Thursday, May 10, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   Of course My Son Jesus Christ had to tell His followers what the benefits and losses are to following Him or the crowds would not have wanted to hear any of His valuable teachings.  He said that anyone who wants to be a follower of His and Mine has to renounce his or her former life, take up his or her cross and follow Me completely.  That means that there will be no more human devotions which supersede the person's devotion to Me or the person will be divided between human emotional devotion to people, properties, money, old religious institutions or nations and their spiritual devotion to Me.  (Matthew 16:24)  He was reiterating His teachings about a tree either being good or a tree being corrupt, the fruits thereof either blessing the person or cursing the person's life.  He emphasized His truth by saying that anyone who tries to save his or her former life that was devoted to evil, that person will actually lose his or her life because of the thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions that he formerly took in response to a temptation from the devil.   
    In exchange for giving up the former devotion to earthly passions, attitudes and actions which were ruled by the devil, Jesus said that anyone who loses his or her former life completely in his devotion to human institutions which are influenced by the devil will find a marvelous new life, called My kingdom of heaven coming into his or her life on earth. (Matthew 16:25)  To take up your cross means to die to the temptations of the devil which curse the lives of My children on earth.   It means instead of doing the will of the devil in your life on earth, that you do My will in the earth which eradicates the devil's influence in your life when you are empowered by My new life, called the Holy Spirit.  Blessings and a spiritual inheritance from Me replaces the curses of evil which formerly ruled your life.
   Another insight is in the wisdom of Jesus when He said what do you gain if you gain all the riches of the whole world and lose My blessings, the love of your family, the respect of your associates, the affection of your friends, thus losing your joy and your peace?  In switching your devotions to Me instead of being devoted to monetary, religious and political gain will result in your being blessed financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.  (Matthew 16:26)
   After giving to His followers a contrast in the benefits of being devoted to earthly things instead of to Me and My will in treating other people, Jesus Christ gave His followers an image of the beginning of My kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven, for which Jesus told His followers to pray. (Matthew 6:10)  He said that He would come back to them in a cloud with His angels and he saidd that when He did that He would graciously everyone who does My will in the earth.  (Matthew 16: 27)  That event happened on the day of Pentecost when My kingdom came to earth in the lives of the people who followed the guidance of Jesus and waited for the "promise of the Father."  (Acts 2:1-4; Ezekiel 10:1-8)  The prophet Ezekiel had seen into My heaven years before, saw My plan for the coming of My kingdom into the lives of My children in the earth.  He prophesied what would happen on the day of Pentecost and what still happens in the lives of My children who seek My entire kingdom and My righteousness.  The lives of the people who were the first to be baptized in My Holy Spirit when My kingdom came into their lives on earth were completely changed, their thoughts changed, their attitudes changed, their words changed and their actions changed because My Holy Spirit becomes their guide, their counselor, their advocate, their protector, their strength, their wisdom, their tutor, their power source, and they become My children with all of My power in their lives to do My will in the earth and allow Me to restore the earth through them to its former glory in their own portions of the earth. (John 14, 15, 16)
   No one had been able to predict when that glorious, earth-changing event was to take place, but Jesus did not keep that secret from His followers any longer.  He said that there were some people in the crowd listening to Him at that moment who would not taste death until they saw Jesus Christ coming into the earth in His kingdom.  (Matthew 15:28) He had preceded that prophesy with the word "TRULY", meaning it was 100 % guaranteed to happen soon in time,  It did.  It began when true believers were waiting for Him.  His return in His glory was reiterated by My prophet who wrote to the Hebrews who said that My children who are born of My spirit and baptized in My Spirit are surrounded in the spiritual dimension around them with Jesus Christ, His blood for forgiveness for the whole world, the angels, the spirits of the first born and the spirits of the saints who are perfected and Me.  (Hebrews 12:1 and 22-27) 
   My kingdom of heaven comes to earth in the lives of My children who are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit.  Ezekiel saw it years previously in a vision before it happened, Jesus Christ prophesied it, and then He came back to earth in the lives of each one of My children when My heaven comes to earth in their individuals lives as it is in My heaven.  I said that it would not be observed by people but that it would be in My individual children and around My individual children.  (Luke 17:20-21)
   Just like the religious leaders and politicians rejected Jesus Christ in His visual days on earth, they rejected My Holy Spirit when He came into the earth to live in My children.  In rejecting My Holy Spirit, they also reject Jesus Christ again because He comes with My Holy Spirit into the lives of My children of promise when they are baptized in My Holy Spirit.  My Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ.  He was the power that created Jesus, He was the power that empowered Jesus to cast out demons, heal the sick and teach over and over about My kingdom coming into the earth in the person of My Holy Spirit.  My Holy Spirit is the One who does greater things than what Jesus did.  He casts the demons into hell instead of merely into seas and pigs, all because Jesus took from the devil the keys to hell before He rose from the dead.  He gives to My children the authority to cast the demons into hell now.  That is one of the greater things that Jesus assigned to My children.
   It truly is wonderful, as Jesus Christ promised, to become baptized in My Holy Spirit in that My kingdom comes to earth as it is in heaven. You become endued with the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and you use that authority to do the same works in the earth that Jesus Christ did -- and greater works.
   Study and seek My kingdom and My righteousness until you are filled with the wonder of the treasure that is in your earthen vessel, so that you will fully know and experience the truth that the excellency of the power in every miracle is of Me and not you. (II Corinthians 4:7)
Your Father of All Gains and No Losses                          

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