its rulers or leaders.  I cannot enter into their lives with My saving power as long as they are in unity with the demons of politics as their idols, of which Jesus warned many times. (Matthew 23:13-30)   He said that if you hold onto earthly leaders as your idols, then I cannot enter into your life with My saving powers.   Earthly political and religious leaders are human, just like you are, and they are tempted by the devil and yield to him just like you do.   When you make heroes of them, you make idols of them and you bind yourself to the same demons which influence and rule them.  So if you make humans your idols, you bind yourself to the demons who motivate them. 
    When I said that you must have no other gods before Me, I was telling you that the person, entity, organization, church or leaders whom you idolize are of the world and are motivated by evil, just as you occasionally are.  When you bind yourself to them by adoration, you bind yourself to the demons who motivate them.  (I Corinthians 10:19-21)  If you put them before Me, you restrict My ability to swoop in with My saving powers in answer to your prayers.  You are double minded, not single minded with Me as your Father of Love.
    If your thoughts are continually on your political party, your nation, your political or religious leaders, then you are bound to them in our mind.  You have left your first love, who is your Loving Father. 
    My standard against idolatry is for you to let Me, as your Loving Father, have first place in your heart and in your mind.  When you do, I am eager and able to swoop in to help you in times of trouble   When your heart is yielded to Me, My avenue into your situations is clear and has become the narrow way that leads to the abundant life which I am eager to deliver. (Matthew 7:13-20)
    Your Loving, Peaceful Father

Thursday, July 27, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    When the devil floods into your life or your world, I want to raise My standard in you against his evil work.  Through My Son Jesus I spoke directly to some of the devil's deceptive works and told My children about My standards relating to ways to overcome his temptations which are sent into your thoughts to bind you to his works through which he can curse your life.  My standards stand against the works of the devil and protect My children from falling into unity with him through which they do his evil will in the earth.
    One of My standards which stands against evil relates to the old religious law about not swearing falsely, but instead to perform your oaths as unto Me.  Jesus cautioned you about not only refusing to swear falsely, but He told you not to even be persuaded to take an oath to do anything, swearing by heaven, by earth, by Me, by your nation or its headquarters, not swearing that you will do something and not swearing to tell the truth.  (Matthew 5:33-36)  If you remember, he said anything more than yes or no comes from evil.  In other words, He said that a requirement to take an oath is a trap by the devil set for you so that if you do not tell the complete truth or do what you swore to do, that the door is open for the devil to condemn you with guilt, torturing you with his mental thoughts of being punished for your not telling the complete truth or your not performing the duty to which you swore to do.  Instead of taking an oath or swearing to do something, Jesus said that you should merely say yes or no.  Following that is when He said something profound, that anything more than yes or no comes from evil.  In saying that, He identified the devil's hand in forcing people to take an oath.  (Matthew 5:37)
   Relate this to the truth Jesus taught about whether to give tribute to an earthly nation or to Me.  Pointing to a coin with Caesar's head on it, He said to ONLY give to Caesar what is Caesar's but to give to Me what is Mine.  In other words, pay your required taxes to your nation, as required by national law, but your allegiance and devotion should only be reserved for Me and My kingdom.  (Mark 12:13-17) 
   Devout oaths of allegiance unite you to the evil things of an earthly nation as well as the good things, bringing the devil's judgment upon you for your blind allegiance to the nation's works of evil.  Being united to Me and My kingdom only unites you to My wonderful blessings which I have stored for your inheritance when My righteousness in you proves your heritage as My child.  Do not give up your rightful inheritance as My child by ignorantly swearing allegiance to an earthly nation in which evil often prevails by robbing from the poor in preference to the rich, refusing to help widows and orphans, giving honor to the rich who have a difficult time entering into My kingdom because of their love for riches and their places of honor in their nation. (Isaiah 10:1-6; Matthew 19:23-26)
   Heed My standards as set forth in My Instruction Book, the Bible, as spoken by My Very Own Son Jesus.  He said He only spoke what He heard from Me.   My ways are not your ways of honoring the rulers of your earthly nation with blind allegiance.  When their fruit is rotten and poisonous, do not swear allegiance to them or you will eat their fruit and become rotten yourselves, rejecting My kingdom in favor or an evil earthly nation. 
  I told you to obey the laws of your nation and the local authorities, but I never told you to swear blind allegiance to its kings, princes, legislators, senators, judges and heads of state, revering them as special enough to be idolized.  If you do, you sign up for the curses that they sow in the earth.  They are made from the dirt of the earth, just as your flesh.
   You are not of an earthly nation in the world.  If you pledge your allegiance and devotion to it, you will reap the devil's curses with which the nation engages.  You are of My family, a kingdom which cannot be destroyed or defeated.  (Romans 12:2)  Magnify My kingdom in your life instead of magnifying a nation which will inherit the devil's curses because of the evil it has done.
    Take the admonishment of Jesus to heart about refusing to take an oath or swear allegiance to something.  He was setting the standard of only letting your answer be yes or no because anything else, such as swearing allegiance or taking an oath, comes of evil to entrap you into future guilt, condemnation and other curses, all of which are from hell and are destructive.
   Your Father Who Protects You from Evil with My Standards            

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    Yes, I do have a standard against the devil's thoughts of worry and anxiety.  It is faith in Me and My ability to provide for you.  Jesus identified where worry and anxiety originate, and it is in the devil and his kingdom.  He said that you cannot have two masters, that you will either love one and hate the other, being devoted to one and despise the other.  He said you can't serve both Me and the mammon of the devil.   Then He immediately said, "THEREFORE".......
    In other words, following the "therefore" He was giving the standard that you must raise in your life against the worrying and anxious thoughts of the devil that he places in your mind.  My standard, instead of worrying. is for you to first seek Me and My kingdom and My righteousness and everything that you will ever need will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)  When you are worrying you are in unity with the kingdom of hell because he has already robbed you of your goods.  So when you are lacking in any earthly goods, food to eat, clothes to wear and others, instead of spending lots of energy worrying in response to the devil's temptations in your thoughts, come to Me, seeking Me and My standards of ways that I taught you in order to access My provisions for you. 
   Praying in one-on-one communion with Me will result in My instructions to you on how to access My provisions for you as My child.  I may tell you that I have already sent to you what you need.  In other instances I may tell you that you need to ask forgiveness of someone.  In other instances I might tell you to sow seeds of giving by giving something you have to someone who needs it.  I will tell you what to do to counteract what you have done to be inside the flood of the devil's curses.  (Matthew 5:23-24)
    If you will notice in your Instruction Book, this valuable teaching by Jesus immediately follows His telling you how to pray.  Part of that prayer was, "Give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6:11)  That isn't all that he prayed.  He added to the request for daily bread another important truth; that being this: "And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."  Seeking Me first instead of worrying might result in My telling you to forgive someone because when you are seeking vengeance against someone you have joined in unity with the curses from hell and you have left My family of plenty and joined with the family of lack from hell.   
   If you are worrying about something, then you are obviously in need of some instructions from Me on what you can do in order to allow Me to solve your problem.  When the devil begins to flood your mind with thoughts of lack, causing you to worry and fret about something, then you need to FIRST come to Me, just like Jesus taught you to do, and listen to My wisdom relating to your particular situation.  In every circumstance of lacking anything, instead of first worrying about it as coached by the devil, FIRST do what Jesus said to do, come to Me for the answer to your problem.  Very simply, when you seek Me and seek to do what is loving and kind in the situation, as coached by Me, then the solution to your problem will be speedy because you are operating in unity with My kingdom of love which floods your life with My blessings.
    I never stop My blessings from flowing into the lives of My children.  My love will never stop My loving provisions to you.  What happens is that lack is always preceded by negative, discordant, strife filled, angry, unforgiving attitudes from you which causes the devil to construct a dam between you and your blessings, damming up My abundant provisions from coming to you.  (Isaiah 59:1-2)
    In My instructions to you about seeking My kingdom for answers to your problems I told you about the lilies of the field and the birds of the air and how I provide for them abundantly.  They don't have human minds which spin out of control in answer to the devil's worry thoughts.  The lilies of the field just trust Me to provide rain and sun for them to grow and the birds trust Me to provide grain and berries for them.  (Matthew 6:24-33)
    In the face of lack of any kind, FIRST come to Me for My solution to the problem, being willing to change your negative attitudes into My loving ones.  I said that the peacemakers are called My children and the people who are persecuted for being righteous will inherit My kingdom.
   First things first -- seek Me in the face of lack, lack of goods, lack of wisdom, lack of truth, lack of revelation, lack of any kind.  (James 1:5-8)  I will supply your needs.
   Your Father of Plenty

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   If you notice, all of My standards stand against something that the devil does in your world.  For instance I warned against becoming a hypocrite, a hypocrite being a  person who wants to be noticed for being religious and seemingly pious.  The first standard against being a hypocrite is in giving alms.  I said not to announce your gifts to the poor or your pledges in church or the time you spend serving meals to the elderly.   Those are what the hypocrites do and they do it to be praised by people.  I said you will receive no reward from Me because you have already received acclaim from people.  The problem is in the motivation, whether the giving is to be seen by people or alone from a pure heart and given to those in need.  My standard is that when you give money that you should not know how much you give because you have reached into your wallet and taken out an amount not even known to yourself to give to those in need.  When you don't know how much you give, then you won't brag about the amount.  I said to let your gifts to the poor be in secret and then I will reward you openly. (Matthew 6:1-4)
   Another action that I taught you about in how to avoid becoming a hypocrite is in 
praying.  I told you that My standard is to pray in your home in a special place where no one else can see you.   In doing that, you are furthering our one-on-one personal relationship.  I said that when you pray as I instructed you to do, alone and in our intimate personal relationship, that I, who hears in secret, will reward you openly.  The hypocrites pray in public in order to be seen by people and praised as being godly while all the time they are only religious and hypocritical.  They want the acclaim of other people instead of My acclaim.  I said not to pray in public but instead to go into your room, shut the door, and pray to Me.  I said that I will see you in private and will reward you openly in answer to your prayers.
    I warned against the kind of prayers that the hypocrites pray, going on and on and on with empty phrases that don't impress Me in the least because those prayers are meant to impress the listeners, again getting the acclaim of people who say that you pray the best prayers. (Matthew 6:5-8)  Jesus said that if you pray with the motivation to impress the listeners, then you have the reward that you wanted, the praise of people and you will receive no reward from Me. 
    Jesus gave the standard about fasting also.  He said when you fast, do not  look sad and falsely humble like the hypocrites who disfigure their faces so that people will know that they are fasting and praise their loyalty to Me.  The hypocrites have no  loyalty to Me or they would not be fasting publicly to prove they are religious.  Jesus said when you fast to wash your face and put on a happy face to people and do not announce you are fasting.  He said that I will see you in secret and will reward you openly. (Matthew 6:15-18)
    Our relationship is Father/child, with no other human being between us.  It is one-on-one and that kind of relationship can only be furthered and fostered when you are alone with Me in true communion.  I said to let your wants be made known to Me in our one-on-one prayer sessions without anyone else present and I will reward you openly.  When you pray in public, the devil always impresses you to add flowery language so that you will be praised by the listeners.  You might be a person who normally would not do such a thing, but the devil is always there with his temptations when your pray in public.  Be safe and do what I instruct you to do, which is not to give the devil an inch so that he can bind you to his curses,  heaping his destruction onto you!  (Matthew 5:8-13; Matthew 24:13-14)
    The demon of hypocrisy is around constantly to tempt you into publicly praying, fasting, giving and ministering just to gain the praises of people.  Ministers will even encourage them sometimes.  Be cautious and be on alert to recognize the demon behind all hypocrisy.  I love the hypocrites.  I can't reward him or her if the motivation is to be praised by people.  Hypocrites are rewarded by the devil for being attentive to his words, doing his will in the earth.  His rewards are death and destruction.  (Mark 7:6)
    I warned you not to be like the hypocrites.  They already have their meager rewards from other people who praise them for their seemingly pious motivations while all the time they are whited sepulchers, dirty on the inside but publicly clean on the outside.  That is why My instructions are to have a one-on-one relationship with Me, where there is no audience for which you can perform.  You reduce the chance of becoming hypocritical when your prayers, giving, fasting and ministering are in secret.  (Matthew 23:27) 
    My standards are given to you to protect you from yielding to demonic spirits.  Appreciate the teachings and obey them so that you can have My kingdom come into your life just like it is in heaven.  (Matthew 6:10)
    Your Loving, Forgiving Father


Sunday, July 23, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   We have talked about My standards which you need to display at all times when evil comes against you through other people, that being that My standard is to love the person, to bless the person, to do good to the person and to pray for the person.  We talked about that I want you to be perfect in loving others, loving them as I love you, that that is the standard of perfect love.  We also talked about the standard of using the the power of My name against the devil and his demons when they are using other people against you, that you should cast out demons in My name when appropriate and battle with them in intercessory prayers, cooperating with Me by praying My words which allows Me to wrestle against the principalities and powers of the air who are motivating the people who do evil in the world. (Ephesians 6:10-18)  I stated that flesh and blood are never your enemies, but that you should wrestle against the demons in the air around you in intercessory prayers.  They are your real enemies.. 
    An effective standard that you must display with a person who is angry with you is the standard that I set of going to the person and asking forgiveness for what you have done to make the person angry with you, thus making peace with him or her.  Always keeping peace with everyone is My standard in every divisive, discordant and strife filled situation.  In every strife filled situation there are multiple demons at work behind the scenes.  In making peace with the humans, you rob the demons of their ability to do destructive work in your life and in the earth by continuing their discord which often leads to murder. (Matthew 5;21-26) I even said that being angry with anyone and calling them names will invite the fires of hell into your life because anger comes from hell and causes you to become cursed in your life.
   To emphasize this truth about the standard of peace, Jesus said to always make peace with someone who accuses you while you are on the way to court, or the accuser will turn you over to the devil who is the judge of this world, and he will put you in emotional prison and you won't get out until you have paid your last cent of mental peace.  The devil will keep you in mental prison with angry thoughts until toxic hormones surge through your body and curse it with diseases which will kill you.  Anger kills just like murder kills, only anger is a slower death. That is why Jesus compared anger to killing someone and said it is on the same level of sin. 
    In dealing with other people, My standard of love will raise the standard of peace in your thoughts, giving you the instructions to keep peace with everyone at any cost so that you will have heaven on earth as it is in My heaven. (Matthew 6:10) There are no disagreements, discords, strife, vengeance, anger or jealousy in My heaven.  Those are only found in the earth where the devil roams about seeking whom he may devour.  The devouring of My children is done by making My children angry at each other and feeding the anger with more temptations to be angry until the result is death, either killings with weapons or with sickness and diseases.  The devil feeds every angry situation by whispering his temptations of discord and strife into your mind until the results are an all out war between My children whom I love. 
  My children who are perfected in love will keep peace with everyone because they know by revelation that the devil is the instigator of every disagreement and My children who are perfected in love know that the end result will be destruction and death if they don't raise the standard of peace with everyone.  Keeping peace with everyone sows My love seeds in the earth and furthers My kingdom in the earth.
   You have been called to peace.  Keeping peace with everyone means that you have raised My standard of peace in every situation and you have caused the angels of heaven to minister to you by bringing My kingdom of heaven on earth in your life. 
    You must be a reflection of My peace in the earth, being at peace with everyone just like I am at peace with you.  When you keep peace with everyone, you are a light on a hill, giving light to everyone.  Because of your standard of keeping peace with everyone and loving unconditionally, you glorify Me and My kingdom.  I said that peacemakers are called My children.  Keeping peace is a standard that My children must do with the power of My Holy Spirit.(Matthew 5:16)
   Your Peace Loving Father

Saturday, July 22, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   Jesus said something very plainly and without hesitation.  He said for you to be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect.  In that statement He was talking about love and that you must be perfect in loving others.  He said to love your enemies and to pray for them.  He called attention to the fact that I am no respecter of persons, that I do not release My blessings on some people and withhold them from others.  He said that I cause it to rain on the just and the unjust and that I make the sun to shine on the good and the evil. 
   My Son Jesus said that when you love your enemies that you will be known as My child.  He was describing unconditional love, the kind of unconditional love that treats everyone the same, with honor and respect as well as love.  My love is the same for the sinner as well as for the saint. (Matthew 5:43-45)  Jesus was stressing in that teaching that you must be perfect in loving others as I love you, unconditionally and without reservation. 
   He contrasted My unconditional love with the love of the unbelievers and tax collectors who only love those people who love them.  He said that there is no reward from Me for only loving those who love you.  He said that you must greet with equal love both your family members and strangers.  Then He said that you must be perfect in loving others just as I am perfect in loving everyone.
   The people who heard that message were confused but challenged.  They knew that they had never been able to love people unconditionally and the instruction of Jesus was a challenge, also one which the hearers thought was impossible to attain.  I knew that it would be hard for My children to love as deeply and unconditionally as I do, but I also knew that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when He came to live in My heaven that He would send My Holy Spirit into the earth to live inside of My children who invite Me into their own spirits.   As a result of having My Holy Spirit of love in them, He knew that I would provide the power and ability for My children to love with My perfect love and that it would be possible through the power of My Holy Spirit and His ability to love unconditionally because He is My own Spirit, the Spirit of Love. (John 13:34)
   So it is easy to love others as I love you when you are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  When My Spirit lives inside of you and you are attentive to His words of love to you, then you have the ability and power to allow My love to flow from you like rivers of living waters.   It is not in your own fleshly power; it is only in My power of Holy Spirit that you can love others with My unconditional love.  So even though the challenge to love others as I love you remains, My children know that My love supplies the unconditional love necessary to love others as I love you, even to love your enemies. 
   When you are opposed or stricken or robbed or insulted by someone, you must know that  the devil is behind that action and that the way to overcome his power is for you to love your enemy as much as you love your friends and to pray for them.  In doing that, in spreading love in the earth, you have become perfect in love, just as I am perfect in love.  You are known as My child only by your loving your enemies as well as your friends and family.   Jesus said that even the tax collectors, which were a classification of politician at the time, that they love their friends and families.  It is the people who love their enemies who are My children because they are mirroring My love characteristics of loving the unlovable and the people who curse Me and call Me their enemy.  
   It is not easy for you to love others as I love you, and it's only possible with the power of My Holy Spirit.  First you must know My love for you, being firmly rooted and grounded in My love by your knowing the depth, width, breadth and height of My magnificent love for you.  (Ephesians 3:14-20)
   Meditate upon My words until you become intimately acquainted with My love in the inner man.   It is when you are rooted and grounded in My love for you that I am able to do exceeding, abundantly more than you dare think or imagine, according to the power of My Holy Spirit that is in you. Fear has to leave you when you are rooted and grounded in My love because perfect love casts out fear.
   Jesus would not have told you to become perfect in love if it were not possible to do it.  Seeking to know Me with your whole heart and to know My love is the secret to knowing My love.  You must diligently seek to know My love.  With My Holy Spirit's power, nothing is impossible.  My Spirit is the Spirit of Love and He will teach you how to love others unconditionally.
    You must come to Him in faith for Him to teach you  (James 1:5-8)
    Your Father of Love and Mercy

Friday, July 21, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    We have looked at the standards that I raise up in My children against the works of the devil which are sent from hell to bring destruction and death to you and your children.   We have taken to heart the teachings of Jesus relating to what standards to raise with people when the devil causes someone to oppose you, strike you, take your goods from you, force you to accompany them, curse you or do any other evil act to you.  We saw that Jesus said for you to show love to the person that the devil is using against you, turning the other cheek when you are stricken, to always agree with an adversary, to give more than is taken from you, to bless those who speak evil against you.  In other words, Jesus told you to overcome evil by doing good things to the people who do evil to you. 
   We have also talked about how to treat the demons who are behind all evil actions and saw that Jesus said in My name to cast out the demons, to command them to be quiet when they speak and with the power of My Holy Spirit you should pray in intercessory prayers in the language of My Holy Spirit whose words will battle against the demons who are the instigators of all evil deeds.
   There are other standards which Jesus told you to raise against evil and one is the evil that comes from politicians, which were the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes and the hypocrites in the days that Jesus walked the earth.  He spoke at length about the activities of those politicians and religious leaders.  He said for you to not to listen to them, not to bind yourself to them and not to adopt their thoughts, attitudes, evil speaking and their divisive actions.  He said that if you bind yourself to them in adoration, in doctrine, adopting their theories and espousing their radical policies, that you will inherit their woes which are the curses of the devil who uses them to corrupt My children. (Matthew 23:1-11)  You will inherit their corrupt ways of robbing from the poor, refusing to help widows and orphans, withholding alms from the needy which places them under the demon of poverty and you will become filled with the pride and arrogance which cause the politicians to fall from their pedestals of power. (Matthew 9:35; Matthew 10:8; James 1:27; Matthew 18:7; Matthew 23:13-33) 
   The insight of Jesus is that you belong to a nation not of this earth, which is My kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  He said that you have not come into a human nation which is eventually destroyed, but you have come into My heavenly kingdom which surrounds you with a multitude of heavenly hosts who work unceasingly for your peace of mind, plus your spiritual and material prosperity in the earth.  You have inherited My kingdom of heaven with all of its majesty and My unconditional love which transforms you into My image of love in the earth.  You cannot receive all of the blessings that I have for you if you are in complete unity with earthly political parties which exist for their own edification and to destroy their opponents.  Jesus warned you against them.  His standard against them is to refuse their appeals and to refuse to bind yourself to them or you will fall just the way they fall from their pedestals. 
   He said to give to your earthly nation what is required of you, which is to pay your taxes.  He also said to give to Me what I ask of you, which is your love and devotion.  In return, you are loved, prized and rewarded with My blessings. (Mark 12:13-17)
   Your only political tenets should be the heavenly tenets of My kingdom, those being to love people as I love you, to keep peace with everyone, to spread goodness and kindness in the earth, to be merciful by forgiving everyone, to be faithful in all things, to have patience with people who have no patience, and to be joyful in the midst of problems.  Against those characteristics of Mine there are no political or earthly laws because they always overcome everything evil, negative and destructive in the world.
   Instead of adoring the political heads of your nation which will cause you to be judged by their judgments, save your adoration for Me, My Son Jesus and My Holy Spirit.  We are the heads of the spiritual nation in which you have been born into.  We love you with unconditional love and it is our pleasure to give you all of the wonderful benefits of My kingdom of love.  The result is that you will have heaven on earth.  If you bind yourself to human politicians, you will have hell on earth.  It's your choice, as always.
   Don't be deceived by human political persuasions.  They are the devil's temptations under deceptive coverings.  They will have you fighting with people whom I instruct you to love.    
    I am Love and My rewards for you are unconditional love and joy in every area of your life.
    Your Loving, Merciful, Good and Kind Father    

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   My standard of love, which I have admonished you to always raise in troubling situations with other humans, will work miracles with anybody who comes against you in opposition, bullying, strife, anger, hatred or any other of the devil's traps that he sets for you.  Love always overcomes evil; goodness always overcomes evil; kindness always overcomes evil.  Love is My standard to use with humans.
   There are instances when the standard that you must raise is My standard of authority, taking authority over the devil in intercessory prayers and in ministering deliverance to people who are possessed by the devil.  Using love does not work with the devil.  Only using the authority of My name will overcome evil spirits of any kind, the demons who possess and oppress people, the demons who are behind destructive weather, the demons who are controlling angry people and the demons who cause health problems.  Through intercessory prayers of My Holy Spirit, you can allow Me to take authority over demons and cast them out of circumstances, out of people, out of troubling situations and out of rebellious individuals.  When you succumb to My Holy Spirit's anointing words in prayers, My Spirit, Himself, takes authority over those demonic spirits and wrestles with them, winning every time.  That is why I gave My spiritual languages to people, to allow My Holy Spirit's words to speak My authoritative truth to the demons, to speak My knowledge to them, causing them to leave your life and go to hell. 
   My words of authority in My Spiritual language are powerful.  They astound the demons and the demons know that they have no power to overcome My own supernatural power.  We have met many times in spiritual battles and I have defeated them every time.
   When you pray in My spiritual tongues, My power is exalted in the heavens and even the demons bow to My will. (Acts 1:4-8; Acts 2:1-4) This truth is why it is so important for My children to be baptized in My Holy Spirit and pray in My spiritual language, because they are the only proven words that are powerful against evil.  You know that you are praying My words and with My authority when you pray in My Holy Spirit's intercessory languages.  There is always 100% success rate when you let My Spirit use His strategies to accomplish what you and I want accomplished.  His words have the authority to do what I command evil spirits to do, which is to stop harassing My children.
    This is why I said that the formula works of walking in the Spirit plus praying in the Spirit equals everything working together for your good.  (Romans 8:9-28)  In every bad situation and in every bad circumstance you must use My standard of love with humans who come against you, but you should use My standard of taking dominion and authority over the evil spirits who instigate every trying situation.  When you do this, you handle the kingdoms of both families the way Jesus did, loving people but taking authority over demons.  Sometimes people use strong authority with people, insulting them and demanding things be done.  All that does is play into the hands of the devil, joining with him to spread evil in the earth. 
   Being led by the Holy Spirit + praying in the words of My Holy Spirit = all things working together for your good. 
   Being led by My Spirit will result in your loving other people unconditionally.  Praying in the words of My Holy Spirit allows Me to execute My will in the heavens against evil demons who are behind every evil thing in the earth.  Both of those together causes all things to work together for your good.
   Become a doer of My words, always loving people unconditionally.  Become a doer of My words by being baptized in My Holy Spirit and interceding in My spiritual language.  When you do, I can do super abundantly, exceedingly more than you dare think, ask or imagine, according to the power of My Spirit in you.  It is the gospel, the good news in simple form.
    Your Father of All Liberating Truth 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Dear Precious Child,
   Everyone has standards by which they were raised depending upon their heritage, their backgrounds, plus their financial, social and political standards which outline their concepts of right or wrong behaviors.  If you judge other people by your own family standards, even though they don't have the same heritage, background or financial, social and political standards, then you have become a law unto yourself, expecting others to think and act like you do with your particular programming.  You judge them for not measuring up to your own standards.  It is those judgments which Jesus warned you against, saying that if you judge others by your narrow standards that the devil will make sure that you will be judged by other people also by their standards and declared guilty of not measuring up to their own particularly stringent standards. (Matthew 7:1-6)  Judgment begets judgment.
    Where is the error?  It is in expecting anyone to have the same actions of right or wrong that you have, even though they don't have the same family, religious or social programming.  Judging others by your own narrow standards while you are not living up to My standards to which you claim as your guide is opening the door to having hell in your life because you have become hypocritical by being led by the devil to judge others by your own narrow standards. 
    On the righteous side, there are people who do not have access to My words through religious teaching but they do instinctively what I instruct My children to do.  Those people have My words written on their hearts because they are sensitive to My voice within them.  They have become good laws unto themselves, making righteous decisions, knowing good from evil, refusing to judge others, and even returning good for evil.   Their conscience bear witness to My truth and they follow their conscience.  I said that it is not the hearers of My words who are righteous but it is those who are doers of My words who are righteous in My eyes. (Romans 2:12-16)  It is doing My will that causes My kingdom to come into your life because the person who does My will is refusing to follow the devil's temptations and by doing My will they are glorifying My characteristics in the earth. 
    Some of My own children who are born of My Spirit are reluctant to trust Me when I write My words of guidance on their hearts, leading them onto righteous paths.  They don't know My voice because they only trust the human voices of their religious leaders.  Humans are always subject to the temptations of the devil.  If their leaders cannot hear My voice of guidance which writes My beneficial words on their hearts, then they are often led astray themselves and they lead others of My children astray into inheriting the devil's kingdom on earth instead of inheriting My kingdom of love, peace and prosperity on earth. 
    You must learn to hear My voice inside of you so that you will not be deceived.  Remember that My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.  My voice within you will lead you to forgive people instead of judging them, to love instead of hate, to return good for evil done to you instead of returning evil for evil,  I will coach you to pray for people you call your human enemies and to make peace with those people who oppose you and persecute you.  I will prompt you through My Holy Spirit to do what Jesus taught all of My children to do.
   Do not set up yourself and your human heritage as a standard.  When you become My standard in the world, you will bless the people who judge you.  You will do good to them.  You will forgive them just like I forgive you instead of retaining their sins and judging them.  I judge no one and as My child you must learn not to judge but to, instead, easily forgive others.  It is in doing those things that qualify you for having heaven on earth as My kingdom comes into your life as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
   Your Forgiving, Loving Father 

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   We talked about the fact that when the devil comes in like a flood with his evil ways that My Holy Spirit will raise up My standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19)  We talked about the truth that My standards are always love, joy, peace, mercy, goodness, kindness, faith and patience.  There is no standard of behavior that overcomes evil like goodness, kindness and love.  Evil cannot stay around good actions because goodness repels evil. 
   My Holy Spirit is the gold standard, the highest quality of gold standard which supports My behavior in you of being loving and kind, even to your enemies.
   In your nation the gold standard in money is the amount of gold necessary to back up paper and metal money.  If there is no gold standard, there would be no money because money has to be backed up with gold. 
    It's the same in My kingdom.  Your activities that are loving, kind and good are backed up by My Holy Spirit whose fruit are love, kindness and goodness. (I Corinthians 12:4-11) So when My children yield to My Holy Spirit's gold standards, you become loving, kind and good to others, even to your enemies.   I told you that I am good to the unbelievers as well as to the believers, that I make the sun to shine on all of you.  All loving actions, all kind actions, all good actions come from Me and can only come from Me because I am the gold standard for every good action in the world. (Matthew 5:43-38)   I back up your standards that you set in the world with My gold standards.
   I am calling them "gold" standards because when My children operate in their world using My gold standards of love, goodness and kindness toward others, they are sowing seeds for gold to come into their lives in the form of My kingdom treasures coming on earth as they are in My heaven.  As you sow seeds in the world from My gold standards of love, goodness and kindness toward others, those gold standards multiply into multiple golden blessings flooding into your life because you have opened the doors and windows to the earth through which My blessings flow from My heaven.
    My gold standard is backed up by the blood of Jesus Christ, My Son.  He paid the price so that My children can incorporate My Holy Spirit into their lives, giving them a new life, new thoughts, new attitudes, new speech and new actions which come from My kingdom of heaven.  When My Spirit comes to live in you, He brings all of the gold with Him which He places in your spirit, ready to become flesh in you as you become My image in the earth. 
   Remember when you were wrestling with the decision of whether you wanted to ask for My Holy Spirit to live in you, and I asked you if you wanted to continuing to wallow around in familiar garbage or if you wanted My unfamiliar gold. You chose at that moment and said that you wanted My unfamiliar gold.  At that instant, in the twinkling of an eye, your entire motivation for living was changed because you became a new creation when you became born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit.  My gold began to flow into your life in the form of insightful wisdom, unconditional love, unearned kindness, unlearned knowledge, unspeakable joy, forgiveness for others instead of condemnation, peaceful thoughts instead of toxic thoughts and you became patient with everyone because of the gold standard of love which is in My Holy Spirit.
    You received the first fruits of being instantly made into My child.  Your walk with Me has been a golden walk as if We are on streets of gold.  You see things with My eyes and you hear things with My ears, bringing spiritual insight which enlightens your mind and causes great joy in you. Yes, the gold standard has become your standard and your life is rich with My blessings.
   Share this truth with others, that the gold standard in My kingdom is My Holy Spirit and My unconditional love which is in you.
   Your Gold Standard Father


Dear Precious Child,
   When Isaiah heard My prophesies from My angels about what was to come for the salvation of the world, He said, " When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard." (Isaiah 59:19)  My standard is ongoing, forever, hopefully always being exemplified by My children in their lives.  My standards are always love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience and faith.  Those are My characteristics and they were the characteristics of Jesus and they are the characteristics of My Holy Spirit.  Setting a standard is not raising a national flag in pride.  It is My children becoming My image in the earth by having My same characteristics so that others will be witnesses to My true character instead of the ones given to the world by the children of the devil through the politicians, the religious leaders and the hypocrites.  Isaiah had faith that I would come through with a plan that would bring salvation to the world and he wrote about it after seeing a vision of it.  
   I fulfilled the prophesy of Isaiah.  I sent My Son Jesus into the world to die for the sins of the world and to destroy the works of the devil. (I John 2:2; I John 3:8)  He showed My true character to the world, the ideal being Love. After Jesus died for the sins of the world, I sent My Holy Spirit into the world with My very same characteristics, all of those deriving from Love.  So love is always the standard that I want My children to exemplify when evil appears with its diabolical ways in a circumstance or in a situation.  My standard in those instances is always to overcome evil with good, as taught by Jesus and My Holy Spirit. (Matthew 5:38-48; Romans 12:21) 
   That is the only victorious standard which My children must further in the world, doing good and kind things to people who persecute them, who rob from them, who hit them, who disagree with them, who oppose them or openly sin against them.  My standard is always to think goodness and to always speak goodness and to always do good actions when people persecute Me and My children, rob from them, hit them, disagree with Me and My children, oppose Me and My children and openly sin against Me and My children.  I always forgive their sins and endeavor to bless them when they turn to Me.  I never hurt people.  It's the devil who brings evil against people. 
    When My children make the wrong choice and either do evil to someone or return evil for evil done to them, then that evil separates My children from Me.  The demons who cause the evil action comes between us so that I cannot hear their prayers. (Isaiah 59:1-2)  Isaiah also knew that truth, that sins separate My children from Me.  However, when My children raise up My standard of love in every situation, then I am glorified and I hear the prayers of My children and can easily answer them.  In that scenario My Goodness floods the earth instead of evil flooding the earth. 
   My children need to see this teaching of Jesus as My truth.  Often My children read the instructions of Jesus and think they are fiction, thinking they are not applicable to today.  Those children never receive the full reward of having heaven on earth because they only pick and choose which of My teachings they will believe and which ones they will disbelieve as being for another time.  They never win their spiritual battles because they return evil for evl and refuse to forgive.  They have to wait until they get to heaven to have the fullness of their inheritance, while those who hear My words and do them will receive My kingdom coming into their lives while they are on earth.  
   As My child, raise up My standard of goodness in your thoughts, attitudes, speaking and actions.  When you do, you glorify Me much more than religiously glorifying Me in worship services.  Often My children spend an hour religiously glorifying Me from their flesh but their thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions glorify the devil's character, sowing evil for evil into the world which set up barriers between us. 
   You have the choice of what thoughts to remain in your mind.  Reject every thought, attitude, word and action that is not of love.  Instead, do good, and you will be raising My standard in your world.
    Your Father Whose Standard is Love.  

Saturday, July 15, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   CAUTION!   When you see that sign you immediately become cautious in order to see what the danger is that to which you are being alerted.  You know that there must be a danger ahead or the sign would not be there, and your senses are sharpened so as to know how to avoid the problem.  The danger sign might be alerting you to a poison, an explosive, a large hole in which you could fall, a wild animal which could attack you or many other reasons for you to be careful.  Most of the time My children are sensitive to warning signs in order to protect their lives and their health.  However, often they are nonchalant and ignore the caution signs to their own demise, walking right into the dangerous situation rebelliously with no concern for their own lives.  They drink something which is clearly marked as poisonous to their bodies, they play with explosives as if they are toys, they curiously ignore signs pointing to large holes, and they bypass the warning signs pointing to areas where wild animals are known to be.  They take their lives into their own hands, it is said, meaning that actually they are prideful and think they know more than the authorities who posted the signs or wrote the warning labels.  Yes, they ignorantly, because of curiosity or just plain rebellion, test the limits just to see if the warnings are feasible. 
    My very own children are influenced by the devil to test the caution signs that I, as their Heavenly Father, wrote in My Instruction Book to all of My children.  The devil is the father of spiritual and mental rebellion.  Testing and trying My words of wisdom and knowledge which caution My children about dangers in their lives is at the basis of every one of his temptations.  If you will notice, when the devil tempted Jesus in His thoughts he said, "Has God said" this, that and the other.  The devil tried to entice Jesus to question My wisdom and knowledge and tried to poison the mind of Jesus so as to entice Him to do the opposite of what I instructed Jesus to do; that being rebellion in its truest form.  The devil told Jesus that He wouldn't really die if He ignored My warnings and did what I warned Him not to do or He would die.  Jesus did not fall for the tempting traps placed in His thoughts by the devil because He had My supernatural power to refuse to rebel against My cautions and warnings.  Jesus knew My words to be true and valuable to Him in His life on earth and in furtherance of His ministry. (Matthew 4:1-12)  Jesus commanded the devil to leave him and proclaimed that I am His Father and that He only answers to Me.
    My other children are tempted by the devil every minute of their days, tempted  to give no credence to My warnings and cautions which I spoke through Jesus and the new covenant prophets.  The devil causes them to bypass the warnings about loving their enemies, keeping peace with their human enemies who persecute, oppress or harass them, refusing to yield to angry thoughts, always returning good for evil done the them, praying for the people who injure them, call them names, or steal from them.  Instead of believing My cautions and warnings, they often fall for the temptations of the devil to retaliate and seek vengeance against people, even though I said not to seek revenge but instead to forgive everyone and allow Me to avenge you.  (Romans 12:14-21)  All of those warnings and cautions were given by Me to alert you to dangers which will come upon you if you obey the devil's temptations instead of taking My advice and keep peace with everyone.
   Heed the caution and warning signs written in My Instruction Book to you and the ones spoken in your mind by My Holy Spirit.  They identify all of the evil thoughts, attitudes and actions which I warn you against as being from hell which come into your thoughts in order for the devil to cause you to have hell on earth.   Instead of heeding the voice of the devil in your thoughts, you must heed  My words of love which I encourage you to do in order for you to have heaven on earth, which is My desire for you. (I Samuel 15:23)  Saul was in danger of losing his kingly benefits because of rebellion against My warnings which were given by Me to help him in governing his people.  I said that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft because they both come from the devil.
    Give value to My words of warning and caution.  I am your Father and everything that I do and say is to make sure that your life on earth reflects My life in heaven.  Goodness, kindness, forgiveness, mercy and love are the thoughts that I put in your mind.  Follow them and you will have heaven on earth.
    Your Loving Father

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   My instructions to My children, if followed, allows them to enter into having My kingdom of love evident in their lives while in the earth.  I said that My kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  Following My advice keeps you from falling for the evil temptations of the devil which put you in unity with him instead of in unity with Me.  When you are one with Me, as Jesus prayed, then you are unified with My kingdom of love and you will experience My goodness, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, love, peace, patience and joy. (John 17:11; Galatians 5:22-23) In other words, you will walk in miracles every day because My children deserve My miracles as part of their heritage.  That is what I, as your Father, do; I make My kingdom come to earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 5:10)
   Very often the eyes of your understanding are blind to what I have already done for you in proving My love for you.  I have given to you the gifts of My Holy Spirit to make your life in the earth easier and more pleasurable.  I send My gifts of healing to you.  I send My miracles to you.  I send My knowledge and insight to you that goes above and beyond your limited human knowledge.  I send My own words to be prayed through your mouth which create solutions to your problems.  I send My wisdom and insight to you through prophesies that I speak in your mind.  I give you gifts of faith with which you believe with My faith.  I give you the ability to discern the difference between the spirits who are ministering in your mind or in someone else, whether they are from My heaven or from hell.  I send the gift of tongues and interpretations to you to prove to the unbeliever that I am real.  All of My gifts are available to you when you are unified with Me.   They make your life easier, successful and prosperous.  You even receive supernatural strength in situations of diversity so as to overcome them victoriously.  I give you gifts from My kingdom of love to enhance your life in the earth, making it heaven on earth, which is My desire for all of My children. (II Corinthians 12:4-11)
    All of those gifts are available when you are in unity with me.  However, if you fall for one of the devil's temptations and begin to display his character in the earth, you are disqualified from collecting My blessings because you have put yourself in unity with your enemy and My enemy, the devil.  You have left the confines of My Kingdom and you have abandoned Me and My heavenly forces.  You will not receive My blessings while you are in the earth.   You are either for Me or against Me.  When you choose to serve the devil by acting in obedience to his evil temptations, you have chosen the wrong kingdom in which to belong.  You forfeit your heavenly blessings until you return to Me. Instead of collecting My inheritance that has been set aside for you, you have chosen the wrong thing, chosen hell instead of heaven, chosen curses instead of blessings.  I told My children in the beginning that I gave them the choice between good and evil, between blessings and curses. (Deuteronomy 30:19)
   My Holy Spirit wants to reverse the curses that came into your life when you made an alliance with the devil and his demons.  First you must turn from those evil ways and return to Me.  Your inheritance is distributed to you and you are able to collect it when you are in unity with Me instead of being in unity with the devil and his demons through which he qualifies you to receive his curses.
    It's always a choice between good and evil as far as living in the earth goes.  Choose My ways and win in the battle of life.  I will never fail you. Take every facet of My teachings and incorporate them into you life.  When you do, you will truly be able to soar with the eagles, above all of elementary, unproductive things of the earth and you will experience heaven on earth, as Jesus prayed. (Isaiah 40:31; Matthew 6:10)
   Your Loving Father

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   Everything that came out of the mouth of Jesus was to teach you about being cautious so that you would not fall for the temptations of the devil.  He had been tempted and He knew that the devil would not stop in his efforts to destroy My children by tempting them to do his will in the earth which always brings destruction and death.  He was experienced in refusing to fall for the evil tricks and He wanted to let you know how to also stand against the devil, just like He did, and refuse to obey the tempting thoughts.   He even identified one of the thoughts when He said that the thoughts to return evil for evil done to you is one of the devil's tricks to catch you in his trap so that he can destroy you. 
    Jesus said thoughts of requiring an eye for an eye from someone or a tooth for a tooth from someone is clearly from the devil's bag of tricks to deceive you into thinking that retaliation is beneficial for you.  He said for you not to resist someone who is evil or you will be multiplying evil in the world.  He said that if someone strikes you, that you should not strike the person in return, but you should turn so that the person can strike you again.  He was not telling you to be cowardly.  He was encouraging you not to multiply evil in the earth by doing the same evil thing that another person who has succumbed to the devil does to you.  He insinuated that refusing to fight a person will diffuse the situation and cause the evil demon behind the evil action to lose its power.(Matthew 5:38-44)  
    My Son Jesus said that the old traditional saying that you should love your neighbor and hate your enemies is not a part of My kingdom of heaven.   He told you to love your enemies and even coached you to pray for your enemies.  He said that I don't send rain on only the righteous people but I send rain on both evil and good people.  So He said for you to do the same as I do, loving your enemies as well as your friends so that you will be identified as My children.  Jesus said that the people who were considered evil at the time only loved their friends but My children should be like Me and love their enemies as well as their friends.(Matthew 5:43-46)     
    Another part of the teaching is that if someone sues you or robs from you and takes your coat, then you also should give the person your cloak. (Matthew 5:40) You must be firm in your faith that I will return to you what has been taken from you.  The attitude that is behind that teaching of Jesus is that in your giving to the person that the same thing will be returned to you pressed down and running over by other people. You must know My character to be sure that I will return things to you. You must be firmly convinced that I am a Father of My word who never speaks a lie. 
   Jesus said that if someone forces you to go with him one mile, that you should go with him an additional mile.  That is another example of not resisting evil, but to always do what an intruder or a robber asks of you in order for you not to return evil for evil done to you. (Matthew 5:41) If you return evil for evil, you risk getting killed or injured in some way, but if you are agreeable and merciful with the person you are sowing seeds into My garden of goodness and the same goodness will be returned to you. 
   My ways are opposite to the ways of the world because people have adopted the devil's ways as normal and acceptable.  The ways of the world  might be acceptable to unbelievers but they are not acceptable in My kingdom because many of them come from evil thoughts and attitudes, leading My children astray into destruction and death.   My ways are always kind, good, forgiving, merciful and loving, leading to My kingdom coming into your life on earth.
    When your actions and reaction are kind, good, merciful and loving, then people will see your good work and glorify Me.  My children glorify Me by their loving character, especially their treatment of those people whom they consider their human enemies. 
    My Holy Spirit will clue you to do what I have commanded you to do so that you will become a perfect image of My character in the earth.
    Your Cautioning Father of Love.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   Every admonition, commandment and words of guidance that I told you through Jesus and through the new covenant prophets has been to help you avoid the works of evil that are in the world, placed there by the devil in order to trap you into doing his will in the earth, thus receiving his curses in areas of your life.  In My Instruction Book to you I outlined every avenue of your life that he tries to tempt you into doing his evil deeds which can only be done through My children. That is the reason that I have told My children over and over again how to avoid participating with the devil for his defeat in your life. There is not one area of life in the earth that I have not covered in My warnings to you.  In the event of having evil temptations in your thoughts, My Holy Spirit will bring to your mind the way to escape from that temptation so that you won't join with hell to further the devil's will of bringing destruction into your life.
    My son Jesus taught, lectured, admonished, warned and identified every action that My children must do in order to sidestep the traps from hell which are set to fool you into doing what will cause you to inherit hell's curses instead of My blessings.  One of the first warnings that Jesus gave was to the people who are doing their religious requirements and giving gifts at the altar of the church.  He said if you realize that someone has something against you, that you should leave the altar and reconcile with the person first and then return and give your gifts. (Matthew 5:23-24) 
   He amplified it even more and said to make friends quickly with anyone who is your accuser, even if you are on the way to court, lest the person turn you over to the devil and his demons to exert their punishment on you.  Jesus said f you don't make peace with the accuser that you will never get out of the contentious situation until you have paid your last penny to the devil's kingdom because you are joined with evil instead of being joined with My love. (Matthew 5:25-26) 
    If you notice in this teaching, the setting of which Jesus spoke was in gift giving.  My promise is that you will receive back many times over what you have given.  (Luke 6:38)  However, if someone has something against you and you do not make peace with that person, then the teaching of Jesus was that you will not only negate yourself from receiving financial blessings as a return for your giving from your heart, but the devil will see that you have paid the last penny to his kingdom.  That example from Jesus was meant to warn My children about holding grudges or allowing someone to have a grudge against you.  Making peace with everyone is a small thing to be asked by Me to do when you consider the fact that being in conflict with anyone will rob you of your financial prosperity.
   Jesus gave this stern warning to you in his teaching about your being angry with someone qualifies you for the same judgement from the devil as killing does.  (Matthew 5:21-22)  He said that anyone who insults another person will be in danger of the fires of hell coming against him.  Then Jesus gave the antidote for refusing to join with the devil in his hellish judgments against you.  Jesus said, "SO" -- "SO" -- in other words what follows are ways to avoid the devil's judgments of you if you are in conflict with anyone-- "so if you are giving our gifts at the altar and realize someone has something against you, leave and make peace with the person.  When you sow peace in the earth, you sow My kingdom instead of the devil's kingdom of conflict and destruction.  Making peace with everyone has great rewards, one of which is receiving the return on your gift giving because you are following My guidance of sowing peace in the world.  Soul peace is more important than financial blessings because you are doing My will of sowing peace in the earth and you will grow peaceful plants for your mind.
   Jesus did not talk just to hear himself talking.  Yet My children do not give credence to His words.  His words are My words given to keep you on the narrow path of righteousness on which there are great rewards.   My Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance this teaching when you are tempted to be angry with someone.  Keeping peace with everyone is more beneficial than the religious practices of sacrificing for your sins. (I Samuel 15:22)
   You say that My ways are higher than your ways.  (Isaiah 55:9)  If you truly believe that, you will take My Fatherly advice and keep peace with everyone. even those who have something against you.
    Your Peace Loving Father 

Monday, July 10, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   There is power in joy.  My servant said that My joy in a person is great strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)  Strength comes from power, so joy has the power to overcome many darts thrown at you from the evil one.  Joy causes you to look at dire circumstances with a merry heart because you know that I have the way to bring success and prosperity to any sad situation.  Joy causes you to rise above depressing thoughts in your mind because joy gains its power from My Holy Spirit because it is an outgrowth of the presence of My Holy Spirit.  Joy supplies the strength to be elevated above depression, taking authority over it and commanding it to leave your mind and go to hell where it began.  Joy causes you, when you hear discouraging news, instead of becoming fearful you laugh at the devil because he has caused evil to create bad news in an effort to lure you into fear.  Joy knows that when you rise up on your feet like My child, you will pray in the Spirit and allow Me to erase the bad news, replacing the bad news with new and encouraging good news.  Joy has powers that you don't know exist. 
   You have experienced times when you are on a downward spiral towards being the tail and not the head of things, being beneath instead of above things, and then someone causes you to laugh or you read something that causes you to laugh.  When you laugh, you immediately begin the upward spiral toward being the head instead of the tail, being above things instead of beneath them. (Deuteronomy 28:13) Laughter has supplied the chemicals which caused you to break through the bad news, the dire circumstances, the depression or the sad situation.  It has catapulted you from hell into heaven in a matter of a few minutes.  It is the power of joy which is strength to overcome every temptation from hell.  Joy is the strength of My Holy Spirit sent to raise you above the sad and difficult elements of the world which are caused by the devil. 
    Joy is always based on faith in Me.  I said that you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace.  (Isaiah 55:12) Even the hills will break forth before you with singing and the trees will clap their hands because you have caused faith in the mighty power of My Holy Spirit to restore to you all that the enemy has stolen from you.  You will acknowledge that I am powerful and My forces of might are victorious over the works of evil in the earth.   You cannot make those proclamations from the position of being the tail or from being under the curses of the devil.  You can only proclaim victory with joy when you know My power and My promises to you which make you the head and not the tail, being above everything evil in the earth instead of beneath them. (Mark 12:34) 
   My power is manifested in many ways in the lives of My children.  Being consistently joyful and of good cheer is one way. Joy infuses you with power, giving you supernatural ability to refuse to be wrestled and taken down by evil; but, instead, to choose to be elevated above the earthly elements which have been sent from hell to discourage you and conquer you.  Joy laughs at the negative thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken against you by the devil through someone else.  Joy laughs at the devil for the misinformation relayed to him that you are easily defeated.  With the strength of joy, the celebration of laughter and the refusal to be defeated, joy comes to your defense, catapulting you to the top of the heap instead of your being at the bottom of the heap. 
   Joy comes from being in My presence where there is newness of life.  I said that I would show you the paths that lead to the abundant life and that in My presence is great joy.  That promise should give you great joy in the truth that in My right hand there are pleasures forevermore just waiting to be showered upon My children.  (Psalm 16:11) 
   I said that you will be raised above your enemies and will offer joyful sounds to Me because you have relished the privilege of being in My presence where joy and confidence were established in you.  You will ask anything and it will be done for you so that your joy may be full. (John 16:22)   That promise was made by Me through Jesus when he was teaching about the Holy Spirit and His powerful strength that He said would come into all of My children who ask for His power to be present in their lives.
   Joy always accompanies My Holy Spirit because joy is supernatural strength in Him and in Me.  Let Me make your heart, your mind and your body joyful.  My Spirit will deliver joy to you when He becomes your source of life.  Laughter will be the physical evidence of My joy in you.  Laughter is the body's natural reaction to a joyful heart.
    Allow My Spirit to manifest My joy to you and in you.  I am glorified by your joy.
    Your Father of Pleasurable Joy           

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   As we have talked in the past, My loving words of guidance to you are meant to keep you from participating with evil and help you to avoid all of the traps of the devil.  My words to My children are never meant to judge or condemn them or any other human being, but instead My words are meant to cause My children to discern and judge the devil and his temptations.  Jesus said that He judged no person, but My judgment of the demons who harass people are judged already, so He cast those demons out of people which left the people free.  (II Corinthians 4:4; Galatians 1:4)
  I am not your enemy.  People are not your enemy.  The devil and his demons are the enemies of My children.  I cast them out of My heaven and My children, by the power of My Holy Spirit, must cast them out of their earth. (Mark 3:15)
  As your loving Father, I provide the power for you to judge and condemn the demons who harass you and your family.  I gave you My Holy Spirit, the most powerful and authoritative entity in the entire universe.  He is the power through whom I created the world.  (Genesis 1:1-2)  He was the power resident in Jesus who healed the sick, raised the dead, healed the brokenhearted and cast out demons. (Mark 1:34) He is the power who raised Jesus from the dead. (Romans 8:11) He is the power who came into My children on the day of Pentecost and still today comes into My children to lead, guide and direct them into My paths of righteousness so that they will live in the earth victoriously. (Acts 2:1-2)
    My Holy Spirit is the initiator of My new covenant with all people, not merely with a nation.  My Spirit is My presence in the lives of My children to lead them, guide them, teach them, give wisdom to them, change them into My image in the earth, give them power over all evil spirits and to be My ever constant help in times of need.  (John 16:7-13) I live inside of My children who have been born of My Holy Spirit.  Old things pass away.  All things become new because human beings become a new spiritual creation, a new being with new motivations, thoughts, desires, wants and actions.  (II Corinthians 5:17)
    I did not say that you will not still battle with evil when you are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit.  You will battle more effectively because you have more power than you had when you served the devil.  With My Holy Spirit in you, you have the spiritual power to release evil from yourself and others.  You have the power to forgive sins. (John 20:21-23)  You have power to change your world from the curses of the devil into blessings from Me. You have the spiritual power through praying in My Holy Spirit to win all battles against evil which go on constantly.
    When I sent My Holy Spirit into the earth after Jesus came to live with Me, I sent My kingdom into the earth.  Jesus said that when He cast a demon out of someone that My kingdom came upon that person. (Luke 11:20)  When My Holy Spirit comes into the life of a person, creating a new person, He chases out all evil spirits and My kingdom comes into the life of that person.  The problem is in keeping the evil spirits out because the demons want to come back and live in familiar territory and often bring more evil spirits with them if allowed to reenter.  That is where the wisdom and insight of My Spirit comes in, to alert you to the temptations and enticements of evil spirits who want to deceive you and enter into your life again, bringing you into bondage to their temptations.
     There is nothing that I am neglectful in supplying for My children.  I supply everything that is necessary for you to have the abundant life and to become My image of righteousness in the earth.  (II Peter 1:3-4)   My children have the responsibility to continue in My guidance and wisdom so that they will remain unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)  My Holy Spirit has that ministry and will lead and guide you around the traps of evil that are set for you.  You must be attentive to His voice and take His advice.  (Hebrews 3:7-9)  If you don't, yielding instead to the temptations of the evil voice, you will fall in the wilderness of life like the children of Israel and never enter into My kingdom living while in the earth.
     Jesus Christ died so that My umbilical cord of the Holy Spirit would be sent into you, restoring My words to you so that My guidance is constant.  I never stop talking to you, leading you into making right decisions.  Hear My voice and obey My instructions and you will avoid traps sent from hell.
    My voice is your lifeline to My kingdom.  Choose to obey My voice and inherit My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, just like Jesus taught you to pray.  (Matthew 6:10)
    Your Father of Protective Guidance                      

Saturday, July 8, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
     Because of the height, depth, width and breadth of My love for My children, I provide every tidbit of guidance necessary to guide them around the traps set for them by the evil spirits who want to tempt My children to do evil in the world so that the evil demons can bring destruction into the lives of My children.  I am your good Father, not some monster who sets traps for you in order for you to prove your faith or your love.  The devil is the one who sets traps and tempts My children, not Me.  I said that I do not temp you to try your faith.  (James 1:12) I said that all good and perfect gifts come from Me.  (James 1:16-18)
   At the time that I inspired James to write his valuable revelations, there were children of Mine at the time who believed erroneously that sometimes I am good and sometimes I turn my face and become bad like some earthly fathers.  That was a deception that was fostered by the devil and believed by many of My children, especially those under My old covenant with a nation.  They had no revelation of the reality of the devil who is the father of all evil, so they attributed both good and bad to My character.  They were bound to the devil's kingdom of evil because of their false beliefs. 
   When I sent My Son Jesus into the earth to reveal My true nature to My children, He taught about the origin of evil, that it is the devil and his demons.  Jesus taught that those of My children who are guided in their thoughts by the devil will inherit the devil's destruction and death because they have made the devil their father and their guide.  (John 8:41-44)
   Those children of Mine who follow My guidance are the ones who inherit My kingdom benefits because they have chosen Me as their Father instead of following the guidance of the devil.  I guide you around every obstacle, but you must follow My guidance so that you do not fall into the traps set by the evil one. 
   When I spoke to you through Jesus I gave you sound guidance when I told you not to return evil for evil done to you, but instead to return good for evil.  I said if someone hits you that you should allow them to hit you again instead of hitting them in return.  The reason for that guidance is so that you, in furthering My good in the earth, you sow My good seeds in the earth and I will multiply them and return My kingdom blessings into your life. (Matthew 5:38-39)  In other words, My angels come and minister to you when they see that you have done what I admonished you to do, delivering My good rewards to you for your following My guidance in not furthering evil in the world.  In following My guidance, you magnify My character in the earth and bring glory to Me.
   Merely praising My name religiously does not bring glory to Me.  It is your obedience to My guidance that brings glory to Me.
    When someone steals your coat, instead of retaliating with evil such as killing the robber, My instructions are that you should avoid doing evil and instead give the person your cloak also.  In giving more than is stolen, you are fulfilling My guidance to you. (Matthew 5:40)   Because you have done what My love asks you to do, there are great rewards which come upon you from My kingdom of love.   Your civil authorities will take care of prosecuting the robber under the civil laws, but you must proceed in an attitude of love, knowing that the robber was responding to the temptations of the devil, just like you have done when you judged or condemned someone or when you easily lied or when you disobeyed the admonition of Jesus to never return evil for evil done to you.  (Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12)
    Know that My guidance is always for your protection.  If you return evil for evil done to you such as attempting to kill a person who robs from you, then you have not obeyed My instructions to you and you might be killed by the robber.  You have also done evil to the least of My children and therefore you have done it to Me.  (Matthew 25:40)   Attempting to return evil for evil done to you will only increase the evil in the situation.  Returning good for the evil done to you increases your chances of surviving the situation.  Because you have not done evil, you will not grow seeds of evil in you life and you will remain firmly entrenched in My kingdom of love.   As I said, My guidance is always for your protection and your good.  Love seeds grow love plants in your life.  Destructive seeds grow death and destruction in your life. (Galatians 6:7)
    My insight into things are higher than your insights.  I know the tricks of the devil and I know how he traps you into doing his will in the earth which causes you to inherit his destruction.  That is why I warn you and guide you to do the opposite of what is normally taught to earthly children by their parents.  They bring destruction in the lives of their children in many cases rather than solve problems.  My admonitions and guidance always being the abundant life, success and prosperity into the lives of My children.
    I am your Father.  Observe My guidance to the letter and you will prosper in all that you do.   Good fathers teach their children how to avoid evil instead of furthering evil in your world.  That's what I do because I am your Father of Love.
    Your Father of Loving Guidance