My Dear Precious Child,
Warnings in your earth that are disobeyed by you are liable to end up killing you because the warnings are placed on dangerous items in order to prevent you from carelessly engaging in actions which will kill you, maim you or make you grossly ill. I placed warnings in the commands in My Instruction Book that are completely ignored by My most devoted children who call themselves by My name, claim to obey all old covenant religious laws to the letter of the law, bind themselves to the philosophies and ideals of divisive political parties, devote themselves totally to religious national patriotism and then wonder why their bodies, souls and spirits are cursed in various ways. According to your brother Jesus Christ, the reason behind the curses are the words of the political leaders. He said upon multiple occasions to BEWARE of the leaven of the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes and the hypocrites.
Even the close followers of Jesus were confused by His teachings of caution about the evil that is promoted by political leaders in an effort to further their own causes. His followers took His words to mean to be careful of the yeast and bread that the religious and political leaders brought to their feasts. They thought that Jesus was telling the crowds that the Pharisee's bread was tainted in some way and would upset their digestions or maybe poison them. (Matthew 16:5-12) The followers of Jesus thought that He was chiding them because they had not brought bread to eat and to share with others. They were fundamentalists, putting human meanings on the warnings of Jesus.
Jesus actually chided them for having little faith, that they did not know that He was talking about the divisive, bitter, judgmental words of the religious and political leaders of His time, the ones who taught to judge everyone who broke civil or religious laws while they, themselves, also ignored important teachings that Jesus taught to them which would lead them into My kingdom of heaven. His followers immediately realized that Jesus was talking about avoiding the teachings, rules and regulations of the political and religious leaders instead of any yeast or bread to satisfy their hungry stomachs. (Matthew 23:13-33)
The truth had already been established by Jesus that any country, kingdom, nation, city or family that is divided will not stand because the devil has caused all of the division and disunity in order to destroy the happiness and the lives of the inhabitants. (Matthew 12:25-26; Mark 3:24; Luke 11:17-18;) Because the devil so easily uses unrevealed religious teachings and divisive political party tenets to divide My children, I was warning My children through Jesus many times not to listen to their teachings or My kingdom of heaven that I sent into your life on earth will not stand but you will be joining with the kingdom of hell in the earth and inherit devastation in your spirit, soul and body. Your body will be cursed with various illnesses, your mind will experience confusion and judgment instead of My revelations, and your spirit will lose My joy, My mercy and My peace because you engage in judging others instead of forgiving them immediately, just as I forgive you immediately. (Matthew 6:12)
All religions and the various denominations within them are built upon a truth but only one truth and the leaders stop seeking more of My kingdom and instead build a religious institution on that one small truth. Each denomination divides itself from other ones which are built on truths other than their own, and the religious leaders become divisive about the other denominations, prideful about their own truths but judgmental about the small truths upon which the other churches are built. My own body is divided against itself and suffers much assault by the devil.
If you will notice, every nation has a government which has two different political beliefs or motivations, the Pharisees and the Sadducees, which are the conservatives and the liberals. The Pharisees and scribes, or conservatives, were decendants of the Hasidaeans political party who were very piously law oriented, deifying the old covenant religious and political laws instead of Me, having attitudes of seeking correctness, punishment and judgment toward law breakers instead of their adopting the forgiveness and mercy of Jesus Christ who chided them for obeying the laws but neglecting mercy, faith and justice. (Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42) They are law oriented so they are often judgmental and reject My kingdom from coming into their lives.
The opposing religious/political party were the Sadducees who were descendants of the Hellenizer political party. They were liberal in their beliefs, accepting all religious beliefs as beneficial to people. Their religious and political beliefs were more lax and instead of deifying laws they adopted the lifestyle of the Greeks who had fewer religious and political binding laws. The Pharisees considered the Sadducees Godless because of the lack of religious and political laws, and the Sadducees considered the Pharisees as judgmental, adding burdens to people instead of relieving their burdens. The Sadducees were grace oriented to the extreme degree of the Galatians who believed they could go ahead and sin because My grace covers all sins. They did not know that their liberal leanings would keep them and others out of My kingdom of heaven because of their lack of guidance which leads to freedom to sin. There are consequences to doing the will of the devil even though I forgive sins.
Every country, nation, state and city has opposing political and religious sects operating in their governmental structures, and never the twain shall meet because they are demonically created. There are conservative and liberal beliefs which have always been antagonistic toward each other because the devil's discord, hatred, strife and division governs both parties. Thus, there is constant war between the political sects because they were demonically structured and are still demonically influenced. Therefore the nations experience earthquakes, floods, droughts, typhoons, tsunamis, financial failures, rampant lawbreaking and other devastation as well as wars with each other, while the devil and his demons sit back in pride at their accomplishments through the religious and political sects. (Matthew 12:34; John 8:13-44)
You must understand the reason why Jesus Christ warned over and over and over again about the leaven or words of the religious and political leaders. If you want an unsettled, worrisome, unstable life filled with tribulations and troubles, then bind yourself to a political and religious sect, all of which are built upon division and discord from the kingdom of hell. (Matthew 18:18; Matthew 7:21)
If you want peace in your life on earth, love in your life on earth, goodness flowing constantly in your life, kindness being the motivation in your life, mercy constantly flowing into your life, joy unspeakable and full of glory, patience with Me while waiting for answers to prayers which you know will be answered, patience with people and faith that moves demonic kingdoms out of your earth and sent to hell, which release you from bondage, then seek My kingdom in which there is only My righteousness instead of a religious sect or political sect which believes in its own rightness instead of My righteousness. I said that My kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in THE HOLY SPIRIT. (Romans 14:13-17; Galatians 5:22-23)
Give to your earthly nation what is owed to it, paying your taxes and obeying civil laws, but give to Me and My kingdom what I said is beneficial to your life on earth which is to devote yourself to My kingdom and My righteousness. There are no divisive sects in My kingdom. (Mark 12:17) There is only righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Remember that a person cannot have two masters, the person will end up hating one and loving the other.
Seek My kingdom and My righteousness and you will have heaven on earth because My kingdom of heaven will persist in blessing your life on earth with your inheritance of blessings that was set aside for My children of promise before the foundation of the world. (Matthew 6:24-33) My Holy Spirit dispenses the blessings of My kingdom of heaven. Listen to Him instead of to the leaven of the religious and political leaders.
Your Protective Father of Warnings
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