Wednesday, December 30, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Luke, the disciple who later became a prophet and recorder of the teachings of Jesus Christ, was listening intently to the teachings of Jesus, the One whom he called Master and Teacher, when He said that woes would come upon the rich when My kingdom of heaven came to earth, for which Jesus taught the disciples to pray.  Luke wrote that Jesus said that the rich had already received their earthly consolation and so they would be the least joyful people when My kingdom came to earth if they continued to bind themselves to their riches.  (Luke 6:24)  
   Jesus was not being selfish or vindictive relating to the rich inheriting the woes from hell instead of My rewards from heaven.  He was laying the groundwork for His eventually teaching the parable about the rich man who did not enter into My kingdom of heaven because he wouldn't give any of his money to a beggar. The rich man went to hell, in the allegory by Jesus, and the beggar went to heaven.  The rich man asked Abraham, the father of the Jews, if the beggar could dip his finger in cool water to cool the tongue of the rich man who was tormented.  Abraham told the rich man that all of his life he had good things and the beggar had evil things, but in heaven the beggar was comforted and the rich man was tormented because of their choices while they were in the earth.
   In the parable/allegory that Jesus taught about the rich man in hell and the beggar enjoying all of My rewards in My heaven, He said that the rich man asked Abraham if he would send the beggar to his five brothers and tell them the testimony so that they would give their riches to the poor and not have to endure the fires of hell like the rich man.  Jesus said that Abraham told the rich man that his brothers had the writings and words of the prophets and even Moses, so let his brothers learn from them.  In the allegory Jesus said that the rich man replied that they would surely repent if a dead man such as the beggar told them.  He concluded His parable/allegory by saying that Abraham would tell the rich man that if they would not learn from the writings of Moses and the prophets, then they would not be persuaded even if a person rose from the dead.  In that parable Jesus was prophesying that rich people would not repent and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ even after He rose from the dead and appeared to many people. (Luke 16:19-31)  
   In that same teaching session, Jesus had already told the people that a person cannot serve to two masters, God and mammon. (Luke 16:13) l later told My children through Paul that the love of money is at the root of all evil. (I Timothy 6:10)  
    All of those teachings confirmed what Luke remembered about Jesus' teaching, that woes would come into the lives of the rich people who are bound in loyalty to their money instead of their giving it to the poor. There are a few very wealthy people in your days on earth who are committed to giving away their money to the poor and to groups who meet the needs of the poor before they die.  They will enjoy My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth.  
    Remember that woes are not caused by Me.  Woes are caused by a person yielding to the temptations of the devil and so that makes him your god.  The rewards from hell are called woes and calamities which come into your life on earth by your choosing to do the devil's will on earth instead of your doing My will on earth.
    I am Love.  Love warns My children about the calamities that come into the life of a person that cause the person to be woeful, all because they have obeyed the voice of temptation to do the devil's evil deeds instead of their choosing to do My good and kind deeds in the earth.
   My warnings about woes through Luke reflect the ones found in Matthew and Mark, and a few more.  Heed them and live a life of joy in the earth.
    Your Father of Joy and Peace 

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