Thursday, May 17, 2018


MY Dear Precious Child,
   Jesus taught a parable about a conscientious steward who was wise and and faithful enough for his master to place him in charge of his household to give them food and provisions at the proper time. That man was happy when he found that his master found him doing his normal duties with joy and efficiency.  That man qualified to be in charge of everything his master owned and so the master put him in charge of his entire estate. . 
   There was also a dishonest steward who thought his master was delayed and that he had plenty of time to prepare for the master.  He engaged in riotous living and was doing such when his master arrived to check on him to see if he was qualified to be put in charge of his master's property and family.  His master chose a day to visit when he was beating his servants and engaged in riotous living with gluttons and drunkards, so the master had to cut him off from his rewards. (Matthew 24:45-51)  The master couldn't trust him to handle his estate properly.
   Seeking and finding involves being prepared to receive.  When Jesus was telling His disciples about My kingdom coming into their lives while they live on earth, He told them by demonstrating with a parable about a person who was expecting the glorious promise of My kingdom coming into his life and becoming a reality so he spent his time in seeking, pursuing and expecting to receive My promise of My Holy Spirit coming to dwell in him and baptize him with My power and fire.  He knew that he wanted and needed My help in overcoming evil in his life and so he sought Me with his whole heart.  I came to claim him as my own, and saw the eagerness of his heart, so I revealed to him many truths because of seeing his conscientious behavior.
  In constrast Jesus identified a person who had a yearning for My promise to become a reality in his life, but instead of seeking, pursuing and then receiving My kingdom of heaven in his life, he thought My Spirit would be delayed so he spent his time in beating his servants and eating and drinking with drunkards.  Unfortunately he was engaged in such activities when My Holy Spirit was eager to enter into his life.  Instead of having heaven in his life on earth, he had hell on earth in his life on earth.
   I do not reject anyone.  It's the people who seek Me who find Me.  It's the people who are knocking on My door to whom I open the door.  It's the people who ask Me for the gift of My Holy Spirit who receive Him.  I said that he who seeks will find, to him who knocks the door will be opened and who asks will receive.  (Matthew 7:7-11) I also said that a good father will not give a stone to someone who asks for bread and I will not give a snake to someone who asks for a fish, and I will give My Holy Spirit to anyone who asks for Him.  Your attitude toward others must be to do to them what you want them to do to you.  (Matthew 7:12)
   In waiting for My Son Jesus to return from the dead and appear to the disciples, Jesus had cautioned His followers to be alert, to stay awake, because you never know when He is coming into your life to make it heaven on earth when My kingdom of heaven comes into your life on earth. Jesus said that when He cast a demon out of a person that My kingdom comes upon that person.  (Luke 11;20)
   Always seeking, always expecting and always being ready to receive revelations, wisdom and knowledge from Me through the tutoring of My Holy Spirit is the key to receiving.  I said when you need wisdom to ask, believing that you will receive and you will receive if you are not double minded.  (James 1:5-3)
   Always be alert to expect My blessings in your life.  When you are alert, you won't miss them. 
   Your Father of Great Rewards 

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