Wednesday, May 2, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   Jesus Christ walked around in the the earth exhibiting My kingdom of heaven in His own life and he taught the keys necessary for you and My other children to also have My kingdom of heaven evident in your own life.  But, first, He went around healing the sick, casting out demons and teaching that My kingdom of heaven was coming soon into the lives of His followers. (Matthew 4:17)  He even said that there were some people who would still be alive when My kingdom of heaven came to earth, in answer to the prayer of Jesus. (Matthew 6:10) 
   When Peter professed to Jesus that He was the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Jesus told Peter that there was no earthly person who revealed that truth to Him, but that I had revealed it to him.  Then He told Peter that the keys to My kingdom of heaven are revealed to those of My children who seek to hear My voice and obey My commands. (Matthew 16:19) Everything out of the mouth of Jesus is a clue about how for you and My other children to inherit My kingdom in your lives on earth.  My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Revelation and He will reveal the teachings of Jesus to you as well as My wisdom and insight. (John 16;12-15)   Without My Holy Spirit in your life, there is no insight, wisdom or knowledge about spiritual truths.  My Spirit is eager and ready to enter into the lives of My children, baptizing them with all the glory of My kingdom of heaven. (Acts 1;1-8; Acts 2:1-4)
   Jesus Christ exhibited and taught about the behavior of a person who has My Spirit in His life which causes the person to be born again and also who is baptized in My Holy Spirit and fire.  When My children allow the fire of My Holy Spirit to burn out the demonic activity of selfishness, false piety, political discord, lust, judging, condemnation, vengeance, hatred, anger and other demonic programming from themselves, they are able to love their enemies.  They seek peace with everyone instead of division and discord.  They seek My righteousness, become My images in the earth, inherit My blessings and become My children of promise.  They are joyful instead of sad and depressed.  They return good for evil done to them.  They make sure that they are at peace with everyone before giving their gifts at the altar.  In other words, they become My image, the witnesses of My character in the earth, which is one benefit of having My Holy Spirit in their lives.  Their inward and outward character changes completely.  (II Corinthians 5:17) They are viewed by others as having been completely changed by Me, which is one of the keys of My Kingdom, to change My children into My image in the earth, changing them from the inside out. It is in their exhibiting My righteousness. peace and joy in their lives that attracts to them the blessings of My kingdom because they are identified as My children, inheritors of My kingdom benefits.
   Another key to My kingdom of heaven coming on earth into the lives of My children is their unconditional love shown to everyone, such as: sinners, friends, human enemies, prisoners, believers, unbelievers, people of racial diversity, people who hate them, people who persecute them and people who curse them.  I said that love covers a multitude of sins.  My love covers over and obscures all sins and so instead of judgment, My children who walk in the benefits of My kingdom coming on earth in their lives will offer forgiveness and mercy to everyone because one of the keys of My kingdom is that My children understand that all evil is done by a human at the temptation of the devil.  I said that all people have sinned and fallen short of My glory, so unconditional love has no desire to retaliate or curse another person; instead, My children of promise in whose life My kingdom of heaven is evident will love even the worse perpetrators of evil because My children see the spirits of other people instead of their fleshly, evil deeds. (I Peter 4:8; Romans 3:23; John 8:15)
   Another key to My kingdom becoming real in the lives of My children is that My children of promise seek My wisdom in all matters, seeking solutions, seeking insight and seeking revelations which bring peace and success in all matters.   No earthly institution or government has the insight that I have into spiritual and earthly matters.  My wisdom confounds even the wisest of people.  I told My children through James to seek wisdom without doubting that it will come.  There is a well of saving wisdom waiting for My children which will save them from troubling problems, confusing situations, cursed circumstances and sufferings from the kingdom of hell.  My wisdom will free you from the consequences of temporarily yielding to temptations from hell.  (John 8:32-36) Be sure and ask for My wisdom in faith, trusting that the solution to everything is already given to you, that you only need to access it by asking Me for wisdom, seeking it and being confident that it will come.  (James 1: 2-11)
   You are blessed to enter into My kingdom of heaven, being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, thus being surrounded by My good spiritual cloud of heaven which is composed of My heavenly kingdom which enhances your life with the inheritance that I have for My children.  (Hebrews 12:1) Formerly, because you live in the earth that is cursed by the devil, you were surrounded by the kingdom of hell as the devil was granted permission by you through tempting negative thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions to bring his curses into your life.(John 8:44)  The keys to My kingdom as given to you by My Holy Spirit have freed you from the bondage to those curses and have released My kingdom blessings into your life. 
   What glorious joy there is in you because of My kingdom of heaven being evident in your life.  It's called My salvation.
    Your Saving Father

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