Saturday, March 31, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   As your loving, creative, gracious Father, I teach you the most efficient and effective ways for you to succeed and prosper in the land which I created for you to live.  From the time that the devil deceived and tempted Adam to allow him to enter into the earth and curse it, I have found different ways for My words to find their way to My children in an effort to teach you and My other children how to avoid the evil that is in the earth.  All of My efforts were temporary fixes until I was able to send My Son Jesus Christ into the earth to show My true nature and to die for the sins of the whole world.  He was crucified for the sins of the whole world, went to hell to satisfy the devil's judgments for yielding to his temptations, and then He rose from hell, Jesus walked the earth ministering to people and then came to live with Me in My heaven.  My constant efforts in working for My children is to raise them from the hell in the earth that obeying the temptations of the devil has created for them
   The people who had believed the message of Jesus Christ and sought My kingdom and My righteousness were able to become born of My Holy Spirit in their own spirits which had been cleansed and prepared by Jesus Christ for Him to dwell.  It was the perfect plan, My mysterious plan hidden from the foundation of the earth from even the angels. (Colossians 1:27)  The plan was that I would come into the earth and live in My own children in the person of My Holy Spirit and My words would have no interference from evil because they are heard from the inside of My children into their thoughts, not having to go through their human ears.  My words became the avenue through which I would individually tutor My children, teaching them to avoid evil and cling to good.  I would again become the attentive Father that I longed to be when I created My children before the devil gained access to the world.  
   I went to great effort to create a plan for My words to dwell inside of you with the plan to teach you individually, not collectively as was done in past efforts.  My Holy Spirit has the assignment from Me to speak only the words that I tell him to speak to each child.  Because My personal words are delivered with love and they bring peace to My children, they are accepted as truth.  Since I created the earth and everything in it, My words continue to create miracles when spoken in prayers by My children.  That is why I gave My spiritual language to My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit, so that their prayers only speak into the world My workable solutions to the problems that the devil causes in the lives of My children.  The culmination of My workable plan is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
   Another magnificent advantage to My Holy Spirit living inside of My children is that they become changed into My image, becoming a light in the earth for all people to see and know the nature of My character.  My true children become witnesses in the world of My personality.  People fall in love with Me through their loving, good and kind characteristics. (Matthew 5:14-16)  I am glorified in My children who become images of My unconditional love.  Not until the flesh of My children is changed into My nature am I glorified in the earth.  The reason why My efforts in the past failed to guide My children was because collectively it was impossible for all of them to yield to Me instead of yielding to the devil's temptations to gripe, moan, fret, complain and rebel against Me.  When I speak My words of truth, revelations, guidance and love to My individual children from the inside of them by the words of My Holy Spirit, then the devil cannot use other humans to intercept and pollute those words of freedom. 
   Words are powerful!  Words are powerful!  Words are powerful!  Words are so important in the earth.  They curse and they bless.  The positive words ignite My kingdom to work for My children and the negative ones ignite hell to cause destruction in their lives.  There is always a choice for My children between blessings and curses, good and evil, even when My Holy Spirit is speaking My words to you.  You can refuse My words that I speak from the inside of you into your thoughts.  However, the surge of power that comes along with My words is hard to resist. (Romans 10:17)  Sometimes the doctrines of religious laws that are stored in the minds of My children try to surface and erase My words which bring freedom.  (Mark 4:7) My children must stand fast in the liberty wherein Jesus Christ set them free, and they must not return again to religious bondage.  There are many ways the devil seeks to rob My children of the freedom that they found from the temptations to sin,   You must be on the lookout for thoughts to entice you to return to the traps of sinning as tempted by the devil.  He knows the individual weaknesses in the personalities of each one of My children because he has discovered them in the past when My children yielded to him.  My rewards in the earth are so wonderful that returning to bondage to the devil and his destructive ways is a horror to My Spiritually led children.
   Remember that true salvation from Me is an individual occurrence.  Collective salvation did not work, as proven by religious laws.  The devil used them to bring more sins on My children such as guilt and condemnation, depression and despair because they could not keep all of the commandments.  Individually making the Holy Spirit the Lord of your life is the key, no matter what anyone else says, believes or does.   When you have given your body to Him to be His earthly dwelling place, He becomes Lord of your life if you allow My words through Him to take first place in your life. (I Corinthians 6:19-20; II Corinthians 3:17-18)
   Jesus said if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, whatever you ask will be done to you. (John 15:7)  Let My individual words for you become first place in your life.  You cannot love Me and not love My words.  You cannot love My words and not love Me.  To love Me is to love My words of guidance, protection, comfort and love.  They are the umbilical cord from Me to you, supplying the necessary blood supply that recreates you into My image, supplying the spiritual oxygen that causes you to live and breath, and supplies the nutrients that feed your spirit.
    My words are life.  There was a time when few found them, but My magnificent plan of coming to live inside of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit made it possible for all people to find Me.  (Matthew 7:14; John 6:63;John 16:12-15)
   Your Father of Loving Words

Friday, March 30, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   My children of promise who have been very dedicated to hearing My loving guidance from the Holy Spirit, plus who also have been dedicated to only speaking words which further Me and My kingdom of love, those of My children need to be cautious about listening to political and religious words from other people who don't personally hear from Me because their words most often contain curses which poison the attitudes of My children.  When that happens, darkness overcomes the light in them and they are left with destructive curses which will eventually snuff out My light that is in them.  Instead of My light overcoming darkness in them, the darkness overcomes the light.  As a result, their lives are cursed and their nations are cursed because they have left My kingdom of love and joined with the devil's kingdom of darkness.  Those of My children who are deceived might still proclaim My name, proclaim to be My children, but their attitudes and actions are contrary to My kingdom thoughts, attitudes and actions.(Matthew 5:14-16; Luke 11:3)
   Be cautious of the words that you allow to come into your mind.  My Holy Spirit discerns the errors of the political and religious factions.  Jesus Christ, whose name they profess, warned many, many times about the woes of the religious and political factions, which were the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes of Jesus' time.  Yet My children of promise sometimes, because of blind patriotic nationalism, bind themselve in loyalty to the woes of the religious and political factions.  When curses come into their lives, they erroneously think that it is a sign of the times, that it was prophesied under another covenant, while all the time they have bound themselves to curses without knowing it.  Because they have become loyally bound to religious and political factions where the devil has control, they are also bound to the demonic spirits who motivate the religious and political factions.  (Matthew 18:18) Remember that it was religious and political factions which crucified Jesus Christ and they continue to crucify Him in My children, seeking to kill His influence on you, all in the name of blind nationalism.  Your nation and its politicians are not your gods unless you choose to be blindly loyal to your nation and to them.  When you do, because of the current and past sins of your nation of domination, racism, prejudice, hatred, strife, division, greed and killings of My precious children in the name of your nation, the curses that await the people who choose to be blindly loyal to your earthly nation will eventually inherit the curses of the devil.  Floods, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tropical storms, illnesses, diseases and addictions are all the devil's curses for the people that the has successfully tempted to become blindly loyal to earthly nations which compete constantly for world dominance. 
   My children of promise need to become loyal to My kingdom of love for which their Savior Jesus Christ died.  He went around the earth healing the sick, casting out demons and proclaiming My kingdom coming into the earth with power to relieve the sufferings of people.  His prayer was answered and his prophesy was fulfilled when My Holy Spirit came to live in My children who are willing to exchange blind loyalty to a sinful earthly nation for dedication and loyalty to My heavenly kingdom of love.   When My Holy Spirit came to live inside of you and My other children, He ushered into your life My kingdom of heaven with its magnificent blessings.  (Matthew 12:28; Mark 9:1; Luke 4:40-43; Matthew 10:5-7)
   You must discern the difference between blind loyalty to religious and political factions of your earthly nation and absolute loyalty to My kingdom of heaven.  You cannot be loyal to both.  You either love My heavenly kingdom or you love your earthly nation.  (Matthew 8:24)   Your nation has been used to sow the devil's kingdom of curses into the earth, just as all nations have,  My kingdom of love produces blessings in the earth for My children who choose loyalty to Me and My kingdom of love.  Jesus said to give to your nation what it requires in the form of paying your taxes and obeying its laws.  He said to give to Me what loyalty is needed to make your life on earth a paradise by accepting My guidance and following it.  My kingdom offers multitudes of blessings.  Blind loyalty to your earthly nation offers curses because of the devil's involvement in it.
   Choose which nation you want to serve, a nation of curses or a nation of love.   There are no righteous nations, neither Israel nor your nation.  They all extract from the poor in favor of the rich and they all oppress people in order to gain world dominance.  That's the way the devil uses them.   My kingdom of heaven brings unconditional love, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience and faith into your life.  All earthly nations offer division, strife, jealousy, domination, slavery, killing and stealing from their people because of the devil's control of them. 
    Appreciate the freedoms that your earthly nation provides for you, if it does.  But do not continue to be blindly loyal to it and its devotion to war or you will be cursed with the rest of the people who are bound to it in blind loyalty.  When Jesus was announcing the immediate event of My kingdom of power coming into the lives of My children, some who were blindly loyal to their earthly nation were elated because they expected their earthly nation of Israel to come into world dominance.  They erroneously thought Jesus Christ came to earth to make their nation great. (Acts 1:4-8)  There are still people in the earth who are blindly deceived by the devil, expecting Me to set up My kingdom on earth through their earthly nation.  Instead, I send My kingdom of love into the individual lives of My children of promise who dedicate themselves to seeking My kingdom and My righteousness. 
   I instructed you to seek first My kingdom and My righteousness and then everything good from My kingdom of heaven will be added to your life on earth.  (Matthew 5:31-33)  No where did I ever instruct My children to seek world dominance as being the greatest earthly nation. That is demonic and it leads to destructive curses upon your nation.
   You can enjoy heaven on earth by dedicating all of your loyalty to seeking Me and My kingdom of love.  When you do, you will have heaven on earth, as promised by Me, Jesus Christ and My Holy Spirit.  My Spirit is your teacher and your counselor who comforts you, counsels you, protects you and provides everything necessary for you to enjoy My kingdom of heaven on earth.
   Choose which nation is your Savior, My heavenly nation for whom Jesus Christ died, or your earthly nation through which the devil curses the earth.  Only listen to the words from My heavenly nation of peace.  The words from the earthly nation of strife and division will curse your life in the earth.  
   Your Father of the Generous Nation of Love and Peace

Thursday, March 29, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   I created your earth with My words.  I created humans out of the dust of the earth with My words.  I created the sun and the moon with My words.  I created all animals and birds with My words.  Everything good that you see with your human eyes was created with My words. (Genesis 1) You are made in My image, so your words are filled with power to create good in your own life. Since the invasion of the devil and his demons into your world, you and My other children began to be able to create both good and evil, blessings and curses in your own lives. (Genesis 3:1-19)  That is called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 
   The devil is not a creator, so he has to depend upon My children to speak his desire for destruction to come into your life in the form of speaking negative, bitter, unforgiving, angry, hateful, vengeful or judgmental words about someone or to someone.  Because of the power of creation that I gave to My children, the devil tempts them to speak his destructive words so that he can carry out his own will for destruction and death in the world.  Unfortunately, many of My children yield more often to the temptations to speak and believe the devil's evil, negative words which bring destruction instead of believing and speaking My good, positive words which bring life. 
   Your words are filled with authoritative power either to do good or to do evil.
Your authoritative words summon My angels to do My good works in your behalf in your life and the lives of your family members, or they summon the devil's demons to work evil in the devil's behalf in your life and the lives of your family members.   It all depends upon the origin of the words, whether they come from heaven or from hell, from the devil's temptations in your thoughts or from Me in My guidance in your thoughts.  Your Brother Jesus Christ said that your words either declare you as righteous (justified) or they declare you as being condemned.  (Matthew 12:35)  He said that His words are Spirit and they are life.  (John 6:63)  You must make sure that your words only produce life. 
   My Holy Spirit entices you from the inside of you to only speak loving words that bring life.  When you do, you authorize My angels to flood your life with blessings. (Hebrews 1:13-14)  When you fall for the temptations of the devil by thinking and speaking negative words, you authorize the demons to flood your life with destruction and death. Your words are filled with either My authoritative power or the devil's destructive power; so choose your words wisely.
   Just like your words of guidance to your children guarantee, if obeyed, to keep them from evil and make them successful in their lives on earth, My Holy Spirit's words of guidance to you and My other children of promise are guarantees in the lives of My children that when you put My words first in your life, you will inherit all the blessings on earth that are in My heaven. (Matthew 6:10) 
  Your words determine your present and your future station in life, whether it is blessed or cursed.  In the past we found that words are influenced by thoughts.  It you think on things that are good, then you will speak good words which bless you and your family.  (Philippians 4:8)   That insight was spoken also by David who asked that the words of his mouth and the meditation of his heart would always be acceptable to Me.  (Psalm 19:14)
   Your words are capsules which bring blessings into your life or they are capsules which bring curses into your life on earth.  The words that proceed from your mouth are indications of either the light or the darkness that is in your thoughts and mind.  The thoughts in your mind are indications of whether you are bound to heaven or to hell.  If they are angry, condemning, judgmental, unforgiving and vengeful, the same words will proceed from your mouth and curse your life because those thoughts and words come from hell. (Matthew 5:21-22)  If your thoughts are pure, loving, kind, forgiving and peaceful, then the same words will proceed from your mouth and bless your life because those words come from My kingdom of love. 
   Do not forget that your words are nuggets of either blessings or curses.  When negative, tempting thoughts come into your mind encouraging you to dwell on them, replace them with My loving thoughts and then speak My love to all of humanity. (I Peter 1:13; II Corinthians 10:5)  Bring every thought into obedience to what I have to say about the situation at hand.
   Thoughts become attitudes, attitudes become words and your words either bless or curse you.  Use your authority and cast down every thought that is not from Me. 
   Your Father Who Speaks only Love Words 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   We looked at what one of the old covenant prophets, David, wrote about the important elements of the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom, the precepts, the statutes, the ordinances, the laws, the promises, the commandments and the testimonies.  We saw that they are all words, words which either further freedom for My children or they show how the devil limits their freedom.  David had an unquenchable thirst and unsatisfied hunger for My understanding of the spiritual meanings behind all of My words.  In the writing of his songs, he constantly begged Me for more understanding about My spiritual kingdom because he knew that I was his only salvation from the wickedness that was in the world. (Psalm 119)  As king, he was harassed on every side by princes who wanted war even though David always wanted peace. (Psalm 120:6-7)  David knew the damages of war, the killing of people, the struggle for dominance and the theft of the spoils of one nation from another one.  Even though My children knew that I had commanded that they not kill other people, David's friends wanted their country to be considered the most powerful and they were willing to disobey Me in getting their national desires.  David wrestled between the temptation to go to war, as desired by his constituents, or to seek peace for his country because of his knowledge of My commandments.
   The struggle between good and evil has been in existence since the beginning of time when Adam yielded to the temptation to obey the devil, which allowed evil to invade the world.  David knew that if he and My other children followed the guidance that was in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom that they would individually be blessed instead of being cursed, that they would individually be the head and not the tail, that they would be in authority over evil instead of under its authority. *Psalm 119:1-3; Deuteronomy 28:1-2 and 13-14)
    I told you that it's not necessary for you to know whether My words to you are statutes, precepts, ordinances, commandments, laws or promises.  What is important is that you take My Fatherly advice contained in them in order to avoid the evil that is in your world.  Saving you from the judgments of the devil is at the core of My words spoken to you about avoiding evil.  The devil's judgments are destruction and death.  My gifts to you are your having an abundant life and soul peace. (John 10:10)  That is what following My guidance produces, life more abundantly and peace for your mind.  All people come to Me seeking peace for their mind.  That is the first thing that My children discover has changed when they are born of My Spirit is peace for their mind.  When there is peace in your mind, you never want to wage war against anyone, any nation, any organization, any relative or any person because you have the Prince of Peace inside of you and he makes you a messenger of peace in the world.
   Not only do My words of guidance matter, as taught by My Holy Spirit through David and all of My new covenant prophets, but your own words matter also in your distribution of love and peace in the world.  Jesus said that the words that come out of your mouth either curse or bless you and the hearer, and that they either justify you or condemn you. (Matthew 12:33-37)  Words have power.  In speaking, words that are edifying and positive, you are sowing seeds into My kingdom of heaven which will produce good plants.  Those are what Jesus said were justified words, meaning that they are righteous words.  They produce good plants in your life in the earth, glorifying me in the exercise.
   When you speak evil, bitter, angry, hateful, divisive, judgmental or politically motivated words, you are planting evil seeds that will produce plants which condemn people.  All negative words produce judgmental thoughts in the minds of people, which are the devil's handiwork.  (James 3:6-12) They will grow diseased plants which will curse your life and the lives of more and more people because of the multiple times they are repeated.  James knew the power of words.  He wrote that the words that come from Me are peaceable, gentle and kind.  (James 3:17-18)  He said that you will harvest righteousness when you sow peaceful words  and when you make peace.  However, his description of words that bring curses are bitter, selfish, jealous, envious, angry, overbearing, negative and demonic and that they produce every evil work.  (James 3:14-16)  He said they are set on fire by hell itself,  (James 3:7)  Jesus said the same thing when he taught about the necessity of making peace with a person instead of killing him or being angry with him.  He said that you must make peace with everyone because if you are angry with anyone and call the person a demeaning name in anger that you are in danger of the fires of hell, meaning that those negative words planted in the minds of other people will return to you and curse your life on earth, as instigated by the demons from hell. (Matthew 5:21-22)
   When you and My other children learn the truth of the effect that your words have on your life, both positive and negative, then you will endeavor to tame your tongue, only speaking words that are sweet, kind, edifying, merciful, forgiving, nonjudgmental and build up the hearers.  You will grow plants in the heavens which nourish you and your family.  (Romans 3:11-17; Ephesians 4:24-32)  My kingdom will come in your life on earth with all of its benefits and rewards.
   My Holy Spirit and I will rejoice because some of My children have chosen to take our advice.
   Your Loving Father

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   Having a revelation of My words found in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of love is of utmost importance to My children.  The old covenant prophet David knew the importance of having revelation and understanding of all of My precepts, statutes, ordinances, testimonies, promises and commandments contained in the constitution of My kingdom.  He prayed constantly for Me to reveal the understanding of My words to him because he knew that they were mere theory until he had revelation and understanding about how the spiritual truths pertained to his life.  (Psalm 119)
   Jesus praised Peter for having revelation and understanding of who Jesus really was, His being the Christ, the Son of the Living God.  Jesus Christ told Peter that flesh and blood had not revealed that truth to him, but that I had revealed it to him.  Because of Peter having that revelation, Jesus Christ said that Peter had the keys of My kingdom because he had revelation knowledge from My Holy Spirit.  (Matthew 16:16-19)  Jesus Christ told Peter that because of having revelation knowledge that Jesus was the Christ, the victorious One, that He would give to Peter the keys of My kingdom and whatever he bound on earth was bound in heaven, and whatever he loosed on earth was loosed in heaven, all based upon his having received revelation knowledge from Me. 
   Words matter.  When the spiritual understanding of My words are revealed to you and to My other children, My authoritative power and My dynamic power both accompany the revelations.  I said it and it's true.  Revelation knowledge is spiritual knowledge that enlightens the minds of My children, replacing powerless human knowledge stored in their human brains with powerful spiritual knowledge which can only be spiritually discerned.  With revelation knowledge, you and My other children have power and enlightenment that is higher in authority than all human knowledge.  My children need to strive for revelation knowledge.  Paul  said that he was striving to win the prize of My high calling by letting old things completely pass away and only embracing new things that he learned by revelation.  (Philippians 3;10-14)  My Holy Spirit is always revealing spiritual understanding to My children who ask Him.  My children often hold onto the old programming which rejects My revelations.  When you and My other children are like David, longing to hear My insight and understanding, you must be willing to cast out the old knowledge from doctrines in order for there to be room for the new revelations.
   Jesus Christ said that when My Holy Spirit comes to live inside of you and My other children in your spirits, that He tutors you in My wisdom and knowledge, insight and revelations.  He said that My Holy Spirit would take what Jesus had, Himself, taught and reveal all of My spiritual truths to you and My other children of promise.  (John 16:12-15) Often, getting deprogrammed of the old human knowledge and doctrines is a bigger battle than hearing revelations from My Holy Spirit.  "Out with the old and in with the new," is a good mantra.  If the old programming had helped you, you wouldn't have desired new revelations that work peace in you and bring solutions to your problems.  Cast out the old religious fundamental knowledge and welcome My new revelations into your mind.  
   Revelation knowledge from My Holy Spirit changes you and My other children, equipping your human mind with My wisdom and knowledge which transcends all human knowledge.  In changing your mind, revelations also change your attitudes and your body, bringing healing to your entire being, spirit, soul and body.  In changing your attitudes, your attitudes toward other people are changed from bitterness to love and forgiveness.  Your thoughts toward Me are changed from fear of punishment to absolute love and adoration of Me and My words. Love becomes your aim instead of competition and opposition being your aim in life.  With revelation knowledge, you and My other children become My images in the world, the living witnesses of My love for all humanity and your world.
   Words matter.  Words revealed to My children by My Holy Spirit have explosive power to change your entire world.  That was My plan from the beginning of time, that if My first children by deception allowed the devil to enter into the world, that I would come and live in My children, speaking My powerful spiritual words through their mouths in spiritual tongues which answer their prayers and transform their world.  In living inside of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit, I am able to reveal truths to My children from the inside of them, from their spirits to their minds, so that the truths are not polluted by the devil by coming from outside of them into their human minds.  Spiritual truths come from the inside of you and My other children and they are spoken into your human mind. They are unadulterated, pure, loving, living truths which give you unimaginable authority and power in your life.
   It is revealed words that matter, giving you and My other children insight into My family of love.  It is revealed words that catapult you out of the hell that exists in the earth because of the devil's demons that are still present in the earth.  It is revealed words that deposit you into My kingdom of love, fulfilling what Jesus Christ prayed when He prayed that My kingdom would come into your life on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
   It's not necessary that you know whether the teachings in My revealed words are precepts, statutes, ordinances, commandments, testimonies or promises.  I want you to know the truths in them, not their labels.  I placed the labels of those construction and bylaws of My kingdom in your Instruction Book to show you that My kingdom has legal and binding rights for My children just like their constitutions and bylaws of their earthly nations do.  Mine guarantees you and My other children the right to be free from the evil of the devil and his demons in the earth.  Sometimes the constitution and bylaws of your nations in the earth further the evil in the earth because the writers are influenced by the devil instead of by Me. 
   You must be guided by Me and the revealed words in My Instruction Book to you which contains the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom.  They are called truths and they will never lead you astray.  Seek to keep them.  Allow me to reveal them to you, and you will have a life of peace and love while you sojourn in the earth.  If you believe them as fundamental truths you will use them to judge others.  If you use the truths as revealed wisdom, you will free people from the judgment of the devil.
   My words are truth.  (John 1:17)  Jesus Christ made them available to you and My Holy Spirit teaches them to you from the inside of you, speaking them into your human mind which brings understanding and power to you.
   Guard your own words.  Seek revelation knowledge of My written words and you will enjoy the benefits of being in My kingdom while you live in the earth.
   Your Father of Revelations               

Monday, March 26, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   My promises to My children are always yes, amen, so be it.  (II Corinthians 1:20)  In other words, you can rely upon My promises that I have given to all of My children to be your good and loving Father.  I said I AM your provider, I AM your protector, I AM your deliverer from evil, I AM your guide, I AM your peace, I AM always present in your life, I AM your healer, I AM your peace.  I said that I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH.  In revealing all of the aspects of My character, I was telling you that I am more than you will ever need. 
   The prophet David was so dedicated to Me that he spent time meditating in the words, statutes, precepts, ordinances, testimonies, commandments and promises of My kingdom of heaven. (Psalm 119)  He knew that the truths in them far exceeded the power and importance of the constitution and bylaws of his earthly nation, even though he was the king of it.  He treasured My encouragement and My guidance, saying that his life depended upon Me and My insights that I gave to him when I gave him understanding through My wisdom and knowledge. (Psalm 119)
   The dedication that David had for the guidance he found in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom distinguish him from other old covenant prophets.  David said that he could not live without My words, that they were his salvation, that they brought him peace, that they healed him, that they guided him, that they kept him from doing evil and that they comforted him when the world failed him, when people persecuted him, caused him distress and sorrow and he said that My words were even his comfort when he waited for death,  My words raised him up, made him victorious over evil, soothed his injured emotions and set him on top as the head of all things instead of the tail, set him above bad circumstances instead of his being below the evil in them, and he said that My words made him succeed instead of fail.
   David believed My promises, considering them as sure, perfect, stable and guaranteed.  He asked Me to confirm My promises that I made to My children who are in awe of My wonderful works in their behalf.  (Psalm 119:38)  To My children who persist in being in awe of My words, I send confirmations to them without even being asked so that they will persist in believing for My interventions in their behalf.  He requested that My steadfast love would come to him and My salvation, according to what I had promised.  (Psalm 119:41) David always delighted in Me, but I delighted in David when he professed the reality of My steadfast love for him.  He knew My character as being love and he labeled it "steadfast love," meaning that My love never ceases, that it endures forever. (I Corinthians 13: 13) I delighted in his confession of My love for him.  Because of My steadfast love, he knew that My salvation for him would eventually come.  He knew that My plan of saving him from his enemies would break forth through the despair and free him from mental oppression.
   The comfort that he found in his mental afflictions always came from My life- giving promises to him.  When everything else in the world failed, David knew that My promise to lift him above afflictions would happen and he relied upon that promise.  (verse 50) He said that even when godless people derided him that he  would never turn away from My words.  The confidence that David had in My promises was faithful.  He even begged with all of his whole heart for My favor while he was also asking for My graciousness that was shown in My promise to him.  He knew the unmerited favor that was included in My grace toward My children. (verse 58)  Again David asked that My steadfast love would be ready to comfort him according to My promise.  (verse 76)  Very few of My children knew about My steadfast love in David's time on earth, but David had received the revelation of My love for him while meditating in My words.  He had insight into My love for My children and he knew that My desire is to comfort My children in their distress.  When My Holy Spirit came to earth to live in My children, they received the ultimate evidence of My comfort.  (John 14:15-17) My Spirit is My supreme Comforter to My children.(verse 76)
   In his time of great distress, David said his soul was in anguish to see My salvation from his problems but he still had great hope in My promises, yet saying that his eyes were failing from watching for My promise to be fulfilled in his life.  He asked Me when I was going to fulfill My promise to comfort him.  (verse 81 and 82)  Even in his anguish, David never left Me.  My comfort and salvation eventually came to him.  He had great faith in My promise that he would live and he asked Me to uphold him in that promise.  Even in his great faith, he asked that he would not be shamed for having such hope in My promises.  (verse 116)
    David was exhausted in waiting for the culmination of My promise to him to be fulfilled.  He confessed again that his eyes were failing because he had waited so long for My salvation to become apparent.  Yet, he had faith for My righteous promise to become manifested and he knew that I would vindicate him. (verse 123)  His faith never waned, even though circumstances became worse and worse.  He asked Me to turn to him and be gracious to him as I always do toward those who love My name.  He asked Me to steady his steps according to My promise and he asked that no iniquity would gain dominion over him in the form of tempting sexual or immoral desires.  (verse 133) 
   In David's long entreaty to Me in which he was asking for My help, he also confessed his everlasting faith and hope in Me.  In his confessions which assured Me that he knew about the elevation of My steadfast love and promises to My children, he continued to assure Me that his eyes were still awake in the hourly watches of the night so that he could meditate on My promises. (verse 148)  
   My Son Jesus had the same dedication because sometimes He remained awake all night praying and entreating My help in His ministry in the earth.  Like David, He knew that He was nothing without My power operating in Him.  On one occasion Jesus prayed that the ministry of dying on the cross would pass from him.  He anguished over leaving the earth and going to hell for the sins of the world, even though He was assured by Me that My Holy Spirit would raise Him from death and from hell, causing Him to ascend into My heaven to live with Me.   (Matthew 26:37-46)   Yet his flesh anguished at the thought of having to walk through the reality of it.  He wrestled in his flesh with the reality of it, yet He accepted this assignment and endured the cross, going to hell, gloriously ascended from hell by the power of My Holy Spirit and He appeared to many people, doing good things in their lives.  Then He came to live with Me and sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to live within My children to be their constant comfort, counsel, guidance, protector, provider and Lord of their lives.  (Acts 1:1-7; Acts 2:1-4)  He gave to My children a new life, a new nation and a new language.  My children who accept His inheritance for them allow My Holy Spirit to be Lord of their lives with My constant comfort, love, wisdom and knowledge.  (II Corinthians 3:17-18)
   Jesus Christ and the prophet David knew that they were limited in their flesh to live in the earth without My help and My comfort.  David professed his faith in My words and Jesus professed His faith in My Holy Spirit.  It's the same faith, because My Holy Spirit and My words cannot be separated.  My words are introduced into the earth through My Holy Spirit.  My words come into the thoughts of My children by My Holy Spirit.  My power is present within My children by the words of My Holy Spirit. 
   My children must give the same honor and appreciation that David and Jesus Christ gave to My Holy Spirit and My words.  When they do, there is no limit to their success in life because My Spirit is dedicated to bringing victory into the lives of My children who give first place in their lives to My words.  It was My desire from the beginning of the earth, and My Holy Spirit makes it available for My children who continue to give first place in their lives to My words.   My words are life.
   Your Loving, Living Father                                  

Sunday, March 25, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   It is by My words that your earth was formed.  It is by My words that My children find the safe paths in their earth where evil is not found.  It is by My words that My children are taught wisdom and knowledge by Me in order to succeed in life.  It is by My words spoken by you that establish My authority in the earth.  It is by My words which proceed from your mouth that bring blessings into your life instead of curses.  It is by My words that My tutoring, learning, correction and discernment flow into your thoughts which distinguish you from unlearned and unrighteous people who are deceived by the devil all of their lives.  It is by My words prayed through your mouth in My spiritual language that My blessing flow into your life because you have allowed My kingdom solutions to earthly problems to be declared.  It is by My words that an abundance of rewards are bestowed upon you.  Every good thing that happens in your life on earth happens because of My children honoring My words.
   Words matter.  The prophet and king David understood the importance of words, My words, his words and the words of other people.  In many of his songs he wrote about the importance of My words in his life.  He understood that a young person is unable to remain pure unless he is guarded by My words.  Children need the guidance of good parents in order to remain pure and unadulterated by the demons in the world.  (Psalm 119:9)  He had stored My words in his mind so that he would not sin against Me.  He knew that My guidance would keep him from falling into the traps set by the devil.  (Psalm 119:11)   David even asked Me to deal bountifully with him so that he would continue to love and observe My words.  He was willing to endure My loving chastisement in order to have My words of guidance in his life.  (Psalm 119:17)  When his mind was so burdened that it was as the dust in the earth, ready to die, he asked Me to revive him with My words. (verse 25)  When sorrow captivated his mind, he begged Me to strengthen him with My words. (verse 28)
    David trusted in My words, and he wanted My love for him to be manifested so that he would have an answer for those people who taunted him. (verse 42)  There were times when My words were the only hope that he could find. (verse 49) He was satisfied that I was his portion of My inheritance and he promised that  he would keep My words. (verse 57)  He confessed that there was a time when he went astray from My guidance but that because of the affliction he learned to honor My words.  (verse 67)  His soul begged Me for salvation from the evil in the world and his only hope was in My words. (verse 81)   As with every other human in the world, David said that he had to hold back his own feet from doing evil in order to keep My words.  His determination to refuse to do evil was impressive. (verse 101)
   My guidance was so important to David that he wrote in a song that My word is a lamp to his feet and a light to his path, keeping him from yielding to evil temptations from hell. (verse 105) Again he bemoaned the fact that he was afflicted but he knew that it was only through My words that he was given life. (verse 107)  David had total devotion to My guidance that came to him through My personal words to him.  It was only in Me and My words that David found a safe hiding place where My shield protected him. (verse 114)
    My true children seek for light instead of darkness.  David depended upon My revelations to bring understanding to the darkness that was in his mind.  He sang about the unfolding of My light, giving understanding to him and to everyone whose lack of understanding makes them simple.  (verse 130)  Royal princes in his court persecuted him without any cause but his heart remained in awe of My words. (verse 161) Shortly after lamenting to Me about the persecutions, David wrote that he had lived too long with people who loved war instead of peace. Every time he spoke about his desire for peace, they spoke war.  Those individuals were people of his own nation.  (Psalm 120:6-7)  David bound himself to My spiritual kingdom of peace instead of binding himself to an earthly nation which constantly sought war.  Even when he was persecuted by the princes in his own nation, his heart constantly rejoiced in My words, like one who finds great treasures. (verse 162)
   David cried out to Me many times in his anguish of having to choose between good and evil.  He begged for My understanding relating to the timely matters at hand.  He never wanted to make a decision without having heard My understanding in a matter so that he would make the right decision.  (verse 169)  He asked that his supplications would come before Me so that he would be delivered from evil by My words. (170) 
   My children of promise exist in the same world in which David spoke and wrote in those two songs.  You live in a world where the devil entices people to constantly be at war with someone, either your mate, your children, your  church, your friends, your business associates, your in-laws, your religious and political opponents, your boss, people of different ethnic backgrounds or people with different religious beliefs.  As long as he has you in conflict with anybody, the devil has your devotion to doing his will in the earth.  You and all of My children need to be like David, devoted to Me, devoted to My words, devoted to keeping peace with everyone, devoted to spreading My kingdom of love in the earth, and devoted to loving everyone as I love you.
   You are under a new and more powerful covenant than David was under.  You  are My child who has My Holy Spirit inside of you, eager to provide My Fatherly guidance, understanding, insight, knowledge, wisdom and My Power to you whenever you ask.  I said that if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, anything that you ask will be done to you. (John 15:4-7; I John 2:27)
   Let David's devotion to My words become your devotion to My words.  When you do, I will confuse the foolish with My wisdom spoken through you.  I will keep you in awe of Me and My workable solutions which are far from your understanding but freely given in My revelation knowledge which I provide for you.  
    In his songs David said that he refused to do evil and refused to make war because he was bound to Me and My ways of keeping peace.  The devil, as the father of war, does not give up his temptations to make war in the lives of My children.  Always remember that your enemies are never people, but they are demonic principalities and powers in the atmosphere around you. (Ephesians 6:10-18)  When you are devoted to My words, you are devoted to Me.  In intercessory prayers you have the power to battle against the demons and you have the power through intercessory prayers to redeem the world for Me and My kingdom.
    Your Father of Treasured Words

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Many laws

My Dear Precious Child,
   There are laws which bring liberty through My freedom and there are laws which bring bondage and destruction.  Laws are composed of words, words which come from either heaven or hell, from Me or from the devil.  I said that My spiritual laws are the laws or words that come into your thoughts from the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus and that they set you free from the laws or words of sin and death from the devil which tempt you in your thoughts. (Romans 8:2)  I said further that you must submit yourself to My words, resist the devil's words and that he would flee from you. (James 4:7-8)  Every time the devil's words come into your thoughts in the form of temptations, My words takes precedence over them if you will recall My thoughts on the matter at hand.  My words to you are always filled with love and power and when you choose to meditate on them instead of yielding to the devil's temptations in your mind to hate, become angry, bitter, vengeful, lustful, depressed or judgmental, you choose for My kingdom to minister My blessings into your life instead of the devil cursing your life with his destruction and death because you chose his evil thoughts.
   We talked about the religious laws given to Israel through Moses and how they were meant to identify the devil's temptations that come into your mind to kill, to steal, to covet, to envy, to judge, to worship idols, etc. They were given by Me to save you from falling for the devil's traps.  However, they were perverted by the devil when he caused religious leaders and politicians to use them to condemn and judge My children by making My children feel guilty and sinful.  My instructions that I intended to inform and instruct My children were perverted and used by the devil to curse them instead of identifying the works of the devil so that My children would avoid them. (Romans 7:7-10)
   When My Holy Spirit came to live in you and My other children, My words became written on your heart for instructions on how to avoid the devil's traps; and My words flow from your mouth to be prayed in My spiritual language.  (Romans 10:8) Because I live in My children, My instructional words come directly from Me into your thoughts, bypassing the devil's temptations in your human mind.  My words are also directly deposited in your mouth, those words being the language of My kingdom, called other tongues, which are My spiritual language to be prayed which speak solutions to problems that the devil has caused. 
   You have the treasure of My Holy Spirit in an earthen vessel so that all of the miracles that I do in your behalf might be known to be from Me and not from any human knowledge found in religion.  (II Corinthians 4:7)  I say again:  You have the treasure of My Holy Spirit in your body so that all of the works that I do in your behalf will be known to be from Me and not from your human flesh.   My words to you are the spiritual laws of My kingdom and they supersede all laws of earthly nations. 
   The prophet David was devoted to My written words and My personal words to him.  He knew that they were life to him.  When He wrote about My laws and their importance to him, he was speaking of scriptures and the truths contained in scriptures as well as My personal words to him.
   David's songs and writings refer to My laws, which are My words through the prophets and My personal words to him.  He wrote that My scriptures are perfect and that they revive his mind. (Psalm 19:1)  He knew that I warn My children about the devil's traps and that if they keep the commands in My scriptures that there are great rewards available to them. (Psalm 119:11)  In a more lengthy discourse in praising Me for the scriptures, David asked Me to open his eyes so that he would understand the wonderful things in My laws, My scriptures. (Psalm 119:18)  He said that false ways would be put away from him when I taught to him the truths in My scriptures. (Psalm 119:29)  He appealed to Me many times to teach him the truths in the scriptures so that he would be able to keep them. (verse 34) His intent was to keep the instructions in the scriptures forever and ever. (verse 44) When godless people ridiculed him for His faith in Me and My scriptures, he refused to turn away from Me.  (verse 51)
    When indignation from hell seized his mind because of the wicked, David dug his heels in and refused to forsake My scriptures and My promises. (verse 53)  He knew that when he called upon Me in the night that I would be there and that he would continue to keep the truths in My scriptures. (verse 55)  He knew that his strength was in My laws because the cords of the wicked tried to ensnare him. (verse 61) Even though godless people had hearts that were gross as fat, he continued to keep My scriptures in his heart. (verse 70)  Pitfalls were dug for him by the devil through godless people who did not conform to My scriptures. (verse 85)  He said that if My scriptures had not been his delight that he would have perished. (verse 92) Oh, how he loved the scriptures.  He meditated upon them day and night. (verse 97)  In David's reign as king, he held his life in his hands many times, but he never forgot My scriptures. (verse 107)  Even though he hated double minded men, he still loved My laws. (verse 113) When My laws were broken, David declared it was time to act. (verse 128)
   David shed many tears because other men did not keep My scriptures.  He knew the rewards that come as a result of following My guidance and was  grieved that other people did not. (verse 136) He knew that My righteousness is righteous forever and that My worlds in the scriptural laws were true. (verse 142)  He observed the vast number of men who persecuted him with evil purpose and knew that they were far from observing My scriptures,(verse 150)  Because of the grief from the persecutions of godless men on David, he begged Me to look upon his affliction and observe that he never left the scriptures. (verse 153)   He abhorred falsehood but he love My scriptures. (verse 162)
   Even in the midst of persecution and the evil works of the devil through godless men toward him, David proclaimed that peace comes from to those people who love My scriptures and that the knowledge of them will keep a person from stumbling. (verse 165)   He continued in longing for salvation and having great delight in My scriptures. (verse 174) There was no other basis for David's devotion to Me other than his love and dedication to the truths in the scriptures as spoken through the prophets and the faith that he gleaned from them.
   My children of promise must adopt the same devotion and dedication to the tutoring of My Holy Spirit that David had to the truths found in the old covenant scriptures and prophesies. (John 16:12-15) You and My other children of promise have direct access to the writer of the scriptures upon which David relied when he was king with all of its responsibilities.  The writer is My Holy Spirit.
    Even though David loved peace, his constituents loved war.  Even though he loved the scriptures, his princes were ungodly.  Even though he was persecuted and maligned because of his devotion to peace, he continued to love and rely upon My truths.  Even though he was assaulted by the devil on all sides, he sought solace in My scriptures.  Oh, for the same devotion from all of My children. No wonder David is said to be a man after My own heart.  He was completely devoted to Me, so he was blessed with the rewards of My kingdom.
    Make My Bible your only instruction book.  Make My Holy Spirit your only guide. Make Me your only Father.  Make Jesus Christ your only Savior, not your pastor, your priest, your pope, your bishop, your friends, the politicians, your mate or your children.  When you have complete trust in Me and when you devote youself to hearing My words of guidance from My Holy Spirit, everything good thing in My kingdom will be added to your life on earth.
   I promised it and I always keep My promises
    Your Father of Lasting Salvation    

Friday, March 23, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   There are testimonies in My Instruction Book relating to the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of heaven and how they apply to the lives of My children, testimonies about how the truths in my instructions give credence to the theories of the laws, precepts, ordinances, commandments and the statutes.  Without testimonies about My working abilities in the lives of people, My words are mere theories of what I want to do for you. Testimonies are real instances of what I have the power, the desire and the ability to do because I have already done them and they have been recorded. . 
   David, the songwriter, said that it is in all of the practical parts of the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom that My children are warned about the traps the devil sets for My children.  David also experienced that there are great rewards in keeping My instructions in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom because they keep you from yielding to evil. (Psalm 19:11) That is why he wrote songs extolling the benefits and rewards of following My instructions.  He wrote that the testimonies of My miracles are so sure and concrete that they make simple people wise. (Psalm 19:7) My Holy Spirit wrote that I use the foolish things of the earth to confound the wise. (I Corinthians 1:27)   When My children learn the wisdom in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of love, they speak wise truths that confound the wise people in the world.
   David said that My children who keep My testimonies are blessed if they seek Me with their whole hearts, do no wrong and walk in My ways.  Testimonies prove the veracity of those words. (Psalm 119:2) There are people who scorn and hate My children. David said that My testimonies kept him from yielding to despair because of their hatred.  (Psalm 119:22)  It is in the testimonies that he said he had great delight and he said that the testimonies always kept him from yielding to depression and despair. (verse 24) He said that he would cleave to the testimonies so that he wouldn't be put to shame. They were his life source, the source of his mental stability. (verse 31) He turned to testimonies when he was reminded of My ways which caused blessing to flood into his life. (verse 59) His foundation was based upon the knowledge of My love.  He sang of it many times, asking that My steadfast love would save his life so that he would keep the memory of the testimonies with his mouth, telling of them to other people.(verse 88) When the wicked laid traps to destroy him, David was reminded of My testimonies of when I saved him in the past. (verse 95)
    Because David depended upon Me completely to teach him My wisdom, he said that he meditated on My testimonies and so he had more understanding than wise men. (verse 99)  He knew from My wisdom that the wicked demons are dross to Me. He professed his love for My testimonies because they made the bylaws personal to him. (verse 119)  He begged Me on occasion to give him understanding to know and remember His testimonies. (verse 5)  He knew the thrill of hearing the living testimonies about the reality of My loving actions in the lives of My children.  He called them wonderful and said because of the wonder of them he kept them in his heart. (verse 129) David was thrilled by My devotion to My children when he said that in my righteousness and faithfulness I had ordered the works that created testimonies. (verse 138)  He proclaimed the righteousness of My testimonies and said that they give him understanding so that he could live. (verse 144)
    In a moment of fear and panic, David begged Me to save him so that he could have testimonies about My wonderful works in the lives of My children. As king he was pulled constantly into battles caused by the devil and he abhorred the conflicts.  (verse146)  He knew of My testimonies for many years and he knew that I had performed wondrous works forever for My children.  There was great comfort for him in knowing that I had worked wonders for My children from the beginning of time. (verse152)  One of David's most firm confessions was proclaimed when he was persecuted by many adversaries.  He said that he did not swerve from My testimonies but he remained single minded and filled with faith because of them. (verse 157) The testimonies proved that I had never failed him.
   David said that he wanted his mind to keep a record of My works that produced testimonies for him because he loved them exceedingly. (verse 167)  How blessed David was because My words were so loved by him.  They were his life source, the foundation of his life in the earth, his joy, the source of his breath and his heart beat. My words relating to My works in his behalf were the umbilical cord that connected us.  He knew that he could not live without My words. 
   You must record testimonies of My workings of miracles in your life, plus record in writing My personal words to you. In doing that you are giving credence and importance to them. You are saying that they are so thrilling to you that you never want to forget them so you are recording them. They are the testimonies to which you can refer when evil comes at you again from all directions.  When you read those testimonies you are infused with faith, power and determination that can only come from real, living, personal experiences of My works that I do for you because you are My child of love.  The testimonies never lose their freshness or their power.  Days, months and years later, they are new every day as if they just happened because of the faith and power that is contained within them.  They give you a burst of faith the same as they did when they happened.
  Become like David, giving importance to the testimonies of My miraculous works that I have done in your life.  My commandments, statutes, precepts, laws and ordinances are promises of things that I can do for you when you follow them.  Your written testimonies are records of what I have already done for you.  It is by referring to them that faith is renewed and your belief is empowered to believe for new and fresh miracles.  
  You are My child.  I never stop doing miracles for you. Record the ones that I have already done so that you can refer to the excellency in them again when faith is low.(II Corinthians 4:7)  Faith will burst forth and sustain you until My wonderful works are again completed.
  Your Father of Marvelous works.           

Thursday, March 22, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   The last commandment of Jesus that you should love everyone as I love you under the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of God covers all of My other commandments.  There is no greater one. (John 13:34-35)  It encompasses every other element of the constitution and bylaws of My nation into which you were born the second time.  If you love everyone with My love, you will not kill anyone, will not steal from anyone, will not envy anyone, will not swear falsely about anyone, will always honor parents, will not force anyone to work on the 7th day instead of taking a day of rest so their bodies can recuperate, etc.  However, there are many commands that I made and that Jesus made for Me which were more specific in nature, explaining the way to facilitate the great commandment to love others as I love you and so as to bring liberty to your life on earth. 
   When Jesus lectured about loving enemies, My children were new to the idea of loving their enemies, blessing them, praying for them and doing good to them, which is exactly what Jesus commanded them to do.  As I told you in the past in lessons on the existence of good and evil in your world, I told you the reasoning behind My commandment through Jesus to love your enemies.  Since loving enemies was a new concept, I needed to inform My children of the reasoning behind every one of My instructions to them.  Most earthly parents tell their children to do things simply because they tell them, with no explanation of the reasons why.  I am a different Father, a Father of love, and I want My children to know and understand about the spiritual effects that happen when they perform earthly duties according to My instructions. 
   In explaining the reasoning behind My command through Jesus to love your enemies, I said that when you love your enemies that you are being the visual witness of My character in the world because I make it rain on the just and the unjust and I make the sun to shine upon them, also.  So when My children do good actions toward their enemies, just like I do, they are being visual witnesses of My goodness to others.  (Matthew 5:43-48)  How can unbelievers be convinced that I am good and kind and that I love everyone unless My children become visual witnesses to that fact?  When I said that My children would be visual witnesses to the world, I meant that it would be by their acts of goodness, kindness and love to everyone that they are visual witnesses of My real character, even to their human enemies.  (Acts 1:8)
   Later I enlarged the knowledge relating to loving others as I love you when I informed My children though the Holy Spirit about the seeds that you sow, that you  either sow seeds into My kingdom or you sow seeds into the devil's kingdom.  I said that if you sow into My kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy that you will be reap benefits from Me, but if you sow seeds into the devil's kingdom of hatred and strife that you will reap destruction and death.  When you show love into your enemies, you are sowing seeds into My garden and you will reap the benefits of righteousness, peace and joy from My kingdom of love and peace. (Galatians 5:7; II Corinthians 9:6)  I commanded you to pay attention to that principle of sowing and reaping.
   My commandments bring freedom and liberty to My children because they keep you from falling into the traps set for you by the devil.  They keep you free.  They are instructional commandments, not merely laws which carry punishment if you don't obey them.  They are My Parental admonitions which are lovingly given so as to protect you from the evil that is in the world. 
   The prophet David loved My commandments with his whole heart and he endeavored to follow them.  He knew the reliability of My commands, that they are given to bring freedom and liberty, not guilt and condemnation as religious laws bring.  He wrote in Psalm 119: 60 that he hastened and did not delay to follow My commands.  His devotion to Me is reflected in that confession.  In Psalm 119, verse 66 he begged Me to teach him good judgment and knowledge because he said that he believed in My commandments.  David knew that I had made him and he knew the value of My commandments and he entreated Me to help him understand them.  (verse 73)  He knew that My words are sure and since he was being persecuted with falsehoods from other people, he begged for My help. (verse 86)   He had insight enough to know that there is a limit to perfection in the world, but he knew that the perfection in My commandments were broader than any wisdom in the world. (verse 96)
   David knew the wisdom in My commandments so he confessed that they made him wiser than his enemies, knowing that the wisdom he gained from My commandments stayed with him forever. (verse 98) In loving your enemies, doing good to them, blessing them and praying for them, it makes you wiser than your  enemies because it tenderizes them to you.  In tenderizing them to you, they see your good works and glorify Me as your Heavenly Father, desiring to be born into My kingdom of love with its many benefits of peace.  
   David even commanded the departure from his presence of all evildoers so that he could keep My commands.  (verse 115)  He did not seek for earthly riches because he loved My commandments more than fine gold. (verse 127)  He said he panted with his mouth because he longed for My commandments. (131)  What security David had in My commandments because he said that even though trouble and anguish had come upon him, My commandments were still his delight. (verse 143) He felt the nearness of My presence and spoke of that truth in My commandments. (verse 151) David looked with disgust on the faithless people because he knew that they did not keep My commandments. (verse 158) He hoped for salvation from Me by his keeping My commandments.  My salvation eventually came through Jesus Christ, but the only hope David had, being under religious laws, was in keeping My commandments and in keeping them he felt that  he would gain My favor. (verse 166)  He always had My favor.  In keeping My commandments he skirted around the traps of the devil.
    There was great delight in the rightness of My commandments to David and he always put his delight in songs. (verse 172) Even though he extolled the truth that I was his shepherd, he confessed that he had times of having gone astray like a lost sheep, but still he never forgot My commandments. (verse 176) 
   As long as My children have faith in My words to them, you are above instead of below all bad circumstances.  When you are continuing to honor My words, as your loyal, devoted and trusted Father I am working 100% of the time in your behalf in the spiritual dimension around you.  Continue in My words and let My words abide in you.  That is your duty in the earth, to have faith in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of heaven.  I said when you abide in Me and My words abide in you, whatever you ask of Me will be done for you.
    Have the same faith in My words that David had.  You have My Holy Spirit living inside of you to reveal My own devotion to you.  Make sure that you have the same level of devotion to Me and My words that David had. When you do, you will seek Me and My wisdom and I will tell you how to soar like the eagles, enjoying My kingdom in your life on earth.
   Your Father of Power Filled Words

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   All of My commandments in My constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of heaven are given to My children in order to assure their freedom from the consequences of yielding to evil temptations and being cursed with the destruction and death of the devil.  My commandments are commissions or charges given by Me, as the loving authority in your life, to help you to skirt around the evil that still exists in your earth.  My commandments keep you from suffering consequences for becoming yoked to the devil and his demons.  When My children follow My guidance and honor My commands, they keep themselves unspotted from the evil that exists in the world. (James 1:27)
   As I said before in another teaching session with you, I don't give you orders just to test your faith or to bring guilt and condemnation upon you if you don't take My advice.  I am not that kind of abusive father.  I am your good and loving Father who uses any means that I can find to keep you from coming into unity with evil, the consequences of which are always destruction and always even death either spiritually, emotionally or physically for doing the devil's will in the earth.  I said through My Son Jesus Christ that if you follow the devil's temptation to become angry that you will inherit the devil's curse of judgment and if you call someone a fool that you will be in danger of the fires of hell, meaning that the devil will see that you will inherit his destruction in some way because you have done his will in the earth and, by doing that, you authorize him to carry out his destruction in your life.  (Matthew 5:21-23)
   Remember that following My commands always brings liberty for you.  When I gave commandments to the nation of Israel, I told them, "Do not kill, do not steal, do not swear falsely, do not covet, do not defraud anyone, honor the guidance of your father and mother," and others, I was pointing out to them how the devil works in the earth.  Because they were deceived to believe that I was the instigator of both good and evil, I was trying to bring to the light that those evil actions were actions in which the devil tempts them to engage so that they will further his will of doing evil in the earth.  The commands were for the guidance of the people so that they would not fall for the traps set by the devil such as being tempted to kill someone.  I am the Good Father and that's what good fathers do is to teach their children how to avoid the evil that's in the world as it was instigated by the devil.  (Romans 7:5-9)  What the devil did was to use the laws that I gave which were given to bring freedom from evil to My children, the devil used the commandments to entice My children to judge, condemn and bring guilt upon My children.  The commandments that were supposed to bring freedom to My children were perverted by the demons of religion and instead brought guilt, judgment and condemnation upon them and upon others through them. 
   Remember that following My commands always brings liberty.  When I sent My Son Jesus into the earth I gave Him the commission or command to show to the world My true character, that I am a loving Father who desires peace and happiness for My children.  He fulfilled that command by healing the sick and people with diseases, and teaching about My kingdom of God coming upon My children in power. (Matthew 4:23; Matthew 9:35) 
   Remember that following My commands always brings liberty. Jesus taught even more effective commands such as telling you and My other children that when someone steals from you that you should give the person more than he or she asks, that if the person attempts to steal one thing from you that you should also offer to the person more than is asked, all in an effort to keep peace with the person and not further evil in the world by attempting to defend yourself from evil by returning evil.  My way is to seek peace because peace is My nature.  In doing that, you will live to enjoy the rewards that I send to you for having done My will in the earth.  Your seeds of forgiveness planted in not seeking vengeance or retribution will grow seeds of abundance that I send into your life to bless you. (Matthew 5:38-42) 
   Remember that My commands always bring liberty from the works of evil in the world and cause you to live and enjoy the benefits of My kingdom of God coming into your life.  The most important command that I give to My children through My Son Jesus Christ is be born of My Holy Spirit and to be baptized in My Holy Spirit.  (John 3:5; John 20:21-23;  Acts 1:1-9 and Acts 2:1-4)  When you obey My command, becoming born into My kingdom of God and when My kingdom of God comes spiritually into your life around you to live in you and minister for you. that is when My most valuable command to My children is fulfilled.  You have the authority to forgive the sins of people and you receive a new citizenship in My kingdom of God. You also receive a new spiritual language with which you pray through your mouth, each word being filled with My authoritative power to heal you, your family and the world in which you live.  That command of Jesus fulfills My promise to My children, that I would come and live in them and they would be My children and I would be their God, their Father.(Jeremiah 31:33) When My children obey that command, I provide complete authority over the works of the devil and I give you the power to resist temptations through which you were previously enticed to do the devil's will in the earth.  Oh, what freedom My Holy Spirit brings into the lives of My children who keep My commandment to be filled with My Holy Spirit.  They give Me bodies in the earth in which to live, allowing Me to continue to promote liberty in the lives of My children in the earth.
   Remember I said that My commandments always being freedom and liberty for My children who keep them. David said that My commands are pure, enlightening the eyes, (Psalm 19:2) because when you are baptized in My Holy Spirit He discerns evil and keeps you from joining with those demons.  David said that he sought Me with his whole heart so that he would not wander from My freedom producing liberty that is found in My guidance through My commandments. (Psalm 119:6 and 10) He begged Me not to hide My commandments from him.  He knew that they contained all things that pertain to life and godliness.  (Psalm119:19 and II Peter 1:2 and 3) He had experienced the liberty that comes from being rebuked by Me with My words when he was wandering into the devil's territory.  He was grateful for the rebuke because he knew he was getting into dangerous territory by being insolent and that he would become cursed if he continued. (Psalm 119:21)  David was so devoted to My words that he promised that he would run in the way of My commands when I enlarged his understanding of them. (verse 32) He knew his success in life was tied to walking in My commandments, following My guidance away from evil.  He professed to Me that his delight was in My commandments. (verse 35) He proclaimed his delight in My commands many times. (verse 47 and 48) professing his deep love for them.  He declared that he would meditate upon them because he loved them.
   David's deep devotion to Me and My commands are found in his confessions when he said that not only did he delight n them, but he revered and loved them. (verses 47-48)  Oh, that My other children had such love and devotion to My words.  When they do, whatever they ask of Me will be done for them. (John 15:7)
   I said if you love Me that you will keep, treasure, pursue, love and revere My words to you, whether they are commandments, precepts, ordinances, statutes, testimonies or laws in the constitution and bylaws of your real nation, My kingdom of God,  They keep you from the snares of the evil and insure that My blessings and rewards will come into your life on earth. Meditate upon them until your mind is totally reprogrammed by My Holy Spirit as to what are My new words of guidance to you through My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you.  The rewards are magnificent.
   Your Father of Liberty               

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
    You belong to a new nation when you are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  When My life source came to live inside of you, I created a new individual and with that new ID comes a new nation to which you belong, a spiritual nation called My kingdom of heaven.  Just as with most nations of the earth, you have a new written constitution and bylaws which outline for you your rights as a citizen of My nation and your actions which benefit you in the new nation of My kingdom of heaven. There are statutes in your constitution in which are written instructions on how to promote peace in your life because the royal leader of your new nation is Jesus Christ, named in My kingdom the Prince of Peace.  His appointment from Me was to enact peace in your earth when He came to sojourn there.  I gave to Him the task of defeating the devil who is the instigator of all evil in the earth.  For My children Jesus Christ retrieved from the devil the authority over the earth that I gave to My children when I created them, but which the devil robbed from the first man, Adam. When My Holy Spirit comes to live in My children, the authority in the earth is restored and rests again in My children.  My kingdom of love can come into My children in the earth just as it is in My heaven.
   All of the statutes which promote peace in your earth are found in My constitution and bylaws.  When My Son Jesus was born through a woman, My angels accompanied His birth and the angels proclaimed, "Peace on earth, good will to men."   He restored peace to the lives of everyone with whom He came into contact.  He taught peace in His teachings, even telling My children how to react with peace toward all people in the earth in order that you will not be judged by the devil and become cursed with destruction.  Jesus instructed you and My other children to never fight with someone who injures you, in order to keep peace and so that you will not be judged by the devil with curses and even death.  He taught you that if someone takes your coat that you should also give the person your cloak in order to keep peace with the person and to keep you from being judged by the devil by being cursed with destruction and maybe even death.  He added that if someone forces you to travel one mile with him, that you should offer to travel two miles, all in order to keep peace and to keep you from being judged by the devil with his curses. 
   Jesus said to never return evil for evil, but to always return good for evil done to you, all in order to keep peace and keep from being judged by the devil with his curses that bring destruction into your life.  He emphasized that the religious commandment not to kill doesn't go far enough, but that you should not yield to the demon of anger or you will be liable for judgment from hell, explaining the statute that demonic anger leads to killing.  If you refuse to be angry but instead react with a good attitude, you will be keeping peace with everyone and you will be blessed and rewarded by Me for spreading My peace in the world.  Jesus instructed you to never exact an eye for an eye, but instead to love your enemies in order to keep peace with them and keep from being judged with curses by the devil.  He said that you should bless your enemies, to pray for them and to do good to them so that you are perfect in sowing peace in the earth just like I do.  (Matthew 5:21-48) Jesus Christ not only told you to sow peace in the earth, but He told you how to sow peace.  My Holy Spirit gave to you the same ministry that Jesus had, to keep peace with everyone in the earth.  He said that when you are a peacemaker that you are known as My child. In My Instruction Book are found the statutes on how to be a keeper of peace.
   In Psalm 119, the prophet David extolled the value of My statutes that are in My constitution and bylaws found in your Instruction Book.  He said that his desire was to be steadfast in keeping My statues on keeping peace with others.  I know that keeping peace with everyone takes crucifying the flesh when the devil's desire tells you to retaliate and seek vengeance.  However, choosing to keep peace is My will in every matter. (Psalm 119:5) David made a positive statement of determination, saying, "I will observe thy statutes." (verse 8)  He invoked Me to teach him My statutes (verse 12) because he found delight in them. (verse 16)  When he told Me of the temptation to seek to do his own ways, he begged Me to teach My statutes to him. (verse 26) He even promised that if I would teach him My statutes that he would keep them until the end. (verse 33) David, being the musician, even sang songs about My efforts to teach him My statutes on how to maintain peace and My how Holy Spirit gives you the power to keep peace with all people.(verse 54)
   David knew that the earth was full of My steadfast love and he asked Me to teach him the ways to keep peace through the statutes of My kingdom. (verse 64) Before Jesus gave the instructions about overcoming evil with good, David told Me that I am all that is good and that I do good to My children and he entreated Me to teach  him the statutes on how for him to do good in the earth. (verse 68) He wanted to please Me so much that he wished that he would be blameless in keeping My statutes on keeping peace with others. (verse 80)  He longed for comfort from Me and said he was like a wine skin desiring to be filled, yet he had not forgotten My statutes about keeping peace. (83) David asked Me to hold him up so that he would be safe, which is accomplished when you have regard continually for My statutes of peacekeeping. (117)
   I always deal with My children in love, and David knew that truth, again asking Me to teach him My statutes. (verse 124) He wanted Me to shine My face upon him in teaching him about peace. (135) There were times of desperation when David needed to hear My voice and he cried out to Me with his whole heart, entreating Me to teach him how to be a peacemaker by teaching him My statutes on how to keep peace. (145) He was a king whose inhabitants loved war.  David knew that salvation was far from the ways of wicked men because they do not know My statutes on seeking peace instead of making war. (verse 155)  He professed that his lips would always praise Me because I taught him the truths in the statutes of My kingdom that are dedicated to keeping peace. (verse 171)
   Oh, that My children had the same desire for peace that David did.  You have the example of My Son Jesus Christ and how He came to earth to bring peace to the world.  You have My Holy Spirit inside of you with the authoritative power to refuse to do the devil's will which tempts you to retaliate and seek vengeance by returning evil for evil done to you. The motivation of My kingdom of love is to always keep peace with all people so as not to spread the devil's curses of destruction in your world that I created to bless you and give you an abundant life.
   You must also seek to honor Me, just as David did, by seeking to know My instructions on keeping peace in the earth as taught to you in My Instruction Book.  In individual situations, My Holy Spirit will teach you specifics on keeping peace with each person in every situation and circumstance.  Everything in your world was created in peace and enjoyed peace until your enemy and My enemy, the devil, gained entrance into it.  With My teachings in your Instruction Book on keeping peace that are found in My statutes and with the power of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you, you have the necessary and powerful resources to further peace in the earth and to be known as My child,   When you are known to My kingdom of heaven in the spiritual dimension around you as My child of peace, you can ask anything and it will be done for you because you have furthered My kingdom of peace in your world as My words abide in you. (John 15:7)
    Your Peace Loving Father    

Monday, March 19, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   When My children become born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit, they no longer are members of an earthly nation.  They have new citizenship in My heavenly nation, the kingdom of heaven.  When My Holy Spirit wrote that old things should pass away as all things become new, he said that blind loyalty to your old nation must pass away and that a revealed loyalty to My nation of loving thoughts and actions must take first place in your life. (Hebrews 12:1-2 and 22-25)  Even though you physically live in an earthly nation, because of your being born of My Holy Spirit you have a new constitution and bylaws which the prophet David foresaw in his relationship with Me.  He wrote songs about My loving power and authority in his life which caused him to succeed and prosper in his life on earth.  Your life will prosper if you choose to emulate his devotion to Me and My words. 
   When questioned by political and religious leaders about his loyalty and the loyalty of his followers, Jesus Christ said that He and his followers must pay taxes to the earthly nation in which they lived and must obey the laws of the land, but that they must be completely loyal to Me and My kingdom of heaven.  He said that civil laws were made for people, that people were not made for the earthly civil laws.  That setting was when Jesus and his followers had healed people on the sabbath.  It was illegal to work on the Sabbath, according to their earthly civil laws.  Jesus was emphatic in saying that loyalty to Me and My kingdom of heaven supersedes loyalty to any earthly nation.  He even warned His followers about the woes that would come upon them if they submitted themselves to the hypocrisy and cruel actions of the Pharisees, Sadducees and the scribes who were the religious and political leaders of His time on earth. They heaped guilt and condemnation upon the people instead of allowing their civil laws to relieve them of burdens. (Luke 20:22-25)
   The prophet David knew the importance of the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of heaven and He professed the importance of its elements in his life.  In two of his writings he wrote about the precepts, ordinances, statutes, testimonies, laws and commandments of My kingdom of heaven which are contained in the constitution and bylaws of My spiritual nation.  His love for My ordinances and the rewards that came upon him when He observed those ordinances are apparent in all of his writings but especially in Psalm 19 and 119.  He praised Me for giving ordinances to My children which enhance their lives.
   In His first reference to the ordinances of the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of heaven, David said that My ordinances are true and righteous,(Psalm 19:9-10) causing him to be in awe of Me, that they endure forever and they are to be desired more than fine gold and that they are sweeter than honey.  He said that all of the precepts, statutes, ordinances, testimonies, laws and commandments warn My children of the presence of evil and that in keeping them there are GREAT REWARDS.  (Psalm 19:11)  It was in that writing that David professed that he wanted the words of his mouth and the thoughts of his mind to always be acceptable to Me.  (verse 14)
   My ordinances are truths that are revealed to you by your allowing Me to teach you from earthly things such as the feasts that were part of the heritage of the Jews.  In the feast of Tabernacles, the prophetic truth in that feast was that I would eventually come to make My dwelling place on the earth within the bodies of My children when they are born of My Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 6:19; II Corinthians 5:17) At that life changing event, My Spirit becomes Lord of My children and Lord in the lives of My children  (II Corinthians 3:17-18)  The feast of Pentecost signifies the glorious event of My kingdom coming into My children and upon My children when they are baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:4-8; Acts 2:1-4)  The authoritative power of My kingdom and the dynamic power of My kingdom come into and on the lives of My children, making them members of a supernaturally powerful nation instead of an earthly, powerless nation.  Not only do My children become members of My kingdom of heaven, but they receive a new spiritual language, called other tongues, with which to pray.  Glorious truths were in those religious, prophetic feasts of old, the prophesies of My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children while they live in the earth.  People were blinded to the truths in the feasts, but My Spirit teaches My children all of the truths.
    David extolled the glorious truths that are revealed to My children from things in the earth that signify things in My kingdom of heaven such as the teachings of Jesus relating to trees, seeds, harvest, the ark of the covenant of the Jews. the water of the word, etc.  I said that things in the earth are made from things in the heavens; therefore, there are truths hidden in them.  (II Corinthians 4:16-18)  Those teachings are ordinances in My constitution and bylaws.  David dedicated his time to learning them. They are ordained by Me.
    My ordinances were so important to David that he sang about their importance in his life.  He said that he declared My ordinances by his mouth, speaking of them to other people and praising Me for them. (Psalm 119:13)  He said that his soul was consumed with longing for the truths in My ordinances, which are the truths hidden within earthly things. (Psalm 119:20)  He said he set My ordinances before him, having chosen faithfulness to Me and My guidance.(verse 30)  The goodness of My ordinances in revealing My kingdom to My children turn away any reproach. (verse 39)  The hopes of David were in knowing all of the ordinances of My kingdom as revealed in earthly things and he said that his hopes were that I would not take them out of his mouth because he loved singing about them. (verse 43)
   David enjoyed the comfort that came to him from knowing the ordinances of My kingdom, having had their truths revealed to him (verse 52)  He declared that I taught him My ordinances and that he would never turn away from them. He rose at midnight to praise Me for the truths in My ordinances.  Again he said that they are sweet to the taste, sweeter than honey. (verses 102-13)  He even begged Me to teach him the things about My kingdom that are revealed in things of the earth and he reminded Me that he praised Me for the lessons that I taught him.(verse 108) 
   The prophet David was convinced that truths are in all of My words and that every word is righteous and endures forever.  (verse 160)  He was so dedicated to learning about Me from the things in the earth and in his religious training about the feasts that he said he praises Me seven times a day for giving revelations to My children.
   David was blessed in all that he did because of his love for My revelations and he praised Me continually for the value of them in his life.  His love for Me and My words are summed up in his statement, "I have hid your words in my heart so that I might not sin against you."  (Psalm 119:11) 
   David's songs of praise are like sweet incense to Me.  He knew that My words of revelation to him were the key to his having a long, happy life in the earth with their comfort, their revelation, their sweetness, their value, their truth and their validation of him.
    Make your dedication to My words as important to you as they were to David. 
    Your Father of Life Giving Words

Sunday, March 18, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   In abundance in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of love are authoritative rules of action which, when followed, cause My children to succeed and prosper in the world that I created for them.  In other words, actions in the earth produce reactions in My heaven.  My precepts of doing good in the earth take precedence over every action of evil which became prevalent in the earth when Adam allowed the devil to enter and curse all people as well as the earth. (Genesis 3:11-19)  Therefore, My precepts of doing good will destroy the devil's evil works in the world every time.
   I am not like earthly fathers who tell you to do something and not question it, commanding their children to do it just because they said to do it.  I explain to you the spiritual works and the corresponding earthly works that occur because you have followed My instructions in the earth.  When you know the results that happen because you take My advice and follow My instructions, you are more inclined to follow My instructions because you understand the reasoning behind My instructions.  
   The precepts of My kingdom are simple such as love overcomes hate and good overcomes evil. (Luke 6:27; Matthew 5:43-44)  When My children fully understand those two precepts of the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of love, and when they observe them, being obedient to only think, speak and act in loving attitudes and doing good works in the lives of friends and enemies in their lives, they will become the heads of all things instead of the trails, inheriting in the earth the riches of the glorious inheritance that I have stored for them in the heavens. 
   The prophet David, who is thought of as "a man after My own heart," was a man who treasured My words more than any person.  He wrote songs extolling the importance of My words to him, confessing his trust in the precepts, ordinances, testimonies, statutes, laws and commandments that flow from My mouth into the thoughts of My children.  When understood, each precept has its own power, as well as each statue, commandment and so forth and so on.  David wrote that all of My precepts are right and that they rejoice the hearts of My children. (Psalm 19:8)
    David's love for My Fatherly instructions was superior to any other person, other than Jesus.  Both Jesus and David professed many times that they could not live without My personal words spoken to them in their minds.
    David sang to Me that My words were a lamp to his feet and a light to his path.(Psalm 119:105)  He understood that each Fatherly instruction from Me made the good paths for his life clear and distinguishable.  He never put his faith in the temptations that come from hell or the words of ungodly people. (Psalm 1)  He only trusted in the goodness that came in My instructions.  Only My children who hear My words and treasure them are able to confess, like David, their love for My Fatherly advice and counsel.  They are like Peter who said to Jesus, "Where else can we go?  You are the only One who has the words of eternal life."(John 6:68)
   In one of his songs confessing his love for My words, David sang a song to Me saying that he meditated on My precepts and that his eyes were fixed on them day and night. Day and night!  Sometimes it takes that discipline in order to shut out the unbelieving words of other people and the doctrines of religion.  He chose one of the precepts that are contained within My instructions that are the authoritative actions that My children must make, and he thought about it day and night until he saw the importance of it and the truths relating to it. (Psalm 119:15) After My Spirit revealed the truth of that precept, then he went to another of the precepts and meditated upon it and on and on until he knew the inner spiritual activity behind My precepts, which are the authoritative rules of your actions which further My kingdom in the earth, such as love overcoming hate and good overcoming evil.
   Not only did David meditate upon My precepts, which are My actions of love which are the authority in the earth that you must adopt, but he asked Me to make him understand the ways of all of My precepts because he was meditating upon My wondrous works day and night.  He knew that if he walked in the truths in My precepts that he would always walk in victory. (verse 45) David knew that when he walked in My precepts that My blessings would overtake him.  (verse 56)  Oh, that My other children would have such love for Me and such confidence in My words. When you do and when you follow My precepts, you  will walk in victory and in My blessings. When you spread My love in the earth and do good to your enemies, My precepts guarantee victory over evil and guarantee My blessings to flow into your life on earth.
   David said that he only made friends of My other children who keep My precepts so he was not influenced by the sins of others. (verse 63)  He wrote that even though godless people manipulated him with lies, that he kept My precepts with his whole heart. (verse 69)
   David proclaimed to Me over and over again that he meditated on the precepts of the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of love and that, because of the truths in them, My love always comforted him.  He observed that the godless spirits who came against him were put to shame because of his keeping My precepts of spreading love and goodness in the world.  (verses 76 & 78)  He had confidence that the truths in My precepts had given him life because he never forgot them. (verse 93)  Because he kept My precepts, he was more wise than the aged (verse 100) because in My precepts he found understanding to hate the false ways of the devil. (verse 104)  He proclaimed that he directed all of his ways according to My precepts because he hated every false way of evil. (verse 128) 
   It is music to My ears when My children proclaim that they will direct all of their ways according to My words because there are no other words that bring the eternal blessings from my kingdom to My children.
    David asked me to redeem him from the oppression of people so that he would continue to keep My precepts. (verse 134)  He said that even though he felt small and despised, He said that he did not forget to follow the actions found in My precepts. (verse 141) He asked Me to consider his deep love for My precepts and he asked me to preserve his life according to his steadfast love for Me. (verse 159)
   This man after My own heart sang that all of his ways were before Me and he asked that I observe his keeping of all My precepts. (verse 168)  He wanted to please Me so much that he asked Me to help him with My loving hand because he had chosen My precepts above the instructions of anyone else. (verse 173)  He had chosen them, but he wanted My help in choosing to love over hate and doing good over doing evil.  Oh, that all of My children would want to please Me to that degree. With the power of My Holy Spirit My children receive My help after they choose My ways over the devil's ways.  
    Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, you have access to My Holy Spirit's help by His living inside of you.  He reveals My love to you and He urges you to love My precepts, statutes, ordinances, testimonies, commandments and laws because He knows the victory that comes into your life when you follow My authoritative rules of action in the earth toward other people. 
    Use Jesus Christ and the prophet David as examples of dedication to My words and to Me.  Jesus said if you love Me that you will keep My words.  (John 14:23)  Make it your mantra to be like Peter, saying, "Where else can I go?  You are the only One who has the words of eternal life."
   Meditate upon My words until they become flesh in you and you only speak words that edify others.  Meditate upon My words until your first reaction when someone opposes you is to love him, to bless him, to pray for him and to do good to him.  People will observe the works of your faith and glorify Me. (Matthew 5:14)      
   Your Father Who Teaches Loving Precepts