Wednesday, May 1, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    What you have come into is not something revealed to human senses, not a blazing fire or total darkness or a storm or a loud voice speaking that was so awesome that it made everyone hearing it beg for it to stop after Moses sought Me for My instructions.  They were appalled that the orders given by the voice said that any animal touching the mountain must be stoned.  It was so frightening that Moses even said that he was afraid at the awesomeness of the event.  You have not come into that kind of event. 
    Instead, you have come into My city, the heavenly Jerusalem with many millions of angels in attendance along with the firstborn who believed in the coming of Christ Jesus into the world.  They were raised from the dead when Jesus was resurrected and appeared in the earth also.  Plus, you have also come into My presence in My city of heaven where Jesus lives with Me with His blood for total purification of My children, and with the saints of My new covenant who have been perfected. (Hebrews 12:18-24)
    The people who were alive with Moses and heard the installation of the old covenant were given instructions on how to avoid the evil that the devil brought into the earth.  They also heard the warning that if they did not obey My instructions that they would fall under the curses of the devil who is always seeking whom he may devour.  So consider what will happen if you do not follow My instructions from My heaven that surrounds you.  My words come from the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you in order to also lead you around the devil's traps and onto the straight path to the abundant life.  (Hebrews 12:25) If you ignore My guidance you will fall into one of the traps and suffer the consequences of being united with the devil.  A more cruel taskmaster has never been known.  
    I spoke through the writer of the letter to the Hebrews and said that when the old covenant was installed that the earth shook at the sound of My voice.  I said that I would make the earth shake once more and not only the earth but the heavens.  The created things are the things that can be shaken from their demonic foundations and be changed.  Anything that is of My foundations of love, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, faith, joy, patience and steadfastness will remain forever because they are unshakable.  You have been given an unshakable national kingdom, which is called the Kingdom of God and often is called the Kingdom of Heaven.  (Hebrews 12:26-27)
    I also spoke through the writer of the letter to the Hebrews that you must hold onto the grace that you have been given and worship Me in ways that I find acceptable, not in ways under the old covenant of the flesh that are based in fear.  You must worship Me in Spirit and in Truth as revealed to you by My Holy Spirit which allows you to be awed and be in reverence of Me, for I am a consuming fire, desiring to consume all of the works of the devil which have made your life so miserable while you live in the earth.  My consuming fire is for the works of the devil and his demons, not for My children. (Hebrews 12:28-29)
    Inside of you in your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  He came to live inside of your human spirit and make His home inside of you when you were born again.  Also, since the event of your being baptized in the Holy Spirit you are surrounded, (baptized), by My Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual dimension around you.  You have My entire company of angels, and you have the holy people who believed in the coming of Jesus, the champions of faith, in that kingdom surrounding you.  Jesus and His blood are also in My kingdom surrounding you and I am in My kingdom as the Almighty.  What more do you need? 
   My voice of guidance and warning and revelation and comfort and encouragement and instruction is always speaking to you through My Holy Spirit.     
   Do you have time to set yourself aside and listen to My voice of salvation that is intended to save you from all of the works of the devil?  When you do, you become My true child, My child of promise who is able to hear My personal oaths to you that I am working in your behalf to bring your full inheritance of My peace and rest to you because you have heard My voice of power which overcomes every evil thing in the earth.  (Hebrews 6:13-20)
    My words even overcome the devil's voice of doubt and fear which attack you when bad events happen in your life.  As I said to the Hebrew Christians in My letter to them, "Do not harden your heart to My voice like the people did in the wilderness when they tempted Me for 40 years and perished there."  (Hebrews 3:7-14)   My words of instruction and guidance are for your safety and salvation from the works of the devil.  My words are never words of condemnation and guilt.  Those are the words of the devil.  My words are words of love and they bring peace and goodness to the hearer.   
    Your Father of Consoling Mercy

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