Thursday, November 19, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    In Isaiah's prophesy to the people of Israel and Judah, he gave the king, the prince and the people a full picture of the consequences of their rising early in the morning and linger to go to bed at night because of drinking fine wine.  He said they linger with musical instruments and feast on wine, waiting on the wine to inflame them.  (Isaiah 5:11-12)  He was warning them that one of the devil's strongest lingering temptations is to become overindulgent in alcoholic beverages to excess until you become a slave to wine or other alcoholic beverages, looking to them to bring peace, joy and love to you.  I told him to say to the king, the prince and the people that anyone who demands strong drink to meet their emotional needs have left Me and My Spirit, the Spirit of Peace, and instead they look to strong wine instead of looking to Me.  Isaiah eloquently put it by saying that they had gone into exile from Me because they do not understand the consequences of becoming a drunk who is enslaved to strong wine or other alcoholic drinks. (Isaiah 5:12-13) 
    I told him to tell the people that if the person is a king who relies on strong wine to boost his insecurities, the consequences are that his nobles will die of hunger, his masses of people will be parched for thirst all because of no rain falling in the form of a drought.  I told Isaiah to tell the people of Israel and Judah that hell itself had opened its mouth and opened its jaw to cause the people without limit to crave fine wine.  I told them that, as a result, the nobles of their country have hell in life while living in the earth along with the masses of people.  I included in that insight into the consequences of being a drunkard that every person who shares in the excess of fine wine will eventually be abased to the lowest degree, being brought to the lowest position in every area of their lives by the devil.  Also I said through Isaiah that the proud will become lowest person in esteem among those people who yield to drunkenness caused by strong wine.  I said through Isaiah that grief-causing  troubles will be the life source of a person who makes strong drink his mode of emotional distraction from life.  He  further wrote that the devil will justify the wicked man of strong drink with his destructive rewards, which are misery and calamities.
   Isaiah's insight from Me caused him to write that a person who is wise in his own eyes and prudent in his own sight is often the man who drinks strong drink to excess which he thinks will further elevate him in his own mind to be more intelligent, more trustworthy and produce more great wealth.  My wisdom through Isaiah said that instead of those wonderful attributes he will find himself to be the lowest of men when he comes to his right mind as he emerges from the fantasy of drunkenness from strong drink.  (Isaiah 5:21-22)  Guilt is the drunk's constant companion which then tempts the person to dull the guilt thoughts with more strong drink and the cycle starts over again, hell's cycles that plague a person who has a demon of drunkneness which leads and guides him into the pits of hell as he tries to live his life in the earth.
   In Isaiah's prophesy for both Israel and Judah, he was teaching the people of  those countries about the way the devil works, one being through the devil tempting people to become drunk with strong wine.  He said that drunkenness is idolatry because the person is depending upon strong drink to provide for him or her what only I can provide, which is intelligence, illumination and keen insight into the mysteries of the world in which people live.  He said that strong wine dulls your intelligence and weakens your conscience causing you to do what you in your right mind would never do.
    I am a loving Father.  I warn and guide My children about every demonic trick that the devil uses to urge people to become dependent upon the works of his demons for their escape from life in an effort to hide from their fears.  Instead of becoming intelligent with strong wine, a drunken person becomes stupidly ignorant.  Instead of becoming illuminated a person becomes a messenger of darkness by spewing impurities from his or her mouth.  Instead of becoming wise with insight, he feels foolish when sober and embarrassed at his own perversity.  The devil will use guilt to cause the drunken person to become more of a slave, causing the person to abuse strong drink as if he or she is tied to it with ropes. (Isaiah 5:18)  Actually the person is tied to the demon of drunkenness or he or she would be able to refuse to yield to the urge to hide from life in a drunken stupor.
    The demon of drunkenness and the depravity connected with it first surfaced in humanity with Noah who, after providing an ark to save the animals of the world and also himself and his family from annihilation, Noah planted a field of grapes, later made wine and became drunk.  He laid on his bed naked and one of his sons named Ham saw his nakedness and told his brothers about his father's drunken indiscretion of lying naked on his bed.  When Noah woke from his drunkenness, being urged by the devil he put a curse upon his own son of being the lowest of slaves, commanding him to be a servant of his brothers.  It was Noah's own irrational guilt at becoming drunk with wine and lying naked on his bed that caused him to place a curse upon his own son Ham which continued in Ham's sons to the third and fourth generations. (Genesis 9:18-25)  
   The story of Noah and his son Ham is a perfect picture of the depravity that comes from drunkenness.  In My History and Instruction Books, the Bible, I warn My children about the works of the devil through his demons whom he unleashed upon the earth to bring curses into the lives of My children.  Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his going to hell for the sins of the whole world, I was able to send My power of the Holy Spirit, the same power that was in Jesus Christ, to live in people who seek Me with their whole heart.  After they become born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, they have My power to overcome the temptations of the devil with the authority to send the demons to the fiery furnace which I prepared as the judgment of the devil and his demons.  To My children who follow My instructions to pray in the Holy Spirit in intercessory prayers, they participate with the angels to escort the demons into the fiery furnace where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.(Matthew 13:36-42; Matthew 22:13-14)  My children can become free from the demons of drunkenness by the power of My Holy Spirit.
    Heed My insight to Isaiah and his prophesies.  In those prophesies you will find clues to the causes of problems, troubles and griefs that plague people.  They are always traced back to people choosing to obey the temptations of the devil.   I warned you many times in My History Books, the Bible. You must take My advice in order to escape the woes of griefs, problems and troubles.  I am your Father.  It's my duty to warn you.  
    Rejoice.  There is always the possibility of being saved from the demon of drunkenness by the power of My Holy Spirit. My instruction in My new covenant of the Holy Spirit is to never become drunk with wine but instead to become filled with My Holy Spirit. 
    Your Father of Insight and Power 

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