Saturday, February 8, 2020

My Dear Precious Child,
   We looked at the origin of all unhappiness, anger, dissatisfaction, blame, fear, retribution, revenge, domination, lust, shame, guilt, condemnation, strife, grief, pain, judging, dependency, jealousy, indignation and depression as being some of the demons from hell which were programmed into your mind by the devil's generational curses which are passed from generation to generation to all people, and to you by your parents.  It's not your parents' fault.  Those traits were passed on to them by their parents and on and on all the way back to Adam.  They pop up into your thoughts when something doesn't go your way or when you are in conflict with someone. The devil's personality traits that are in your DNA programming came from Adam after he made the devil his earthly adviser instead of Me. 
   You and all other people are defenseless against those demonic emotional characteristics which flood your mind with their temptations until you are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  But, when you have the power of My Holy Spirit in your life and My army of powerful spiritual beings surrounding you, then you have the greatest power in the universe working in you to rule your emotions and to refuse to obey those tempting demonic emotional temptations which come into your thoughts.   I gave you the authoritative power to cast the demonic temptations out of your life and into the furnace of fire. (Matthew 13:36-42)
    Getting rid of the demons who curse your life is only part of your freedom.  Very often the programming from those demons are such a part of your life that you often, out of habit, still respond to other people like the devil programmed you to act.  For instance, if you cast into hell the demon of anger, if something happens that in the past triggered anger in you, then out of mere habit you are again tempted to react from prior demonic programming.  Unfortunately, that action works against you because other demons of anger are summoned by you to form a barrier between you and the answers to your prayers that you allowed My Holy Spirit to generate through your praying in your heavenly prayer language.  (Isaiah 59:1-4)  The same thing happens with the demon of judgment.  When you yield to the demonic programming of judging other people, then demons of judgment form a barrier between you and the answers to your prayers.  Instead of being blessed, you have sown seeds of judgment which judge you.   I immediately forgave you of your anger or judgment, but there are the devil's consequences to your actions unless you correct them immediately.
    In His very first teachings My Son Jesus Christ taught you about the antidote or cure for your being tempted to yield to anger that comes against you by someone.  He said that you had head it said by past demonic programming that you should return evil when evil comes against you such as someone striking you in the face.  He said to turn your other check to the person instead of striking back, refusing to return evil for evil done to you.  He also said that you were taught to love your friends but hate your enemies, but all that does is to multiply anger and hatred in your life of which the consequences are destruction and death from the devil. 
    Instead of returning evil for evil done to you, Jesus Christ told you to love your enemies and to pray for them. (Matthew 5:38-48)  My Holy Spirit said if your enemy is hungry that you should feed him, if he is thirsty that you should give him drink and for you to pray for your enemies, that in returning good to your enemies for the evil which is done to you, that you are allowing My angels to heap coals of spiritual fire on his or her head which burns the anger out of your enemy. (Romans 12:20; Ezekiel 10:1-2)  You are not weak when you return good for evil.  You are a spiritual giant in My heaven; and, as a result of your refusing to do evil, the devil is not able to place demonic barriers between you and Me.  I can easily flood your life with My blessings.
    Your faith in me to generate solutions to your problems and perform miracles in your life can only occur when you can love your enemies as well as your friends, your church members and other people who love you.  The antidote to your programming to become angry at someone is that when the first temptation to become angry pops into your mind, that you immediately do something kind and good for the person the devil is using to tempt you to engage in strife.  Compliment the person, give a gift to the person, feed the person with his or her favorite food, buy him or her a gift, ask for forgiveness from the person for what you did to anger him or her.  When you immediately respond to the temptation to be angry with a loving action, then the demons of anger and retribution have been defeated by your responding with love instead of anger.
    You have kept the atmosphere around you free from negative demonic spirits when you let love rule your heart instead of the devil's temptations to return evil for evil done to you.  My Holy Spirit said where there is jealousy and strife there is also every evil demon in hell present. (James 3:16)
    You generate either My heaven or the devil's hell in your earth.  When you generate My heaven by always doing My loving actions, then I am able to do exceeding, abundantly more for you than you can think, imagine or dream, according to the power of My Holy Spirit in you, flooding your life with solutions to problems and miracles that will amaze you.  (Ephesians 3:16-20          
     Your Father Who Returns My Love for Your Evil Works

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