Monday, November 16, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    I tried many, many times under My covenants with people to alert them to the fact that when they leave My protective care by joining in promoting the devil's evil activities in the earth that they also inherit his curses which I refer to as "woes". (Isaiah 3:9) Woes from hell are the result of a person or a nation having left Me and having become united with the works of the devil.  Any devastation that comes into the life of a person or the people of a nation is not from Me.  I have no devastation in My heaven or in My heart.  Devastation, destruction and death are the devil's gifts to people who do his will in the earth.  (Isaiah 3:11)
    When I told people under My covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham and Jesus Christ that woes had come into the lives of people, I told them that the cause of their woe-some situations of sicknesses, destruction of property or loss of property, loss of family love, loss of clients in their businesses, untimely death of relatives and other curses was because of some cruel works that they had done to others of My children by their yielding to the temptations of the devil.  When the people or the politicians of a nation have joined in unity with the devil, the devil floods their lives with his demons who are his instigators of curses.  The results are not a matter of bad luck.  They are always because the person or nation has joined in unity with the devil in some way.  Consequently everything in the person's life or the nation's circumstances become inheritors of the devil's destruction.  No one ever connects the person's or nation's destruction and even death until My prophets bring them into the light and tell them what caused the woes from hell to invade their lives.  (Isaiah 6:5)
   My prophets and My son Jesus Christ told people and nations that if they turned from doing the devil's works of sowing hatred in their lives, blaming others for their own sins, shaming others for their own sins, refusing to help the least fortunate people like widows and orphans, lying instead of truth telling, sowing division, strife and discord, calling evil attitudes and actions good and calling good attitudes and actions evil, those demonic attitudes and actions have invited the devil's curses to flood into the life of a person or into the governing circumstances of a nation that calls itself by My name. (Isaiah 10:1-3) I have neither had any participation in those evil activities nor have I had any participation in the distribution of the woes that curse the life of a person or the woeful circumstances that come upon a nation.  As it has always been, the problem starts with individual people or a host of politicians yielding themselves to the temptation of the devil, usually in the name of money or power.  As a result they allow the devil's destruction to become their legacy.  (Isaiah 5:20)
    Even under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit in which My kingdom has come into the lives of My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, the people who have not been diligent in seeking to intimately know Me are deceived by false prophets.  The false prophets are emissaries of the devil and they have reintroduced the laws of sin and death into the lives of My children.  Instead of My children walking in freedom from doing the devil's works for which Jesus Christ died, they have been deceived and thus become participants again in the laws of sin and death which cause them to judge other people instead of forgiving them and allowing Me through My Holy Spirit to rehabilitate them.  The woes from hell that come from judging other people flood into their lives again after having tasted My freedom from evil. (Matthew 7:1-6) They become cursed again in their lives on earth because of reuniting with the devil instead of their continuing to be blessed by being in unity with Me.
    The woes from hell that come upon political/religious people and their nations are outlined perfectly by Jesus Christ when He called attention to the devil's woes that would come upon them and their nations if they are the cause of the offenses that invite the devil's curses.  Jesus told the Pharisees and scribes, who were the political leaders of His day, that the devil's woes would come upon them in their lives because of their making laws that judge, condemn and offend people instead of making good laws which bless them. (Matthew 18:7)
    Before Jesus went to the cross for the sins of the entire world, He called to the attention of the political and religious leaders the woes from hell that would devastate their lives if they continued in their being unified with the devil and treating the least fortunate of people with disdain, hatred, prejudice, shame, condemnation and guilt.  (Matthew 23:13-39) Turning from their offensive, cruel, judgmental and selfish ways is the beginning of their repentance.  Reuniting with Me is the next step toward restoration.  I can repair the breach if a person or the officers of a nation who call themselves by My name will display a love for righteousness to the least fortunate of people.  Jesus Christ died for bad attitudes and actions against the least fortunate people of the world.  He said that if a person or a nation does not treat the sick, the hungry, the thirsty and the brokenhearted with love, that He would have to tell them that He never knew them. (Matthew 7:15-27)
    Woes from hell follow a person or a nation whose officials of the nation continue in cruel actions toward people.  I told you that truth in every book of My combined Instruction Books called the Bible.  My forgiveness is always extended to everyone, saint and sinner.  However, there are woes which are consequences to binding yourself individually or as a nation to the devil's cruelty toward the least fortunate of My children.  (Matthew 25:31-46)
    Jesus Christ made this abundantly clear: Whatever you do to the least of My children, you do to Me.  

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