Friday, November 15, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   The battle between good and evil has existed since Adam disobeyed My warning and listened to the devil's temptation through Eve, allowing the devil to bring his demons into the earth and curse everything in it. (Genesis 3:14-19) The demons cursed the lives of women by giving them a strong desire for a husband to be their savior, seeing him as their prince charming with all of the necessary wisdom to make her life happy.  The demons also introduced pain into the earth by cursing women with pain in childbirth.  The demons cursed men by cursing the ground with thorns and thistles so that it would be a struggle to produce healthy food from the earth.  The demons cursed it so that men would toil by the sweat of their brow for grain to make bread until they died and went back to the earth.  Prior to the disobedience of Adam, they were fed with fruit from all of the other trees with no labor of their own. 
   Also, the snake, signifying the devil, was cursed to crawl on his belly.  I prophesied that a Man would come from Eve's descendants and that the devil would strike his heel but He would strike at the devil's head, destroying the works of the devil, that Man being Jesus Christ. (I John 3:8) That was a picture of the coming sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, His trip to hell for the salvation of all people, and His conquering the devil and being raised from the dead.
    After Jesus Christ came to earth and taught about the wonderful truth of My kingdom of heaven which was to come later into the earth, the next parable that He taught was about the demons who had been released into the earth by the devil which cursed everything good that I had made in the earth.  Yet, My plan was, after Jesus came to sit down with Me in My heaven, to then send My Holy Spirit into the earth to live inside of My children with the same powerful authority over heaven and earth that Jesus Christ wrestled back from the devil in hell. (Matthew 28:18-20)  In addition to My Holy Spirit coming to live inside of My children, I also sent My angels into the earth in My kingdom of heaven surrounding My children to serve My children who are inheritors of My salvation in their war against the devil and his demons. (Hebrews 1:7 and 13-14)  Remember that Jesus Christ came into the earth to destroy the works of the devil.  My Holy Spirit continued His ministry when He came to live inside of My children and give them the same power that Christ had, (I John 3:8; Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:1-4)
which was to again have dominion over everything in the earth. 
    In the parable of the darnel, or weeds, Jesus taught about the demons having to exist in the earth, along with My good angels, until My Holy Spirit came to live inside of My children with My authority given to them to cast the demons into the abyss.  My Holy Spirit gives the strategy to My angels on how to assist in casting out the demons from the earth and escorting them to the abyss. 
   In the parable of the weeds, at the coming of the end of the religious Law, Jesus Christ said He would institute a new covenant with people, the covenant of My Holy Spirit where He would come to live inside of My children, but first the devil would have to strike at His head, causing Jesus to be crucified, go to hell for the sins of the whole world, be raised from the dead and appear to people in the earth before He came to sit down with Me in My heaven.(Matthew 13:36-42)  Then Jesus Christ would send My Holy Spirit of power into the earth to live inside of people who seek Him, giving them the same magnificent power that raised Him from the dead.  With that magnificent power over heaven and earth, My Holy Spirit who lives inside of My children would cast demons out of the earth and My angels would escort them into the abyss where there the demons will grind their teeth and weep in the blazing furnace. Salvation would be complete in the lives of My children who seek Me, seek My kingdom and seek My righteousness.  The blazing fire was never meant for My children.  It was meant for the demons who torment My children.  
   Jesus taught that My virtuous children, because of the power of the Holy Spirit inside of them, would cast the demons who offend them out of their lives and into the blazing fire and the demons would be escorted there by My angels.  That is the "greater things" that Christ prophesied that you would do.  Previous to the crucifixion, death and visit to hell by Jesus Christ, Jesus did not have the authority to cast the demons out of the earth and into hell because the devil still had authority over the heavens and earth.  After Christ accomplished My plan of redeeming the authority to the earth and heavens from the devil by the power of My Holy Spirit, then Christ sent the same power over heaven and earth that He had wrested from the devil and sent it into My children.  Then and only then did anyone have the power to cast demons out of the earth and into the blazing fire in the abyss.  My Holy Spirit does it through My children of promise.
    While Jesus ministered in the world, He could not cast demons into the abyss.  He only had the authority to cast demons out of people, as shown when He cast them into the pigs at their request.    
    When My children, by the power of My Holy Spirit, cast demons out of their lives and into the abyss, My promise was that My children of promise would shine like the sun in My kingdom of heaven in the earth which lives inside of My children and surrounds them because all causes of sinful offense have been cast out of them and sent to hell by My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you and My other children. 
    In that particular parable taught by Jesus, all of the elements of the Good News, that being the gospel of Christ, are foretold as truth in that parable.  It explains My greatest mystery that I instituted before the foundation of the world, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:26-27; Jeremiah 31:31-34)) 
   All of the hidden keys of the mysteries of My kingdom of God coming to live inside of you are explained in the parables of the kingdom by Jesus Christ.  (Matthew 13:10-13)  Jesus said that not one word of what he taught would pass away, but that all of His words and prophesies would be fulfilled.  They have been fulfilled in you and My other children who are born of My Holy Spirit, baptized in My Holy Spirit, pray in My Holy Spirit and seek My righteousness, which is called sanctification; meaning that you have, by the power of My Holy Spirit, cast all of the demons from hell out of your life and allowed My angels to escort them into the blazing fire.  You begin to shine with My glory because you have cleansed the temple of the Holy Spirit in the earth.  (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)
   It's time for My children of promise to take authority in the earth that has been given to them by the indwelling of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of them with the ability to speak My personal words of guidance to them.  Jesus Christ died for it.  He came back to earth in your life when you were baptized in My Holy Spirit. 
   How dare you not recognize Jesus Christ as the same Holy Spirit that lived in Him when He lived in the earth when He became a human form whose mother had been  impregnated by My Holy Spirit, infusing My DNA into Him in her womb.  Jesus Christ is in My kingdom of heaven in the earth which comes into your life when you are baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 12:1 and 22-25)  You don't need to wait for Him to come back to earth, like the Jews look for Him to come the first time.  He already came to earth to live inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit.  He's the same.
    As long as you refuse to give the same honor and respect to My Holy Spirit that you give to Jesus Christ and Me, then you are powerless in your life on earth and you will not have the power to participate in the redemption of the earth by My Holy Spirit.  (Romans 8:19-27; Ephesians 6:18-19A)   Pray that My Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom, will reveal to you the power that you have in your life in Him. (Ephesians 1:17-23) 
   When you allow Him to reveal My power of the Holy Spirit that is resident inside of you, then you will begin to participate in the redemption of the whole earth which has been groaning inwardly, like all of My children, for you to allow Me to reveal to you, and all of your spiritual siblings, the authority and power that you have in the earth, the same power that raised Christ from the dead; so that you and the earth will be freed from slavery to decadence, and to enjoy the same freedom and glory as My children. (Romans 8)
    Your Father of Power and Might

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