Saturday, August 1, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    You have seen that blame was one of the first characteristics of the personality of the devil to be manifested in the life of the first man, Adam.  When I questioned him about who told him that he was naked, knowing that he had listened to the devil, Adam blamed the woman, and in essence blamed Me also, because he said, "The woman you gave to me, she made me do it."  Placing blame on another person removes the responsibility for a person's mistake, sin or wrong choice off of oneself and places it on another person, thus judging the other person and causing other people to judge the other person.  Eve told Me that it was the serpent, the devil, who made her make the wrong choice and succumb to its temptation, thus their allowing evil to curse the entire world. 
   Adam wanted Eve to receive all of the punishment from Me for his making a wrong choice instead of taking the blame himself.  I had never punished him because I am not a God of retribution, but the devil had poisoned his mind to tell him that I am a Father who punishes as well as loves.  As you will note, Adam never stood up like a man should do and told Me that Eve hadn't really heard My warning about the knowledge of good and evil from Me because she wasn't even created at the time, but that he was the person to tell her My instructions.  (Genesis 2:15-21) Yet, Adam blamed her. She was the only other person created at the time so she was the obvious person to blame, per the devil's influence in his mind.  Even in your days in the earth thousands of generations later, men still blame their wives or girlfriends, the females in their lives, for their failures, all in an effort to shift blame and judgment from themselves onto other people so they won't get into trouble.  It begins in early childhood, a male child blames someone else for his own disobedience.  That incident with Adam was the beginning of men shifting responsibility for their own actions onto someone else, usually a female who is present.  Their answer is, "It was the woman.  She made me do it."
    From that scenario you must understand that Adam's judging her by blaming Eve for his own disobedience is present in the DNA of all males.  Women go in prison for years and years because they take the blame for the lawbreaking of their husbands, and the woman does it because of her demonic mindset of desiring a husband to be her lord in the earth, which was one of the other characteristics of the devil's programming into the minds of women.  (Genesis 3:16)  Because of that curse which came from hell upon women, she would have physical, emotional and mental pain from having children but she would still have a desire for a man to rule over her life, so she takes the blame for his wrongdoing.  That was the beginning of the presence of the demons of domination and submission which curse most marriages as furthered by religion because of the lack of revelation of the works of the devil in the lives of My children.
    The DNA programming by men to place the blame for all of their unhappiness onto their women in their lives is one of the reasons for the requirement in My new covenant of the Holy Spirit for people to confess their own sins; in other words, to assume the blame for their own shortcomings, mistakes and sins.  Jesus Christ took the blame for all of the sins of the world so that all people will not have to suffer the fires of hell for their sins.  So confessing a person's own sins to Me, to policing authorities or to another person relieves the person of the DNA programming of guilty condemnation from the devil which always accompanies a person's wrong actions. 
   Forgiveness is My first reaction to a person's breaking of either national or religious laws.  A person's confessing his or her sins relieves the person of any condemnation from hell because the person has taken blame, or responsibility, for his or her own wrongdoings, contrary to what Adam did in the Garden of Eden. Confessing a person's sins restores that person's relationship with Me because if the person refuses to confess his wrongdoing then the person has refused to take the responsibility for his own actions and is passing the judgment on to someone else, like Adam did.  (James 5:16)  My Holy Spirit wrote through John that if you confess your wrongdoings that I am faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9)  If you refuse to confess and take responsibility for your own wrongdoings, then you are hiding a sin in your mind which results in the devil condemning you.  When you confess, then you are erasing it from your mind and placing it onto the cross of Jesus Christ who died for your sins. You are immediately forgiven by Me, but confessing wrongdoings allows you to get rid of the condemnation and guilt which come from hell. 
    My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, through My kingdom of God living inside of and surrounding you, includes all of the antidotes for sins, iniquities, transgressions and lawbreaking, the antidotes of which are confession/forgiveness immediately.  Jesus Christ died for all sins and so there is no record kept in My heaven of your sins.  Let your human mind know that there is forgiveness and absolution for all sins.  If you have confessed a wrongdoing, then you must not allow the devil to condemn you for any sin.  Any record of it disappeared when you confessed because you brought it to the light.
    Many of My children refuse to believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins so that they don't have to suffer any guilt or condemnation from hell for them.  Often you find it difficult to believe that the suffering of Jesus Christ absolved you from any suffering for sins so false prophets will endeavor to bring you back under the Jewish laws, which are the laws of sin and death, so that you will have to suffer again for all of your sins unless you make proper sacrifices and offerings and rely upon those offerings and sacrifices to cleanse you of sins.  Religious people cannot endure your freedom, so they send false prophets to bring you back under the fold of religious/political laws which will curse your life.  Avoid them at all costs, per the warnings of Jesus Christ.  (Matthew 24:24; I John 4:1) 
    Be cautious of the traps of the devil to tempt you to blame anyone for your own wrongdoing, as Adam did.  Instead, take responsibility for your own wrongdoing and confess them.  The lawbreaking disappears from My eyes when they happen but when you confess them you take away the devil's joy at condemning you.
    Your Father of Forgiveness and Mercy

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