My Dear Precious Child,
John's assurances in his writings to the churches were first of all about My Love and about the love of Christ Jesus for people. As was Peter's and Paul's habit, John also began his letters of warnings and corrections with an abundance of compliments to the believers in the churches, plus words of encouragement and then praises for the Savior Christ Jesus in His ministry of dying for the sins of the whole world. Then all of the apostles wrote an abundance of warnings about the false prophets who were roaming around and in the churches, like the devil, seeking whom they may deceive and devour. (I John 1:1-17)
After the old Mosaic Law became null and void because of the disobedience of the Jewish people to our contract, John identified the false prophets as antichrists, because they opposed Christ. He said that it was prophesied that when My new and last covenant with My earthly children was instituted he proclaimed that My children were in the days of My new and last covenant of the Holy Spirit. It had been prophesied that the majesty and efficiency of the new and last covenant was that My Holy Spirit would come to live inside of My children and that I would write My words individually in their minds and on their hearts, and that I would never remember their sins again. (Jeremiah 31:31-33; Joel 3:1-5; Acts 2:1-4) John told the readers of his letter that several antichrists had already come. When Jesus Christ ministered in the earth He said that the spirit of antichrist was in the world then. He was speaking of the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, the high priests, the priests and the elders of the temple. They are the political and religious officials who had opposed every truth that came out of the mouth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said that they would come in the last days, meaning the days of My last covenant with My children, which is called the covenant of the Holy Spirit. (I John 1:18) They perform the same blasphemies that they did to Jesus Christ, except they do them to My children of promise who bear My name. The letters of Paul, James, Peter and John warn you against them.
John wrote that the rivals of Christ had come out of their own community of religious people. They left unity with Me because they never really belonged to Me. They belonged to an old religious sect which was constantly disobeying Me and turning to false idols as a replacement for Me. He said that he was writing to My children who were anointed by My Holy Spirit and who had all received revealed knowledge. He knew that they knew the truth already and that no lie can come from the truth. However, he identified an antichrist as what the person is, one who denies that Jesus is the Christ. He called him or her a liar and an antichrist because he or she denies Me as the Father as well as denying Jesus as My Son. He wanted you and My other children to know that no one who has Me as their God can deny My Son, and that to acknowledge My Son is to know Me as well. (I John 1;19-23)
His advice was to keep alive in yourself what you were taught in the beginning, that Jesus Christ is My Son and that He died for the sins of the whole world. When you keep that truth alive in you, you will live in My Son and in Me. What is promised to you is My precious promise of your having My eternal life inside of you because you are born of My Holy Spirit. John wrote that that is all that he was going to write to them about the people who were trying to lead them astray, trusting that it was enough warning. He even told the readers of his letter that they have not lost the anointing of the Holy Spirit which was given to them by Christ, so they did not need anyone to teach them. He wrote that the anointing of the Holy Spirit teaches you everything because you are anointed with truth, not a lie. (I John 1:24-27)
His advice was for you and My other children to live in Christ so that when He appears, whether in your life or at your death, that you will have full confidence and not turn away from Him in shame. John reminded the readers of the letter about My righteousness and told them that everyone whose life is righteous has been born of Me and has My nature of righteousness. He was quoting My Son Jesus Christ and the apostles Paul, James and Peter who said that if you love Me that you will keep My instructions which are given to protect you from the traps set by the devil and his demons who are in the world. You can't see the demons, but they have their emissaries. They also tempt you in your mind with the deceitfulness of riches, the lusts of the flesh and the cares and worries of the world. (Matthew 13:18-23) You must learn to recognize them so that you can resist them, refusing to do their will, and put them under your feet of authority and the feet of authority of Christ.(Luke 10:17-19; Hebrews 10:12-24)
Learning to recognize the antichrists who are in the world and refusing to hear their lies will allow you to become firmly established in Me and My love. The antichrists want you to love and be in unity with them instead of loving Me and being in unity with Me. They offer lies, deceit, destruction and death. I offer love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, faith, mercy, patience and long suffering. One choice comes from Me and brings life and the other one comes from hell and brings destruction and death. Always choose to choose Me and life.(Isaiah 7:15; Deuteronomy 30:19)
Your Father of Life and Love
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