My Dear Precious Child,
The prophet Isaiah prophesied that people call evil good and good evil; In other words, they call My good works as being evil and they identify as good the works of the devil. That is exactly what happened under the old covenant, they identified the works of the devil as being My good judgments upon them, and they called My good works as being evil because they were not satisfied with My provisions for them, as in the children of Israel in their walk to the Promised Land. Even though those people were fed supernaturally by Me for forty years and neither their same clothes nor their same shoes wore out in forty years, even with My promise that they would have a blessed life in the promised land, they griped and moaned and blasphemed Me by building idols which they called good. Those idols were monuments to the devil, inhabited by demons and those Israelites called their idols good and My gracious provisions for them evil. They even wanted to go back into slavery in Egypt, calling it as good compared to their lives on the road to the promised land, calling evil as being good again compared to My supernatural provisions for them.
The epitome of My children calling the devil's works of evil as being good and My works as being evil, consider My Son Jesus Christ and His wonderful works of mercy for the future descendants of the Israelites who made it into the promised land. When He came to earth the religious and political leaders called the merciful good works of Mine through Jesus Christ as being the works of the chief of the devil, Beelzebub, still labeling good as being evil. (Luke 11:15) The people called the evil works of the political and religious leaders as being good while those leaders heaped burdens onto the back of the people that were too burdensome for them to bear.(Matthew 25:2-6) Yet, the Israelites, My children through whom My Son Jesus' human heritage descended, still called Jesus Christ evil.
In your generation, My children of promise sometimes call the works of their religious and political leaders as being good when those works are completely opposed to My character. Even when they are divisive, vindictive, hateful, self serving liars, My children of promise sometimes bind themselves to those leaders and call them good when their character is obviously evil. My children seek power in the wrong places because they lack the power of My Holy Spirit in their own lives so they bind themselves to the devil's emissaries in the earth who promise power to them. The shame is that their power is the evil power of the devil; but to the people who have no power over evil in their lives, seeking power that comes from the devil is at least some kind of power.
My misguided children of promise sometimes identify as evil the peacemakers who want to do My good works in the earth that I ordained of taking care of the sick, the diseased, the sojourners of the earth, the starving, the thirsty and the lost. Again, Isaiah's prophesy is true in your earth. My misguided children label My peacemakers as being evil when the peacemakers are actually My obedient children and My misguided children have bound themselves to the devil by labeling the peacemakers as being evil. In other words, many of My children are still labeling as good the works of evil and labeling as evil the good works that My obedient children do by sowing peace in the earth.
Jesus Christ, My Son, delivered this message to My children: Whatever you do to the least of My children you do to Me.
He also said that in his prophesy of My kingdom coming into the lives of My children as the separation of the sheep and the goats. He said that He says to the sheep to come and inherit My kingdom while they live in the earth because when I was hungry you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me something to drink, when I was sick you visited Me, when I was a stranger you took Me in, and when I was in prison you came to see Me. Although they have not done those things to Me personally, when you do those things to the least of My children you do them to Me. (Matthew 25:31-40) Yet some of My children call ministry to the least of My children as being evil in the eyes of religion and politics, still perpetuating the prophesy of Isaiah of calling evil "good" and good "evil".
As long as My children yield to the devil's religious and political strategies in the earth, which have always been the devil's most proficient strategies, then he is their lord and master and they cannot enter into My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth.
My kingdom of heaven being resident in the earth in the lives of some of My obedient children of promise who call good as being good and evil as being evil always find themselves infused with and surrounded with My good blessings and rewards for having the spiritual eyes of discernment through the Holy Spirit to be able to spot evil and call it what it is, demonic and destructive instead of joining with it and calling it good.
My children who join with evil and call it good are deceived by the devil himself. The devil is delighted that My children have been kept out of My kingdom by his demons who were successful in tempting them to call evil as being good and good as being evil. My children are like the man Job in the literary poem. They don't know Me because they only know about Me as spoken by other people who also do not know Me. When they can hear from My Holy Spirit they will cease believing the lies spoken in their thoughts by the devil, as in the three friends in the poem called Job. They will seek to know Me face to face and finally know My true character of Love.
Your Father of Loving Truth
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