Monday, October 28, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    The poem about Job is used as an example twice in My Instruction Manual called the Bible.  In the book of Ezekiel Job was used as an example of people setting up idols and having iniquities in their hearts and then coming to Me for revelation knowledge, similar to Job.  (Ezekiel 14:1-3) In Ezekiel I said that I would speak to them according to the number of their idols.  Later the prophet Isaiah heard My truth from Me relating to this.  Through Isaiah I told My children that even though they called upon Me for deliverance from demonic curses that I couldn't hear them because their sins had created a sound barrier between us so that I couldn't hear them.  (Isaiah 59:1-2)
    In Ezekiel I told My children of Israel that they must repent of their sin of making idols and turn away from their abominations and iniquities.  It says that for any of My children who do turn away from their iniquities and idols and return to Me that I will answer him Myself.  (Ezekiel 14:4-7 and 14-16) However, it says that, like Job, Moses and Daniel, their sons and daughters could not be delivered of the demonic curses, only the men who come to Me for My insight and understanding.  The sons and daughters of Israel held onto their idols and so I could not deliver them from the curses that came from their worshiping of idols. 
    In the book of Ezekiel I used Moses, Daniel and Job as attestations of this truth, that personal salvation was the only way that I could rescue My children at the time.  Job lost everything, even his sons and daughters, yet when he came to Me I restored everything to Job.  Even at his eventual revelation of My true nature it did not save his sons and daughters.  They had already died.  The good news is that He had more sons and daughters after he met Me face to face, knowing My true character, and all of them prospered along with Job.
    The other place in My Book that used Job as an example is in the New Testament book of James. (James 5:7-11) James used the poem of Job as an example of patience, remembering that My own patience is also an example.  James was speaking about the belief that Jesus Christ was soon coming back to set up His kingdom on the earth and James was encouraging the believers to be patient, enduring whatever came along.  James was concerned that some people were complaining against one another which would put them in the same attitudes as Job with his three friends and with Moses who did not enter into the promised land because of his breaking faith with Me. (Deuteronomy 32:48-51; Numbers 20:9-12)
    Rebellion keeps people out of My kingdom of heaven in your day, also, because of lack of patience with Me and My plan for the salvation of the earth.  James warned that the devil's judgment would come upon the ones who complained, just like the Israelites who complained and griped because they did not like the food and drink that I supplied for them in the wilderness. (Hebrews 4:15-19)
   James, in his book, wrote that I am kind and compassionate.  He reminded My children not to swear allegiance to anything or anyone and not to make an oath to anyone.  James knew that anything and everything in the earth to which you swear your allegiance you have made that entity an idol, putting yourself in the same situation as the children of Israel when they left Me and worshiped idols.
(James 5:12)
    Job was used as an example of patience twice in My Instruction Book, the Bible, and as an example of the promise that I speak truth to My children when they turn from their sins and iniquities and come to Me for My wisdom and insight relating to traps set by the devil.  Job is an example of that.  He, in essence, repented when He confessed to Me that He had only known Me by the hearing of his ears.  When He became acquainted with Me face to face, his fortune was restored and he eventually had more children. Personally hearing My words of love and guidance will guarantee your entrance into My kingdom of heaven while you live in the earth with all of My love, mercy and grace restoring to you everything that the devil robs from you.
    My mercy endures forever.  I never give up on My children.  Make sure that you never give up on Me so that with faith and patience you will inherit all of My promises. (Hebrews 6:10-12)
    Your Faithful Father

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