My Dear Precious Child,
Before Jesus Christ was crucified He spent personal time with His disciples and other followers in order to tell them that He was going to leave them, but that their sorrow would be turned to joy when My promise of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit began when My kingdom of heaven came into their lives on earth. (John 15:11; Matthew 6:10; Acts 1:1-8) He told them that He was speaking about His leaving them to assure them that the day would soon come when His joy would be in them and that their joy would not be limited but would be full. He said that He would turn their sorrow from His leaving them into joy when My Holy Spirit took His place in the earth. (John 16:20) They were confused by His words but He told them that when My Holy Spirit came into their lives that their joy would be full. (John 16:20) Full means filled to the top. Little did they know that joy would so full in them that it would overflow into the world.
Jesus Christ's prophesy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when they were gathered in the upper room and My promise became reality as they were baptized in My Holy Spirit when My kingdom of heaven came into their lives and surrounded them. The observers commented that Jesus' followers must be drunk with new wine because they were so joyful. (Acts 2:1-13) Peter assured the observers that they were sober, not drunk, but instead of being drunk with human wine that they were filled My new wine of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:14-15) Joy is in My character and when My children become born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, they have My character of joy in their own spirits which become evident on the outside of them in their joyful demeanor. Later Peter wrote in a letter to new converts who had never known Jesus Christ in bodily form. He wrote that even though they never saw Him, yet they believed in Him and they rejoiced with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Their joy took a literal form in that their joy overtook them so completely that they were unable to speak words because of the joy that overtook them. (I Peter 1:8) That joy cannot be explained in human terms, and it only comes from being baptized in My Holy Spirit because it is a fruit or outgrowth of being a new creature through being born of My Holy Spirit. With My gift of joy, earthly problems, bad situations and tribulations have no influence over you because you know that a solution is on the way.
The new testament prophet James wrote that when many temptations come upon you from the devil that you should counter the tribulation with My joy because even though the devil is trying your faith, you are convinced that there is a solution on the way from Me and so you never lose your joy. Also, that experience of rejoicing even in tribulation helps you to know that the next time that a trying of your faith comes into your life from the devil that you won't lose your joy because experience has taught you that I always come through with a solution that gets rid of the tribulation because I am powerful over all of the devil's works that he brings into your life. (James 1:2-4) James said to let My gift of patience that is inside of you work in you perfectly and in its entirety so that you will prevail over the temptation and the result will be that you will be lacking in nothing. Did you read that? I said that when problems come into your life from the devil that you must react with joy, knowing that when My solution to the problem is revealed that you will lack nothing. When My joy and patience prevail in the midst of the tribulation, My inheritance of blessings and rewards for you will be abundant. Jesus Christ, Himself, said that in the world you will have tribulation, but for you to be of good cheer because He overcame all tribulation from hell, and with the power of My Holy Spirit, you can, too. (John 15:33)
The new covenant prophet John wrote that Jesus Christ, whom they knew from the beginning of His ministry, whom they had seen with their eyes, whom they had even touched because they spent time with Him, John wrote that Jesus had revealed what Eternal Life really is, that it is My life source, the Holy Spirit, whom they had also seen and declared to the followers of Jesus Christ so that they would have fellowship with Him and with Me through My Holy Spirit. John explained the reason that he wrote about My power of the Holy Spirit, called Eternal Life because He is My life source, because He wanted them to have fellowship with Christ and with Me, so that their joy would be full. (I John 1-4)
There is no joy apart from the Holy Spirit. The prophet Paul revealed the truth that joy is a character trait of Mine and it is given to you when you are baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-26) The prophet John added in his writing that if you say that you are walking in My light of the Holy Spirit and yet you walk in darkness, then you lie and you do not know the truth. He was referring to the Jews who claimed to have My truth, yet they walked in darkness with no joy. (I John 1:6-7) If you do walk in the light as Christ is in the light, then you have fellowship with Us and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from all sins. That promise, in itself, is enough to cause joy to erupt over the top in you.
Joy is an outgrowth of having My kingdom of heaven present in your life on earth through your being baptized in My Holy Spirit and your being in constant fellowship with Me.
Remember that joy is power.
Your Joyful Father
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