Monday, April 30, 2018


MY Dear Precious Child,
   I described My kingdom of heaven perfectly when I said that it is righteousness, peace and joy in My Holy Spirit.  (Romans 14:17) My children who seek My righteousness, My peace and My joy will find them in the tutoring of My Holy Spirit, and only in the tutoring of My Holy Spirit. 
   My Holy Spirit works My unconditional love for all people into you which comes from My righteousness. 
   He works peace with all people in you which only comes from My Holy Spirit through the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. 
   He works joy in you so solidly that when problems come into your life you can laugh at the devil because you know that I perfect everything that concerns you when you are led by My Spirit and walk according to His guidance.  (Romans 5:3)
   Because My nature is goodness and everything that I create is good, My Holy Spirit works goodness for you and through you to others. 
   Because My kindness is extended to everyone, even My children who do evil toward Me, My children are kind and merciful to their human enemies, loving them with the same love with which I love all of My children. 
   Because I am patient with My children, the righteous ones, the rebellious ones and the ones who curse Me and speak evil of Me, My children are patient with their own children, their friends, their human enemies and with Me, knowing that when My children request things in prayer that I instruct My angels to work full-time in order to answer those prayers. 
   My patient children know that it is never My fault when prayers are not immediately answered but that it is the fault of barriers in the earth, either evil attitudes, evil speech or evil actions.
   Because I am merciful, My children are grateful for My forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and they will extend the same divine forgiveness to their human enemies who do evil toward them.
   Because I am faithful to My children, seeking every means that will bless them and deliver their inheritance to them while they live in the earth, My devoted children are faithful to Me, seeking My guidance, My wisdom, My insight, My revelation knowledge, My strategies and My truth instead of seeking earthly wisdom and knowledge which is limited.  Thus is the truth in the parable of the man who finds a pearl of great price, hides the treasure, goes off happy, sells everything he has and buys the pearl because of its great worth to him. (Matthew 13:14)  Notice it says that the person hides the treasure and goes off happy. 
   David said that he hid My words in his heart so that he wouldn't sin against Me.  Very often, My children accept Jesus Christ, become born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit and they are happy and joyful, wanting others to know.  However, there are many instances of their prideful exuberance doing more harm than good because of their lack of spiritual knowledge.  If My children will nurture the treasure of My Holy Spirit in their hearts, learning to hear My voice before they destroy the spiritual walk of others by their fleshly exuberance, they will be more effective and wise in their witnessing.  Often the person's spiritual immaturity invites the devil into their witnessing instead of their witnessing being anointed by My Holy Spirit.  Paul went to the desert for three years learning to hear from My Spirit and learning to be obedient to My Spirit.  Consequently, he had more revealed knowledge than any of My children.  He was so happy that he figuratively laid aside everything that had previously been important to him.  He only sought Me, My kingdom and My righteousness.
   Paul's devotion to Me was admirable and pure.  He laid aside his former political devotion, his national devotion, his friends, his vocation, his religion, his dedication to religious laws and He sought to learn about Me.  He took the words of Jesus to heart when He said to take My yoke upon him and to learn of Me.  (Matthew 11:29) Paul found out by becoming acquainted only with Me that I am meek instead of forceful and pridefully driven.  He leaned to be meek, as I am meek and lowly of heart.  Consequently, he found rest for his soul.  He was driven to learn to know Me personally, to become intimately acquainted with Me instead of being driven by a demonic spirit of fleshly ministry which seeks its own glory.  It is in becoming My image of meekness in the earth which brings glory to Me and causes people to glorify Me, causing them to want to know Me.
   The pearl of great price is My Holy Spirit.  Through getting to intimately know Me by the tutoring of My Holy Spirit Paul wrote that you have the treasure of My Holy Spirit in your earthen vessel so that the work that He does in you will be so excellent and powerful that I am the only one who gets glory for it. (II Corinthians 4:7)  Paul said that he did not preach himself and his works but he only preached the works of Jesus Christ because I am the One who shines My light in your heart, filling you with the light of My knowledge, the same knowledge that was in Jesus Christ.
    There is great wisdom in the parable of the pearl.  Hiding the pearl of My Holy Spirit in your heart until you become acquainted with Me and My voice so that you don't sin by being ignorant of My ways is one truth. Fleshly exuberance has caused more of My children to err than any other demonic influence.  It's often their fleshly exuberance that brings unnecessary persecution on My children because of their lack of wisdom which causes them to lose their joy and happiness. When My children hear My voice, learn My character and become the witnesses of My personality in the world, there is joy unspeakable even in persecution and tribulation because their houses are built on My Rock. 
    Giving up all devotion to fleshly institutions, religious practices, political tenets and instead seeking only Me, My kingdom and My righteousness has great rewards.  My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and are baptized in My Holy Spirit, turning from old passions, habits, teachings and devotions, instead seeking only Me and My wisdom in all matters are My children who receive 100% of My blessings in their lives while they live in the earth.  Their devotion to Me attracts My blessings into their lives. 
    Jesus was clear.  He said you can't serve two masters.  It you try, there will be a war in your mind because the demons in the fleshly institutions will require your complete devotion and you will give less devotion to Me and My kingdom of love.(Matthew 6:24)  But if you choose to be 100% devoted to Me and My kingdom of love, you will have 100% of My blessings in your life.
    Your Father of Marvelous Blessings  

Sunday, April 29, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   In explaining and teaching about My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children while they live in the earth, Jesus talked in parables, comparing the truths to earthly things rather than explicitly giving details of what would happen.  He did that order to continue to hide the truths from the devil and his demons who would have sabotaged the day of the first real Pentecostal feast when My kingdom came to earth in the lives of My children who gathered to wait for My promise to become reality in their lives.  If He had described in detail what was going to happen, few of His followers would have shown up for the momentous occasion, as explained when He described the different attitudes of My children and their reaction to the truths about My kingdom coming into their lives.
   In the parable of the sower of seeds and the actions and reactions of My children to the truths that I teach them, Jesus said that there are different reactions to the truths about My kingdom coming into the lives of My children while they live in the earth.  He said that some of My truths fall on paths and birds come and eat them up.  Those people hear My truths, don't understand them because of having no need for having My truths in their lives and so the devil comes and steals the truths from them.  The people who hear the truths that fall on rocky soil have little soil for the roots to provide stability.  They are the ones who hear My truths about My kingdom and welcome them with joy, but when trials and persecutions come because of the truths, they fall away immediately because they thought it was going to be an easy adventure.  The truths of My kingdom coming to live in My children often are heard by My children who need them, but the demons of religion and politics, plus other demons who speak in the thoughts of those people, rise up and choke the truths and the people produce nothing that I promised in their lives.  Later My Holy Spirit named some of those demons and said that people who yield to those demons will not enter into My kingdom and be blessed.  (Galatians 5:18-21) 
    The ground that produces a good crop are the minds in certain people who hear My truths about the kingdom of heaven coming into the earth in the lives of My children, receives them and does them, producing good results.  Some receive 30, some 60 and often 100 percent of their inheritance from Me while in the earth.  The people who only receive 30% are the people who only believe that being born of My Spirit qualifies them to go to heaven but they reject the truths about being baptized in My Holy Spirit. They struggle in life but spend eternity with Me in my heaven.  My children who receive 60% of their blessings are the ones who are born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit but do not allow Me to transform their flesh into having the same spiritual characteristics that were in My Son Jesus.  My children who receive 100% of My blessings are the ones who become born of My Spirit, baptized in My Spirit, hear My personal words to them which transforms them into My children of righteousness.  They allow My Spirit to transform their minds into the mind of Christ and their flesh into the cleansed and newly decorated temple of My Holy Spirit, decorated with the fruit of My Spirit.  They will inherit all of My blessings in their lives because their lives portray My thoughts, attitudes and actions in a dark, corrupt world.  (Galatians 5:22-26) In other words, they are doers of My word and not hearers only.
   Jesus also taught in a parable that My children who feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in prison, that they will enter into My kingdom of heaven while in the earth.  (Matthew 25:34-46) My children who are selfish and self centered will not inherit any of My blessings but will enter into the devil's curses while they live in the earth.  I have no hands in the earth to feed the poor except yours.  The poor have inherited a demon of poverty and that demon does not allow the people to become self supporting.  The poor pray for Me to help them and the only help that I have for them is My children who hear My voice and share their blessings with the poor who are bound to the demon of poverty.  I can only answer the needs of the poor through My children who are blessed to hear My voice and give to the poor, the widows and orphans, the mentally and physically disabled out of their own abundance.  They are merciful and they obtain mercy.
   My children who become blessed by inheriting My kingdom blessings while they live in the earth are the ones who find the treasure of My Holy Spirit, embrace Him in their hearts and reject everything to which they were previously devoted, their religious doctrines and the political tenets of their former allegiance, seeking instead the revelations of My entire kingdom from Me.  (Matthew 13:44; II Corinthians 4:6-7)   Most people don't need to sell all of their earthly possessions, they need to share them.  Jesus only told one man to sell all of his possessions.  because Jesus knew that He was devoted to his possessions. (Matthew 19:21)       
   I don't dole out My blessings.  They are available to everyone.  The quantity of blessings, those being the inheritance of My children, are obtained by the ones who not only seek My kingdom but keep on seeking until My words in their lives produce My transformed children who display My characteristics and personality of love and peace in their corrupt world.  When My kingdom is evident in the lives of My children because of unconditional love for everyone, keeping peace with your enemies as well as your friends, refusing to be religiously pious and prideful in front of people but instead praying in private with only My ears hearing your prayers, refusing to judge anyone but instead forgiving immediately, refusing lustful thoughts and temptations, rejecting the divisive teachings of the politicians and hypocrites, rejecting the teachings of false prophets, giving to the people who beg from you or ask for money from you, and rejecting thoughts of fretting and worrying, (Matthew 5, 6 and 7)   I said that My children who not only hear those commands of My Son Jesus but also do them will enter into My kingdom of heaven while in the earth. 
   My entire kingdom of heaven is available to you while you live in the earth.  There are statutes, principles, precepts, ordinances and commandments that relate to inheriting My kingdom.  I have not withheld the truths from any of My children.  They are available to you.  Seek them and you will find them.  Not only hear them but do them and you will reign in life as My children of promise
   Your Generous and Gracious Heavenly Father

Saturday, April 28, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   Relating to the evil that's in the world, Jesus Christ told His followers that if they had the faith that's in a mustard seed that they would tell a mountain to be moved and cast into the sea.  He was talking about demonic spiritual heads of kingdoms, referred to as mountains, and He was talking about casting offending demons out of people and out of the earth and casting them into hell from where they came.  Jesus always taught His truths about My kingdom of heaven and the evil kingdom that exists in the earth by relating them to earthly things like fields and mountains. 
   A few years later after Jesus came to live in heaven with Me, My Holy Spirit wrote in My Instruction Book, called the Bible, that you have not come to an earthly government that Moses established which was blessed by Me for a time. Because of having been born again; you have not been born into an earthly kingdom;, but instead you have been born into and are baptized in what I referred to as a Heavenly Jerusalem, My kingdom of heaven, which is composed of My myriad of angels, the spirits of the first born whom Jesus led out of spiritual captivity when He was raised from the dead, also the spirits of the saints who have been made perfect, also Jesus Christ and His blood which constantly forgives sins and cleanses you, and that I am also in that cloud of spiritual witnesses surrounding you.  (Hebrews 12:1-2 and 22-24) That insight and revelation confirms to you that My kingdom of heaven comes into and upon you when you are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, My promise to My children what I would come live in them, (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Jeremiah 32:38-39)
   Because of the power of My Holy Spirit inside of you and the power of My kingdom of heaven surrounding you, you have My supernatural power to command demonic kingdoms, called principalities and powers of the air, to leave people and the earth and to be cast into the lake of fire. (Ephesians 6:10-18)  Not until Jesus went to hell for the sins of the whole world and then rose from the dead did anyone in the earth have the power to cast the demons who torment people into hell.  Because My Holy Spirit lives in you and He is the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, He gives you the same power that Jesus had to cast out demons but now you can send them to hell.  In His parable, Jesus referred to demonic kingdoms as "mountains" because they rise high above the earth and appear to be powerful and majestic. (Matthew 17:20)
   Jesus Christ explained that wonderful phenomenon when He taught the parable about the darnal, which are the cause of the sins and impurities of my children, those being the demons who invade their lives and the earth.  He said that at the end of the old covenant and after the new covenant was begun with My children, that My Holy Spirit would live in My children and make them My children.  He has the power to cast out every demon who curses the lives of My children.  My Holy Spirit commands the demons to leave My children and go to the fires of hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.  After those demons are cast out of My children, My children shine like the sun in My kingdom of heaven which came to earth in the lives of My children when they were born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Matthew 13:38-43) 
   When you allow Me to do My wonderful work in you by training you to, by the power of My Holy Spirit, cast into hell the demons who tempt, try and condemn you and other people, then you become the light of the world, a candle which cannot be hidden because My righteousness becomes your character and personality. (Matthew 5:14-16) 
  Jesus Christ said that when He cast out a demon from a person by the power of My Holy Spirit that My kingdom of heaven comes upon the person. (Luke 11:20)  My confirmations are abundant in My Instruction Book to you about the truth of My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children, making Me your Father because I live in you.  When I come to live in you, My kingdom of heaven comes inside of you and surrounds you.  You have the power of My Holy Spirit to do greater things than Jesus did when He ministered in the earth. (John 14:12; Luke 11:20)  One is to cast the demons out of the earth and into hell.
    Heed the truths in My parables about the kingdom of heaven.  My kingdom comes into the lives of My children when you are born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit. My children must use the power that I gave to them, doing what they see Me do and saying what they hear Me say.  With the anointing of My Holy Spirit, you can remove demonic kingdoms from people and the earth, casting them into hell, often called the abyss.
   Hell is reserved for the demons.
   Your Father of Revelations.

Thursday, April 26, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   Through My Son Jesus I explained a teaching about My kingdom by comparing My children to trees as I was talking about the words that people speak when the Pharisaical politicians were speaking evil of My Holy Spirit, saying that Jesus cast out demons by the spirit of the devil.  I said to either make a tree good and its fruit good or make a tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt because a kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every country or city that is divided will not stand.  (Matthew 12:22-28)  He said that if He cast out devils by My Spirit, that My kingdom comes upon that person in an effort to make that child of mine good and righteous, peaceful and joyful. 
   Jesus Christ set the stage in that teaching for His future teachings about My kingdom coming on earth in the lives of My children just as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)  Continuing His teaching on My kingdom coming into and onto the lives of My children, He said that My kingdom is like a mustard seed which a person sowed in his field.  Even thought its the smallest seed, when it's grown it becomes the biggest shrub and then grows into a tree so that the birds of the air come and gather in its branches. (Matthew 13:31-32; Mark 8:24)  Later His disciples would experience the seed of My Holy Spirit being implanted into their spirits, creating a new creature as in being born of My Spirit. (John 3:3-8; John 20:19-23)  They were the fields in which the smallest seed was planted, as in the mustard seed.  Little was known about My Holy Spirit so that's why Jesus referred to Him as the littlest seed.  The least was known about Him, as is true in your world.   My children knew about the coming of the Messiah and some recognized Jesus Christ as being Him, but very little was known about My Holy Spirit through whom I created the earth.  However, Jesus taught that the smallest seed grows inside of My children until they becomes a bush and then a huge tree.  My Holy Spirit grows inside of My children who seek Me and grows until he takes over the entire entire person, spirit, soul and body.
   That was not all of the teaching that Jesus taught about the mustard seed.  He said that when My kingdom of God grows in a person that the "birds of the air" nestle in its branches.  The "birds" of the air are all of My spiritual beings who are in My kingdom of heaven who take up residence in and around My children, baptizing My children in My Holy Spirit and fire.  That is confirmed by the visions of Ezekiel who saw into My kingdom of heaven while he lived in the earth.
   Years before Jesus came to earth, when Ezekiel saw into My heaven in the spiritual dimension he saw that everywhere My Holy Spirit goes, My angels go.  (Ezekiel 10:11-14)  Jesus said that His baptism was a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire.  There were coals of fire in the angels that Ezekiel saw when he saw into My kingdom.  The "birds of the air" which Jesus spoke when He compared My children to trees which grow from the mustard seed are the ones that are revealed by the writer of the book of Hebrews who said that My children of promise are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.  (Hebrews 12:1) He named the witnesses as the angels, the spirits of the firstborn who Jesus raised from the dead when He was raised from the dead, the spirits of the saints who have been made perfect, Jesus Christ, His blood and Me.  Those are the inhabitants of My kingdom of heaven and when My children are baptized in My Holy Spirit they are baptized into My kingdom of heaven because My kingdom comes upon them, as Jesus Christ said.  The inhabitants of My heaven come and nestle in and around you, just as Jesus compared them to birds of the air.  His word "birds" related to winged spiritual beings.  
   My Holy Spirit said that I am a consuming fire, casting the demons out of people and casting them into the lake of fire so that My children of promise are made good and their fruit good. (Hebrews 12;28)  On the event of My kingdom of heaven first coming into the lives of My children, called Pentecost, there were physical manifestations as a result of My heaven coming to earth in the lives of My children of promise.  The description was manifestations as a mighty wind and tongues of fire appearing above My children of promise who obeyed My commandment and waited for My promise to take place when they were baptized with My Holy Spirit and fire. (Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:1-4)  Not only did My kingdom of heaven come into their lives, but they began to speak the language of their new country of origin, My kingdom of heaven, allowing Me to speak the language of My heaven through their mouths.  He made the fruit of their mouths good, as Jesus Christ prophesied that He would do.  Every word of the Holy Spirit's heavenly language of My kingdom that comes from the mouths of My children is pure and good, transforming the world.
    In His teaching about the mustard seed, Jesus Christ was describing the occurrence of My kingdom of heaven coming into and onto the lives of My children of promise who seek Me and My kingdom, even describing My kingdom exactly as Ezekiel had seen when he saw into My kingdom of heaven years earlier, even the mighty winds and the fires in the angels who are inhabitants of My kingdom.
   Besides Jesus and Me, My kingdom is composed of My angels and all of the spirits of the saints.  My Holy Spirit wrote that the angels are servants of My children who are inheritors of My salvation.  They are servants, not to be worshiped. (Hebrews 1: 7 and 14)  When My children are baptized in My Holy Spirit, they enter into My kingdom of love and they are given angels as servants who help My Spirit in transforming them and their world into the blessing that I intended, at the instructions of My Holy Spirit.
   In the teaching of Jesus about My kingdom of heaven being like a mustard seed, Jesus was emphasizing the mystery of My Holy Spirit coming to live inside of My children and also surrounding My children with spiritual beings in order to save them from all the works of the devil and make My heaven to be evident in their lives, transforming them into My images in the earth with all the power of My heaven at their disposal. 
   My kingdom of heaven comes individually into the lives of you and My other children of promise who seek Me, seek My kingdom and seek My righteousness.  You rise above bad circumstances instead of becoming part of them because you cast away every weight and sin that still clings to you, setting your sights on Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of your faith. 
   My children must be conscious of the inhabitants of My kingdom of heaven who surround them who are there to minister to and through you. What more do you need?  You have Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Me, a myriad of angels, the spirits of the saints and the firstborn from the past, plus the blood of Jesus who forgives all sins.  You have everything necessary for a life of love, righteousness, joy and peace in your life on earth as well as when you come to spend eternity with Me.  
   Make the tree good and its fruit good, meaning to make your thoughts, attitudes and actions good plus make the words you speak good.  You have the power of My Spirit to speak through you and guide you into all truth.  You have a kingdom of goodness waiting to flood your life with blessings.
   Heed the truths in the parable of the mustard seed. 
   Your Father of the Perfect Plan 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   Leaven is a rising agent, such as yeast, and you must consider all of the benefits and effects of yeast, how the elements in which it is present becomes bigger and bigger the longer it is left to multiply, changing the appearance and chemical composition of the three elements until they become one.  Jesus said that My kingdom of heaven is like yeast which is placed in three measures of dough and it rises in all three until it becomes one measure of dough. (Matthew 13:33)
   In teaching that truth, He was saying that My Holy Spirit's presence in the life of a person, brought about by the person choosing to be born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit, will experience My Spirit's transformation of the person completely, spirit, mind and body, into a new creation if I am allowed to do My mighty works. (Romans 12:2) That is My mysterious plan that I hid in My own mind from the beginning of the earth until I was able to send Jesus Christ into the earth to die for the sins of all humanity.  My plan was for Me to come to earth in the person of My Holy Spirit and live inside of My children if the first man allowed evil to enter into the earth which blocked My children from communicating with Me. That plan was successfully implemented by Me. (Mark 4:11)  To My children who choose to be born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit, My words live inside of My children. The truths of My words through My Holy Spirit which are like leaven.  They grow and grow with the presence of My truths until I take over the entire person, transforming the person into My image in the earth.  It's called My kingdom coming to earth as it is in heaven with the purpose of saving humanity and the earth from the curses of the devil when My children are yoked completely to Me, allowing Me to change them into My image and their choosing to do My will in the earth. (Matthew 6:10)
   Jesus Christ's ministry of dying for the sins of humanity made it possible for My Holy Spirit to live inside of My children and allows My kingdom to come into the earth as it is in heaven. (I John 2:2)  His forgiveness of sins cleanses the spirits of My children so that My Holy Spirit can make His home in their spirits which have been swept, sanitized and cleansed when the person's spirit was cleansed of all demonic thoughts and attitudes by believing in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  He paid the punishment required by the devil who uses religious and civil laws to judge and condemn My children. 
   After He rose from the dead, Jesus Christ sent My Holy Spirit into the earth when He came to heaven to live with Me, because He had no need for My power in My heaven.  He sent My Spirit into the earth to live in My children with the same power and ability that He had when He walked the earth.
    When My Spirit is invited to create a new being inside of My children and then totally surrounds that new being with My heavenly kingdom, called being baptized in My Holy Spirit, then the person is immersed in My kingdom of heaven if he or she allows Me to multiply My Holy Spirit's work inside of himself or herself.  I begin the process of changing the entire person (spirit, mind and body) into being My ambassador of love in the earth.  (Acts 1:1-9; Acts 2:1-4) My Holy Spirit, who is allowed to reveal all truths to the minds of My children becomes the Savior of the earth, just like He was in Jesus.  My Spirit in the person changes the world with his or her character and personality which is a reflection of Me and My love.  My true nature of love is then revealed to the other people in the earth because My children are transformed into My image of love,   (Matthew 5:16) 
   The description of My kingdom coming into the earth as it is in heaven was beautifully described by Jesus Christ.  He said that My Holy Spirit is like leaven placed in your spirit, mind and body until it rises in each area of your life into one complete being who reflects My love and peaceful characteristics while in the earth.  The mystery of that parable is revealed to My children of promise.   It is the answer to the prayer of Jesus Christ that My kingdom would come to earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10) 
   The mystery is revealed, which is Christ in you, the hope of My glorious redemption of the earth. (Colossians 1:27; Romans 8:18-30) You and My other children of promise must allow My Spirit to rise in you, just like leaven, and change your whole being,  When you do, you will be used to transform the earth by intercessory prayers and become My images in the earth which brings praises to Me.
    Your Father of Spiritual Leaven

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   I said that the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17)
   Put another way, the Kingdom of Love is righteous, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit because I am Love.
   When My children live and move in the earth according to the instructions, warnings, admonitions and tutoring of Jesus Christ and by the power of My Holy Spirit to do My will in the earth, you have peace and joy in your life.  You are blessed beyond any earthly measure, happy, spiritually prosperous and to be envied with life-joy in My favor and salvation regardless of what is going on around you, (Matthew 5:2-16)  You are My children whose spiritual houses are built on rock instead of on sand. (Matthew 7:24-27) When the winds blow, rains come and floods rise, you remain blessed and joyful because you know that I am your rescuer, your protector, your provider, your healer, your guide, your Savior from evil, your Loving Father, your shelter of peace, your motivator and your righteousness.  You are above the evil that goes on in the earth when you take My advice and follow it but if you succumb to the evil temptations, you are under the control of evil and you will inherit its curses. 
   Jesus Christ spoke so clearly when He said that it's not those people who only hear My words but those who do them who enjoy the benefits of My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth, just as I intended before evil entered the earth.  It is in doing My instructions that My children skirt around the paths of evil and travel in the earth into the narrow gate that leads to having the abundant life that I promised to My children who love and honor Me enough to do what My cautions, My warnings and My instructions guide them to do.  (Matthew 7:13-14)
   Some of My children think that they can continue to do the will of their spiritual enemy, the devil, then pray and I will answer every one of their prayers.  I wish that were true. They want Me to be what is called a sugar daddy in your earth, wanting Me to be a God who provides goodness even in the midst of their conscious evil choices.  I spoke to a group of people about that very thing when I said you must not sin so that My grace will abound, as was their habit.  It is impossible for Me to bless My children who knowingly choose the devil's paths even though they know My words and My cautions and warnings.  My children who have devoted themselves to doing what I wisely cautioned them not to do will cause themselves to reject My kingdom of heaven and find themselves cursed in every area of their lives, not because of Me but because of their penchant for choosing the devil's evil over My goodness.
  I listed in My Instruction Book some of the evil attitudes and actions that cause My children to exit My kingdom of heaven and enter into the kingdom of curses.  They are plain and are listed as immorality, impurity, sexual lust, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, lying, selfishness, judging others, being pious, dissension, political partisanship, envy, drunkenness, carousing and the like.  (Galatians 5:19-21)  I said emphatically that My children who do such things WILL NOT ENTER INTO MY KINGDOM OF HEAVEN while they live in the earth.  I ask you to crucify such thoughts, attitudes, actions and desires when you are tempted to join with the devil to do his will in the earth.  Making the choice to do evil, because of temptations of the devil to do such things, will cause you to enter into another kingdom, the one which rules the earth, which is the kingdom of hell.  You will inherit the devil's curses if you do the will of the devil. (John 8:44) 
   The motivations and attitudes which cause My children to enter into My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth are the motivations and attitudes of My Holy Spirit which are these; unconditionally loving everyone even your enemies, being joyful even while being persecuted for being righteous, keeping peace with everyone, doing good acts to everyone, being kind even when evil is done to you, being merciful and forgiving to people who hold grudges against you, being patient with evildoers, being truthful in conversation by never accusing others, being gentle with all people and having self control over evil temptations instead of yielding to anger and vengeance,  Having those good spiritual attitudes that come from My Unconditional Love toward all people, both to friends and enemies, will cause you to reign in the earth by living a blessed life in My kingdom of heaven. 
   There are two kingdoms at work in the earth, the kingdom of hell which is spread by the devil's demons and then there is My kingdom of heaven which is spread by the teachings of Jesus Christ and facilitated by My Holy Spirit.  I said that you have the choice between blessings and curses and that you should choose My blessings.
   Choices matter because they determine what you will have in the earth, either blessings or curses.
     Your Father of Heavenly Blessings

Monday, April 23, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   I NEVER REJECT ANYONE FROM MY KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.  My children often reject My kingdom and Me by bonding with the devil and doing evil in their world that I created for My children to enjoy just as i enjoy My heavenly home.  I don't reject My children even when they choose to reject Me and obey the temptations of the evil voices in their thoughts.  My love is still flowing from Me to all of My creation even when every one of My children chooses evil over good, as in the occasion when the rains that came when the devil flooded the earth because My children joined with him in doing his sins which gave him permission to bring complete destruction upon the earth.  Still, I saved one man and was able to replenish the earth again with more of My children through Noah. I was not about to let the devil completely destroy the earth that I created and love. 
   All good things come from Me into the earth through My obedient children who are led and guided by My Holy Spirit to spread My love in the earth. 
   All evil things come from the devil into the earth through My deceived children who are led and guided by evil demons to spread anger and hatred in the earth.
   That is a simplistic explanation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Since Adam allowed the devil to enter into the earth by obeying him, My children are constantly struggling with evil thoughts from hell on one hand and good thoughts on the other hand from My heaven. (Genesis 3:) That was not My will from the beginning when I said that everything I created was good.  (Genesis 1)  From that point forward I always endeavored to save My children from the works of the devil.   (I John 3:8)
   I came to earth in the person of My Son Jesus Christ and He was crucified for the sins of the whole world.  He went to hell, was raised from hell by My Holy Spirit and walked the earth again for 40 days continuing His ministry in the earth of healing the sick, casting out demons and teaching about My kingdom coming into the lives of My children, which is the mystery that I hid even from the angels from the foundation of the world.  That plan was that I would come into the earth in the person of My Holy Spirit to live in each one of My children who invite Me to live in them, making them My dwelling places in the earth. (Jeremiah 31-33) I said that those of My children would become recipients of all of My power and abilities to defeat the devil in their lives on earth and to live in the benefits of My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth, all as guided by My Holy Spirit. 
   Under My old covenant with Abraham, My presence became evident in the Ark of the Covenant, which was a replica of My heavenly home.  Under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, I came to live in each one of My children who invite Me, making them My temple in the earth with the purpose of My Spirit changing them into My image of love in the earth.  That was My ultimate plan of saving My children from the works of the devil is by giving them the power of My Holy Spirit, the same power with which Jesus Christ ministered in the earth, the same power that raised Him from the dead, the same power that created the world and the universe around it.  (Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:1-4) It first happened on the observation of the day of Pentecost and continues every second of the day in the earth when My children choose to allow Me to live in them to guide and direct them onto the paths of righteousness where evil cannot touch My children who are obedient to My discernment, My wisdom and knowledge, those who are led by My Spirit. (Romans 8:14) They are known as My children, the recipients of My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth and also when they come to live with Me in My heaven, as Jesus Christ did.
   My children who are taught by My Spirit and led and guided by My Holy Spirit become images of My character in the earth.  They become like Jesus Christ, only speaking what they hear Me speak to them and only doing what they see Me do in visions and dreams. (Joel 2:28; John 5:10 and 30)  They know My scriptures and My power, knowing that there is nothing good done in the flesh because the devil tempts the flesh to do demonically led religious things instead of doing My wise things which produce heaven on earth.
   I said that My kingdom is like leaven which a woman places in three measures of meal until the whole being is leavened.  That is what My Spirit seeks to do is not only create a new creature in the spirits of My children, but also create new minds and bodies in My children, creating in them new attitudes, new thoughts and new motivations until their bodies are images of My light in a dark world.  Creating new spirits, minds and bodies in My children is called the kingdom of heaven coming on earth as it is in heaven.  (Matthew 13:33)  I place My Holy Spirit inside of My children to tutor them and transform them spirit, soul and body until they are completely transformed into My images of love in the earth.  It is a process, a process where old demonic things are cast away and My children become new creations in all three portions of their being.
   Some of My children are satisfied with only being born of My Spirit so that they will go to heaven when their bodies die.  Some others are satisfied by merely being born of My Spirit and learning spiritual truths without being obedient to My Spirit to become My images in their bodies by doing My works of love in the earth. Others of My children strive for complete transformation, becoming born of My Spirit, baptized in My Spirit and yielding to My Spirit until they are known as peacemakers, merciful, loving, kind, good, patient and faithful. 
   My Holy Spirit said that He was not satisfied until Christ is formed in you and My other children by your becoming intimately acquainted with Me, having the eyes of your understanding enlightened until your know the hope of My calling for you, your glorious inheritance and the power given to you as believers.  He said that having a revelation of the depth, width, length and height of My unconditional love for you will result in your having unconditional love for others and that, as a result, I am able to do exceedingly, super abundantly more than you dare think or imagine, according to My power that is in you.  (Galatians 4:19; Ephesians 1:16-23; Ephesians 3;14-20)            
   Many of My children who are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit are satisfied with only allowing My Spirit to change their spirits and their minds without making them wells of love in the earth. They insist on being right in their revelations, their doctrines and their politics instead of being righteous. They will spend eternity with Me in My heavenly home but they will not inherit My kingdom of heaven on earth, which is what I desire in order to transform the earth as well.
   My children who are determined to be completely transformed into My image spirit, mind and body will enjoy heaven on earth because My kingdom will come in their lives on earth as it is in heaven, as Jesus prayed. (Matthew 6:10)
   My love ever ends, regardless of your choices.  However, your life on earth is enhanced gloriously when you choose to allow My Spirit to leaven your entire being until you become the light in a dark world.
   Your Heavenly Father of Love

Sunday, April 22, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   In order to benefit from walking in My kingdom while living in the earth, My command to My children to keep peace with everyone is the most difficult one to follow.  The reason for that is because your enemy, the devil, roams the earth seeking whom he may devour by tempting you to enter into unity with to oppose, malign or fight with other people, thus creating  hell on earth in the lives of My children instead of them having heaven on earth. (I Peter 5:8)   In being successful at creating war in the earth through My children, the devil has fulfilled his mission of keeping My children from enjoying My kingdom benefits while they live in the earth.  The reason for My salvation being freely given to My children is so that they will have heaven on earth, as I intended.  In order to assist you in remaining at peace with everyone, I used definite examples through My Son Jesus Christ who was well acquainted with the strategies that the devil uses to engage My children in being at war with other people either personally or in unity with others as a group. 
   You must realize that being in strife with someone is war.  It's being at war with a person just like when nations fight one another.  I said though James that the reason My children engage in war is because they have fallen for the temptation of the devil to be jealous and covet from someone what they desire.  I said that  jealousy leads to opposition and conflict either in your thoughts, words or actions and eventually will consume all three (James 4:1-4)  Very often you covet to be right in a discussion and that leads to being at conflict with a person, which is being at war with the person.  I said in My description of love that My love never takes into account a wrong that you suffer from someone.  (I Corinthians 13: 4-7)  Insisting on being right never furthered My kingdom of love in the earth but instead furthers the kingdom of hell in the earth because it creates conflict with other people.
   In order for you to recognize temptations to be in conflict with someone, I described through Jesus Christ situations where the devil tempts you to join with the devil to be in conflict with someone.  I taught you the examples so that you will recognize them when the devil uses the same type of temptations on you.  I said that if someone endeavors to take something from you, that you should not only give to the person what he requests but that you should also give something of more value so as to avoid conflict and to avoid being at war with the person.  If you resist giving what is asked of you, then there is opposition from the other person and you run the risk of being killed or maimed or assaulted.  Your life is much more important than the material goods.  I also said that if a person demands that you go one mile with him that you should also go two or more miles in order to avoid being in conflict with him.  If you do, then the person will let you go free of any more responsibility toward him because of the lack of conflict between you.  Because there is lack of conflict, there is lack of demonic activity.  However, if you do resist the person and return evil to the person, then the person will most likely kill you or injure you in some way because of the danger of his being arrested.  In order to remain at peace with people, I told you to give to a person who begs from you and to give to someone who asks to borrow from you.  In doing that, you are not participating in conflict but keeping peace with everyone. 
   When you follow My instructions to keep peace with everyone, you will live on in the earth and enjoy My blessings and rewards.  Know this, I will always restore what is taken from you and also what you willingly give.  I bring justice to you by rewarding you for obeying My instructions because in keeping peace with everyone, you are allowing My kingdom of peace to reign in the earth.  When you resist someone and return evil to the person, you are allowing the kingdom of the devil to continue to reign in the earth.
   In addition, Jesus Christ taught you that you must love your enemies, pray for them, bless them and do good actions toward them.  When you do take His advice, you are again furthering My kingdom of peace and love in the earth instead of furthering hatred, anger, conflict, discord and war in the earth. Wars always start with one person demanding to win over another person, demanding to be selfish, demanding to be hostile or demanding to be right either in business, social, political or religious issues.  The devil gets more and more recruits in those situations and eventually nations are at war and the peace for which Jesus Christ died is obliterated in the minds of My own children. 
   My Holy Spirit told the antidote for war through James.  He said instead of being prideful and demanding to be right, that you should resist pride and instead be humble with My grace ministering to you.  He said that instead of resisting people that you should resist the devil, refuse to engage in conflict of any kind.  He said that the devil will flee from you because you have not joined with him in creating war in the earth.  My Spirit said for you to draw near to Me and determine to do My will in contentious matters.  He said to cleanse your hands of conflict, opposition and fighting with anyone and to purify your heart.  He said to humble yourself before Me and I will exalt you if you will refuse to engage in conflict which leads to war. (James 4:7-11)  The rewards of humbling yourself and allowing Me to exalt you are much better than your persisting to demand to be right.
   My Spirit said to never speak evil against anyone because anyone who speaks evil against someone speaks evil against what Jesus Christ taught as spiritual laws which are truths.  He said that when you speak evil against someone that you judge My teachings through Jesus Christ as being ineffective, outdated and powerless.  He went on even further to say that if you do judge the instructions of Jesus Christ that you have not become a doer of My words but you have become a judge of them, declaring them ineffective and erroneous.  (James 4:11)  When you go ahead and enjoy being in conflict with anyone, you declare My words null and void.  In doing that, you further the devil's kingdom in the earth.
   When you reject My words, you reject Me.  When you keep My words, whatever you ask will be done for you because you have done in the earth what I do in my heaven. (John 15:7) 
   Declare My words through Jesus Christ and through My Holy Spirit as being powerful, effective and loving.  You declare them as truth by following them. You become blessed and rewarded by following them because you join with Me in furthering My kingdom of peace in the earth.
   Your Father of Effective Words of Peace  

Saturday, April 21, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
    There is always a desire deep within My children to be in unity with Me.  It's the spirit of life which I placed within them in the womb which gives life to their bodies.  Anytime that human spirit of life leaves human bodies, the bodies die but the spirit lives on, eager to return to heavenly union with Me.  However, while still alive, when My children long for unity with Me to help relieve them of depression, oppression, uncontrolled passions, diseases, demonic mental illnesses and other needs for help, I am eager to send My own Spirit into the earth to unite with their human spirit and create a new person with new thoughts, new attitudes, new words and new actions.  That is called being born of My Spirit. (John 3:3-8)  My Holy Spirit actually enters into that person as a spiritual sperm and impregnates the person's human spirit, creating an entirely new person, a new spiritual person in the earth instead of the person only being only the former human spirit.  The new person is My child with new motivations which take over the old motivations, positive thoughts take over the old negative thoughts, and there is even more of a desire to come into complete and total unity with Me. (I Peter 1:20)
   After being born of My Spirit and a new creation, My children have a hunger for spiritual things instead of longing only for earthly things.  There is a hunger and thirst for spiritual wisdom and knowledge that comes from being in unity with Me. (II Corinthians 5:17)  If My children will separate themselves from other humans and spend time with Me, My Holy Spirit who lives inside of them will teach them everything that they need to know in order to live a life on earth which is called living in the kingdom of heaven.  Through unity with Me, the new relationship with Me is enhanced to the degree that My children become more and more like Me.  They become loving instead of hateful.  They become peaceful instead of warlike and oppressive.  They become joyful instead of depressed.  They become kind and good to other people instead of selfish.  They become filled with faith instead of hopeless.  They become patient instead of self serving and impatient. The new faith filled creature takes over the negativity of the old person. (II Corinthians 5:17)
    There is an enemy in the earth who does not like for My children to be in unity with Me.  The plan of that enemy is to come in between My children and Me, cutting off the unity between us.  The way he does that is to tempt My children to join with him in his evil thoughts and evil deeds in the earth.   When he can accomplish that, he causes a separation between us because his demons form a barrier between us.  When My children obey the evil temptations placed in their mind, there is no unity with Me and instead they are in unity with the demons from hell.  As a result, My wonderful kingdom of heaven is blocked from ministering My goodness and kindness to My children.  Instead, the devil brings his kingdom of hell into the lives of My children which bring curses instead of My blessings of goodness and kindness.  (Isaiah 59:1-6)
   There is hope.  When My children return to Me, I restore them to unity with Me and I treat them as a prodigal child who has returned to His Father after spending all of his inheritance away from the family until he had to sleep with pigs and eat their husks.  (Luke 15:14-24) I welcome My children back to unity with Me and treat them as royalty because they are spiritual royalty in My kingdom as a result of being My children. 
   There are wonderful advantages to staying in unity with Me.  My children have the luxury of having kingdom living while in the earth when they hear My voice and take My advice.  They avoid evil and they avoid the judgment and curses of the devil.  It's worth striving to stay in unity with Me, the God of the universe.
    I said for all of you who are heavy laden with burdens to come to Me and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28) It is not a one time thing for you to come to Me.  It might be many millions of times in your lifetime on earth that you need to reconnect with Me and receive My rest after you have yielded to the devil's temptation to engage in thoughts and actions of your enemy, the devil, that he has placed in your thoughts.  My forgiveness is immediate and My grace and favor are constant. 
   Returning to Me after having been yoked to the devil and his sins is called repentance.  Repentance means to turn from evil and embrace good.  It means to reject the works of evil and to determine to do works of goodness and kindness to everyone, just like I do.  It means to be yoked to Me and My kingdom of goodness and kindness instead of to evil thoughts, speech and actions. (Matthew 11:29-30)  I said to take My yoke on you and learn My ways because I am meek and lowly in heart.  I AM NEVER domineering, never judgmental, never forceful, never condemning, never vengeful and never strict with My children.  I AM ALWAYS loving, peaceful, forgiving, merciful, good, kind and patient with My children.
   I always show you the straight path out of your problems, all the while pouring My love and mercy upon you.  I AM LOVE.  Remember that love never takes into account a wrong suffered. (I Corinthians 13:4-6) Love always forgives and embraces the deceived child.
   Seek unity with me by seeking My kingdom and My righteousness and everything that you desire will be added to your life on earth. (Matthew 6:33)     
   Your Loving, Peaceful Father

Friday, April 20, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
  From the beginning of the earth, My children have been faced with the challenge of choosing good over evil.  I gave My first two children, Adam and Eve, the definite instructions not to choose to obey the voice of evil over My Fatherly advice, but they were deceived by the devil and believed him instead of believing Me.  Because of their deception by the devil and their disobedience to Me, the devil invaded the earth with his demons and cursed the earth and the lives of all of My children.  (Genesis 3:14-19)  My eventual solution to the problem was to come to earth to live in My children, to personally lead and guide them away from the devil's traps by teaching My children to recognize the voice of evil placed in their thoughts.  I also give to My children who ask for My help the power to defeat the devil who is always bringing tribulation into their lives.  (John 16:33)
   My plan to empower My children with the power of My own Holy Spirit could not be implemented in the lives of My children until I sent My salvation into the earth in the flesh of My Son Jesus Christ.  He completed His ministry in the earth of dying for the sins of everyone who had ever lived in the earth before Him and those who would live in the earth after Him.  Even though He was innocent of all sins, He had to pay the price of crucifixion required by religious and civil laws for the sins of all people before He could send My Holy Spirit into the earth to empower My children to also defeat evil.  My Holy Spirit had empowered Jesus Christ to do His actions of casting demons out of people, healing the sick, comforting those who mourned and teaching about My kingdom coming to earth to live in My children who seek Me. 
   Jesus Christ completed His mission in the earth after being crucified for the sins of the whole world.  He descended into hell to regain authority in the earth over evil and He was raised from the dead by the power of My Holy Spirit.  Without the power of My Holy Spirit in Him, He never would have been raised from the dead and ascended into heaven to live with Me so that He could send My Holy Spirit into the lives of My children who seek Me and My righteousness.  Jesus Christ fulfilled My plan to come into the earth and live inside of My children, giving to them the same power that I have in My heaven to discern the presence of evil and to cast the demons behind all evil actions out of their lives and into hell, just like I did to the devil when he tried to usurp My power in My heaven. (Luke 10:16-20; Acts 1:1-8)
   My mysterious plan was able to finally be brought to fruition in the earth where I would come to earth in the person of My Holy Spirit, just like I did in Jesus Christ, and I would live inside of My children who choose to receive My Holy Spirit, giving Him bodies in the earth in which to live so that He can rid the earth of the demons who came into the earth at the beginning, per Adam's permission.  My plan was completed on the day of the first Pentecost when My Holy Spirit came to live in my children who sought Me and I baptized them with My Power,  those being My children who were obedient and waiting for My Holy Spirit, as commanded by Jesus before He physically left the earth.  (John 14:1-2)
   My Kingdom of Heaven came into the earth on that day and It has continued to come to earth in the lives of My children who invite Me to make My home in their bodies so that I can lead and guide them into all truth, discerning the presence of evil and giving them the power to cast the demons who are emissaries of the devil out of people, out of the earth and into hell, healing the sick, and creating My image in the lives of My children.  When My children allow Me to transform them into My images in the earth, they become witnesses of My character to the other people in the earth which brings glory to Me. (Romans 12:2)  Other people become acquainted with My loving, peaceful, joyful character through them and want to become filled with My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.
   When telling about the coming of My Holy Spirit into the earth to live in My children, Jesus told His followers that they must not let their hearts be troubled because there were going to be many mansion-like homes inside of My children where He, in the person of My Holy Spirit, would live and make His home.  He was assuring them that He was going to be physically away from them but that He would still be in the earth in the person of My Holy Spirit, living inside of them and inside of My other children who choose good over evil and who have the power of My Holy Spirit to defeat evil in the earth.
   My plan has worked in the lives of some of My children.  Others have fallen away from their calling, waiting only to go to heaven after their bodies die. Those are people who have only been born of My Spirit and have not sought My kingdom and My righteousness, so they only obtain 30 percent of the rewards that I have for them, which is living eternally with Me in My heaven. Some of My children have otain 60 percent of My blessings, which means that they have been born of My Spirit and have allowed My Holy Spirit to transform their minds and they have obtained the benefits of being taught truths by Me.  They have been transformed in their spirits and in their minds,  but they have not learned to refuse the temptations of the devil which allows them to physically be blessed as well as mentally and spiritually.  Others of My children have obtained 100% of My rewards and blessings because they have learned to hear from My Holy Spirit and to become completely obedient to Him.  They have learned to refuse to obey the temptations of the devil and they have learned to defeat the works of the devil in their lives.  In addition, they have learned to expect their rewards and blessings as their rightful inheritance while they live in the earth.  They enjoy 100% of My inheritance for them while they live in the earth because they have rid their lives of the devil and his demonic works while they live in the earth.  They have been transformed spirit, soul and body.  They already have heaven on earth and when their bodies die they merely walk from earth into My heaven without fanfare because they have already experienced heaven on earth. (Matthew 13:23)  It happened to Jesus Christ.  My children have the power of My Holy Spirit to bring about 100 % of My rewards and blessings into their lives on earth because they have sought for My righteousness to become their motivations in life.
   My desire is that My children inherit 100% of My blessings while in the earth.  It is the command that I gave to My children, the choice of whether to seek Me, My kingdom and My righteousness and obtain 100% of their inheritance, or whether to only seek Me and go to heaven when they die, only obtaining 30 % of their inheritance.  I also gave them the command to seek Me and My kingdom but they do not seek My righteousness.  If they do, they only receive 60% of their inheritance while in the earth.  It's My children who seek Me, My kingdom and My righteousness, becoming My image of love in the world, that qualifies them to receive 100% of their inheritance while they live in the earth, thus fulfilling the prayer of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 6:10; Matthew 6:33) 
    When My children seek My righteousness, they become My image of love in the earth and My love overcomes all evil.  They never participate in opposition, discord, vengeance, political partisan disagreements, doctrinal divisions, bitterness, strife, jealousy, envy and other demonic temptations.  The love for My other children that is resident in them overcomes all the evil in the temptations to think or do evil.  Because they refuse to do evil to the least of My children, they qualify for 100% of their inheritance.
   You have the power to be My righteousness in the earth. The rewards while you live in the earth are exceedingly, abundantly more than you dare think or imagine, according to the power of My Holy Spirit who motivates you. (Ephesians 6:20)  I said that you need to seek a revelation of the height, depth, width and breath of My love for you.  When you allow My Holy Spirit to reveal My love to you, you are able to love everyone unconditionally, as I love you.  (John 13:34-35)  When you love other people with the same love as I love you, thousands of evil plans will fall at your left side and your right side and you will only observe their failure to curse you because you are bound to Me in love. (Psalm 91:7-16)
   Remain yoked to Me in love, becoming the image of My love in the earth, and you will inherit 100% of My blessings while you live as a resident in the earth.
    My plan is that My children will allow My Holy Spirit to transform them and the earth as they allow My kingdom to come into their lives on earth as it is in My heaven, as Jesus prayed. (Matthew 6:10) 
    Your Father Of Love and Peace

Thursday, April 19, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   My children are challenged by the devil in many ways, all to which they are blinded.  They are challenged to devote themselves to fleshly institutions which will fail them because they are not guided by Me.  Yes, the devil tempts you with unwise decisions to place human institutions and their practices ahead of your devotion to Me.  In yielding to his temptations, you are tricked into making idols of the institutions which Jesus said are formed and perpetuated by the devil because he is the prince of evil that rules in the earth incognito.  The devil is identified as being the true ruler of those institutions by the presence of opposition, strife, competition, division, discord, anger, selfishness, bitter speaking, judgmental attitudes, robbing from the poor, domination of children and widows, the disabled and other attitudes and practices. (Galatians 5:16-26)  I said that those people will NEVER INHERIT MY KINGDOM OF HEAVEN while they live in the earth.
   Jesus Christ labeled several challenges from hell in which you must refuse to yield your allegiance and devotion.  It is being devoted to the religious practices of the hypocrites who display their piety and religious practices before other people in order to be declared righteous and pious, endeavoring to be recognized as being My children by their religious practices instead of being recognized by the fruit of My Spirit of love, peace, joy and goodness.  The devil makes them use My  commandment to give to the poor to display their giving publicly so other people will think that their pious actions show their devotion to Me.  They really aren't devoted to Me.  They are devoted to the spirit of religious pride which is from hell instead of from heaven.  It is deceptive and a result of believing lies spoken in their ears convincing them that public displays of devotion to Me are My will.  Instead of pious displays of praying and giving money publicly, displaying of My love, peace, joy, goodness and kindness are My will.
    My relationship with My children is one on one.  It is in My one on one relationship with you that My words become flesh in you, replicating My characteristics of love, peace, goodness, kindness and joy in you. 
   My relationship with My children is never communal.  My communal relationship with My children didn't work under the old covenant.  Abraham's faith in Me was prophetic of My children's personal relationship with Me through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of My Holy Spirit in My individual children who seek Me. (Galatians 3:14-29)  My relationship with Abraham was never prophetic of My relationship with a country, a church, a ministry, another person, an earthly nation, a political party, a family, a club or an organization.  So displaying false righteous works through piety by praying in public and giving arms in public are never My will for you because they leave Me out of the equation and only involve you, other people and the demon of religion.  When you pridefully pray in public and give money to the poor in public to be seen by other people, you receive the praise of people instead of being rewarded by Me, which comes when you and I are engaged in private spiritual intercourse through prayers from you and revelations given to you by Me.  It is in our one on one relationship that is created My children of promise who have allowed My Spirit to create a totally new  creature in your flesh, one that is led and guided by Me.  (II Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15)
   Religious piety and spiritual pride come from hell, not from My heaven.  The devil tempts My children to display their piety before other people so that in doing so My children will ruin My reputation in the earth to unbelievers.  Instead of being righteous, religious piety and spiritual pride cause My children to become merely religious instead of Godly, religious being the product of deception.  Instead of bringing glory to Me, they bring ridicule to Me and My name.  They are deceived by the demon of religious deception.   
   Giving your money to the poor in private with only My eyes observing your giving will result in My rewarding you openly.  That's what Jesus said.  (Matthew 6:1-7)  Your prayers in private with only My ears hearing your petitions are rewarded opening by Me.  Jesus said explicitly that anything done out of religious piety will NOT BE REWARDED BY ME.  Yet, it is common practice for My children to pray long, wordy prayers during communal gatherings and to give emotional appeals for the giving of alms in the same communal gatherings.  Unfortunately, there are no rewards given by Me because their giving and praying was for communal praises by people instead of praying and giving in private with only My Holy Spirit in attendance.             
   That religious spirit of pride will tempt My children to pray publicly, incorporating other people into our relationship instead of praying in private like I commanded.  Jesus said in praying publicly with many flowery words is praying for the praise of people instead of praying in unity with Me. 
   I warned My children through Jesus Christ and My Holy Spirit about the challenges that the devil brings to rob My children in their quest to enter into My kingdom of heaven.  Those challenges come into the thoughts of My children by the temptations of the devil, all in an effort to keep you from entering into My kingdom of heaven while you live in the earth.
   Learn to recognize the works of the devil.  Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the works of the devil.  (I John 3:8)  Jesus Christ identified to My children the works of the devil through His own mouth.  My Holy Spirit shines His light on the works of the devil to My children who recognize My voice.  Do not be one of the deceived children of Mine who adopts the traditions of religions people to pray wordy prayers in public and give arms to be seen by people instead of adopting My parental guidance through Jesus Christ to only pray and give money in private so that only you and I are involved.  The rewards are marvelous to those of My children who do My will in the earth.  Refusing to pray wordy prayers in public and give money to the poor in public means that you refuse to do the will of the devil in the earth who tempts My children to ridicule Me instead of bringing glory to Me.
   Your enemy, the devil, never gives up.  It's the same strategies used by the devil today in your world that he used when Jesus Christ walked in the earth.  The challenge is to your devotion to Me and My words instead of your fulfilling a devotion to the religious practices of people who don't know Me intimately.  It's a  a constant battle for your mind. 
   Remember who gets the rewards.  Jesus Christ said if you abide in Me and My words abide in you so much that you do them, that heaven on earth can be yours while you live in the earth. (John 15:7)
  Your Father of Valuable Advice            

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   The biggest challenge that My children have as residents of My kingdom of heaven is to love everyone with My unconditional love, as Jesus instructed you to do.  (John 20:21-23)  It is impossible to do without having the power of My Holy Spirit whose character is unconditional love because He is My Spirit.  Jesus Christ told you that it is imperative for you to love unconditionally as an ambassador of My love in the earth.  He even compared the unconditional love that My children need to have for everyone to the limited love that unbelievers and tax collectors have, which he said that they only love the people who love them. He said if you only love the people who love you, what good is My unconditional love that I have for you if you do not pass it on?   
   Jesus said that you must be perfect in loving just as I am perfect in love.  TO BE PERFECT IS TO BE AN EXACT REPLICA OF THE ORIGINAL.  When you have become an exact replica of the originator of unconditionally love, which is Me, your heavenly Father, then you will be living and walking in My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  (Matthew 5:43-48)  To be perfect in love is to love everyone exactly as I love you.  It is to love the people who persecute you just as I love you.  It is easily done by you when you look on the spirits of people instead of on their flesh.  Only looking on the spirits of people is what Jesus said that He and I do. (John 8:15: John 7:24)
   Another challenge of living and walking in My kingdom of heaven is that you are tutored by My Spirit to refuse to judge anyone, even those people who persecute you for righteousness sake.  If you are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit but still judge other people according to their flesh, then what good is the power of My Spirit to you if you still only love as the unbelievers do and the tax collecting politicians do?  Your enemy, the devil, tempts you to judge the outward appearance and actions of people so that you will be judged by him with magnified judgments and become separated from My kingdom of heaven in which there are magnificent blessings. Jesus Christ taught that judging others will boomerang back and judge you because the devil tempts you to judge people and then judges you for having judged other people.  The devil uses the spiritual principle of sowing and reaping, what you sow you will also reap.  (Galatians 6:7-10) 
   My children must refuse to judge anyone.  To judge and condemn anyone comes from pride which precedes a fall from My kingdom of blessings into hell's kingdom of curses. (Proverbs 16:18)Matthew 7:1-6)
   My commandments through Jesus Christ are more challenging than the laws through Moses.  They are more challenging because of My desire that My children have My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth just as it is in My heaven.  I did not give you challenging instructions without also giving you the power and ability to follow them.  I gave to you My Holy Spirit to empower you to love your enemies and to forgive people instead of judging them.  I judged the devil and threw him out of My heaven.  It is incumbent upon My children to do the same thing that Jesus did, cast the devil away from themselves, cast the devil out of people who have mental and physical illnesses, and cast those demons into hell.  You have authority in the earth to cast them out of earth and into the abyss of hell. (Matthew 13:41)
   The instructions through Jesus Christ are more challenging because of His knowledge and wisdom of knowing the traps that the devil sets for My children.  Moses was ignorant about those traps because of only knowing human things instead of knowing spiritual insights into the battle between good and evil. Moses and other prophets thought that I was both good and evil.  Not until My son Jesus Christ came to earth were the minds of My children open to the truth that all good things come from Me and all bad things come from the devil and his demons. (James 1:17)  So that is why the teachings of Jesus Christ seem more challenging than the teachings of the religious laws through Moses.  Moses was only concerned about people keeping religious and civil laws but Jesus Christ taught about personally hearing My voice and being guided by My Holy Spirit away from the works of the devil and onto the paths which lead to My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children.  (Matthew 7:13-14) 
   It's never been a matter of My loving you more if you follow My guidance. My love is unconditional. I love you no matter what. (I John 3:8)  It's a matter of My children following My guidance which saves you from the works of the devil while you live in the earth so that you will be able to have the heaven on earth for which Jesus prayed.  (Matthew 6:10)       
   When the devil is tempting you to hate your enemies so that he can bring his kingdom of hell into your life, I am admonishing you and empowering you to love your enemies so that My kingdom of love can come into your life on earth because love is the atmosphere to My kingdom of heaven.  Choose love instead of hate and choose forgiveness instead of judging others and you will gain entrance into My kingdom of heaven and its benefits of blessings and miracles while you live in the earth.
   Your Father of Unconditional and Empowering Love

Monday, April 16, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   According to Jesus Christ, there are many barriers placed in the minds of My children which keep them from entering into My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth.  Those barriers are placed in the minds of My children by the devil through denominational doctrines, ignorance of the gospel of peace, family generational curses, political zeal which promotes discord, prejudicial beliefs and religious judgmental fundamentalism.  All of those barriers are taught by the devil through religious and political beliefs which are lies believed as truths by My children.  They promote domination and ascendancy over certain people, the very ones for whom Jesus Christ died.  When the lies become doctrine, the devil places barriers over the minds of the believers of those lies, barriers which keep My kingdom from coming into the lives of My children while they live in the earth.  (Matthew 7:13-27; Matthew 24:24)
    My prophet Isaiah saw those works of the devil in the minds of My children when he said that I am always and forever willing and eager to hear the prayers of My children and answer them, but that their iniquities form a barrier between us and their sins form a wall between us so that I cannot hear their prayers.  I am always willing and able to answer the prayers of My children, but the problem is that their own sins and iniquities have authorized the demons in the earthly atmosphere to intercept their prayers instead of the prayers easily reaching My ears.  (Isaiah 59;1-4)  In Isaiah's prophesy he said that My children do works of iniquity, that they do deeds of violence with their hands, they run quickly to do evil as tempted by the devil, that their thoughts are of iniquity, and that desolation and destruction are their highways.  He said that they don't know peace, that there is no justice in them, that no one even knows how to institute peace.  (Isaiah 59:6-8)
   Because of all of the transgressions, sins and iniquities, there are no clear paths for My answers to prayers to travel to My children because of the barriers created between us by the devil because of his teaching them to deny Me, turn away from Me, and speak oppression and lies from their mouths. A rare person who turns from evil even becomes a prey for the rebellious ones. (Isaiah 59:12-15) 
   I was displeased when I saw that there was no justice for My children, so I sent My Son into the earth to defeat the works of the devil and to be the payment for all of the sins, iniquities and transgressions of My children.  He died for the sins of the whole world and He was raised from death and hell by the power of My Holy Spirit to live with Me in My heaven.  (Isaiah 53:4-5) Then He sent My Spirit into the earth to live in My children of promise who choose Me as their Father.  (Isaiah 59:16-19; Acts 3:1-4)
   When the enemy comes into the earth like a flood, I raise My standard against him in My children who turn from their transgressions.  (verse 19)  I said that My solution to the whole problem of My children authorizing the devil to place barriers between themselves and Me is that I would send My Spirit to live inside of them and that I would put My words in their mouths and in the mouths of their children forever.  (Isaiah 59:21)  To My children who remain devoted to Me, there are no barriers to My words being blocked from My children because they come from the inside of My children instead of from the outside where they can become blocked by barriers from the devil. 
   My children who choose to accept My new covenant with My children, the covenant of a Father/child relationship, they have the spiritual ability to hear My words, the power to follow My guidance, and the right to speak My words of healing and solutions to prayers through their mouths in intercessory prayers in My spiritual language which allows Me to be Lord in the earth again.  Through the mouths of My very own children, My words are spoken in prayers which heal their lands, rescue My children from evil and participate with me in furthering My kingdom of heaven in the earth.  (Joel 2:28-29)  Oh, what a jubilant day!
   My righteousness prevails in the earth in My children who only follow the commands of Jesus Christ and who are completely led and tutored by My Holy Spirit.  You must always be conscious of your enemy, the devil, and his temptation to again place in your mind the enticements to engage in iniquities, transgressions and sins which will again form barriers in your mind and prevent My glorious kingdom blessings from flooding into your life.
   The devil never gives up in his deceptions.  The methods of his kingdom of destruction and death never change.  His temptations come through religious and political doctrines which are taught by false prophets in order to entice My children back into having hell on earth instead of having the heaven on earth that I promised to My children if they will heed My words. (John 15:7-12) When My children allow My Spirit to reveal My truths to them, they will not be deceived.   My Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth by Jesus Christ.  My Spirit is the only giver of truth in the universe.  When you hear His words and confirm them by the words of Jesus Christ, you will not be deceived but will grow into my image in the earth. (Ephesians 4:11-15)
   My desire for My children of promise is that they will grow spiritually until they are the images of Christ in the earth.  People will see them and glorify Me with the desire to become intimately acquainted with me.  It is through them that the prophesy is fulfilled that no one will have to teach others to know Me because they will know Me from the least to the greatest and I will remember their sins no more. (Hebrews 8:9-13)

Sunday, April 15, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   The power of My Holy Spirit can break through all of the barriers and roadblocks that are set up in your mind which block spiritual understanding from flowing into your thoughts.  The key is that My children must seek the revelations of My kingdom and My righteousness because I never force anything upon My children.  You must ask before I can infuse spiritual insight into your mind.  Asking is what opens the door to your mind.  Asking and seeking are required by My children because when you seek Me, you give permission to Me to teach you because you are pursuing My kingdom and My righteousness as an act of your will . 
   Seeking and asking on your part are the door openers to your mind which invite Me in to tutor you individually.  When you pursue Me with your whole heart is when My Holy Spirit will know your real and genuine desire to know Me intimately.  When you pursue Me is when I also pursue you and we meet together with an open door on your part for Me to reveal My kingdom and My righteousness to your mind. (Matthew 6:33)  
   When asked by Jesus who Peter had decided that Jesus was, Peter didn't say that He was Jesus, the son of Joseph, thus identifying with His flesh  He said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  Peter was not enamored by the flesh of My son Jesus; but, instead, He was awed by the fact that He was My Son, the Christ, the victorious and overcoming One. 
    Peter had allowed My Spirit to reveal to Him that Jesus Christ was My very own Son who came to earth in human flesh but whose spiritual power and wisdom was from Me.  Peter looked upon the power of My Holy Spirit who was in Jesus Christ instead of looking on His flesh which was a human body.  Jesus Christ told Peter that he was blessed because human knowledge and wisdom did not reveal that truth to him, but he was blessed because I had revealed the divinity of Jesus Christ to him.  Jesus Christ went on to tell Peter that My entire church would be built upon the revelations of My Holy Spirit instead of on the teachings and knowledge of men.  (Matthew 16:13-19)   Jesus Christ said that the keys to My kingdom would be given to My children who seek Me and My righteousness, having their minds tutored and mentored by My Holy Spirit.  He said that the benefits and blessings of My kingdom are loosed in My heaven and flow into the lives of My children who take time to seek Me and find Me, seek My kingdom and My righteousness and become transformed into My image in the earth.  In addition. the devil and his demons are bound in hell from entering into the lives of My children of promise who seek Me and find Me, receiving reveled knowledge from My Holy Spirit which has the power to change your flesh into My image in the earth as My words become flesh in you.
    Every division in My body of Christ, every war in My body of Christ, every doctrinal difference, every political partisan belief, every falling away, every lack of provisions, every strife filled situation, every jealousy, every prejudice, every quarrel and fight in My body of Christ is because of fundamentalist beliefs which have no revelation from My Holy Spirit.  However, when My children seek Me personally and hear spiritual insights from My Holy Spirit, there is harmony among those of My children because they have the same beliefs as revealed by My Holy Spirit.  They live in victory over evil instead of being consumed with guilt and condemnation.  They hear truth after truth from Me, becoming transformed into My image in the earth until My body of Christ is formed in the earth which the gates of hell cannot prevail against. (Matthew 18:18)  
   My spiritual children who listen to My voice through My Holy Spirit are constant in hope, patient in tribulation and continue to be instant in their intercessory prayers for all people.  They bless the people who persecute them because of My righteousness being apparent in their lives.  They recompense no person evil for evil.  They speak honest things to everyone instead of being a false witness.  They keep peace with everyone.  They do not seek to avenge themselves.  They feed their human enemies, give water to their human enemies who are thirsty, always doing good to them.  They are not overcome with evil, but they overcome evil with good. (Matthew 12:9-20)
    My children who have sought to be tutored by My Holy Spirit, sought to hear His voice and follow His guidance will bring peace to every situation and are known as My children because they are peacemakers. (Matthew 5:9) People who call themselves by My name but who seek conflict, division, discord, wars, domination of others and who seek ascendancy over other people are yielding to the dictates of the devil and they will not enter into My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth because their loyalty is not to Me but is to the kingdom of the devil.  They are deceived and their deception curses their lives. (Matthew 5:20)   They are the ones who said that they prophesied in My name, cast out demons in My name, healed the sick in My name, but they still were consumed with iniquities, never becoming changed into My image by the power of My Holy Spirit and so I don't know them as My children. (Matthew 7;18-24)
   My children of promise hear My voice, follow My guidance, become transformed by the renewing of their minds, and their virtues are witnesses of My nature and character. They enter into My kingdom which comes into their lives on earth as it is in My heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
   Your Father of Divine Guidance

Saturday, April 14, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   There are righteous attitudes in My children which insure that My kingdom of heaven will be resident in their lives while they live in the earth.  When Jesus walked in the earth He identified some of those attitudes as humble, merciful, gentle, meek, peacemakers, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, purity of heart, faithful to Me under persecution for righteousness and also the attitude of being mournfully repentant for yielding to the temptations of the devil which lead to doing evil in the earth. To repent means to turn from doing evil and instead doing My good actions in the earth.  Jesus said that you will be blessed, happy and fortunate when you have allowed My Holy Spirit to create My attitudes in you.  Only My Holy Spirit can train your flesh to have My same attitudes which cause My kingdom of heaven to flood into your life on earth.
   When you are humble in spirit, you are no longer arrogant.  So humility in attitude invites My kingdom of heaven to be your nation of origin and you become teachable in learning about your new nation, ever eager to learn about My kingdom coming into your life on earth.  Arrogance rejects My kingdom of heaven from your life; humility invites My kingdom of heaven into your life on earth.  A multitude of My blessings flow into your life on earth as a result. (Matthew 5:3)  I said My kingdom belongs to My humble children.
    Being mournful or regretful for falling for the devil's temptations which form a separation between us, as in the life of the prodigal son, is the attitude that My children must have which always invites My comforter into their lives to comfort them. (Matthew 5:4) Jesus said that when He left the earth to live in My heaven with Me, He said that He would not leave My children comfortless but that He would send My Holy Spirit to be their constant comforter.  (John 14:15-21) When my children turn to unity with me, repentant for having been influenced by the devil, then My Comforter, the Holy Spirit, comforts My children who temporarily leave My family and are temporarily yoked to the devil.  When they return to Me, eager to turn from evil ways, they are blessed, happy and fortunate to inherit My kingdom benefits while in the earth.    
    Meekness and gentleness are the attitudes of My kingdom of love which do good and kind deeds to other people.  Meekness makes My children teachable, ever eager to seek My will and to do My will.  A meek person is patient and long suffering in relation to the sins of other people, never seeking retribution but instead always doing good and kind deeds to them, as taught by Jesus Christ when He said to love your enemies, to bless them, to pray for them and to do good to them. . (Matthew 5:5; Matthew 5;43-48)
    My children who constantly hunger and thirst for righteousness sake means that they have an unquenchable desire to be changed into My image, to be witnesses of My character in the world, that they seek to become like Me, a likeness which glorifies Me and My character in the earth.   I said that my children who have the desire to become righteous in the flesh, like Jesus was, will be satisfied.   I said that your hunger and thirst will be satisfied.  My Holy Spirit, your tutor, has special appreciation for My children who desire, like Paul, to intimately know Me and to grow into the image of Christ.  I said that you are blessed, fortunate and happy when you hunger and thirst for My righteousness.  (Matthew 5:6) 
    I am merciful to all of My children, forgiving sins readily. When you and all of My children are merciful and forgiving to others because you appreciate My forgiveness, I said that you will receive mercy because you have sown mercy and forgiveness into the earth, which is My will for you.  Mercy looks behind the sins of the flesh that other people do, and mercy forgives the person and absolves the religious and civil lawbreaker for all of his or her mistakes, transgressions, iniquities and sins because you have been forgiven by Me. Jesus said when you forgive others that I can forgive you. (Matthew 6:12)  If you retain the sins of others, your sins are retained because you still carry the sins of others in your flesh.  My children with merciful attitudes obtain mercy and become fortunate, happy and blessed.
    Jesus said that the pure in heart will see Me.  When you are so intimately acquainted with Me that you only see the spirits of people instead of the sins of their flesh, you are blessed, happy and fortunate.   When you refuse to look on the sins of the flesh of other people, you begin to see Me in them because you have ceased to look on the flesh but have chosen to look on their pure spirits. (Matthew 5:8)  My children who always choose to look on the sinful flesh of other people will always see evil.  My children who always choose to look on the spirits of other people will always see the need for My goodness and kindness in them. When you see the spirit of the person instead of the sinful flesh, you will be seeing Me in the person. When you are seeking to always see evil in the earth, you will see evil.  When you seek to see My good in the earth, you will see good.
   Jesus Christ was called the Prince of Peace.  Peace is My nature.  I desire peace in the earth.  I said that the peacemakers are called My children.  You cannot be a peacemaker and sow strife, division, discord, doctrinal religious differences, political partisanship, opposition, competition or anything that makes you opposed to any of My children.  Only when you are at peace with everyone will you be called My children. (Matthew 5:9)  Peace that is resident in My children brings peace on earth and qualifies My children to inherit all of My kingdom benefits while they live in the earth. You can seek the wisdom to be in harmony with everyone so that you will be called My child.  When you do, you are sowers of peace in your earth and worthy to be called My child because My Spirit has transformed you into being My child of peace.
    My children who are persecuted for doing righteous acts will inherit My kingdom while on the earth. I don't mean that they are persecuted for arrogantly and proudly proclaiming My name.  I mean that they are persecuted for doing the righteous things like giving alms to the poor, refusing to return evil for evil done to them, rejecting lustful thoughts, taking care of orphans and widows, feeding the hungry and giving water to the thirsty.   I meant that you are blessed when you are persecuted for doing righteous acts of love, not by merely proclaiming religious doctrines and tenets.  My kingdom flows freely into the lives of My children who do My will in the earth.  (Matthew 5:10-11)  I said that your rewards are great when you are reviled by people for loving unconditionally, seeking peace constantly, being compassionate and forgiving with the sinful, feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, comforting the sick and visiting prisoners; for such is My kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 25:37-40)
    When My children have the attitudes of My kingdom of heaven in their own minds, they inherit My kingdom of heaven into their lives on earth.  I said that they are blessed, fortunate and happy.  Jesus said to be of these attitudes  (Matthew 5:3-11) and My kingdom of heaven will belong to you while you live in the earth.
     My kingdom of heaven is yours and when you exemplify My family of love in the earth, My kingdom comes into your life on earth with all of My blessings and rewards.
     Your Righteous, Kind and Merciful Father