My Dear Precious Child,
The Pharisees of the time of Jesus were religious politicians who deified the laws of Moses and other written laws. They were legalistic rather than spiritual. They kept their eyes open to catch people who disobeyed religious and national laws so as to punish them or at least condemn and judge them. There is a Pharisaical demon who constantly tempts My children to judge others when they, themselves, do not keep all of the laws, being hypocritical. The Pharisees and scribes of the time of Jesus followed Jesus and His followers around in order to find some lawbreaking for which they could accuse Jesus and His followers.
There were many things of which the Pharisees accused Jesus. One thing that seemed to really anger them is that neither Jesus' nor His followers washed their hands before eating. One of the Pharisees complained to Jesus about it.
Jesus chided the man, saying that the Pharisee himself broke away from a religious commandment for the sake of tradition. Jesus said that one commandment is to honor your father and mother and that anyone who curses his parents must be put to death. Jesus told the Pharisee that he and others tell their parents that they can't help them out with their financial needs because their money goes to God so therefore they are free from their duty to their parents. Jesus told the Pharisee that they had made religious commands null and void because of their traditions.
After bringing to the attention of the Pharisee that he also broke traditions and religious laws, the followers of Jesus told Him that the Pharisees were really shocked at His words. Jesus said that any plant that is not planted by Me will be pulled up by its roots. He told His followers not to judge the Pharisees; instead just to LEAVE THEM ALONE, that they are the blind leading the blind and they would all fall into a pit of hell because of their judgment of others. (Matthew 13:1-20) I was grieved but unable to change things because of their pride and judgment.
Then Jesus told His to LISTEN AND UNDERSTAND this: He lectured them about My kingdom coming into their lives in the earth, cautioning them about the condition of their hearts as revealed by the words coming from their mouths. After Peter asked Him to explain that parable, Jesus said that whatever goes into the mouth of a person passes through the stomach and is discharged into the sewer, but the things that come out of the mouth of a person come from the heart and it's those things that make a person unclean and defiled. He was talking primarily about the judging and condemning of the Pharisees. However, He identified some of the other words that come from the mouth of a person that indicate an unclean heart, naming idolatry, evil intentions, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, perjury and slander. He said that those things are what makes a person unclean, not eating with unwashed hands. He reiterated a former teaching, that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Jesus was teaching a key of My kingdom of heaven, that all unclean spirits that are revealed by the words that a person speaks will disqualify the person from entering into My kingdom of heaven while the person lives in the earth. (Matthew 15:1-29) He had taught again and again about making the tree good and its fruit good or make the tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt because a kingdom that is divided against itself will not stand. His admonition indicated to His followers to refuse the temptations to think, speak or do the devil's bidding because the devil's temptation comes into the mind of My children in order to disqualify My children from entering into My kingdom of heaven while they live n the earth. (Matthew 7:17-20) I do not judge and condemn My children who follow the temptations of the devil, having unclean thoughts, attitudes, words and actions which lead them into having the fires of hell on earth in their lives. The devil does that evil work. I lead and guide My children away from the unclean thoughts, attitudes, words and actions and into inheriting My kingdom of heaven on earth.
A condemning, judging, accusing demonic spirit like was demonstrated by the Pharisee can keep My children from entering into the promised land of My kingdom of heaven coming into the earth in their lives. Like Jesus said, LEAVE THEM ALONE in their condemnation and it will fail them, causing them to seek Me. Pray for them and bless them in their deceitful attitudes.
Heed the admonitions of Jesus in all of His teachings on My kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10) Every parable and teaching about My kingdom of heaven or kingdom of God is given to you to tutor you into avoiding evil and encouraging you to cast the offending demons who tempt you into hell.
I want all of My children to live in the blessings of My kingdom of heaven coming into their lives on earth. The devil wants My children to continue to live in his curses that come from his kingdom of hell ministering temptations in their minds which qualify them for hell on earth. My children of promise must always be on alert to identify the temptations for what they are, efforts to divert you away from your blessed inheritance of having heaven on earth and instead deposit you into the devil's kingdom of hell on earth where you have depression, discord, distress, confusion, lack, worries and defeat.
My Holy Spirit discerns spirits. Listen to Him and His voice when He alerts you to negative, judgmental, unclean thoughts. Stop the devil right there before the thought becomes an attitude or words spoken. (II Corinthians 10:5) I said to cast down to hell all thoughts that are contrary to My righteousness. Any thought that is accusatory does not further My will in your life for you to enjoy My heaven coming into your life on earth.
Your Father of Blessings
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