Wednesday, May 16, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   During the ministry of Jesus, the chief priests and the scribes were antagonistic toward Him just like the political Pharisees and Sadducees.  They were convinced that the promised Messiah would be dressed like them, set up His ministry in the temple, speak their religious rules and regulations and keep all of the religious laws.  They had awaited Him for many years and had grandiose images of how it would be, that He would rule from the temple and affirm their importance when He set up Israel as the capital of the world, as was their interpretation of prophesies.  They refused to recognize My Son Jesus Christ as the One sent by Me because He was not royal in His dress, His teachings, His ministry or His truths.  He spoke more as a commoner and He felt more comfortable in the company of sinners, tax collectors and lawbreakers.
   In the temple one day Jesus told a parable in hopes that the chief priests and scribes would see their ignorance of My will and begin to see the truth of His ministry.  He told the parable about the landowner who planted a vineyard, fenced around it, dug a wine press in it and built a tower.  The landowner had plans to go abroad so He leased it to tenants.  When the grapes were ripe and ready for harvest and ready for making the wine, the landowner sent his servants to collect His portion of the produce.  The tenants seized the servants, beat one, killed another and stoned the third.  The landowner sent more servants, many more than before, and the tenants dealt with them in the same way.  Finally the landowner decided that he would send his son to the tenants because, surely, they would respect his son.  When the tenants saw the son, they seized him, thew him out of the vineyard and killed him also. (Matthew 21:33-39)
   After telling that parable to the chief priests and the scribes, Jesus asked them what the landowner should do to the tenants.  The chief priests agreed that the tenants should come to a wretched end and the landowner should lease the vineyard to other tenants who would deliver the produce to the landowner when the season arrived. (Matthew 20:41-42)
   Then Jesus quoted an old prophesy to the chief priests and scribes that said that it was the stone that was rejected by the builders that became the chief cornerstone, that it would be My doing and that it would be wonderful to see. (Matthew 21:42)
   Then Jesus told the chief priests and scribes that My kingdom would be taken from them and given to people who would produce fruit. (Matthew 21:43-44)  That antagonized the chief priests and scribes even more, causing them to surmise that He was talking about them, but they were afraid of the crowds of people who looked upon Jesus as the Savior that He is. (Matthew 21:45-46)
   Jesus knew the history of how the children of Israel had killed the prophets who had spoken My words to them.  In response to temptations of the devil, they had killed them because they didn't like what the prophets told them needed for them to do in order to be in My will by skirting around the devil's works.  They didn't like My guidance or My insight or My words of warning and so they killed every prophet that I sent to them.  In response to the temptations of the devil, then they killed My Son Jesus Christ, just like the parable that Jesus told to them. 
   As prophesied by Jesus Christ, when My kingdom of Heaven first came to earth on the day of the feast of Pentecost it bypassed the religious priests and scribes, also the politically religious Pharisees and Sadducees and their religious followers.  Just as they had refused to believe and receive the ministry of My Son Jesus Christ, they also refused to believe and receive the ministry of My Holy Spirit who received the mantle of ministry of Jesus Christ to defeat the works of the devil in the earth through My children of promise. (I John 3:8)
   After Jesus was resurrected from the dead He appeared to his disciples and many others, teaching more about My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children of promise. (Luke 24:44-49)  Then He came to heaven to sit down with Me in the heavens.  His disciples who had believed in the ministry of Jesus Christ and His miraculous works in My behalf believed Jesus when He said to wait for My power from on high to come into their lives.  They waited eagerly, just as He told them, along with some women, the mother of Jesus and His earthly brothers. (Luke 24:50-53)  They were the first of My children to receive My promise, that I would live in them and be their God.  When My Holy Spirit came to live in their bodies, they also received My authoritative and dynamic power to overcome the evil in the world and to minister My love, My peace, My joy, My goodness, My kindness, My patience and My faith to people.  (Acts 2:1-4)  Jesus had sent My power that created Him, ministered through Him and raised Him from the dead, He sent the power of My Holy Spirit into the earth to be received by My children who have a need for power over the evil in their lives. 
  Eventually the people who were considered the least in importance in the world, namely the unbelieving Gentiles, were afforded the opportunity to enter into My kingdom of heaven via My Holy Spirit.  My kingdom of heaven entered into their lives in the earth via the baptism of My Holy Spirit and fire as foretold by John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. (Matthew 3:11-12;Acts 1:4-5) The ministry of My Holy Spirit was eventually received graciously by the Gentiles through the ministry of Paul because they had no religious laws of which they needed to be deprogrammed.  They had no religious rules and regulations by which to judge other people.  In their lack of religious programming, they were ripe to believe in the works of Jesus Christ without judgment or condemnation of it.  They were awed at My power at work through the Holy Spirit instead of being critical of it like the religious and political people.  As a result of the purity of their hearts, they were given the opportunity to become born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit and bear fruit, the fruit of My Holy Spirit in their lives, the fruit of love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience, faith and forbearance. 
   My children who have been born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit bring forth into the earth the fruit that I desire, to become My image in the earth so that people will see My light in them and glorify Me. (Galatians 5:22-23)  They love all of My children and all of My creation, and they keep peace with everyone because the Spirit of My Prince of Peace lives inside of them.
   My plan worked.  My kingdom of heaven came into the earth to live inside of My children and surround them, giving them all of My authority in heaven and My power in earth, allowing My Holy Spirit to save the earth from the works of the devil.  Jesus prayed that I would not take them out of the world, but that I would keep them from the evil one, the devil. (John 17:15)  I answered the prayer of Jesus, I did not take them out of the world, I sent My almighty power into them to destroy the works of the devil, just like Jesus did. 
  Do not be like the religious leaders when Jesus walked the earth who refused to believe in the ministry of Jesus and then also refused to believe in the ministry of My Holy Spirit.  The Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes and the chief priests and their followers refused to believe in My heavenly kingdom coming to earth inside of My children and so they were not then, and are not now, a part of that glorious age when My children become baptized in My Holy Spirit and fire, experiencing unspeakable joy, love and peace.  The fruit of My Spirit grows in them and people glorify Me through them.  They cast evil demons into hell and My righteousness shines in them like the noonday sun.  
  Your Father of The Perfect Plan

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