My Dear Precious Child,
My promises to My children are always yes, amen, so be it. (II Corinthians 1:20) In other words, you can rely upon My promises that I have given to all of My children to be your good and loving Father. I said I AM your provider, I AM your protector, I AM your deliverer from evil, I AM your guide, I AM your peace, I AM always present in your life, I AM your healer, I AM your peace. I said that I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH. In revealing all of the aspects of My character, I was telling you that I am more than you will ever need.
The prophet David was so dedicated to Me that he spent time meditating in the words, statutes, precepts, ordinances, testimonies, commandments and promises of My kingdom of heaven. (Psalm 119) He knew that the truths in them far exceeded the power and importance of the constitution and bylaws of his earthly nation, even though he was the king of it. He treasured My encouragement and My guidance, saying that his life depended upon Me and My insights that I gave to him when I gave him understanding through My wisdom and knowledge. (Psalm 119)
The dedication that David had for the guidance he found in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom distinguish him from other old covenant prophets. David said that he could not live without My words, that they were his salvation, that they brought him peace, that they healed him, that they guided him, that they kept him from doing evil and that they comforted him when the world failed him, when people persecuted him, caused him distress and sorrow and he said that My words were even his comfort when he waited for death, My words raised him up, made him victorious over evil, soothed his injured emotions and set him on top as the head of all things instead of the tail, set him above bad circumstances instead of his being below the evil in them, and he said that My words made him succeed instead of fail.
David believed My promises, considering them as sure, perfect, stable and guaranteed. He asked Me to confirm My promises that I made to My children who are in awe of My wonderful works in their behalf. (Psalm 119:38) To My children who persist in being in awe of My words, I send confirmations to them without even being asked so that they will persist in believing for My interventions in their behalf. He requested that My steadfast love would come to him and My salvation, according to what I had promised. (Psalm 119:41) David always delighted in Me, but I delighted in David when he professed the reality of My steadfast love for him. He knew My character as being love and he labeled it "steadfast love," meaning that My love never ceases, that it endures forever. (I Corinthians 13: 13) I delighted in his confession of My love for him. Because of My steadfast love, he knew that My salvation for him would eventually come. He knew that My plan of saving him from his enemies would break forth through the despair and free him from mental oppression.
The comfort that he found in his mental afflictions always came from My life- giving promises to him. When everything else in the world failed, David knew that My promise to lift him above afflictions would happen and he relied upon that promise. (verse 50) He said that even when godless people derided him that he would never turn away from My words. The confidence that David had in My promises was faithful. He even begged with all of his whole heart for My favor while he was also asking for My graciousness that was shown in My promise to him. He knew the unmerited favor that was included in My grace toward My children. (verse 58) Again David asked that My steadfast love would be ready to comfort him according to My promise. (verse 76) Very few of My children knew about My steadfast love in David's time on earth, but David had received the revelation of My love for him while meditating in My words. He had insight into My love for My children and he knew that My desire is to comfort My children in their distress. When My Holy Spirit came to earth to live in My children, they received the ultimate evidence of My comfort. (John 14:15-17) My Spirit is My supreme Comforter to My children.(verse 76)
In his time of great distress, David said his soul was in anguish to see My salvation from his problems but he still had great hope in My promises, yet saying that his eyes were failing from watching for My promise to be fulfilled in his life. He asked Me when I was going to fulfill My promise to comfort him. (verse 81 and 82) Even in his anguish, David never left Me. My comfort and salvation eventually came to him. He had great faith in My promise that he would live and he asked Me to uphold him in that promise. Even in his great faith, he asked that he would not be shamed for having such hope in My promises. (verse 116)
David was exhausted in waiting for the culmination of My promise to him to be fulfilled. He confessed again that his eyes were failing because he had waited so long for My salvation to become apparent. Yet, he had faith for My righteous promise to become manifested and he knew that I would vindicate him. (verse 123) His faith never waned, even though circumstances became worse and worse. He asked Me to turn to him and be gracious to him as I always do toward those who love My name. He asked Me to steady his steps according to My promise and he asked that no iniquity would gain dominion over him in the form of tempting sexual or immoral desires. (verse 133)
In David's long entreaty to Me in which he was asking for My help, he also confessed his everlasting faith and hope in Me. In his confessions which assured Me that he knew about the elevation of My steadfast love and promises to My children, he continued to assure Me that his eyes were still awake in the hourly watches of the night so that he could meditate on My promises. (verse 148)
My Son Jesus had the same dedication because sometimes He remained awake all night praying and entreating My help in His ministry in the earth. Like David, He knew that He was nothing without My power operating in Him. On one occasion Jesus prayed that the ministry of dying on the cross would pass from him. He anguished over leaving the earth and going to hell for the sins of the world, even though He was assured by Me that My Holy Spirit would raise Him from death and from hell, causing Him to ascend into My heaven to live with Me. (Matthew 26:37-46) Yet his flesh anguished at the thought of having to walk through the reality of it. He wrestled in his flesh with the reality of it, yet He accepted this assignment and endured the cross, going to hell, gloriously ascended from hell by the power of My Holy Spirit and He appeared to many people, doing good things in their lives. Then He came to live with Me and sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to live within My children to be their constant comfort, counsel, guidance, protector, provider and Lord of their lives. (Acts 1:1-7; Acts 2:1-4) He gave to My children a new life, a new nation and a new language. My children who accept His inheritance for them allow My Holy Spirit to be Lord of their lives with My constant comfort, love, wisdom and knowledge. (II Corinthians 3:17-18)
Jesus Christ and the prophet David knew that they were limited in their flesh to live in the earth without My help and My comfort. David professed his faith in My words and Jesus professed His faith in My Holy Spirit. It's the same faith, because My Holy Spirit and My words cannot be separated. My words are introduced into the earth through My Holy Spirit. My words come into the thoughts of My children by My Holy Spirit. My power is present within My children by the words of My Holy Spirit.
My children must give the same honor and appreciation that David and Jesus Christ gave to My Holy Spirit and My words. When they do, there is no limit to their success in life because My Spirit is dedicated to bringing victory into the lives of My children who give first place in their lives to My words. It was My desire from the beginning of the earth, and My Holy Spirit makes it available for My children who continue to give first place in their lives to My words. My words are life.
Your Loving, Living Father
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