Sunday, September 27, 2020


My Dear Sweet Precious Child,
    When you were born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit you were commissioned into My spiritual army which constantly battles with demonic forces who are determined to destroy the earth that I gave to My human children. (Ephesians 6:10-12)  The battles are never with other humans who have joined with the devil in giving him and his army of demons their authority in the earth to conquer the earth and use it for their lusts for power and money.  Those former children of mine are not your enemies even though they might persecute and harass you.  Your enemies are the demons who influence the former children of Mine and other humans to do his will in the earth, thinking they are doing My will but those former children of mine do not know Me and never knew Me.  They are like Job and his friends, they only know Me by hearing the words of false prophets who also never knew Me, either, only knowing facts about Me as taught by other people who have never personally known Me. (Job 42:1-8) Those former children of mine sought Me for a short time but when the devil's temptations came they deserted Me speedily, being unwilling to stay the course because their association with Me was always shaky, always depending upon the faith of other people to provide the firm foundation of faith which I desire for My children to have and enjoy which gives them peace. (Matthew 13:18-23) 
    The battles to which I refer are constant because the devil never gives up in his desire of continuing to dominate the earth usually through political and religious people who only hold the form of religion but deny the power of it. (II Timothy 3:1-7)  I told you to turn away from their teachings and cling to Me, your Father of Truth.  It is only when you seek Me, My righteousness and My truth that you become completely free of the harassment of the devil's demons who tour the earth seeking whom they may devour.  (I Peter 5:6-10) There are a multitude of false prophets in the earth who are blinded by the devil's false prophesies and teachings.
    I told you that you battle against demonic principalities and powers in the demonic dimension around you.  They are the demonic beings who control the minds of false prophets and their followers.  My instructions were that you should make sure before you engage in spiritual battles that you have digested the truth of your having authority in the earth by the power of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. You must also have your mind reprogrammed by My HolySpirit so that you have wisdom and knowledge of your words being prayed in the Holy Spirit as being the final authority in the earth. They are spiritual swords.  Your relationship with other people in the earth must be peaceful and loving.  Finally you must always know your constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of God as spoken by Jesus Christ and amplified by the leaders of the first church.  They are a shield to use against the devil's temptations just like Jesus used them. (Ephesians 6: 13- 17; Matthew 4:1-11)  With that spiritual armor, you are equipped to battle against your real enemies, the devil and his demons in the demonic dimension around you by your being empowered by My Holy Spirit.
    I told you that your part in the battle is for you to pray in intercessory prayers at all times and in all occasions by praying in the language of the Holy Spirit, even staying awake at night to allow My Spirit to use your earthly voice to speak His authoritative words to the demons who are behind every destructive thing happening in your life and your world.(Ephesians 6:18) 
   Worry doesn't solve problems.  Fretting doesn't defeat evil.  Your earthly government adds burdens so your putting your faith in political leaders only gives the devil more power in your earth just like when Jesus walked in the earth when He said that the father of the political and religious leaders is the devil. (John 8;44)  Only by your praying intercessory prayers in the language of the Holy Spirit is evil defeated in your life and My goodness and kindness can come into your earth.
   I look for intercessors constantly who will participate with Me in ridding the earth of demons and restoring the earth to its former glory.(Romans 8:19-28)   I'm calling you to dedicate yourself to praying in the language of the Holy Spirit.  The rewards are glorious.
   Your Heavenly Father of Victory Over Evil 

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