Monday, April 30, 2018


MY Dear Precious Child,
   I described My kingdom of heaven perfectly when I said that it is righteousness, peace and joy in My Holy Spirit.  (Romans 14:17) My children who seek My righteousness, My peace and My joy will find them in the tutoring of My Holy Spirit, and only in the tutoring of My Holy Spirit. 
   My Holy Spirit works My unconditional love for all people into you which comes from My righteousness. 
   He works peace with all people in you which only comes from My Holy Spirit through the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. 
   He works joy in you so solidly that when problems come into your life you can laugh at the devil because you know that I perfect everything that concerns you when you are led by My Spirit and walk according to His guidance.  (Romans 5:3)
   Because My nature is goodness and everything that I create is good, My Holy Spirit works goodness for you and through you to others. 
   Because My kindness is extended to everyone, even My children who do evil toward Me, My children are kind and merciful to their human enemies, loving them with the same love with which I love all of My children. 
   Because I am patient with My children, the righteous ones, the rebellious ones and the ones who curse Me and speak evil of Me, My children are patient with their own children, their friends, their human enemies and with Me, knowing that when My children request things in prayer that I instruct My angels to work full-time in order to answer those prayers. 
   My patient children know that it is never My fault when prayers are not immediately answered but that it is the fault of barriers in the earth, either evil attitudes, evil speech or evil actions.
   Because I am merciful, My children are grateful for My forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and they will extend the same divine forgiveness to their human enemies who do evil toward them.
   Because I am faithful to My children, seeking every means that will bless them and deliver their inheritance to them while they live in the earth, My devoted children are faithful to Me, seeking My guidance, My wisdom, My insight, My revelation knowledge, My strategies and My truth instead of seeking earthly wisdom and knowledge which is limited.  Thus is the truth in the parable of the man who finds a pearl of great price, hides the treasure, goes off happy, sells everything he has and buys the pearl because of its great worth to him. (Matthew 13:14)  Notice it says that the person hides the treasure and goes off happy. 
   David said that he hid My words in his heart so that he wouldn't sin against Me.  Very often, My children accept Jesus Christ, become born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit and they are happy and joyful, wanting others to know.  However, there are many instances of their prideful exuberance doing more harm than good because of their lack of spiritual knowledge.  If My children will nurture the treasure of My Holy Spirit in their hearts, learning to hear My voice before they destroy the spiritual walk of others by their fleshly exuberance, they will be more effective and wise in their witnessing.  Often the person's spiritual immaturity invites the devil into their witnessing instead of their witnessing being anointed by My Holy Spirit.  Paul went to the desert for three years learning to hear from My Spirit and learning to be obedient to My Spirit.  Consequently, he had more revealed knowledge than any of My children.  He was so happy that he figuratively laid aside everything that had previously been important to him.  He only sought Me, My kingdom and My righteousness.
   Paul's devotion to Me was admirable and pure.  He laid aside his former political devotion, his national devotion, his friends, his vocation, his religion, his dedication to religious laws and He sought to learn about Me.  He took the words of Jesus to heart when He said to take My yoke upon him and to learn of Me.  (Matthew 11:29) Paul found out by becoming acquainted only with Me that I am meek instead of forceful and pridefully driven.  He leaned to be meek, as I am meek and lowly of heart.  Consequently, he found rest for his soul.  He was driven to learn to know Me personally, to become intimately acquainted with Me instead of being driven by a demonic spirit of fleshly ministry which seeks its own glory.  It is in becoming My image of meekness in the earth which brings glory to Me and causes people to glorify Me, causing them to want to know Me.
   The pearl of great price is My Holy Spirit.  Through getting to intimately know Me by the tutoring of My Holy Spirit Paul wrote that you have the treasure of My Holy Spirit in your earthen vessel so that the work that He does in you will be so excellent and powerful that I am the only one who gets glory for it. (II Corinthians 4:7)  Paul said that he did not preach himself and his works but he only preached the works of Jesus Christ because I am the One who shines My light in your heart, filling you with the light of My knowledge, the same knowledge that was in Jesus Christ.
    There is great wisdom in the parable of the pearl.  Hiding the pearl of My Holy Spirit in your heart until you become acquainted with Me and My voice so that you don't sin by being ignorant of My ways is one truth. Fleshly exuberance has caused more of My children to err than any other demonic influence.  It's often their fleshly exuberance that brings unnecessary persecution on My children because of their lack of wisdom which causes them to lose their joy and happiness. When My children hear My voice, learn My character and become the witnesses of My personality in the world, there is joy unspeakable even in persecution and tribulation because their houses are built on My Rock. 
    Giving up all devotion to fleshly institutions, religious practices, political tenets and instead seeking only Me, My kingdom and My righteousness has great rewards.  My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and are baptized in My Holy Spirit, turning from old passions, habits, teachings and devotions, instead seeking only Me and My wisdom in all matters are My children who receive 100% of My blessings in their lives while they live in the earth.  Their devotion to Me attracts My blessings into their lives. 
    Jesus was clear.  He said you can't serve two masters.  It you try, there will be a war in your mind because the demons in the fleshly institutions will require your complete devotion and you will give less devotion to Me and My kingdom of love.(Matthew 6:24)  But if you choose to be 100% devoted to Me and My kingdom of love, you will have 100% of My blessings in your life.
    Your Father of Marvelous Blessings  

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