My Dear Precious Child,
Your Brother Jesus Christ told the political and religious leaders of His day that they were white washed tombs, scrubbed clean and beautiful on the outside but inside they were filthy and filled with the bones of dead people. (Matthew 23:27-28) Their laws added burdens onto the backs of poor people, widows and orphans, as reflected many times in the teachings by Jesus. They heaped burdens onto the backs of poor people that cost the people their lives while the Pharisees and scribes went around dressed beautifully in their opulent lifestyles without a worry because they benefited from the laws that they made which added burdens to the lives of the poor by taxing them and taking their vineyards and farms from them as payment for fines.
The politicians and religious leaders expected the people who were born into poverty to pull themselves out of the poverty and become self sufficient and privileged like the political and religious leaders while it was impossible because of the generational curses of poverty in their human lineage. Also, the fines and taxes placed on the poor by the officials caused them to become more and more impoverished because of being burdened by the fines and debts that they owed to the national treasury, and so the officials made it impossible for the poor to ever succeed. It was the judgment and condemnation of the Pharisees, lawmakers and religious leaders that constantly pushed the poor further downward into poverty because of the burdens from additional laws generated by the officials.
The additional laws were always punitive, always seeking more punishment of the poor for their lack of money necessary to pay their fines. My influence of the Holy Spirit would have caused the Pharisees and scribes to make new laws which would be restorative and rehabilitative by the leaders equipping and teaching My ways out of the generational curses of poverty to the poor. My life change is possible that takes the poor from being cursed with generational curses to their having My power to be blessed with My new birth with the spiritual power of My Holy Spirit. That comes from My kingdom of God living inside of My children who seek My kingdom. It is the only way out of the generational curses of poverty because of the new motivations and the new power of My Spirit that is resident inside of them to guide them out of poverty into the blessings of My kingdom of God.
Still, and yet, with My power of the Holy Spirit being available to everyone in your time in the earth, political and religious leaders continue to add burdens onto the backs of the poor, the widows and the orphans, adding so many burdens of fines and lack of professional training that they cannot work their way out of poverty in the richest nation in the world. I told the leaders that the poor would always be with them, yet the privileged officials of your nation continue to burden the poor with taxes and fines which cause them to be incarcerated, making them unable to work in order to pay their fines which are added by the governing officials. Instead of the officials making provisions to teach the poor how to overcome the poverty that they were born into, which is My cure for the poor overcoming poverty, as long as the officials continue to burden the poor with punishment instead of rehabilitation, it will always be necessary for your nation to provide basic necessities for the poor. Until the public servants who are politicians and lawmakers decide that the way to rid the world of poverty is to rehabilitate the poor, you will always have the poor with you to help them in their days on earth.
You can see by Jesus Christ's lecture on the woes from hell which were to come upon the political and religious leaders that He was deeply distressed by the hypocrisy of the politicians and religious leaders toward the poor. In His lecture to the political and religious leaders He spoke frankly and prophetically about the consequences of woes that were to come into the lives of the privileged few officials because of the burdens they had added onto the backs of the poor. The laws became more and more punitive, adding heavy fines and taxes to the backs of the poor who were already financially distressed.
I identified the political and religious officials as being filled with hypocrisy and evil inside of them while they looked scrubbed clean and holy on the outside. Things never change. It's the same in your day with politicians who call themselves by My name but they continue to punish the poor instead of rehabilitate them by teaching them to overcome the demon of poverty.
Hopefully you understand Jesus' disdain for the political and religious leaders who were appointed or elected to serve the people because of their what seemed like insight and wisdom. The problem was, and still is, that the politicians are still dealing with the poor the same way that the Jewish government did in the time of Jesus on earth. Even though their traditional ways in dealing with the poor obviously have not worked for generation after generation after generation, they are so conservative that they are reluctant to change their ways of dealing with the poor. Their liberal constituents desired, and still desire, to take care of the poor and lift their burdens instead of adding to their burdens like the conservative ones. However, there is still more than either one, conservative or liberal ways. I have effective ways for the poor. My ultimate and effective way is the new birth with the poor becoming baptized in My Holy Spirit which releases them from the demon of generation poverty in their DNA and makes them the head instead of the tail, above instead of below the devil's curses of poverty in their lives.
There is much to be done, including first changing the mental attitudes of the conservative political and religious leaders who call themselves by My name but still cling to the Jewish laws which are based on punishment. (Romans 8:2) Those leaders need a revelation of My new covenant way of rehabilitation of the poor which can only come by My Holy Spirit changing the nature of the poor who have a generational heritage of poverty, allowing My Holy Spirit to change them into the new national heritage of My kingdom of heaven making them into My blessed children instead of their being the devil's cursed children.
Instead of clinging to the old way, which is called the conservatism of being reluctant to change, political and religious officials must initiate into their legal system My new covenant which changes the poor from a life of curses into a life of blessings. My resources are available in the baptism of My Holy Spirit. But first it will take changing the hearts of the officials from politically and religiously clinging to the laws of sin and death of Jewish laws, which require punishment, into a life change of the officials into their desiring to incorporate My new covenant of life and love into their political beliefs which bring rehabilitation and restoration into the lives of the poor in the earth. (I Corinthians 15:56-58)
It's time for My children of your nation to be released from the old covenant laws which they so willingly incorporated into their political and religious beliefs. They were led by false prophets to add their old ineffective covenant laws to their new life of liberty and freedom in the Holy Spirit. It should not be so. Those Jewish laws are the laws of sin and death, which have continued to cause the officials to add burdens to the lives of people instead of rehabilitating the poor by the power of My Holy Spirit's teachings of freedom from the demon of poverty. They are prideful in their Judeo-Christian beliefs when My Holy Spirit said that they added the laws of old to the freedom of My Holy Spirit's liberty. (Galatians 3:1-5 and 10-14)
Out with the old punitive ways that curse people. In with the new ways of love and rehabilitation which I call the ministry of reconciliation. (II Corinthians 5:18) I said that My children are called to the ministry of reconciliation, reconciling all people to Me. When My children accept that calling, then they will see that the poor are reconciled to Me and are no longer punished by the laws.
Your Father of New and Loving Ways
Monday, December 28, 2020
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