Wednesday, December 11, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   The disciples of Jesus asked Him how to pray, even though they had the benefit of being taught the old covenant rules and regulations and were taught the prayers of David, Isaiah, Jeremiah and other prophets.  They wanted to hear from My Son what would be the beneficial prayers that He might teach to them.  In His sample prayer, often called the Lord's prayer, He taught them to call Me their Father, which was blasphemy at the time because by Jewish law they were not to even speak My name out loud.  Jesus even said in the prayer that My name is holy.  Then in the sample prayer Jesus Christ taught them to pray that My kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. That is the first thing for which He taught His disciples to ask, that My kingdom would come on earth, which was in complete agreement with what I called Him to do in the earth, which was to heal the sick, cast out demons and declare the soon coming of My kingdom of heaven into the earth.(Matthew 6:7-10)
   The second thing that was revealed through the sample prayer is that in conjunction with their prayer that My kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven, what Jesus Christ added to that prayer was that when My kingdom of heaven came into the earth that My will would be able to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  The truth in that sample prayer is that My will cannot be done in earth as it is in heaven until My kingdom comes into the lives of My children because without being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit there is no power in humans to do My will.  The basic human motivation since Adam's disobedience is for humans to only do the devil's will in their lives on earth because the devil, as revealed by Jesus Christ, is the prince of the world since the first man Adam had given his authority to the earth over to the devil when Adam obeyed the devil instead of obeying Me.  (John 12:31; John 16:11; John 8:44)
   With the power of My Holy Spirit in the lives of My children they are empowered to hear My voice of guidance and obey My instructions instead of being always under the authority of the devil and his demons and doing his will in the earth.  When My kingdom of heaven comes into the lives of My children by their being born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, My voice of guidance is available to them so that they can learn to avoid the devil's evil will in the earth and My power of the Holy Spirit is available to them so that they can defeat the devil in the earth instead of yielding to his temptations and doing his will in the earth. (John 16:13; Hebrews 3:7) 
   My Fatherly voice of guidance for My children is the next thing that Jesus taught His disciples to pray when He taught them to pray for Me to give to them their daily bread, that being the daily spiritual bread of My guidance, My wisdom and My knowledge which are necessary to avoid evil and to know My will in every situation.  Only when My kingdom comes into the lives of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit is My vast mental library of wisdom, knowledge and guidance available to My children to be accessed by them moment by moment so that they will be able to know My will and do My will in the earth.(I Corinthians 2:7-11)
   Then, in the sample prayer, Jesus taught His disciples to pray that they would be able forgive the sins of other people so that their own sins would be forgiven.  After Jesus rose from the dead and before He sent My kingdom of heaven to earth when He relinquished His ministry in the earth and turned it over to the Holy Spirit, in His resurrected state the first thing He told the disciples was that He breathed the Holy Spirit into them and told them that the sins that they forgive are forgiven and the sins that they retain are retained, in answer to the prayer that He taught them to pray previously. 
    Jesus also told His disciples to pray that I would not lead them to be temped by the devil, as I had Him experience when I led Him to be tempted by the devil as My first begotten Son, to be tempted the same way that Adam was tempted by the devil.  Jesus Christ had to show the devil that He was not able to be tempted like Adam had easily been tempted. (James 1:12-13) I knew that He had the power to refuse to obey those temptations by the power of My Holy Spirit.  However, Jesus was concerned that His disciples would also have to be tempted, so He taught them to pray that they would not be tempted but instead would be delivered from the authoritative power of the devil.   Later when Jesus Christ defeated the devil in hell and took from him the authoritative power to the earth that Adam had given to Him, He gave it back to My children in the authority of the Holy Spirit who is now Lord in the earth in the lives of My children who are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. (II Corinthians 3:17-18)
    As was added later in several translations of My Instruction Book, there is a reference in Jesus' sample prayers to His disciples in which He professes that I am the kingdom, the power and the glory.   To My children who have entered into My kingdom of heaven, they live in the same kingdom of heaven in which I live, so My kingdom belongs to them.  To My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit, they have the same power over evil that I have.  Also to My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit, they have My glory around them in the company of angels which I have given to them as their servants.  (Hebrews 1:13-14) The angels are the fire of which John the Baptist spoke when he said that Jesus Christ would baptize My children with My Holy Spirit and fire.  (Matthew 3:11)  He was speaking about the angelic servants that I would send to My children when they are baptized in My Holy Spirit.(Hebrews 1:7)  So when My children are led by My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, they are accompanied by hosts of angels in their lives who do My will in the lives of My children as ordered by My Spirit. (Ezekiel 10:1-2)  So, My kingdom, My power and My glory belong to My children who are led by My Spirit and pray in My Spirit, covering the earth with My glory.
    Be alerted to the fact that everything in the sample prayer, as quoted to the disciples by Jesus, relates to My kingdom of heaven coming to earth in the lives of My children in which they have the power to overcome the devil's will in their lives.  All of His teachings relate to My kingdom of God entering into their lives and giving them My power over all evil.
    You have the power of My Holy Spirit if you are baptized in My Spirit.  Use My power to overcome all of the evil in your life by your praying in the Holy Spirit on every occasion.  (Ephesians 6:10-20)
    Your Father of Might and Power 

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