My Dear Precious Child,
While in the flesh Jesus Christ suffered at the hands of the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes and religious leaders. Every teaching that He gave, every revelation that He revealed, every prophesy that He prophesied publicly was questioned, ridiculed and rejected by those religious and political leaders. The common people had needs that could only be fulfilled and met by Jesus and so they embraced Him just as much as the religious and political leaders rejected Him. They had needs for healing, deliverance from demons and hope given to them through the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The religious and political leaders were threatened by Jesus and they were so comfortable in their opulent lifestyles at a cost to the common people that they did not want to give up their control and domination over the needy, the depressed, the sick and the demon possessed, so they were threatened by Jesus Christ who was not what they imagined as being their Messiah. But to the common people who came to Jesus Christ for deliverance, healing and to hear His messages of hope, they came in throngs of many thousands at a time to hear Him and to receive His miraculous gifts of healing and deliverance and encouragement. (Matthew 16:11-12; Mark 8;15; Mark 12:38; Matthew 23:13-29)
The political and religious leaders had the form of religion but denied the power of it which is available to all of My children who come to Me through believing in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (Mark 12:24; II Timothy 3:5) Because they knew neither the scriptures relating to His coming into the earth as My Son, nor did they attribute His healing power to Me, the religious and political leaders were blinded to the divinity of Jesus Christ and His mission to the earth to die for the sins of the whole world. He was a threat to the leaders of the country because of their blindness to His coming to earth as prophesied in scriptures. They wanted a king because they were so politically minded that they wanted all of their needs to be met through their kings, politicians and religious leaders who were bound to their own political rules and regulations instead of being bound to Me and My Words. Jesus called those political rules and regulations their traditions. He said that their traditions made null and void My words through the prophets.(Mark 7:8)
My children in the first church suffered the same rejection, ridicule and questioning of their testimonies that Jesus Christ did, all of it from the political and religious leaders. They were killed, maimed, beaten and publicly ridiculed by the same leaders who delivered the same demonic judgment upon them that they did on Jesus. Jesus had told His followers that they would suffer because of their belief in the Good News. (Luke 21:12) The religious and political leaders used hopelessness, fear and despair to enslave the common people. The devil's control that he had over those leaders has never ceased. The same deeds from religious and political leaders are heaped upon My children who believe in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus warned His disciples and followers about what would happen to them, that they would be treated as enemies to religious and political leaders just like He was in His days of walking in the flesh of men. However, I also through My new covenant prophets encouraged the followers of Jesus Christ that the suffering at the hands of the religious/political leaders cannot even be compared to the glory that I give to them. (Romans 8:18) The leaders who were, and are still in your days, supposed to be steeped in My truth are blinded by the devil to My truth because of their pride and elitism.
Jesus Christ said that anyone who would be great in My kingdom of heaven must have the attitude of a servant rather than feeling elite. (Matthew 23:11) He or she must serve love, peace, mercy, joy, kindness and goodness to everyone, plus serving healing, deliverance and the Good News to everyone.
Suffering is always at the hands of the devil who influences political/religious leaders to lord their leadership over common people. Jesus suffered it and My children suffer rejection for believing in the name of Jesus Christ. All suffering comes to My children from the mind and plans of the devil who uses spiritually powerless religous/political leaders to do his works in the earth.
Beware of the words and actions of the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes, who are the political and religious leaders of your day. You inherit their woes if you follow them. My words bring blessings into your life but their words bring curses into your life.
Your Father of Wise Words
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