Monday, February 17, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   The devil's temptations of Adam and Eve to blame someone other than themselves for their yielding to the devil, their previously having hidden from Me in shame and fear, is what allowed the demons of accusation, judgment, guilt and condemnation to enter into the generational curses of people.  Adam accused Eve of being the guilty party, transferring his own blame to her which was, in reality, his condemning her to be punished by Me, which was the first instance of blasphemy against Me, because I am not the spiritual being who punishes people.  The devil is.  All accusations against Me as causing storms, tornadoes, tsunamies, hurricanes, climate changes, devastation or anything destructive to punish humans for disobeying Me is blasphemy because I am the Savior, the Shepherd, the Encourager, the Guide and the Tutor, always sending My words through prophets to teach My children how to avoid the devil and his works instead of their being destroyed by his calamities.
    Not only ministering to Adam, but that blame demon even ministered to Eve.  After being blamed and accused by Adam, she shifted the guilt to the serpent, blaming the devil.  That identification of the devil as the being to blame fulfilled one curse of the devil as revealed by Me when I told the serpent (the devil) that there would always be strife between him and Eve, that the devil's generational demons would be passed down through her to the offspring of all women.  Yet, eventually one of Eve's descendants would bruise his heal, indicative of Jesus Christ coming to earth, dying for the sins of the world, and redeeming all of mankind from the devil's works of blaming, accusing, being judgmental, feeling guilty and being condemning.  Also I would be revealed to humanity as the rescuer of mankind instead of an accuser.  Jesus Christ would dispel all blasphemies of My being a God who destroys and kills.  Through Him the truth would be revealed that I am Love and the Good Shepherd. (I John 3:8)
    Blame is another word for accusing.  That demon is one of the first demons to be identified in My words of warning to people so that they would learn not to yield to the demon of blame by placing guilt upon another person instead of on the devil, who is the real perpetrator in every crime and breaking of religious and civil laws.  After Adam and Eve had their first children, that demon of blame also ministered its temptation to Cain, tempting him with jealousy, then blaming Abel for Cain's cursed offering.  As a result of that demon of jealousy, killing entered into Cain's thoughts and he killed his brother.  Since that time, the devil has been able to accomplish much of his goal of destroying everything that I created and he uses people to do his will.  His influencing of heads of governments causes them to wage war against the heads of other governments which kills hosts of people and often never stop killing, accomplishing the devil's will in the earth.  They call it patriotism. As I have said in the past, patriotism was not named as a fruit of My Holy Spirit.  It is a fruit of the flesh which ushers the devil's curses into the earth.
    Even religious people are used by the devil to do his will in the earth.  Religious wars develop because the devil tempts religious people to bring war against people of another religion, falling right into doing the devil's will by offering their young people as sacrifices to the demons of war.  (James 4:1-3)  The prophet knew the truths in the sibling rivalry between Cain and Abel.  He knew that the demon of jealousy spoke its temptations into the mind of Cain which escalated into Cain yielding to the demon of killing.  Cain blamed Abel for his offering to Me being inferior, and so Cain thought that getting rid of Abel would solve his problems, which is the reason for all killing. 
    This truth is the basis for My Holy Spirit writing through the prophet Paul that your battle should never be with flesh and blood, meaning other people.   I spoke through Paul that when every temptation comes into your mind to be jealous or to blame someone for your failures or some religious or political problem, that you must battle the demons who are the cause of the problem instead of battling people. (Ephesians 6:10-19)  When you do battle against evil by praying in the Holy Spirit, you will be defeating the real cause of your problems, the demons who are still tempting the minds of people in your day, tempting you and other people to do the devil's will in the earth.  The devil uses My children for his dirty work.
    Learn this lesson well, to stop evil thoughts of blame and jealousy when they pass through your mind.  If you don't stop them and cast the demons behind them into the fiery furnace, you will become Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel in your life on earth, participating with the devil in furthering his will in the earth. (Matthew 13:36-42)
    Your Father of Workable Guidance

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