Monday, July 22, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    Remembering that Jesus said that His parables are cautions and truths that you must know and follow in order to enjoy and bask in My kingdom of heaven while you live in the earth, it is important for you to completely digest every parable.

PARABLE OF THE  1.  The people who know that they have
 WEDDING             been forgiven of a multiple sins will swarm
 FEAST                   to God and love God more because of His
 Luke 14:                lack of judgment of them. The Jews did not
 15-24                    follow Jesus Christ because of the devil's
                               veil of unbelief on their minds that were
                               placed in the minds of the Pharisees,
                               Saduccees, scribes, chief priests,
                               priests and elders of the temple.  Those
                               veils are called political and religious            
                               2. People who know that they have been
                               forgiven of many sins are grateful to God
                               and they judge people less than
                               other people do because of God's
                               forgiveness for them.
PARABLE OF COUNT- 1.  After you enter into My kingdom of 
ING THE COST             heaven, the devil sends family, political
                                     or money problems into your life to 
Luke 14:25-35              lure you back into slavery to his kingdom. 
                                     Your worrying, fretting or any
                                     emotional entanglement will rob
                                     you of the benefits of My kingdom
                                     of God. 
                                     2. The devil knows your weakness.
                                     Don't fall for his tricks. 
                                     Refuse any involvement in earthly
                                    You only owe to them your prayers,
                                     not your emotional involvement.
PARABLE OF LOST 1. God goes to every means possible
MONEY                     to bring a lost person into My kingdom
Luke 15:8-10             of God.
                                  2. He brought the unbelieving     
                                  pagans into His kingdom after the Jews
                                  refused to enter into God's kingdom
                                  because they could not accept Jesus
                                  Christ as being My Son, their Messiah.
PARABLE OF CRAFTY 1. Even though craftiness is acceptable
STEWARD                    and even desireable in the earth,
 Luke 16:1-13               honesty is the way to have
                                     righteousness, peace and joy
                                     in the Holy Spirit by living in the
                                     kingdom of God in the earth.
PARABLE OF THE   1. This parable of Jesus prophesied
RICH MAN AND        the rich religious and political leaders
LAZARUS                 who do not accept God's Son as their
Luke 16:19-31          Savior enter into the devil's torments
                                 of hell in their lives on earth.
                                 2.  The diseased, the demon possessed,
                                 the pagans and the adulterers all come
                                 to Jesus Christ and are saved from the
                                 devil's fate of having hell on earth.
GOOD SHEPHERD 1. In this parable Jesus clearly identifies
 PARABLE               the two kingdoms at work in the world,
John 10:11-21         the devil's kingdom and God's kingdom.
                                He identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd
                                and the devil as the robber, killer and
                                destroyer.  Jesus calls Himself the One
                                who saves the world from the consequences
                                of sins which came from Mosaic Law, saying
                                that the devil was in the world causing
                                sins before the Law, but the law gave
                                the devil the power to condemn God's
                                children with guilt.
                                2. God's salvation through Jesus Christ
                                is the only true power over the evil
                               works of the devil in the earth.  The
                               Holy Spirit brings My kingdom of
                               heaven into the lives of people and
                               gives them power over all evil if they
                               listen to the voice of God as delivered
                               to them by His Holy Spirit. 
   The parables contain all of the secrets on how to live in the heaven on earth that Jesus Christ purchased for you when He died for your sins and sent My Holy Spirit into your life to give you power over the devil and his demons who roam
the earth seeking whom they may devour.  Digest the truth in every one of the parables.  They are My food and drink of the new covenant of love as delivered to you by My Holy Spirit, spoken to help My children avoid becoming entangled again in bondage to the devil.
    Your Father of Liberty and Truth                                    

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