Friday, December 20, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    We have studied the vision of Isaiah who looked into heaven and saw My plan for the salvation of mankind and the earth.  He saw the future coming of the Savior as a baby whom he called the Wonderful Counselor, the Almighty God-the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.  He wrote in his book that the Savior would have all of those names.  He was seeing the three facets of My personality, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, often called the Trinity, three in One.  Salvation came to the earth as a collusion between Us.  Since a collusion is between two or more entities in order to deceive someone else, the collusion was between Myself, Jesus Christ and My Holy Spirit in order to deceive the demonic principalities and powers of hell so that they would not be able to interfere with My plan of salvation for the world. 
    I devised a mysterious plan in order to save the earth from destruction and we hid it from the demonic heads, the principalities and powers; in other words, the devil.  The plan was that I would come to earth as My Son to live in a human body whose name would be Jesus and I would heal the sick, cast out demons and teach about My kingdom of heaven coming to earth as it is in heaven; all of those magnificent works as empowered by My Holy Spirit.  My plan included that Jesus would eventually become a human sacrifice and die for the sins of the world.  The sacrifices under Jewish Law were earthly religious practices which foretold the eventual spiritual and human sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, that He would go to hell in payment for those sins, would be raised from the dead after His wrestling authority to the heavens and earth from the devil, and He would appear to His followers again and encourage them to wait for My promise.  Then He would ascend into My heaven to sit down with Me in heaven, relinquishing His earthly ministry to My Holy Spirit by sending into the earth My Holy Spirit to live inside of My children of promise so that My Spirit could continue to do His works in the earth that He did through Jesus Christ, the same power who did miracles through Jesus Christ and the same power who raised Jesus Christ from the dead.  (John 16:4-7; Romans 8:11)
   Isaiah looked into the heavens and saw the baby whom He called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God-the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.  Because of his experience with the sacrifices of his Jewish religion which erased sins for a year, He knew that it was through Ezekiel that My words came that told the nation of Israel to stop the violence, the wars, the plunders and oppression that they had so easily followed of evil works and that they should do justice and righteousness instead of extracting money from people and evicting them from their properties. (Ezekiel 45:9)  He said that the Prince should take one lamb out of the flock for a meat offering, a burnt offering and for peace offering, to make reconciliation for them. (Ezekiel 45:17; Ezekiel 46:2 and 12)  The Prince, and only the Prince, would make the peace offering.  That is why Isaiah said My Son Jesus would be called the Prince of Peace, which He revealed when He died as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world in order to bring peace to your world.
    It was written in one of the Psalms that mercy and truth met together in Me; and righteousness and peace kissed each other. (Psalm 85:10)  Isaiah wrote, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace is on Him and with His stripes we are healed,"  (Isaiah 53:5)  Not until My Holy Spirit came to live inside of My children of promise were they able to become peacemakers.  Jesus said that the peacemakers would be known as My children.  Zacharias said that Jesus Christ came to earth to, "To give light to them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." 
    Before Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, He told His disciples, "My peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."(John 14:27)
    Jesus Christ was and is the Prince of Peace because He became the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, but He rose from the dead and now brings peace into the hearts of every person who accepts Him as their Savior.  Jesus Christ is still the Prince of Peace.  He came to earth when My Holy Spirit came to earth and lives in My kingdom of heaven which surrounds each person who is baptized in My Holy Spirit.  He wants to bring peace to every area of your life.  That is why He told you to love your enemies and to do good to them.  It is only by the power of My Holy Spirit that My children can do what Jesus Christ advised them to do. 
    Jesus Christ brings peace into the hearts of everyone who is born of My Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ lives inside of every person who is a new creature in Christ Jesus.  He was, is and will forever be the Prince of Peace.  Let Him lead you into having peace with everyone in your life.  That is His ministry in the earth.
    With the Holy Spirit's power of peace that ministered through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, He will lead you to no longer have any human beings as enemies.  He will show you how to join with Him in the battle against your real enemies, the demonic spirits in the earth's atmosphere.   He will empower you to win every battle. 
    Your Father of Peace.  

Thursday, December 19, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    In the old covenant prophet Isaiah's peek into the heavens he observed the birth of the Savior of the world.  Isaiah did not know that the human part of the Savior would be called Jesus. He wrote that He would be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God-the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.  His revelation was completely opposite to the belief of the Jews at that time because they were looking for a Messiah to come as King of Israel and give them dominance in the world by restoring Israel as a country of power.  What Isaiah saw in his vision from Me was that I, as the Savior, have three functions, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    In My function of Father when Jesus Christ came in fulfillment of that prophesy, He revealed the Fatherly duties that I have in the earth as a caring Father who provides for, protects, strengthens, tutors, guides and brings to maturity My children;  yet, that I am still an Almighty God.  It was blasphemy for a person during Isaiah's time on earth to even speak My name.  They could be stoned and killed for uttering My name.  But in Isaiah's vision He saw one of My duties as the Savior is to be as Almighty God-the Everlasting Father. 
   There were two reasons for the qualifications in Jewish Law of Isaiah being legally stoned in that writing by him: first that Isaiah called the Savior by the name of Almighty God, which was forbidden for Jews because My name was supposed to be holy; and, second, that He also called the Savior of the world the Everlasting Father.  Later, when the Savior, Jesus Christ, came to earth and called Me Father, the religious/political Jews became incensed and planned to stone Him, according to the Jewish Law.  (John 8:19, 38, 42-44 and 59; Deuteronomy 18:20)
    The thought that I would not only be called God to the Jews with a name that could be legally spoken but also to call Me by the name of Father was definite blasphemy to the political/religious Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, the political and religious leaders of Jesus' time on earth.  To speak about Me in familiar terms such as Everlasting Father was definitely blasphemy in the minds of the political/religious leaders from the beginning of the Law even through the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ.  When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, the first thing that He taught them to pray was, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,"   (Matthew 6:9-15) He knew early on in His ministry that there were certain Jewish traditions that needed to be observed by Him in order not to inflame the religious/political leaders.  However, in His sample prayer He referred to Me as His Father, which was blasphemy to the Jews, but Jesus covered up His own reference to Me as His Father by speaking that My name is so hallowed as not to be spoken.  He was teaching His disciples, not the masses which normally included the religious/political leaders at that point.
    To call Me by the name of Father indicates the closeness that I want with My individual children.  It is only in the Father/child intimate relationship that My children can truly get to personally know Me.  The expectation of the Jews was for a king to come to earth and make their nation the leader of the world.  Kings are not approachable by the common people.  Yet, Isaiah saw into the heavens and observed Me, the Savior of the world, as the Everlasting Father of all mankind.    
   Also, Jesus Christ when He came to earth and grew into an anointed man referred to Me as His Father, indicating to My children that I want a one-on-one, personal, unified relationship with My children, just like any good father would want.  It is only in that one-on-one relationship with My children through the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives that the benefits of My Fatherly parenting can be enjoyed which makes My children free from all evil in the world. 
   Remember that our relationship does not only involve your requesting things from Me.  It involves your hearing My voice in order for you to receive My guidance.  Praying/receiving, praying/receiving, praying/receiving.
   Communication, based on communion, is a two way conversation.  My children need to stop playing church long enough to hear My personal, truth filled personal words to them in order to have the faith to avoid the evil traps in the world.  My personal words to you are the truth that makes you free.  It is in the perfect communion between us that you worship Me in Spirit and in truth.  If you are not hearing truth filled words from Me from My Holy Spirit, then you are not worshiping Me in Spirit and truth, which I desire. 
   Every Father desires to have a close relationship with all of His children.  We can't get any closer since I live inside of you.  The key is for you to set yourself aside from all obligations and commune with Me, praying but also receiving, also.
   Your Everlasting, Personal Father 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    When Isaiah saw into My heaven in a vision, He observed the coming to earth of My Savior as a baby, My Son.  (Isaiah 9:6) He did not know that His name would be Jesus.  Instead Isaiah's revelation was that He would be called by three names, the first being Wonderful Counselor, the second being Almighty God the Everlasting Father, and the third being Prince of Peace. 
    One would think that the reference of one name would be enough, but the truth of whom He turned out to be was revealed to Isaiah in those three names, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Three in One, the Trinity.  In that revelation of the truth that My Son would be called all three names is the truth that We are One, just like Jesus later said when He said that He and I are One, that He is in Me and that I am in Him.  (John 14:9-11)So when Isaiah wrote that the baby would have three names he was seeing that all of My character of power of the Holy Spirit would be in Him, that all of My wisdom and knowledge regarding solutions to problems and strategy on how to defeat evil as the Father would be in Him, and that all of My peace making abilities would be in Him, all of those attributes in a tiny baby. 
    I came to earth in that little baby, who later became a man, and My Spirit came to earth in that same little baby, who later became a man.  He was to be named Jesus by His earthly parents, according to My instructions, and when He later was anointed with My power of the Holy Spirit for ministry He became known as Jesus Christ, the anointed One.
    The truths taught by My Holy Spirit, the Wonderful Counselor, set My children free from the works of the devil and from the curses that came from religious/political Law.  Those truths all come from and through the Wonderful Counselor, as identified by Isaiah, and referred to by Jesus Christ as Counselor, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth and Advocate.  In fact, Jesus proclaimed praises to My Holy Spirit when He told His disciples that it was necessary that He, Himself, go to heaven so that My Advocate would come into the earth to live in My children.  John wrote that Jesus said that the Counselor had been WITH them inside of Jesus, but that He would also be IN them after He sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of them.  (John 14:17)  An advocate is a legal assistant who will defend you, deliver truth to you, intercede for you and always be at your side to take your side and give aid to you, one who is a constant comfort to you.  (John 14:16) 
   The praises that Jesus gave to My Holy Spirit as Jesus informed the disciples that He was going to soon leave them but that I would send to them another comforter who would not only be an advocate, defender, intercessor and constant companion to them, just like Jesus had been, but also that He would lead them into all truth.  The disciples were having problems understanding the truths that Jesus taught to them because of the veil of unbelief that is in the minds of all humanity since Adam allowed the devil free access to the earth.
    In the farewell speech to His disciples, He agonized in teaching them that they would benefit by His absence because He would send My Holy Spirit, who empowered Him, into the world to be received by My children who need My power against evil and who need My truth to free them from evil programming in their minds by religious/political Law. Jesus Christ told them that He had volumes of truth to tell them but they could not understand it until My Spirit of Truth came to live inside of them. He told them that when My Spirit of Truth came to live inside of them that He would lead them into COMPLETE, FULL truth, that He would not speak only from His own wisdom but He would speak what I speak to Him.  Jesus assured His disciples that My Holy Spirit would even explain to them more fully His own teachings which they found difficult to understand.  (John 16:12-13)
    One of the most important truths that Jesus told His disciples that My Holy Spirit would reveal to them is to refute the lie that had been believed since the devil told lies into the minds of men that I am evil as well as good.  Jesus told His disciples and followers that My Holy Spirit would reveal to them the devil as the originator of sin, that I am the originator of all good and that they were to judge the demons and use My authority to cast them out of the earth and into the furnace of fire, which was My judgment of the demons. (John 16:8:11; Matthew 13:36-42)
    That truth, that I am all good and that I never use evil to teach lessons to My children is the most exciting revelation for My children to hear.  Jesus explained what I use to discipline and chastise My children when they get off into the devil's territory by falling for his temptations is that I use My words.  He said that He had pruned them by His words, not any rod or staff or whip or belt or paddle or accident or disease or anything evil.  My Spirit is the Word and He uses His words to correct you and My other children. (John 15:3) 
    Jesus Christ, Himself, extolled the benefits of My children becoming born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, saying that it was necessary that they receive My Holy Spirit into your life to become born of My Spirit and that it is equally as necesary that you become baptized in My Holy Spirit in order for Him to take the place of the ministry of Jesus Christ in your life.  Jesus Christ was crucified for your sins, went to hell for them, was resurrected from death, and appeared to encourage His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit to take His place as the constant companion of His disciples.  They were in for the surprise of their lives when, on the day of the feast of Pentecost, supernatural signs from heaven of a rushing mighty wind surrounded them and flames of fire appeared on their heads and they were all baptized in My Holy Spirit and spoke in the language of My kingdom of heaven. (Acts 2:1-4) They were empowered by Me far above what they could ever dream or imagine.  They were so empowered that 3,000 people were immediately converted to belief in Jesus Christ and 5,000 people later were.
    Peter and later Paul began to write letters inspired by My Holy Spirit in which truths were revealed and My children became more and more free from evil's strongholds.
    Isaiah saw in his vision the importance of knowing the advantage of welcoming My kingdom of heaven into your life on earth which establishes My Fatherly duties in your life, plus My Holy Spirit's tutoring of truth in your life which sets you free from evil after you have accepted the ministry of Jesus Christ in your life as your Savior.
    It is through the Holy Spirit's power that you will do even greater works than Jesus Christ did while He was in the earth (John 14:12) when He said that He had not been to hell to gain authority over heaven and earth yet.  In a short time He proclaimed, after going to hell for the sins of the word, that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to him. When He sent My Holy Spirit into the earth with the same authority over heaven and earth, My children have the power to cast the demons into the fiery furnace, carrying out My judgment of the devil who enticed My children to sin from the beginning. (Matthew 13:36-42)  In the teachings of Jesus about My kingdom of heaven coming to live in My children, when He sent into My children authority over heaven and earth he sent the power to send the demons into the fiery furnace. 
    You must study the respect that Jesus Christ had, and still has, for My Holy Spirit.  He knew that it was only with the power of My Holy Spirit that My children would be able to have the authority to send evil demons to hell, authority that Jesus Christ did not have until He escaped from hell with My authority to heaven and earth and sent My Holy Spirit to live in My children with that authority and power. (Matthew 28:16-20) 
    Someone has to clean house in the earth.  I sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to live in My children and do it.  He is Lord in the earth inside of you. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)  The whole earth waits for that revelation to become real in you. (Romans 8:19-24)  The power of My Spirit is in My children.  Be led by My Spirit to begin cleaning house.
    Your Father of Power

Monday, December 16, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    The old covenant prophet Isaiah saw a vision into My heaven and observed the salvation of mankind by the coming to earth of a Savior.  He had no insight into the name of the Savior, being Jesus Christ, but Isaiah had insight into the truth of the trinity, which is the Oneness or Unity of the Savior with My marvelous ministry signified in each facet of the Godhead.  The belief about the Messiah at the time was that He would come to earth as a king, which is still believed and for which He is awaited by the Jews.  Yet, Isaiah, when he was granted a peek into the heavens, saw Him as coming to earth as a human baby, the first revelation that the Savior would come from heaven to earth in a human body.  He wrote about his vision by proclaiming, "For unto us a child is born, for unto us a Son is given."  (Isaiah 9:6)  His vision was 100% accurate, as you know.
    The next revelation or insight into the coming to earth of the Messiah or Savior was Isaiah's proclamation that,"...and the government shall be upon His shoulder." That prophesy was interpreted by the Jews as meaning that He would be head of their Israeli government, restoring Israel's dominance in the world. (Acts 1:5-7) Not until the coming to earth of Jesus Christ in a human body, the grown up baby whom Isaiah observed in the vision, did it become clear by Jesus' own teachings that the government of which Isaiah spoke referred not to the government of an earthly nation like Israel, but he was referring to the government of My kingdom of God and heaven. Jesus also spoke and prophesied that My kingdom of heaven would come to earth to live in My children and surround My children by the indwelling of My Holy Spirit at the beginning of My new and final covenant with the world.  Jesus Christ and I am in that covenant of the Holy Spirit in which My children again have authority over evil in the world in the person of My Holy Spirit living inside of them. 
    The old testament prophet David spoke frequently about My precepts, ordinances, testimonies, laws, statutes, commandments, words, judgments, promises and  decrees. He was prophesying about the constitution and bylaws of My Kingdom of God as preached later by Jesus Christ in which His own crucifixion, death and resurrection instituted My new covenant with humanity and the world. (Psalm 19; Psalm 119) Jesus said Himself that not one jot or tittle of His words would pass away, the words of which He preached about My kingdom coming to earth as it is in heaven.  (Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 5:18; Matthew 24:35)  It is in His words that the governmental regulations of love would take prescedence over the old covenant laws of sin and death. 
   Isaiah was also prophesying about My kingdom of heaven coming into the earth when he wrote that the government would be upon His shoulders, just as Jesus taught His disciples to pray. (Matthew 6:10) Isaiah prophesied that the entire authority of the government of the kingdom of heaven would be on the Savior's shoulders, meaning the constitution and bylaws of their new kingdom would be from Jesus' own words which established His constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of God in the earth.  Every word from His mouth replaced the old covenant Law and established new actions of love in the world.
   Then in the vision of Isaiah, he had insight into the Trinity, the total unity of Jesus Christ, My Holy Spirit and Me.  Referring to the baby from heaven who would be born into the earth, He wrote that HE would be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God-the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.  In that revelation He observed Jesus Christ, My Holy Spirit and Me as being One in the birth of that baby when I came to earth in human form to save the world from the works of the devil and his demons.  (Isaiah 9:6)
    The glorious conclusion of that promise is that before His crucifixion Jesus Christ prayed that His followers would be One with Us, just like He and I are One.  Only by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the spirits of human beings can you become One with Jesus Christ and with Me when My kingdom of God comes into your life in the person of the Holy Spirit.  (John 17:11-23)  It becomes possible and a reality when My children are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, as foretold by Jesus. (John 20:19-23; Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:1-4)
     The magnificence of the mystery that I kept hidden from the foundation of the world is Christ in you, the hope of glory.  It was prophesied by many prophets and it becomes reality when I come to live inside of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit.  My kingdom of heaven comes to live inside of and around you with the presence of Jesus Christ and My presence inside of that kingdom of heaven.
     You must allow My Holy Spirit to teach you the value of the treasure of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you.  (II Corinthians 3:17-18)  In Him is all truth that frees you from the destruction of evil in the world.
     My desire is that you and My other children never stop drinking of the waters of life that spring up inside of you, revealing more and more of My character of love until you become visible human witnesses of My Love in the world.
    Your Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God-the Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

Friday, December 13, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   According to the truth of the Holy Spirit there are two different kinds of power that are inherited by My children when they are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  One is the authoritative power and one is the explosive, fiery power.  My Spirit revealed to Paul and he wrote about those two kinds of power when he wrote the letter to the Ephesians.  He spoke of the explosive, fiery power of My Holy Spirit as being the "dunamis," the power that produces mighty works.  In the dunamis power is included the angels and their power, which is the power that John the Baptist prophesied would happen when My children are baptized in the Holy Spirit and in FIRE.  (Matthew 3:17; Ephesians 1:18-23)
   You have learned that before Jesus was even born into the earth that Ezekiel saw into the heavens and saw the inner workings of My kingdom of heaven in which he saw the cherubim angels and said that they accompany My Spirit in everything He does.  He saw that in the midst of the angels were coals of fire that looked like torches. (Ezekiel 1:12-13 and 20-21)  In addition to the coals of fire inside of the cherubim was the spirit of life.  Also, Ezekiel observed in the heavens that when the angels were in motion the sound of their wings were like the sound of mighty rushing waters.
   If you will remember, much later after Ezekiel's vision, on the day of the first Pentecost when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit began when My kingdom of heaven came into the earth surrounding My children and My children were baptized in My Holy Spirit and fire, there were tongues of fire that landed on the heads of all of the believers in Jesus Christ and there was a sound of a mighty rushing wind, all of that being evidence that My children were receiving My promise of the Holy Spirit who is always accompanied by My angels within whom is My powerful cleansing fire, as evidenced by the tongues of fire that was on their heads in the spiritual dimension but was visible that day to people. 
    Much earlier, Ezekiel observed My plan that I had devised to cleanse My children and My creation of the evil deeds of the devil that it had inherited when Adam allowed the demons to take over authority in his earth over which I had give men My authority. Adam relinquished his authority to the earth and gave it to the devil.  However, in the vision of Ezekiel he observed My plan of salvation for the world.  I told him that a day would come when I would bring My children together and that I would take out of them all traces of detestable things and all abominations or religious practices and sexual impurities; that I would give to the people a new heart when I put My Spirit within them, that I would take out of them a stony heart out of their flesh and I would give them a sensitive heart which is responsive to My voice.  As a result, I told Ezekiel that with the new heart that is sensitive to Me, they will walk in My statues, keep My ordinances and do them.  I said that they would be My people and I would be their God. (Ezekiel 11:17-20)
    All of that vision came to be on the day of the first Pentecost when My Holy Spirit with His angels of fire came and took up residence surrounding My children of promise.  My kingdom of God came into their lives in the spiritual dimension around them and they became empowered by My Holy Spirit, as professed by the writer of the book of Hebrews who wrote that My children are surrounded by a great cloud of spiritual witnesses. (Hebrews 12:1 and 22-26; Ezekiel 10:4-5)         
   Later in the vision of Ezekiel, he observed the day of Pentecost which was to come in the future after Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of the world, went to hell in payment for those sins, rose from the dead and appeared to His followers with instructions to go to Jerusalem and wait for My promise.  When My kingdom of heaven came into their lives they became changed people, just like Ezekiel had seen in his vision many, many years before.  They became inhabitants of a new nation, My kingdom of God, with all of My benefits.  They inherit a multitude of angels to help in their war against the devil and his demons who antagonize, tempt and destroy My children. (Hebrews 1:13-14)
    You are given the greatest gift of Mine, My Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of life, and you have Him in your body in the earth, in your human body, so that I might be able to do My mighty works in the earth through you.  I cannot work in the earth except in a human body, as evidenced by Jesus Christ.  He relinquished His power and gave it to you when He came to sit down with Me in heaven.  He sent My Holy Spirit into you and My other children in the earth who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire by My kingdom of God coming to live in them and surround them.
   You are no longer citizens of an earthly country.  You are citizens of My kingdom of God and you have all of My power and authority in the earth.  As long as you swear allegiance to an earthly nation, you have exited My kingdom with all of its benefits.  Many of My children prefer to swear allegiance to their earthly country, becoming in slavery to the demons who control their country.  They try to have one foot in My kingdom and one foot in their earthly kingdom.  It's impossible.  Their earthly country requires them to go to war with their political and fleshly enemies, and My kingdom of heaven requires that you love your enemies and do good to them.   You cannot serve the demon of war and also serve Jesus Christ who brought peace to the earth.  You cannot operate in political hatred for your opponent partisan politicians and also be My child whose feet spread peace in the world.  One will overcome the other and its usually the hatred, war and division which overcomes My commands through Jesus Christ, simply because people choose the devil's temptation of their flesh which obeys the devil's lust for power and control over other people.  When you have made the choice to bifurcate or divide your loyalty into two forks, endeavoring to serve an earthly nation and also My kingdom of heaven, because I gave free will to you I have to honor your choice.  The curses of that nation of earth will come upon you.  However, when the earthly nation fails you, I am always there to rescue you from your disillusioned loyalty to the devil's earthly country and bring you back into My family of love. 
    It doesn't matter how many times you say or write or label your earthly country as being under Me, it isn't and will never be because it is of the flesh of men with their division, their desire or lust for power, and their willingness to embrace the devil's lies and hatred for My ways of peace and forgiveness.  The nation of Israel found out that its earthly nation is built on war, not peace; on division, not unity; on persecution of the poor, the underprivileged, the sick and other nationalities.  As a result, I went to the pagan Gentiles with My salvation. 
    It would be good for you to investigate My agreement with the nation of Israel, their promise from Me of a nation, which they broke again and again and again, yet they still try to demand that I keep My promise.  Until they accept My Son Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, they will not enter into the promised land, My kingdom of heaven, that I promised to all mankind.  They are blinded by the devil's veil in the minds of their political Pharisees.  They want Me to keep My promise when they have never kept their part of our agreement.  My agreement with them was if they kept My commandments they would have My blessings, which they as a nation never kept.  (Deuteronomy 4:23-31; Deuteronomy 28) 
   My new covenant of the Holy Spirit was readily embraced by the pagans at the ministry of Paul.  Many of the former pagans have been born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit and are experiencing My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth while most of the children of the old covenant of Israeli laws are still governed by the devil and his demons who tempted them to disobey Me, even though My commandments were given to them to help them to avoid the devil's works in the earth. 
   The formerly pagan believers who are led by My Holy Spirit, are baptized in My Holy Spirit and pray in My Holy Spirit are blessed beyond human measure in their lives in the earth, which was My plan from the beginning of the earth if the people of My first covenant insisted on breaking their part of our covenant.  My plan to take salvation to the pagans if Israel continued to disobey Me was a mystery hidden from the devil and his children who obey him in the earth. 
   My new covenant of the Holy Spirit with the world is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)  My glory comes upon My children who enter into My kingdom of heaven when they are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, being surrounded by My entire kingdom filled with angels, the spirits of holy people who are made perfect, Jesus and Me.  When they follow the leading of My Holy Spirit, they avoid all evil and are not deceived by the false spirit of loyalty to an earthly nation which seeks its own will of having dominion over the least people in the world.  I said that what you do to the least of people, you do to Me.  Many of My children have forgotten that.  (Matthew 25:31-45)
    When you have My "dunamis" power of the Holy Spirit, then My spiritual warring angels do their duty against the demons in the earth.  Those angels are active in your life to see that you succeed in your life on earth in every way at the instructions of My Holy Spirit.
    There is also the "exousia" power or authoritative power of My Holy Spirit also which has been given by Me to My children.  We will examine that power later in another sitting.   Both are gifts to My children which are necessary for My children to succeed in their lives on earth while being blessed to be living in My kingdom of God while they live in the earth.
    Your Father of Power

Thursday, December 12, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   Every person who lives in the earth suffers from the effects of the devil's demons roaming in the earth seeking whom they may devour.  The work of the demons is to destroy, rob from, kill, steal from and cause havoc in the lives of My children.  There is no earthly power that can defeat them and their works.  They are spirit and it takes spiritual power to defeat them and their destructive works. 
   My perfect plan was for Me to come to live inside of My children, the way I did Jesus, and to empower My children who become cleansed and forgiven by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Their cleansing by Jesus Christ prepared a clean spirit for which My Holy Spirit could come and live inside of them.  That is what Jesus meant when He said that He went to prepare a place for His followers.  Through your being born of My Spirit by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, all sins and trespasses are forgiven for you and the manger in the inn of your heart is ready for My Spirit to enter and create a new person.  With the entrance of My Holy Spirit into your human spirit you become a totally new person with a new nationality and personality, if you allow My Spirit to transform you into My image of love in the world.
     The completion of My plan is that I also send an army of spiritual beings to baptize you in My Holy Spirit.  Because you are at war with the demons, I supply the army, the armor, the weapons, the strategies and the protection for you as My children.  My multitude of angels are available for your protection in your minute by minute battle with the demons who want to defeat you in everything that you do.  When you become baptized with My Holy Spirit, My kingdom of heaven comes to surround you in the spiritual dimension and I described in My Instruction Book the powerful inhabitants of the army that I send to baptize you with My love and My power.  The inhabitants of that kingdom are not only My myriad of angels, but the spirits of holy men of the old covenant who have been made perfect, the spirits of the saints who have been made perfect, Jesus, His blood and Me.  (Hebrews 12:1; Hebrews 12:22-24) You are not alone.  You are empowered by My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you and you are surrounded by My entire kingdom of God which battles for you and wins against the demons and their evil works in the world.  You cannot lose unless you retreat in fear and unbelief and start allowing the devil to motivate you with his spirit of fear and intimidation.  I have never lost a battle against evil and I don't intend to start now.  My children need to cooperate with Me, as I told you, to pray in the Holy Spirit at all times in the battle with the enemy, the devil and his demons. 
    I told you that your battle is never with human beings, but that it is always with the demons and devil in the spiritual dimension around you referred to as the "air". (Ephesians 6:10-20)  When you have My truth inside of your mind, you can't lose. When you have My righteousness inside of you, you have your heart covered, and you can't lose.  When you have My peace over your feet which spreads peace everywhere you step, then you cannot lose. Keeping peace with our human enemies is part of your armor.  When you have your fully developed faith to block all of the burning arrows of the devil, then you cannot lose.  When you have salvation from Me as guarantees of our close relationship you cannot love.  When you have My revealed words from the Holy Spirit to use as a sword against the devil and his demons, then you cannot lose. (Ephesians 6:14-17)
    My instructions from My Book tell you to pray at all times in the Holy Spirit on every occasion, meaning in spiritual tongues.  I told you to never get tired of staying awake to pray for everyone.  When you pray in the language of My Holy Spirit you are battling against the works of the devil and his demons. You will not be defeated if you will pray without ceasing on every occasion.  Jesus Christ told Peter and some of his disciples to stay awake and pray with Him so that they would not enter into temptation. They went back to sleep and later Peter entered into temptation and denied knowing Jesus. 
    With the power of My Holy Spirit living inside of you after you are born of My Spirit, and when you have the power of My entire army of angels, also the spirits of Christians who have gone to My heaven, and with Jesus and Me battling with you, you cannot lose.  The only way to lose is to join with the devil in opposition to My instructions by your making humans your enemies instead of your battling against the demons who motivate humans who offend you as your enemies.  Your human enemies are to be loved, as I commanded, but you must battle against the devil and his demons in the dark dimension who are motivating humans because the demons are your real enemies.  (Matthew 5:38-48)
   I have given to you all of the necessary armor, weapons and protection to defeat the demons every time.  I gave you the language of My kingdom of heaven in which to pray in the spiritual language of My Holy Spirit.  Every time you battle against evil spirits you will win when you allow My Holy Spirit to speak My battle words through you and when you pray in the Holy Spirit until the battle is won.  You will not be defeated.  The devil and his demons are defeated every time that you pray in the Holy Spirit and extend love to the people who offend you in thought, words of actions. 
  When you try to battle with human beings you lose because you don't have the power to defeat the demons who are really the instigators of your problems.  It takes battling in intercessory prayers in My heavenly tongues for you to defeat the real enemies, the devil and his demons.
   Jesus Christ made it clear that humans are not your problem and I am not your problem.  My Holy Spirit gives you the power, armor and protection to defeat every onslaught of the devil. (Romans 8:26-28)
    The last command of Jesus Christ after He rose from the dead was to tell His followers to wait for My promise to come upon them when My kingdom of heaven came to live inside of them by the indwelling of My Holy Spirit.  You have the power inside of you.  Do you make the time to pray?  If you do, then all of your prayers will be answered if you allow My Holy Spirit to sound the battle cry and give strategies to His angels on how to defeat every demon who oppresses you in your life. 
    I battle along with you when you battle a spiritual war with the devil.  I wouldn't leave you without emotional, physical and mental support.  They are all available in the words of My Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 12:25-26)
   Victory is yours.  I am on your side.
   Your Father of Victorious Battles

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   The disciples of Jesus asked Him how to pray, even though they had the benefit of being taught the old covenant rules and regulations and were taught the prayers of David, Isaiah, Jeremiah and other prophets.  They wanted to hear from My Son what would be the beneficial prayers that He might teach to them.  In His sample prayer, often called the Lord's prayer, He taught them to call Me their Father, which was blasphemy at the time because by Jewish law they were not to even speak My name out loud.  Jesus even said in the prayer that My name is holy.  Then in the sample prayer Jesus Christ taught them to pray that My kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. That is the first thing for which He taught His disciples to ask, that My kingdom would come on earth, which was in complete agreement with what I called Him to do in the earth, which was to heal the sick, cast out demons and declare the soon coming of My kingdom of heaven into the earth.(Matthew 6:7-10)
   The second thing that was revealed through the sample prayer is that in conjunction with their prayer that My kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven, what Jesus Christ added to that prayer was that when My kingdom of heaven came into the earth that My will would be able to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  The truth in that sample prayer is that My will cannot be done in earth as it is in heaven until My kingdom comes into the lives of My children because without being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit there is no power in humans to do My will.  The basic human motivation since Adam's disobedience is for humans to only do the devil's will in their lives on earth because the devil, as revealed by Jesus Christ, is the prince of the world since the first man Adam had given his authority to the earth over to the devil when Adam obeyed the devil instead of obeying Me.  (John 12:31; John 16:11; John 8:44)
   With the power of My Holy Spirit in the lives of My children they are empowered to hear My voice of guidance and obey My instructions instead of being always under the authority of the devil and his demons and doing his will in the earth.  When My kingdom of heaven comes into the lives of My children by their being born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, My voice of guidance is available to them so that they can learn to avoid the devil's evil will in the earth and My power of the Holy Spirit is available to them so that they can defeat the devil in the earth instead of yielding to his temptations and doing his will in the earth. (John 16:13; Hebrews 3:7) 
   My Fatherly voice of guidance for My children is the next thing that Jesus taught His disciples to pray when He taught them to pray for Me to give to them their daily bread, that being the daily spiritual bread of My guidance, My wisdom and My knowledge which are necessary to avoid evil and to know My will in every situation.  Only when My kingdom comes into the lives of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit is My vast mental library of wisdom, knowledge and guidance available to My children to be accessed by them moment by moment so that they will be able to know My will and do My will in the earth.(I Corinthians 2:7-11)
   Then, in the sample prayer, Jesus taught His disciples to pray that they would be able forgive the sins of other people so that their own sins would be forgiven.  After Jesus rose from the dead and before He sent My kingdom of heaven to earth when He relinquished His ministry in the earth and turned it over to the Holy Spirit, in His resurrected state the first thing He told the disciples was that He breathed the Holy Spirit into them and told them that the sins that they forgive are forgiven and the sins that they retain are retained, in answer to the prayer that He taught them to pray previously. 
    Jesus also told His disciples to pray that I would not lead them to be temped by the devil, as I had Him experience when I led Him to be tempted by the devil as My first begotten Son, to be tempted the same way that Adam was tempted by the devil.  Jesus Christ had to show the devil that He was not able to be tempted like Adam had easily been tempted. (James 1:12-13) I knew that He had the power to refuse to obey those temptations by the power of My Holy Spirit.  However, Jesus was concerned that His disciples would also have to be tempted, so He taught them to pray that they would not be tempted but instead would be delivered from the authoritative power of the devil.   Later when Jesus Christ defeated the devil in hell and took from him the authoritative power to the earth that Adam had given to Him, He gave it back to My children in the authority of the Holy Spirit who is now Lord in the earth in the lives of My children who are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. (II Corinthians 3:17-18)
    As was added later in several translations of My Instruction Book, there is a reference in Jesus' sample prayers to His disciples in which He professes that I am the kingdom, the power and the glory.   To My children who have entered into My kingdom of heaven, they live in the same kingdom of heaven in which I live, so My kingdom belongs to them.  To My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit, they have the same power over evil that I have.  Also to My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit, they have My glory around them in the company of angels which I have given to them as their servants.  (Hebrews 1:13-14) The angels are the fire of which John the Baptist spoke when he said that Jesus Christ would baptize My children with My Holy Spirit and fire.  (Matthew 3:11)  He was speaking about the angelic servants that I would send to My children when they are baptized in My Holy Spirit.(Hebrews 1:7)  So when My children are led by My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, they are accompanied by hosts of angels in their lives who do My will in the lives of My children as ordered by My Spirit. (Ezekiel 10:1-2)  So, My kingdom, My power and My glory belong to My children who are led by My Spirit and pray in My Spirit, covering the earth with My glory.
    Be alerted to the fact that everything in the sample prayer, as quoted to the disciples by Jesus, relates to My kingdom of heaven coming to earth in the lives of My children in which they have the power to overcome the devil's will in their lives.  All of His teachings relate to My kingdom of God entering into their lives and giving them My power over all evil.
    You have the power of My Holy Spirit if you are baptized in My Spirit.  Use My power to overcome all of the evil in your life by your praying in the Holy Spirit on every occasion.  (Ephesians 6:10-20)
    Your Father of Might and Power 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    The demon of blasphemy is one of the most deceptive demons in the devil's army against My children and My creation.  That demon tempts My children with lies that I am Omnipotent, meaning all powerful in the earth; Omnipresent, meaning always present in the earth; and Omniscient, meaning distributing all of My wisdom in the earth.  The truth is that I gave the earth to people in the beginning and Adam gave it to the devil. (Genesis 1:27-31; Genesis 3:1-19) The truth is that the devil still has all authority in the earth in the lives of people.
    As a result of Adam's disobedience,  to quote Jesus Christ, the devil whom He called the prince of the world has all authority in the earth, except in the lives of My children who are led by My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. (John 8:44; John 12:31; John 16:11; Matthew 28:16-20) It is through those of My children that I can always be powerful, always be present and always be wise in the earth. (Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:1-4) I have to be in human bodies in order to exercise My power, dominion, presence and wisdom in the entire earth.  (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)
    The people who are unredeemed and ignorant of spiritual truths are still motivated by the demons who roam the earth seeking whom they may devour.  Consequently, I cannot be all powerful, all wise and always present in the earth.  Many of My children who are not led by My Holy Spirit and pray in My Holy Spirit lead lives of destruction and death because of their lack of knowing My truth as taught by My Holy Spirit.
    That lack of spiritual truth is why the earth still travails, waiting for My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit to seek Me for truth and thus realize that they have My power of the Holy Spirit and authority given to them by the risen Christ to cast the offending demons into the fiery furnace so that they will shine like the sun in the earth, causing unbelievers to desire to know Me as intimately as My children who are enlightened by My truth. (Matthew 13:36-42)(Romans 8:18-30)
    The deception of the demon of blasphemy in the minds of My own children who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit convinces My offspring that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth to save them from the devil's curses, blinding them to the truth that My Holy Spirit is Christ and He is Me; and so they already have all of the power that I have and it is in the person of the Holy Spirit. There is a veil over their minds which will not allow them to believe that My Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ and that He has already come back to earth and He lives in them just like He lived in Jesus. (II Corinthians 3:12-16) That demon of deception also convinces My children that the natural disasters are My signs of the end of time.  The truth is that the natural disasters are the work of the devil which he does with the permission of My own children's giving the demons their permission to continue in their destruction of the earth.  My children attribute the works of the devil to Me, thus blaspheming Me and My name.
    When My truth sets you free, you are convinced by My Spirit that My kingdom of heaven came to earth the first time on the day of Pentecost when the disciples of Jesus were baptized in My Holy Spirit and began to even speak the languages of My kingdom of God.  Every person who is born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit enters into My kingdom of heaven which came to earth in his or her life with the miracle of being immersed in every element of My entire kingdom of God.  It is the culmination of My answering the prayer that Jesus taught you to pray, that My kingdom of heaven would come into the earth to live in My children, making it possible for My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)  There is no other way for My will to be done on earth unless My Holy Spirit comes to live inside of My children and they are immersed in My kingdom.
   It is in My kingdom of God coming into your life while you live in the earth that My kingdom, My power and My glory become reality in your life.  You become born into My kingdom with My power of the Holy Spirit and you are surrounded with My glory of My Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 12:1 and 22-29)
   Do not continue to blaspheme Me and My name by attributing the devil's works in the earth to Me.  You suffer the consequences by your being cursed by the devil's destruction and death until you repent and stop the blasphemy.  You are immediately forgiven by Me; but, like in the poem of Job, the devil has his way with your life and the lives of your children until you begin to know me face to face as Love and cease with blasphemous words about My character which call the works of the devil as being from Me.
   Love is kind, is good, is never jealous, never arrogant, never rude, never fretful or touchy, never takes into account a wrong, never rejoices with evil, always rejoices with truth, never insists of its own way, is always hopeful and faithful, and never comes to an end.  I am Love and in Me there is no evil. (James 1:17
   Your Father of Love

Monday, December 9, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   The apostle and prophet of the new covenant Paul had a heart for his own people, the Jews.  He had been well versed in the scriptures and prophesies and was later was taught personally by the Holy Spirit how Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the prophesies.  He was willing and eager to preach to the Jews what had been revealed to him about the divinity of Jesus, that He was the Christ.
   When Paul went to Corinth to try to convert the Jews there, he devoted all of his time to preaching to the Jews that Jesus was surely the Christ.  The Jews turned against him there, insulted him and his teachings.  So Paul took his cloak, shook it out in front of him and told them that their own blood would be on their heads for refusing to believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.  It was at that point that Paul left his own personal desire for them to believe and he went to the pagan Gentiles, to which I had called him.
   In Paul's remark to the Jews who rejected the truth that Jesus Christ was the Messiah for whom they waited, he knew that their unbelief in Jesus Christ would bring the destruction of the devil upon them for their blasphemy and that their own blood would be on their heads.  The Jewish leaders later accused Paul of persuading other Jews to worship Me in a way that was contrary to their political/religious Law.  He was arrested and beaten for what they considered blasphemy when they were blasphemers themselves. some of them accusing Jesus of casting out demons by the prince of demons Beelzebub. 
    After Paul escaped from prison, he wrote a letter to Rome to the Jewish converts there who were reputed to be hypocrites.  He accused them of judging people for sinning while they themselves were sinners.  They boasted about the old covenant Law and then disobeyed it, even after becoming converts to Jesus Christ.  He accused the Jewish converts of being the reason for the Gentiles finding reasons to blaspheme My name, because of their having embraced the written laws again, then disobeyed them again, and they also used the Law to condemn the pagan Gentiles for sinning. (Romans 2:14-24)
    The apostle and prophet James also wrote a letter accusing the Jewish converts to Jesus who had returned to the written Law of causing the poor to blaspheme My name because of the harassment, abuse and oppression of the poor by Jewish believers in Jesus Christ who had returned to the written Law. (James 2:1-4)  He told them that I had chosen the poor of the world to become rich in faith and heirs of My kingdom of heaven.  He also told them that because they had returned to the Law that they were oppressing the poor again and that they were blaspheming My name by their evil actions toward the poor.  He also told them that if they were going to return to the Law that they should at least obey the one which says to love their neighbor as themselves. (James 2:5-9)
    In those two important writings of Paul and James, it is evident that I had made it clear that the actions of My children who were called by My name were using the Law to oppress, harass and abuse the poor in My name, thus causing the poor to blaspheme My name because of the sinful actions of the Jews who had been converted to Jesus Christ but had returned to the rigid rules and regulations of the Law, using it to condemn and oppress the poor. (James 2:10-13)  I will have none of that from My children because it causes unbelievers to blaspheme My name because of the lack of love and mercy in the lives of My own children who call themselves by My name.(James 2:14-18)
    Remember that Jesus Christ taught in one of the parables about the sheep and the goats in which He separated them into those who enter into My kingdom of heaven and those who do not.  He said that the ones who enter are the ones who fed Him, gave water Him and clothed Him, Jesus Christ.  The people asked when they had done those acts of mercy to Him and Jesus said that when they did it to the least of My children that they had done it to Him.  (Matthew 25:34-40)
    Blasphemy has many faces.  It always identifies good as being evil and identifies evil as being good.  Because I am all goodness, your identifying My good actions in the world as evil is blasphemy, and your identifying evil works of the devil in the world as being My works is blasphemy.
   You must heed the words of Jesus Christ and My Holy Spirit or you will bind yourself to the devil by uniting with his harassment and abuse of the poor in material things and the poor in spirit and the least of the brethren in the world through your political and religious leaders by your uniting with them in their neglect of the poor in the world.
   Be constantly led by My Spirit and you will not fulfill the deeds of the devil who tempts your flesh to blaspheme Me and My name by referring to the works of the devil as being good and referring to My works as being evil.  You can easily be deceived if you only know Me by hearing someone else tell you what he or she has been told by someone about Me, like Job.  Only when My Holy Spirit reveals My true character to you can you stand firmly in the truth, knowing Me as Unconditional Love. (Ephesians 3:17-19; James 2:7)
   Your Heavenly Father of Mercy  

Sunday, December 8, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   As a revelation David asked Me how long would the adversary accuse Me and he asked if the enemy would blaspheme My name forever?  (Psalm 74:10) It seems as if that question is appropriate today in your life.  David also confessed that it was the enemy who accused Me and he stated that foolish people blaspheme My name. (Psalm 74:18) David knew the dangers of blasphemy.  In fact, he knew that under Israeli law a person who blasphemed Me was stoned to death in front of the congregation. 
    Even some of My children of the new covenant of the Holy Spirit who call themselves by My name attribute the good that I do to the evil one and they still attribute the evil that the adversary does to Me.  They say that I bring disasters into the earth as a sign of the last days when the truth is that their own sins, political divisive words and partisan hatred, their blasphemes and trespasses have given the devil permission to curse the earth with natural disasters.  The negative energy from the accusatory and hateful words of My own children relating to their political parties and religious divisions have given permission to the devil to further his will of destruction in the earth.  Because the political and spiritually ignorant religious people have done the devil's will in their speech and actions toward the poor people, the displaced people, the deranged, the widows and the orphans, they invite the devil to curse their world by their own efforts of ignorantly doing the devil's will in the earth.  It is My foolish children who unite with the devil, thus authorizing him to curse their world, just like David observed in the world during his time on earth. 
     My own children have forgotten that Jesus Christ said that the thief, that being the devil, comes to rob, kill and destroy but that He, Himself, came to earth so that people might have life and have it more abundantly than was ever available under the old covenant of sin and death. (Romans 7:5; Romans 8:2)  
    All so-called natural disasters happen at the hand of the devil who is in the business of destroying My children and their earth in an effort to exert revenge upon Me for ostracizing him and his demons from My heaven.  The devil uses My own children to do his destructive work by tempting them with lies about Me, that being that I am the originator of evil destruction which they believe are signs of the end of the earth, which they attribute to Me.  Those are the foolish people whom David said blaspheme My name. 
    In the poem of Job his friends furthered every blasphemy uttered by people by their accusing Me of being the author of Job's curses. Their words are the evidence of the accusations against Me even in your world today among religious people.  Accusing Me of evil works is blasphemy.  My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, the prophet John in his writings said that people blasphemed Me as being the reason for their pains and their sores, writing about the same accusation Job's friends espoused and about how they blasphemed Me.  (Revelations 16:10)
    It is the devil's temptations in the minds of My children in which he places in their thoughts accusations against Me by attributing his own evil works to Me.  That is the fulfillment of the prophesy of Isaiah who prophesied that men would call evil works as being from Me and they would call good works from Me as being evil.  (Isaiah 5:20)  That is evidence of what blasphemy is.  It is even more pitiful when it is done by My own children who are uninformed on truth.  They believe false teachers who do not know Me, only knowing Me by the hearing of the ear, like Job in the poem about him.
   The prophet James refuted the lies of the false teachers who taught Christ's followers lies about Me.  He firmly stated in his writing that all good and perfect things come from Me, the Father of Light, in whom there is no alteration from good to bad, no shadow of change where I am evil on one hand and good on the other hand. (James 1:16-18)  His firm statement preceding that truthful statement about My character was in answer to the lie that I tempt, test and try the faith of My children.  James used the truth that I cannot be tempted to do wrong so therefore I do not tempt, test or try anyone.  He wrote that everyone is tempted and seduced by evil desires which give birth to sin, which when they are fully grown lead to death.  James' revelation of truth mirrored the true statement of Jesus Christ that said that the devil comes to rob, kill and destroy but that He, Christ, came to earth to bring life more abundantly than had ever been known. (James 1:13-18; John 10:10)
    You must be on the alert against lies about Me which refute the truth about My Fatherly duties of love toward My children.  It is through those lies about My character that My children are held in lifelong bondage to the devil. (John 10:10) Pay attention to the command of the Holy Spirit through James and John.  It was given so that you will NEVER fall into temptation of the devil to blaspheme Me and My name, thus inheriting the devil's curses, as Job did.
    Truth about My true character as revealed by My Holy Spirit will make you free from the evil works of the demon of blasphemy.
     Your Father of All Goodness

Saturday, December 7, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   When I emphatically advised My children to beware of the words of the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes, those being the politicians of His day, and also to beware of the words of the religious leaders, He was not trying to instill in you hatred for those religious and political leaders.  He was warning you like He would warn you not to drink poison, because their divisive words and their blasphemous words about Me and My character can cause people to retreat from Me instead of advancing toward Me in order to gain My help in time of trouble.  Also their hopelessness, bitterness, condemnation and misrepresentation of My character can infuse fear of Me into the minds of people and cause them to want to run from Me instead of getting to know Me and become My blessed children.(II Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:15)
    Everything and everybody that I warned you against was not to cause you to judge the people or to speak evil about them.  It is to protect you from the devil's words which the religious and political leaders have heard from spiritually ignorant teachers themselves and they are passing down to the masses as truth when many of their teachings and beliefs are lies about Me.  They don't know the truth that I am Love and that there is no evil found in My character. (James 1:16-17) The only judgment that I have ever had is for the devil, not for human beings for whom Jesus died for their sins.  I judged the devil when I sent him away from My kingdom of heaven, speaking that the end for him and his demons is the lake of fire.  (Matthew 13:36-42; Isaiah 14:12-15)
    My intention is that My children in avoiding the religious and political leaders and their lies, plus avoiding their lifestyles of placing burdens upon the backs of people, is that My children will forgive them but you must keep distance from them in order to avoid their false teachings.  Since forgiving someone means "to give forward," in forgiving them you are sending forth from you every uttered blasphemy that you have heard them utter against Me, especially those who tell you that any magnificent actions of My Holy Spirit are preformed by the devil, himself, instead of Me.  You must send to hell that lie and the demon who convinced the leaders of the lie, remembering that your enemies are never flesh and blood but that your enemies are always the principalities and powers of the demonic kingdom.  (Ephesians 6:10-13)
   When Jesus Christ taught the truth that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was unforgivable, you must remember that He taught that while the old commandment laws were still in effect.  There was no sacrifice of sheep or goats at that time that provided for forgiveness for the sin of blasphemy against My Holy Spirit.  However, when Jesus later died for the sins of the whole world as the lamb of God, which was the ultimate sacrifice, everything was included.  So it is possible for you by the power of the Holy Spirit to forgive the blasphemers, just like I forgive the blasphemers because Christ paid the price for forgiveness of sins under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit.  
   Always remember that everything I said and did, and still say and still do, is for the benefit of My children in the earth so that you will avoid the evil that the devil throws at you at every turn while you live in the earth.  The motivation that is in the devil for his constant temptations of you is so that he can get revenge against Me for judging him and his demons, so he creates hell on earth in the lives of some of My children by his temptations if they follow him.
    When My children know My words and My power, they are obligated to forgive other people in order to no longer be bound to the evil demons who are motivating the sinner, the blasphemer, the adulterer, the murderer, the bitter, angry people and the political and religious leaders who are deceived by the devil and his demons.   To love the blasphemous people from afar so that you will not be trapped by them will keep you from being influenced by their sin to join with the toxic teachings of the false prophesies. 
   When Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world, included in that payment for the whole world was forgiveness for blasphemy because the people did not know what they were doing when they blasphemed about My Holy Spirit.(Luke 23:34)  I am not a God of vengeance.  I am the Father of forgiveness.
   Do not blaspheme My Holy Spirit by attributing calamities, diseases or destruction to Me or you will inherit the curses of the father of destruction, the devil.  Place the blame for every kind of curse on whoever is responsible, that being the devil. To blame Me is to be blasphemous.  To remain in the blasphemy is to continue to be bound to the devil and you will experience his rewards of disease, calamities, destruction and death in every area of your life, just like Job.  The devil is a cruel taskmaster to people who do his will in the earth.
   For you, you must become so intimately acquainted with Me that you do not believe the words of the blasphemers who attribute the evil occurrences in the world to Me.  Only people who do not know me intimately make that mistake and blaspheme My name.
   My children who know be as Love inherit My blessings and rewards because they know that I am the Father of all good and perfect things.
   Your Heavenly Father of Goodness and Kindness

Friday, December 6, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   In the setting in My Instruction Book about Jesus identifying blasphemy, it was about the Pharisees and their lie about My Holy Spirit, who had just healed a man through Jesus Christ of being blind and dumb. The Pharisees said that He had healed the man with the spirit of the prince of the devil, Beelzebub.  Jesus Christ said that every person who speaks evil against Him and Me will be forgiven easily but anyone who speaks evil against My Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, not in this world nor in the next.  He was saying that anyone who attributes evil works to My Holy Spirit or attributes My good works to the devil is blaspheming Me, calling what is good as being caused by the devil.(Matthew 12:22-28)
    Also, in that setting Jesus prophesied His own trip to hell where He retrieved the authority to the earth that the devil stole from Adam at the beginning. He said that a man has to bind the strong man of the house first before He can take what is in His house, meaning that when He went to hell and defeated the devil in his own domain, taking authority to the earth back from him, then when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of My children they would have the power of My Holy Spirit to cleanse the earth of the demons who still roam it.  (Matthew 12:29)   
   Immediately the next thing that Jesus used to explain about blasphemy as taught by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit is He compared men to trees, teaching the parable about healthy trees having healthy fruit, but a tree that is rotten will have rotten  fruit.  He said to make a tree healthy and its fruit will be healthy or make a tree rotten and its fruit will be rotten, because what comes out of a man's mouth in words indicates what is in his heart. 
   Jesus said that a good man draws good things out of his storehouse of goodness in his heart; but a bad man draws bad things out of the storehouse of evil in his heart.  Referring to the day of Pentecost when My children are baptized in My Holy Spirit, Jesus went even further to prophesy that when My kingdom of heaven comes into the life of a person that he or she is given judgment over the demons in their world by the power of My Holy Spirit, and that person is justified as My child by the good words that the person speaks but the person would also be condemned as being a child of the devil by the evil words that he or she utters.  He was indicating to My children that their words bring either life or death into the world. (Proverbs 18:21;(Matthew 12:33-37)
    In all of those teachings of Jesus Christ He was relating to blasphemy, calling good as being evil and also calling evil as being good, as was prophesied by Isaiah years before I came to earth in the person of My Son Jesus Christ.  (Isaiah 5:20)
   There are many of My born again, Holy Spirit baptized children who are not walking in My light because they are still bound to the lie circulated by the devil in religion that I am occasionally good but that I also cause storms, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, catastrophic world events, killings, hurricanes, tsunamies and other natural disasters, all in a way to discipline My children.  That is blasphemy.  People in the earth who would cause destruction of those magnitudes would be sent to prison for life.  Yet, some of My children still attribute the cause of those disasters to Me.  The truth is that those disasters are caused by the devil's influence on people who speak toxic words into the earth which affects the earth's atmosphere which gives authority to the devil, who is still the authority of the earth, to cause tragedies in the earth by atmospheric instability.  However, in the lives of My Holy Spirit baptized children who are praying in My Holy Spirit and are guided by My Holy Spirit, they are unaffected by those tragedies.
   My children who know My character as Perfect Love are intimately acquainted with Me and they make their own words positive, encouraging, loving, hopeful, kind, gracious, noble, nonjudgmental and peaceful.  As a result, they inherit all of My blessings and the abundant life while they live in the world.
   Let My Holy Spirit make your heart loving so that your words will become loving and then everything will work together for good in your life. (Romans 8:26-28)
   Otherwise, if you bind yourself to spiritually powerless religious leaders by adopting their blasphemous words of blaming catastrophes on Me, your own words will become toxic and curse every area of your life, causing you to inherit the devil's woes.  (Isaiah 5:20)
    Speak loving words by making your life reflect My Love by the power of My Holy Spirit and you will live a life filled with blessings.
   Your Good and Perfect Father

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


   My truth brings My blessings and freedom from evil works; religious lies bind you to the devil's works which curse your life. The poem of Job is a prime example of the devil's works of combining a little truth with his lies in order to deceive My children into believing lies about Me and My character as portrayed in the poem that I am both good and evil. 
   Even in the beginning of the poem the characters characterized as the devil and Me agreeing on the cursing of every area of the life of a person named Job is a lie.  In Job's scenario of having hell on earth, his three friends speak lies about Me in addition to bits of truth in order to try to placate Job in his calamities.  Each one speaks to Job that the curses that came into his life all came from Me for different reasons. Those lies from hell are still taught by different denominational and religious teachers who do not know Me personally but who are like Job, only knowing Me by the hearing of their ears from other people who also do not know Me. 
    The lies from Job's friends include the lies that I am the author of both good and evil, also that I afflict people in order to teach them lessons, also that a person can only know Me through suffering and also that I chastise My children with diseases, failure, poverty, fear of death and other tragedies so that they will turn to Me and become obedient to Me.  (Hebrews 2:14-15) In other words, the lies attributed to Me are the character of the devil of affliction, physical and mental torture, destruction and death. (Eliphaz, Zophar and Bildad's speeches in Job)    
    To characterize Me as the author of evil is called blasphemy because it destroys My true reputation of Love in the world.  It is the prophesy fulfilled of Isaiah who said that woes would come upon people who call good evil and evil good, who call darkness light and light darkness, who call bitter sweet and sweet bitter.  The woes of the devil come upon them because they have bound themselves to the devil by believing his lies and so they inherit his woes. (Isaiah 5:20)
    Yet, Jesus Christ died for their deception, for believing lies about Me.  Their deception is the deception of all people since the first man, Adam, believed the devil's lies about Me and they bound themselves to him, thus allowing the devil to flood the earth with his demons who curse people with evil choices.  Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and His trip to hell for the sins of the world, when people turn from their unity with the devil and his evil lies and call upon Me, I am there to rescue them, as promised by My Son Jesus.  Even in the book of Job, after his friend Elihu spoke truth about Me and encouraged Job to seek My truth about the reason for the destruction in every area of his life, Job professed that only I know the reason for his tragedies and that he needed to gain My insight into the reasons for his horrible distresses. 
    I revealed Myself to Job in a whirlwind, similar to the mighty wind on the day of Pentecost many years later when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of My children and reveal My true nature to them and to reveal that the cause of all destruction is the devil. (Job 38:1; Acts 2:1-2; John 16:7-11) When I spoke to Job I revealed to him the wisdom and magnificence of My creation in contrast to the lack of wisdom of his friends who believed lies about Me.  His physical, mental and spiritual prosperity was returned to Job twice over when He met Me face to face and no longer believed the lies of the devil as told to him by his friends who spoke lies along with a little truth as told them by the devil in order to deceive Job.  In the poem Job forgave his friends and I gave to him a double portion of prosperity in every area of his life.  (Job 42:1-6)
    You must note that in the poem of Job I spoke to his friends who told lies about Me and told them to make their sacrifices and I would accept their prayers.  However, the poem still persisted in the lie that I bring evil upon people.  (Job 42:10-11)  The devil never changes his strategies.  Even in your day My children often teach that I discipline My children with evil.  That lie persists because they don't know Me and they still attribute good and evil to Me, even though I told Adam not to bind himself to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, meaning the devil who uses a little good in his temptations in order to deceive My children to unite with his evil.
    My Holy Spirit teaches My children who intimately know Me, that I am the author of all good and that the devil is the author of all evil, that I have already judged the devil so My children must judge the devil's demons who still roam the world.  My children who have authority in the world must exercise My judgment of the demons for the evil that they do in the world.  (John 16:7-11; Matthew 13:36-42)
    The poem of Job is not all truth.  It has some truth and it has many lies about My character and personality.  My Holy Spirit wrote through the new covenant prophet Paul that all scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness.  I did not say that all scripture is truth.  The poem of Job certainly is not all truth but is filled with lies about Me and My character of Love.
    My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.  Jesus Christ said that He would lead you into all truth, even discerning truth and lies found in the scriptures.  All learning comes from having a book and a teacher.  The teacher fully explains what is found in the book.  Without the revelation of the tutor, things found in My Instruction Book are often called truth but they are not all truth, as proved by the poem of Job where the friends of Job completely misrepresented My personality with lies about My character and My Fatherly parenting.  My tutor for My children, My Holy Spirit, is the teacher of all truth. (John 16:12-14)
    Your Father of Love           

Sunday, December 1, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   While in the flesh Jesus Christ suffered at the hands of the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes and religious leaders.  Every teaching that He gave, every revelation that He revealed, every prophesy that He prophesied publicly was questioned, ridiculed and rejected by those religious and political leaders.  The common people had needs that could only be fulfilled and met by Jesus and so they embraced Him just as much as the religious and political leaders rejected Him.  They had needs for healing, deliverance from demons and hope given to them through the teachings of Jesus Christ.
   The religious and political leaders were threatened by Jesus and they were so comfortable in their opulent lifestyles at a cost to the common people that they did not want to give up their control and domination over the needy, the depressed, the sick and the demon possessed, so they were threatened by Jesus Christ who was not what they imagined as being their Messiah.  But to the common people who came to Jesus Christ for deliverance, healing and to hear His messages of hope, they came in throngs of many thousands at a time to hear Him and to receive His miraculous gifts of healing and deliverance and encouragement. (Matthew 16:11-12; Mark 8;15; Mark 12:38; Matthew 23:13-29) 
    The political and religious leaders had the form of religion but denied the power of it which is available to all of My children who come to Me through believing in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (Mark 12:24; II Timothy 3:5)  Because they knew neither the scriptures relating to His coming into the earth as My Son, nor did they attribute His healing power to Me, the religious and political leaders were blinded to the divinity of Jesus Christ and His mission to the earth to die for the sins of the whole world.  He was a threat to the leaders of the country because of their blindness to His coming to earth as prophesied in scriptures.  They wanted a king because they were so politically minded that they wanted all of their needs to be met through their kings, politicians and religious leaders who were bound to their own political rules and regulations instead of being bound to Me and My Words.  Jesus called those political rules and regulations their traditions.  He said that their traditions made null and void My words through the prophets.(Mark 7:8)
    My children in the first church suffered the same rejection, ridicule and questioning of their testimonies that Jesus Christ did, all of it from the political and religious leaders.  They were killed, maimed, beaten and publicly ridiculed by the same leaders who delivered the same demonic judgment upon them that they did on Jesus.  Jesus had told His followers that they would suffer because of their belief in the Good News. (Luke 21:12)   The religious and political leaders used hopelessness, fear and despair to enslave the common people.  The devil's control that he had over those leaders has never ceased.  The same deeds from religious and political leaders are heaped upon My children who believe in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
    Jesus warned His disciples and followers about what would happen to them, that they would be treated as enemies to religious and political leaders just like He was in His days of walking in the flesh of men.  However, I also through My new covenant prophets encouraged the followers of Jesus Christ that the suffering at the hands of the religious/political leaders cannot even be compared to the glory that I give to them.  (Romans 8:18) The leaders who were, and are still in your days, supposed to be steeped in My truth are blinded by the devil to My truth because of their pride and elitism. 
    Jesus Christ said that anyone who would be great in My kingdom of heaven must have the attitude of a servant rather than feeling elite. (Matthew 23:11)   He or she must serve love, peace, mercy, joy, kindness and goodness to everyone, plus serving healing, deliverance and the Good News to everyone.
     Suffering is always at the hands of the devil who influences political/religious leaders to lord their leadership over common people.  Jesus suffered it and My children suffer rejection for believing in the name of Jesus Christ. All suffering comes to My children from the mind and plans of the devil who uses spiritually powerless religous/political leaders to do his works in the earth.
     Beware of the words and actions of the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes, who are the political and religious leaders of your day.  You inherit their woes if you follow them.  My words bring blessings into your life but their words bring curses into your life.
    Your Father of Wise Words