Saturday, March 24, 2018

Many laws

My Dear Precious Child,
   There are laws which bring liberty through My freedom and there are laws which bring bondage and destruction.  Laws are composed of words, words which come from either heaven or hell, from Me or from the devil.  I said that My spiritual laws are the laws or words that come into your thoughts from the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus and that they set you free from the laws or words of sin and death from the devil which tempt you in your thoughts. (Romans 8:2)  I said further that you must submit yourself to My words, resist the devil's words and that he would flee from you. (James 4:7-8)  Every time the devil's words come into your thoughts in the form of temptations, My words takes precedence over them if you will recall My thoughts on the matter at hand.  My words to you are always filled with love and power and when you choose to meditate on them instead of yielding to the devil's temptations in your mind to hate, become angry, bitter, vengeful, lustful, depressed or judgmental, you choose for My kingdom to minister My blessings into your life instead of the devil cursing your life with his destruction and death because you chose his evil thoughts.
   We talked about the religious laws given to Israel through Moses and how they were meant to identify the devil's temptations that come into your mind to kill, to steal, to covet, to envy, to judge, to worship idols, etc. They were given by Me to save you from falling for the devil's traps.  However, they were perverted by the devil when he caused religious leaders and politicians to use them to condemn and judge My children by making My children feel guilty and sinful.  My instructions that I intended to inform and instruct My children were perverted and used by the devil to curse them instead of identifying the works of the devil so that My children would avoid them. (Romans 7:7-10)
   When My Holy Spirit came to live in you and My other children, My words became written on your heart for instructions on how to avoid the devil's traps; and My words flow from your mouth to be prayed in My spiritual language.  (Romans 10:8) Because I live in My children, My instructional words come directly from Me into your thoughts, bypassing the devil's temptations in your human mind.  My words are also directly deposited in your mouth, those words being the language of My kingdom, called other tongues, which are My spiritual language to be prayed which speak solutions to problems that the devil has caused. 
   You have the treasure of My Holy Spirit in an earthen vessel so that all of the miracles that I do in your behalf might be known to be from Me and not from any human knowledge found in religion.  (II Corinthians 4:7)  I say again:  You have the treasure of My Holy Spirit in your body so that all of the works that I do in your behalf will be known to be from Me and not from your human flesh.   My words to you are the spiritual laws of My kingdom and they supersede all laws of earthly nations. 
   The prophet David was devoted to My written words and My personal words to him.  He knew that they were life to him.  When He wrote about My laws and their importance to him, he was speaking of scriptures and the truths contained in scriptures as well as My personal words to him.
   David's songs and writings refer to My laws, which are My words through the prophets and My personal words to him.  He wrote that My scriptures are perfect and that they revive his mind. (Psalm 19:1)  He knew that I warn My children about the devil's traps and that if they keep the commands in My scriptures that there are great rewards available to them. (Psalm 119:11)  In a more lengthy discourse in praising Me for the scriptures, David asked Me to open his eyes so that he would understand the wonderful things in My laws, My scriptures. (Psalm 119:18)  He said that false ways would be put away from him when I taught to him the truths in My scriptures. (Psalm 119:29)  He appealed to Me many times to teach him the truths in the scriptures so that he would be able to keep them. (verse 34) His intent was to keep the instructions in the scriptures forever and ever. (verse 44) When godless people ridiculed him for His faith in Me and My scriptures, he refused to turn away from Me.  (verse 51)
    When indignation from hell seized his mind because of the wicked, David dug his heels in and refused to forsake My scriptures and My promises. (verse 53)  He knew that when he called upon Me in the night that I would be there and that he would continue to keep the truths in My scriptures. (verse 55)  He knew that his strength was in My laws because the cords of the wicked tried to ensnare him. (verse 61) Even though godless people had hearts that were gross as fat, he continued to keep My scriptures in his heart. (verse 70)  Pitfalls were dug for him by the devil through godless people who did not conform to My scriptures. (verse 85)  He said that if My scriptures had not been his delight that he would have perished. (verse 92) Oh, how he loved the scriptures.  He meditated upon them day and night. (verse 97)  In David's reign as king, he held his life in his hands many times, but he never forgot My scriptures. (verse 107)  Even though he hated double minded men, he still loved My laws. (verse 113) When My laws were broken, David declared it was time to act. (verse 128)
   David shed many tears because other men did not keep My scriptures.  He knew the rewards that come as a result of following My guidance and was  grieved that other people did not. (verse 136) He knew that My righteousness is righteous forever and that My worlds in the scriptural laws were true. (verse 142)  He observed the vast number of men who persecuted him with evil purpose and knew that they were far from observing My scriptures,(verse 150)  Because of the grief from the persecutions of godless men on David, he begged Me to look upon his affliction and observe that he never left the scriptures. (verse 153)   He abhorred falsehood but he love My scriptures. (verse 162)
   Even in the midst of persecution and the evil works of the devil through godless men toward him, David proclaimed that peace comes from to those people who love My scriptures and that the knowledge of them will keep a person from stumbling. (verse 165)   He continued in longing for salvation and having great delight in My scriptures. (verse 174) There was no other basis for David's devotion to Me other than his love and dedication to the truths in the scriptures as spoken through the prophets and the faith that he gleaned from them.
   My children of promise must adopt the same devotion and dedication to the tutoring of My Holy Spirit that David had to the truths found in the old covenant scriptures and prophesies. (John 16:12-15) You and My other children of promise have direct access to the writer of the scriptures upon which David relied when he was king with all of its responsibilities.  The writer is My Holy Spirit.
    Even though David loved peace, his constituents loved war.  Even though he loved the scriptures, his princes were ungodly.  Even though he was persecuted and maligned because of his devotion to peace, he continued to love and rely upon My truths.  Even though he was assaulted by the devil on all sides, he sought solace in My scriptures.  Oh, for the same devotion from all of My children. No wonder David is said to be a man after My own heart.  He was completely devoted to Me, so he was blessed with the rewards of My kingdom.
    Make My Bible your only instruction book.  Make My Holy Spirit your only guide. Make Me your only Father.  Make Jesus Christ your only Savior, not your pastor, your priest, your pope, your bishop, your friends, the politicians, your mate or your children.  When you have complete trust in Me and when you devote youself to hearing My words of guidance from My Holy Spirit, everything good thing in My kingdom will be added to your life on earth.
   I promised it and I always keep My promises
    Your Father of Lasting Salvation    

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