Saturday, August 15, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Your Brother and Savior Jesus Christ said that not one dot relating to His words of instructions would pass away but that they must all be followed in order for My children to enter into My kingdom of God in their lives on earth. (Matthew 5:18)  He also said that not one dot relating to the prophesies of the old covenant prophets would pass away until they were fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit because they are the promise of My kingdom of God coming into the earth to abolish all of the works of the devil who had been allowed to inhabit the earth since Adam and Eve's deception and until the demons are cast out of the earth into the fiery furnace that I prepared for those rogue spirits.  (Genesis 3:1-4;Jeremiah 31;31-34; Hebrews 8:7-13; Matthew 13:36-43)  All of the prophesies were fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 
    Jesus Christ taught the statutes, precepts, ordinances and insights of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, contrasting them with the one of the ineffective old covenant of Mosaic laws.  He taught that I would institute My new covenant of sonship with people, making them My legal, born again children with My Holy Spirit living inside of them.  It was through that new citizenship in My kingdom of heaven that they would have the power to become My real children by the indwelling of the Tree of Life, the Holy Spirit, not being merely children of promise who were promised to become new but never having partaken of My promise.  He said that the people who infringe upon the least of His instructions and teaches others to do the same things, would be least in My kingdom of heaven; but the people who follow His instructions and teaches other people to do the same thing would be greatest in My kingdom of heaven.
    Now having laid that important foundation, Jesus contrasted to His followers the old Jewish laws and My new instructions from the Holy Spirit.  The first instruction that He gave was that your obedience to His instructions must be greater than the political and religious leaders or you will never even get into My kingdom of heaven, signifying for the first time that My children must not pattern their lives after the attitudes and actions of their political and religious leaders or they would remain outside of My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth, having never entered into the narrow gates that lead to life and soul peace.  (Matthew 5:20)  Did you understand that Jesus Christ said in that teaching? He said that anyone who patterns his or her attitudes and behavior after the political leaders of their country will never enter into My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth.  Jesus Christ knew that there were demons from hell who are in control of nations and their politics, so patterning yourself after their attitudes and actions excludes you from enjoying the benefits of being My child while you live in the earth because you have mixed the devil's darkness with My light and that is impossible because the darkness will overcome the light.  That is the devil's strategy, to tempt you to mix loyalty to earthly governments with loyalty to My kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 4:8-9)
     Can't you see that the very first instruction of Jesus Christ was so important because of the devil's strategy to tempt you to make an idol of your earthly government and look to it for your happiness and peace?  From the mouth of Jesus Christ it is impossible because if you adopt the attitudes and actions of the politicians you will NEVER enter into My kingdom of heaven while in the earth.  My kingdom is complete peace with everyone; but the earthly politics are divisive and strife-filled, always making enemies of the other party.  When you bind yourself to the constitution and bylaws of your country to make you happy, you have left My kingdom of God and made an idol of an earthly country which is unstable, temporary and subject to immediate change from your own narrow ideals and beliefs because no earthly government is permanent.   My kingdom is eternal because My attitudes and actions are contrary to the attitudes and actions of the politicians of any country which is ruled by the devil. 
    You must obey the laws of the land or you will be arrested, tried and imprisoned.  That is common sense that is espoused by Jesus Christ.  But you must not pattern your attitudes and actions to the partisan politicians of your country by idolizing the politicians, even if they call themselves by My name,  or you will cause the door of My kingdom of heaven to be closed from your side, per the devil's guidance.  I never close it from My side. (Isaiah 59:1-8)
    Your Savior and Brother Jesus Christ cautioned you vehemently many, many times about following the attitudes and actions of politicians, those being the Pharisees, Saddudees and scribes of Jesus' day who are the politicans and religious leaders of your day.  He said that if you bind yourself to them that their woes of which Jesus taught will flood into your life so fast you won't know what hit you.  (Isaiah 10:1, Matthew 23:13-29)  You will have missed discerning their evil attitudes and actions because the devil has approved of them in your mind by the emotional appeals of the politicians for you to become the greatest nation in the world at the cost of the lives of millions of  the least of My children.  All the while I have said for you to become a servant of the poor, the crippled, the diseased, the demon possessed, the brokenhearted, the homeless, the escapees from dominating heads of countries, the disenfranchised, the widows and the orphaned. Yet some of My children become servants of corrupt, self serving, divisive politicians and religious leaders who promise to make them great while all the time removing their rights one by one. 
    My family of heaven promises to you unconditional love, complete peace, unspeakable joy, genuine kindness and goodness, forgiving mercy and divine patience, which are the gold of My heaven in contrast to the garbage as promised by the divisive politicians and religious leaders of your day who are united in order to built their kingdoms in your world through which you will be abundantly cursed.
    You have the choice.  When you know Me personally and intimately, you will choose My kingdom of heaven.  If you only know some facts about Me, you will probably choose the devil's kingdom from hell that came to you in the form of political appeals for you to become great but the truth is that you will be on the garbage heap with them in the end because earthly things are subject to constant change into a corruptible end.
    Listen to Me as taught through your brother Jesus Christ and amplified by My Holy Spirit.  Then heed My words and you will soar like an eagle over the pitiful people who sought earthly riches and instead inherited corrupt garbage.  Pity them and have mercy upon them.  They fell for the devil's lies because they did not personally know Me.  I said that few people enter My kingdom, not because I keep them out.  The devil keeps them out through people who call themselves by My name but who want to set up an earthly kingdom of their own design. (Matthew 6:33; Matthew 7:12-21)
    Your Heavenly Father of Great Joy 

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