My Dear Precious Child,
In your world there are rain gauges, electric gauges, gas gauges, water gauges and every imaginable kind of gauge which measures a particular element. The gauges must be accurate to enable it to be effective and efficient. According to Jesus Christ, there are spiritual gauges which measure certain attitudes which determine the presence of good or bad characteristics in a person. His teachings about His gauges were not told by Him in order to judge you or anyone else. They were told by Him in order for you to gauge whether you are exhibiting in your fleshly life My spiritual characteristics of love and goodness or whether you are exhibiting in your fleshy life the characteristics of your spiritual enemy, the devil, of his divisiveness and showing favor for the elite of the world who often are his emissaries without realizing it.
Love gauge Number 1: As an example, Jesus said that one way to gauge or measure the amount of My love that is present in your flesh, as programmed there by My Holy Spirit, is how you treat your enemies. He said that the old religious laws tell you to love your friends but hate your enemies, those hateful actions being from the devil whose character is divisiveness and strife. Jesus said that the attitudes of My children who exhibit My character in their flesh in the world will love their enemies as much as they love their friends. In order to determine how much of My love is resident in your flesh, you might check your love gauge by assessing when you walk into a room if you only gather together with your friends or if you walk right up to a person who has something against you. or vice versa you have something against the person, and you engage in kind and loving conversation with that person with whom you are in strife. If you favor conversing with the person with whom you are in strive, then your love gauge will register PERFECT, which is what Jesus said, for you to be perfect in loving everyone, just like I am perfect. (Matthew 5:43-48)
Love gauge Number 2: As another gauge of the level of perfection or imperfection of My love that is resident in your flesh as being either programmed there by My Holy Spirit or by judgmental religious laws, the old religious laws said when a woman and man are caught in adultery that they should be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10) Jesus, who was perfected in My love, fraternized lovingly with a woman who was arrested by the political leaders for adultery. Instead of obeying religious and political laws, as required by the leaders, Jesus cautioned the leaders to make sure they had not committed any sins. They left speechless, knowing that they had had lust in their minds also. Then Jesus forgave the woman and told her that He did not judge her, and for her to go and sin no more, His very words gave to her the power to refrain from committing adultery again. (John 8: 1-11)
If you hear that someone you know is committing adultery, if My unconditional love exists inside of you it will cause you to lovingly speak kindly with understanding to the people because you do not judge the people, knowing that you have had lust in your heart at one time or another, just like the religious and political leaders did. (Matthew 5:27-30) You will give loving regard to the people committing adultery because you don't judge the people. When My love is perfected in you, you look on the needs of the hearts of the people instead of judging the deeds of their flesh by religious and political laws. When you treat people with love and regard who are committing adultery instead of judging them, then you have allowed My Holy Spirit to PERFECT My love in you.
It was in that teaching situation with the adulterous woman that Jesus Christ said that He is the light of the world and that anyone who follows Him will not walk in darkness in their flesh but will, instead, have My light of life in them, His being My Holy Spirit. (John 3:12)
My light of life, My Holy Spirit, gives to My children who allow Me to teach them the spiritual ability to look beyond the sinful nature of people and discern the need of their hearts for love, acceptance and forgiveness.
You must allow My Holy Spirit to make your fleshly mind into the mind of Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:2) When you do, then the gauge of your mind will forgive immediately because you, like Jesus Christ, know that your enemy is the devil, not people, and that people unknowingly yield to the demons and the devil's temptations because they don't have the power to resist until they are baptized in My Holy Spirit. Don't judge anyone for anything because, if you do, then you are judging them for refusing to resist a temptation when they don't even have the spiritual power or ability to resist. When you have the power of My Holy Spirit living inside of you but you still judge, then you must seek My Holy Spirit and allow Him to PERFECT the righteousness of My love inside of you. Please heed this warning, because if you continue to judge, then the devil will have your permission to also judge you. (Matthew 7:1-5)
Jesus Christ warned you, and I again warn you, to judge no person because your gauge is at the highest degree of love, having been filled with the revelation of My love. (Romans 5:5)
Perfect love in you will cast out all fear from your mind. (I John 4:18)
Your Perfect Love Father
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