My Dear Precious Child,
Rigid structures will fall apart during earthquakes or high winds, but structures that are built to endure earthquakes will sway and remain intact in high winds, floods, earthquakes and other weather extremes. Willow trees will not lose their branches or fall because of their flexibility during high winds, but oak trees which are rigid and strong will most often lose their branches and fall from the weather extremes.
Jesus Christ was not rigid in obeying earthly religious laws and doctrines or he would not have taught and healed the people of different religious sects than his earthly family. He would not have healed on the Sabbath which was prohibited by his earthly religious doctrine. He would not have ministered to prostitutes, divorced women with many husbands, robbers, immigrants, diseased lepers or political and religious outcasts if he had been rigid in religious laws and doctrines which prohibited his earthly family from fraternizing with people of different nationalities. Yet, My children who call themselves by My name often are exclusive, reclusive and judgmental of different nationalities and religions. They shun adulterers, single mothers, widows, orphans, drug addicts, alcoholics, and other people who are bound to the devil by his generational curses. It is those people for whom Jesus Christ died. He invited them to come to Him if they were heaven laden with burdens and He would give them rest. He invited them to take on His powerful life so that they would be free from the curses that the devil had brought into their lives in the past. (Matthew 11:28)
Rigid political doctrines and rigid religious doctrines produce rigid people who become judgmental and condemning of everyone who does not believe the same doctrines as they believe. The rigid doctrines produce disagreements, discord and opposing political and religious views which lead to wars, killings and sacrificing innocent children to the demons of war. Then they celebrate their wins of killing people in the name of patriotism, all the time forgetting that I commanded them not to kill but instead to bless and forgive their enemies. They inherit the curses of the devil who tempts them to worship their earthly nations instead of becoming loving citizens of My kingdom of love. They wonder why there are floods, devastating storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamies and other calamities caused by their yielding to the devil by becoming judgmental, condemning, divisive and adding burden onto the sick, the diseased, the displaced people, the oppressed people, the split families of divorce, the unloved people and the mentally and physically afflicted.
When My children bond with the devil to place burdens upon My other children of different nationalities and beliefs, they inherit the devil's curses. I warned from the beginning of time that if My children choose to bond with evil that the devil will curse them in multiple ways.(Matthew 5:21-26; and 38-48)) I taught that if you listen to My instructions to love your enemies, to do good to them, to pray for them and to bless them, that I will open the windows of heaven and bless you because you have spread My love in the earth.
Rigid doctrines produce rigid people who will also fall when rains fall from clouds, floods come, winds blow and beat upon their houses. They will fall because their religious and political houses are built on sand. They heard My words but did not do them. In doing that, they joined with the devil and inherited his destruction.
My children who hear My words and do them have built their houses on rock and when the rains fall from the clouds, floods come, winds blow and beat upon their houses because of other people binding themselves to the devil's works of rigid doctrines, My children who have done what I commanded will have houses which do not fall because they are not rigid in their doctrines. They hear My voice and they do what I command of them in order to inherit My blessings. They do not create wars and its devastation because they seek peace with all of their human enemies. In doing good to divisive people and blessing those who do evil to them, My children of promise inherit what I promised which is love and peace in their lives on earth. (Matthew 7:24-27)
My Son Jesus spoke My words from Our close Father/Son relationship. Old covenant prophets spoke My words but they spoke them from their own nationalistic views because of their beliefs that I was only interested in things that related to their earthly nation. They never understood and still do not understand that I sent Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the whole world. No nation is more important to Me than any other. Their motivations are most often for their own selfish desires and doctrines, as led by the devil whose curses come upon the earth through the leaders of the nations of the world.
My precious children who hear My words and do them are blessed in everything they do because they keep themselves unspotted from the rigid laws of their earthly nation which most often furthers the devil's destruction in the world. It is through the nations that the devil does his most destruction, devastation and killings, all in the name of patriotism and nationalism. The minds of My children are blinded to his works because of their blind patriotism. They make laws that add burdens to the backs of already defeated and cursed people. They call themselves by My name, yet My works of love are far from them.
When you keep My words of being nonjudgmental, loving, kind, peaceful, helping the poor, feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, visiting those in prison and clothing the naked, you are doing the same to Me. (Matthew 25;34-45) Jesus said you will enter into My abundant life, as promised. because you have honored My words and done them.
Jesus Christ spoke My words which bring eternal life. He spoke My words which bring My abundant life on earth. My Holy Spirit amplifies His words and makes them real and workable for you. You and My other children of promise are recipients of My marvelous inheritance that I stored for you from the foundation of the world. For that inheritance to come into your life, you must do for others what I do for you, forgive, bless, pray for, and do good to them. People will see your good works and glorify Me because you are My ambassador of My kingdom of love in the earth.
Your Father of Divine Promises
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