Friday, July 21, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    We have looked at the standards that I raise up in My children against the works of the devil which are sent from hell to bring destruction and death to you and your children.   We have taken to heart the teachings of Jesus relating to what standards to raise with people when the devil causes someone to oppose you, strike you, take your goods from you, force you to accompany them, curse you or do any other evil act to you.  We saw that Jesus said for you to show love to the person that the devil is using against you, turning the other cheek when you are stricken, to always agree with an adversary, to give more than is taken from you, to bless those who speak evil against you.  In other words, Jesus told you to overcome evil by doing good things to the people who do evil to you. 
   We have also talked about how to treat the demons who are behind all evil actions and saw that Jesus said in My name to cast out the demons, to command them to be quiet when they speak and with the power of My Holy Spirit you should pray in intercessory prayers in the language of My Holy Spirit whose words will battle against the demons who are the instigators of all evil deeds.
   There are other standards which Jesus told you to raise against evil and one is the evil that comes from politicians, which were the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes and the hypocrites in the days that Jesus walked the earth.  He spoke at length about the activities of those politicians and religious leaders.  He said for you to not to listen to them, not to bind yourself to them and not to adopt their thoughts, attitudes, evil speaking and their divisive actions.  He said that if you bind yourself to them in adoration, in doctrine, adopting their theories and espousing their radical policies, that you will inherit their woes which are the curses of the devil who uses them to corrupt My children. (Matthew 23:1-11)  You will inherit their corrupt ways of robbing from the poor, refusing to help widows and orphans, withholding alms from the needy which places them under the demon of poverty and you will become filled with the pride and arrogance which cause the politicians to fall from their pedestals of power. (Matthew 9:35; Matthew 10:8; James 1:27; Matthew 18:7; Matthew 23:13-33) 
   The insight of Jesus is that you belong to a nation not of this earth, which is My kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  He said that you have not come into a human nation which is eventually destroyed, but you have come into My heavenly kingdom which surrounds you with a multitude of heavenly hosts who work unceasingly for your peace of mind, plus your spiritual and material prosperity in the earth.  You have inherited My kingdom of heaven with all of its majesty and My unconditional love which transforms you into My image of love in the earth.  You cannot receive all of the blessings that I have for you if you are in complete unity with earthly political parties which exist for their own edification and to destroy their opponents.  Jesus warned you against them.  His standard against them is to refuse their appeals and to refuse to bind yourself to them or you will fall just the way they fall from their pedestals. 
   He said to give to your earthly nation what is required of you, which is to pay your taxes.  He also said to give to Me what I ask of you, which is your love and devotion.  In return, you are loved, prized and rewarded with My blessings. (Mark 12:13-17)
   Your only political tenets should be the heavenly tenets of My kingdom, those being to love people as I love you, to keep peace with everyone, to spread goodness and kindness in the earth, to be merciful by forgiving everyone, to be faithful in all things, to have patience with people who have no patience, and to be joyful in the midst of problems.  Against those characteristics of Mine there are no political or earthly laws because they always overcome everything evil, negative and destructive in the world.
   Instead of adoring the political heads of your nation which will cause you to be judged by their judgments, save your adoration for Me, My Son Jesus and My Holy Spirit.  We are the heads of the spiritual nation in which you have been born into.  We love you with unconditional love and it is our pleasure to give you all of the wonderful benefits of My kingdom of love.  The result is that you will have heaven on earth.  If you bind yourself to human politicians, you will have hell on earth.  It's your choice, as always.
   Don't be deceived by human political persuasions.  They are the devil's temptations under deceptive coverings.  They will have you fighting with people whom I instruct you to love.    
    I am Love and My rewards for you are unconditional love and joy in every area of your life.
    Your Loving, Merciful, Good and Kind Father    

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