Wednesday, September 30, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    The commandment that I gave to Adam not to listen to the devil's temptations was given by Me to help him to identify the devil's tempting voices in his head.  The commandments that I gave to the Jews through Moses were given for the same reason, to identify the temptations of the devil so that the people would not fall for the voices of evil in their heads. (Romans 7:7-11) When they were used for the purpose in which I intended, they were effective guidance, but when they began to be used as laws by which to condemn and convict people of their evil deeds they became punitive rather than instructive.  In other words, they became effective tools of the demons of guilt and condemnation, much to My consternation.
    For instance, look at the commandment that says not to kill.  When I gave that commandment to Moses, I gave it to help the people identify as evil the temptations in their mind to kill someone because I am Love and My character is forgiving instead of vengeful.  I want My children to become forgiving instead of punitive and vengeful which can result in killing.  The Jewish political and religious leaders used that commandment not to kill, used it to convict people of sins and therefore to judge them by their method of punishment which was to stone lawbreakers to death.  So if someone killed another person, then the punishment would also be to be killed, stoned to death, which was against My commandments.  So the lawmakers broke a commandment in punishing a person for breaking a commandment.
    The commandments were never meant to be used for condemnation and punishment.  (II Corinthians 3:1-6) They are always supposed to be used to identify the voice of the devil in your mind so that you will not obey the temptations.  (Romans 2:12-16;Romans 3:19-20)
   When people use religious law to judge other people, then they condemn themselves also because they are doing what Jesus Christ reveals as sinning, which is to judge and condemn others. (Romans 2:1; Matthew 7:1-5)  Religious laws require punishment at the hands of the devil but they should only be rightly used as revelations of the devil's character and temptations in which to be avoided by My children who are led by My Holy Spirit. The spirit of the law, (or the reason behind My giving the law) was for guidance instead of being punitive by requiring punishment if someone broke the laws. (Romans 7:7-13)
    The problem with fundamental politics and religion is that the people who believe in strict fundamental interpretation of religious and political laws are punitive, requiring punishment, instead of being in favor of rehabilitation and informative guidance in order to make life changes.  That is the difference between law and grace, the old commandments and My new commandments under My new covenant of love.  Strict judgments according to the religious and national laws bring punishment and even death but My new covenant of Love and Grace call for the rehabilitation that comes from a change of the heart called Salvation which is having the Holy Spirit's voice of guidance in your mind instead of the judgmental voice of the devil who causes you to sin and then uses old covenant laws to condemn you.  Being led by My Holy Spirit when He lives inside of you always brings life and soul peace.  Being led by political and religious laws bring death.  They even brought death to My Son who ministered Salvation in the earth.  The Jews used their own religious laws to entice the Romans to kill Jesus Christ for breaking the religious laws.  
   So following old covenant laws to the letter of the law brings punishment and even death, but My new covenant involves your having guidance from inside of you in the voice of the Holy Spirit which brings life and soul peace to you while you live in the earth. I also give you the power of My Holy Spirit to enable you to have My authoritative power to use against obeying the tempting thoughts of the devil.
   Learn this lesson well because Jesus Christ was adamant that you understand it and live it.  If you condemn someone because of some social, religious or political law, then you condemn yourself for judging because no one can keep all of the tenets of the law. So in condemning another person you open yourself up for condemnation and judgment from the devil.  (Matthew 7:4-5)  When you place yourself under the law in order to judge another person, you condemn yourself because no one can keep all of the laws 100% of the time.  If you break a law you have broken all of the laws.
     If you consistently operate in judgment and condemnation for anyone, then you place yourself in the devil's kingdom of hell and your inheritance will be judgment and condemnation while you live in the earth.   
     If you operate in forgiveness and grace, then you have placed yourself in My heavenly side of the spiritual dimension and My inheritance for you will flood into your life on earth.  Forgiveness for others brings forgiveness for yourself because you are doing My will in the earth.
    Your Father of Forgiveness and Gracea

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