Sunday, November 17, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    When Jesus was teaching about the mysteries of My kingdom of heaven, He had already taught the first time about there being an end of the present age of the religious Law and a new covenant would be instituted.  My new covenant with the earth and the people in it is called the covenant of the Holy Spirit when I would come and live inside of people who invite Me.  As a result, the same power would be in them that raised Jesus from the dead. (Romans 8:11) That power of My Holy Spirit has My authority to cast demons out of people and the earth in what I called the harvest of the demons in which the demons would then be ushered into the blazing fire by My angels. (Matthew 13:36-43)  My promise was that after the demons are cast out and sent to the abyss, that My children would shine like the sun in My kingdom of God.  Jesus even told the hearers to listen, anyone who has spiritual ears.
   After another short parable that teaches about seeking for My treasure, meaning My Holy Spirit, that a person must get rid of his or her allegiance to anything or anybody in the earth and seek My righteousness.  After that short parable Jesus began another short one by saying, "Again," the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant who finds a pearl of great wisdom and sells everything he has and buys the pearl.  He reiterated the importance of cutting off all allegiance to earthly things because if you don't divorce yourself from allegiance to them the devil will use them to entice you away from Me and back into earthly cares which are controlled by the devil.  Then the cares of the world, which Jesus said was a thorn from the devil, will keep you from entering ino My kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 13:22)
    After emphasizing again about breaking with all allegiances to earthly things and people, Jesus reiterated the importance of the parable about the weeds, or darnel, and their being cast out of the earth and sent to the abyss.  He emphasized the importance of that parable by saying, "Again," meaning that He was getting ready to teach another parable with the same truth which He had taught beforehand.  In this parable He compared My kingdom of heaven to a dragnet being cast into the sea that brings in a haul of all kinds of fish.  He said that when it is full, the fishermen haul it to the shore and then sit down and collect the good ones in a basket and throw away those which are of no use.  He said that that's what would happen at the end of the old covenant of the religious Law when My new covenant of the Holy Spirit came to live in My children, that My Spirit would separate the wicked demons from the just angels and throw the wicked ones into the blazing furnace where there would be weeping and grinding of teeth.  (Matthew 13:47-50)
   Jesus asked His followers if they understood that parable.  They replied that they did.  Then He said that any scribe who becomes a disciple of My kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his storehouse things both old and new.  He was prophesying that there would be religious and political leaders who would become disciples of Jesus Christ, leaving behind their allegiance to the Law.  He was saying that they would find that My new covenant of the Holy Spirit when My kingdom of heaven came to live in My children, that to those scribes who follow Christ Jesus would be revealed by My Spirit the connections between the old prophesies in the Law and the truths in My kingdom of heaven.  (Matthew 13:51-52)
    His prophesy came to pass the first time on the day of Pentecost when My Holy Spirit came into the earth to live in My children and surround them in the spiritual dimension of heaven.  When My Holy Spirit filled the room and people began to speak in some earthly languages that they had not learned and also in My heavenly tongues that are spoken in My heaven, plus there were tongues of fire on the heads of My children, Peter recognized that what was happening at that moment had been prophesied by the prophet Joel in the past. (Joel 3:1-5)  Joel had prophesied many years before Jesus was born that in the day to come that I would pour out My Spirit on all mankind, their sons and daughters would prophesy, see spiritual visions and dream spiritual dreams, that My miraculous events would happen to common people, even to slaves (Acts 2:1-4 and14-21)
    Every word that Jesus Christ spoke in parables contained mysteries of My kingdom of heaven coming to earth to live in My children and continue to destroy the works of the devil in the earth just like Christ did when He walked the earth.  Jesus Christ could not cast the demons into the abyss while he lived in the earth because He had not yet gone to hell and wrested from the devil the authority over heaven and earth that the devil had deceived Adam into giving to him.  However, after Christ rose from the dead He declared that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to Him and that His disciples must go and baptize people in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in which they would also have My power in the earth that Christ had possessed when He was in the earth, with the addition of having the greater authority to cast demons into the abyss, thus judging the demon's angels (Matthew 28:16-20; John 14:12)
    My Holy Spirit teaches you about the Holy Spirit's power that you have to cast demons into the abyss.  It is the truth that Christ proclaimed when He said that you would judge the angels, meaning the demons who are the devil's angels.  (I Corinthians 6:2)  "Judging" in that instance means to discern them and then to separate them from people and from the earth by casting them out,  
    Don't allow the devil to divert you from your calling of cleansing the earth of demons after you have learned to walk in My righteousness.  First send every demon who tempts you into the abyss and trust that My angels will escort them there. Then when you discern other demons, send them also into the blazing furnace.  When you pray in My intercessory spiritual tongues, I often send demons out of the earth and into hell so that the excellence will be of Me and not of you. (Ephesians 6:10-20)
    All of the mysteries of My kingdom of God are for you to know.  Receive them, believe them and obey them.  When you do, a hundredfold of My blessings are yours. 
    Your Father of Revealed Mysteries

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