My Dear Precious Child,
When Jesus Christ came to earth, the Jewish religion was so intent upon preserving My name as been hallowed and holy, that they considered it was sacrilegious to speak My name. When Jesus came to earth to establish a Father/child relationship with all of humanity, He was met with lots of resistance for many reasons, but most of all because He referred to Me as His Father. Not only that, but when the disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, Jesus taught them to preface it by calling Me their Father, even though He had also respected traditional religious practices by also adding that My name was hallowed and holy. Jesus faithfully persisted in referring to Me as Father and when teaching the multitudes He taught them that "your Father" in heaven was always attentive to their needs, which inflamed the Jews even more. (Matthew 6:7-15)
Jesus told His disciples and other followers that they must love their enemies instead of hating them and demanding an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth. (Matthew 5:38; and 44-48) He told them that they must be perfect, just as their Heavenly Father is perfect. He also told them not to pray aloud in the synagogues and street corners but instead to go into their private room and pray with only Me listening. He promised that only those prayers prayed in secret will be rewarded by Me, their Heavenly Father. (Matthew 6:5-6) His sample prayer that He taught people to pray was firm in acknowledging My Fatherhood by teaching them to pray to "Our Father in heaven".
In Jesus teachings He talked about them forgiving other people, telling them that if they forgive other people of their failings, that I, their heavenly Father, would also forgive them of their failings which inflamed the Jews because they stood firm that only I can forgive sins. (Matthew 6:14-15) In Jesus' teachings about hypocritical fasting, putting on gloomy faces so other people would know they were fasting, He said the people who do that have their rewards, being noticed and praised by other people.(Matthew 6:16-18) He told the people when they fast to clean up, put oil on their head, wash their face so that no one would know they are fasting except Me, their Heavenly Father, and that I would reward them.
Jesus also told people not to fret and worry about what to eat, that I, their Heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air and that My children are worth more than the birds, so their Heavenly Father will see that they are fed if they set their sights on My kingdom and My righteousness, and that I, as their Heavenly Father, will see that everything will be given to them. (Matthew 6:32-34) Having a Heavenly Father who gives to His children instead of My being a king who takes from his subjects was not easily understood by the Jews, especially the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, chief priests, priests and elders of the temples. The veil that was over their minds that was put there by the devil is not easily removed. Only My Holy Spirit can do it. They could not conceive of My being a loving, approachable Father instead of a vindictive, judgmental king.
The real issue that caused the Jews to want to squelch the teachings of Jesus Christ was when He started teaching about My kingdom coming into the earth and that whatever My children ask of Me will be done for them. Jesus Christ said it's not the people who call Me Lord who enter into My kingdom, but it's the people who do My will who enter into My kingdom because of My being their Heavenly Father. When He demonstrated the power that is resident in My kingdom of heaven, the power to heal the sick, the power to cast out demons and the power to teach about My kingdom of heaven soon coming into the earth, those teachings were the things that broke the emotional back of the Jews because more and more people began coming to Jesus Christ for healing, for casting out the demons who oppressed and possessed them, and His teaching about a loving kingdom of heaven which was to soon come into the lives of believers, the Jewish leaders became even more jealous because their own followers were following Jesus Christ and so the Jewish leaders began to concoct a scheme to get rid of Jesus Christ, who was being blasphemous in their eyes by calling Me their Father, also by talking about a kingdom coming to earth which the Jewish religious and political leaders surmised might be greater than their own country of Israel.
To call Me by such a familiar name of "Father" was blasphemy because to the Jews I was an unapproachable, distant, vindictive God who was eager to punish every mistake and broken law. So when Jesus Christ began to proclaim that I, their Heavenly Father, forgives sins without requiring retribution and that I am a Father who desires a personal relationship with all of My children was more than the legalistic minds of the religious and political leaders could understand, so they deemed His teachings and actions blasphemous. Since blasphemy was grounds for death to the Jews, the leaders began their political scheme to have Jesus Christ crucified.
Not only was Jesus Christ's spiritual thoughts and actions of forgiveness of sins repugnant to the Jews, but His choice of friends and close acquaintances were considered lower class to the Jews. Their kings only hobnobbed with the rich and famous but Jesus Christ preferred to fellowship with the prostitutes, the adulterers and the tax collectors instead of with the elite and the rich. The religious and political leaders were convinced that Jesus Christ must be stopped and silenced, even if it required crucifying Him.
Some of My born again, baptized in My Holy Spirit children still have trouble considering Me as a loving Father. Many of them hold onto the Jewish tradition that thinking of Me as their Heavenly Father is bringing Me down off of My throne in heaven, making Me too approachable and personal, making Me like men instead of a king. Since Jesus Christ proclaimed that I came to earth in the body of a mere man, that was more blasphemy to the Jews. Unfortunately those people who have experienced My kingdom of heaven in their lives but return to the belief that I am too holy to come to earth as a mere man, they leave My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth because they do not become intimately acquainted with Me because of their worshiping Jewish traditions, often at the behest of false prophets and teachers. Fortunately, the pagans were not programmed to think of their relationship with Me as austere instead of personal, so they readily accepted the idea of My being their loving Heavenly Father when Paul demonstrated My love to them in His teachings.
Good fathers take care of their children and give good gifts to them; so I, as your Heavenly Father, joyfully gives My ultimate gift of My Holy Spirit to My children who seek Me and ask Me to bless their lives. (Luke 11:13) When you allow Me, through My Holy Spirit, to be your counselor, your teacher, your advocate, your provider, your revealer of truth, your private tutor, your transformer and your power, He makes your inheritance easily accessible to you while you live in the earth because My kingdom has come into your life on earth. (John 16:1-15)
Your Heavenly Father of Intimate Love
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